I personally believe that there should be a leveling up system in the next black ops game but i want it to differ with each game type.
With endless mode i think it would be awesome if you could level up, but being a level 50 gives you no advantages over someone who is a level 1, but leveling up and completing challenges unlocked titles and/or emblems.
If there is a campaign for zombies i hope for it to play similar to normal black ops campaign, so obviously no leveling up
If there is some type of zombie multiplayer (something like the normal multiplayer in codbo) then i would hope for some kind of level up system that you do get and advantage if your level 50 in comparison to a level 5, just like in normal multiplayer.
If any other game modes are released i will update this with my thoughts, what are your opinoins on a possible level up system in black ops 2 zombies?