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Everything posted by LJx19

  1. Nice find. Fits in well with the recent cannibal attack as most people are saying that he might have been on drugs.
  2. Wow 4th attack...well I'm in New York, at least I'll have some time to get prepared if it really is the beginning of the end :shock:
  3. Ok so I'm in my living room playing CoD, when I hear my T.V in the other room that's on the news. The reporter says something about scenes may be disturbing and that always makes me excited to see whats going on.I'll post links to what was said... http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/05/27/1 ... MI_emailed And video http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/v ... -mans-face What you guys think? Could be some crazy guy strung out on drugs, or the first zombie attack. I know it's not related to CoD but it is probably related to zombies so I just decided to post it here.
  4. Yup. Some players like to spray and spray and spray with some sort of MG, then have 500k points that they're never gonna use. Such a waste of time... I actually like trying to break my point records on each map. I had around 3100 kills on CoTD on a round 40 match and only racked up about 300k points. I'm in like 6th place on my friends list. The top guy has just over 650k
  5. Lol MP5K FTW. While they hit the box I use the MP5 to rack up points, then when they eventually down themselves, I go do what I need to do. The only time I ever revive them (if playing with randoms) is if I need to keep my points and want the extra revive points. Also, I have EXTREMELY horrible luck with the box. Literally have not gotten the wave gun in co-op, and almost never get the ice gun on 'Five' or Verruckt. I've gotten the wunderwaffe once on der-riese though.
  6. Hmmm what exactly is a Bipod? Do you mean like grip attachments or something similar, like the kick proficiency in MW3? Something that increases accuracy and lowers recoil?
  7. Hey we deal with try-hards on MP and we manage to own them the vast majority of the time. So now that they're on our territory how much do you think they'll actually be able to do? Seriously we kill zombies in all ways, shape and form. So MP try-hards can come on into a zombies mode 4v4 and get a taste of this ass-whoopin no? You guys are too worried. Just relax zombies players shall inherit the ability to pwn non-zombies players.
  8. The only form of stat tracking I would even want in zombies is just to know how many I've freakin killed so far. I'm almost sure it has to be 250k+ by now because I'm playing everyday man. :evil:
  9. Lol doesn't matter really. As long as I got enough points for Jugg, I could care less about my whole team. I also make sure to tell them if they go down after spending all their money on the box and having no perks I'm not reviving them. Don't care if you have the thundergun and the raygun, I will teabag you while you die. That's if I'm playing with randoms though.
  10. I did post a melee wonder weapon idea on the first page of this thread and thought it was ok. You would switch to it from your regular melee weapon by pressing a button on the d-pad similar to how you switch to the wave gun. Then when you slash instead of your regular knife, it would activate. It would have a limited number of slashes (say 12) and when pap'd double the amount of times you can slash. It would of course be refilled by max ammo. @killerussian That whole 4 v 4 thing idk. I was thinking it would have been 8 players on a team but if they end up doing some L4D/Operation raccoon city, type crap where you turn into a zombie then screw that. Unless they make me like George Romero where I can get pissed off and rush at people then I'm just gonna stay clear of that whole mess.
  11. Now this I'll agree with. It's especially irritating when you're doing well and then you start shooting at someone and land 5-7 shots on them and they're still not dead. I remember once using the MP7 on seatown and actually got screwed by hitmarkers twice that match. Shooting some guy and landing about 7 shots to his upper body just for him to turn and me and hit a throwing knife? Most ridiculous killcam ever. When it had just came out (MW3) it never happened, but I guess as the time progresses it starts to have a bit more lagg on the srvers maybe.
  12. Isn't this technically already there? Preds can shoot down choppers/Ah-6/etc. An AC-130 can shoot down cobras and AH-6. And Reapers can also shoot down enemy air support... I think also the main reason for not having 2 ospreys shooting at each other is because this is, essentially, a Call of Duty game. Not a game where you fly around shooting at each other in jets. Again this might just be because I'm a baby to CoD but I feel like they have it fine.
  13. On that whole panic knifing thing, I say a big hell no. If they implement any form of 2 hit kill knife in a series that's about (9?) games long now, they might as well just remove the knife completely because believe me people are not gonna even bother with that. As for rockets shooting down pave lows/choppers/AC-130 just deal with it. Personally (as a guy that does get his killstreaks pretty easy each match), I believe you just have to kill whoever is trying to shoot your killstreak down first before they can get their shot off. It's kind of the reason why I run either Pred-Reaper-AC-130 or if I'm tryharding Attack heli-Reaper-Osprey. The AC-130 makes it pretty easy a lot of the times to find who's shooting at you and same with the Osprey. On the explosives topic MW3 semtex is starting to piss me off because all I ever get is hit markers with it, so now I've switched to C4 and must say it works 1000% better than semtexes. And if you throw on quickdraw perk you can't go wrong. Quickscoping is fine too. Believe me as a friend of mine is trying to teach me how to quickscope and I've got the basic gist of it now, anyone who can run around with a sniper on a small map like dome and still finish with a 2.0 k/d and better has earned the right to do it. He went 45-7 on a lockdown kill confirmed with an L118A. I hope to be that good someday. Bottom line is if you can't quickscope, don't get mad when they kill you, it's difficult to master and also a lot of the time quickscopers get hit markers while they use bolt action snipers. Are you telling me that it's not fair? Game is fine. For NUKES/MOAB I find that MW3 had a much better system in place for it, getting a 24-25 gunstreak is something hard to do, even with specialist, which is why most times i use assault killstreaks. Honestly those who do get the MOAB do earn it. Yes it kills everyone on the team/provides temporary emp/ and gives everyone double exp. What more could you want? If you actually want to MAXIMIZE on your kills per match then you should run assault. The system works because there is a counter for everything, I haven't been playing the CoD series for as much time as most people on this forum but from where I stand the system is fair. Checks and balances.
  14. Love this idea, but how about paying like 1000 points to import a song from your systems music library or something. That sounds more convenient.
  15. Multiple upgrading has always been a concern shared by me and other members of the community. When it'd be nice to create such strong weapons, and be able to go and replenish the ammo of a gun by upgrading it again- think of the repercussions: -If guns could get even stronger than they are now, that means to balance it out the Zombies would have to be even STRONGER, and the rate they'd get stronger would be a lot faster than it is now. -Players that aren't too good at zombies would have a really hard time getting enough points to buy these stronger guns, by round 20 it'd be impossible for them to stay alive without a Wunderweapon or level 2-3 upgraded gun. It'd be unfair for them, Treyarch wouldn't try to play with Darwinism when it came to zombie mode and attracting a bigger crowd, etc. I just like it to be equal for everyone no matter their skill level, bigger and better guns shouldn't just be given to the bugger and better players. Sorry if this seemed like I was smashing your idea down, it's swell and all, maybe they could include it in one map to give it a 'test drive' =] Don't look at it from BO zombies perspective because BO zombies are very overpowered. By the time you get to round 35 on most maps if you don't have, for example, the wave gun (moon) there is no traps and the raygun is gonna go empty very quickly, your other guns are basically just point guns, and there is exponentially more zombies. The whole you even playing there becomes just an annoyance for whoever does have the wave gun, and they get stuck doing all the work really. That's only round 35. Now imagine when you end up spending 10-12 hours just trying to make it to round 50. It becomes a chore because there is only 1 player doing all the work. Except on maps like call of the dead, which requires the teamwork strategy of vr-11, or any map with traps. Shangri-La, Moon, and (lets face it, we know its coming) future maps, we already know there's gonna be scenarios like this. Also to the zombies being noob friendly aspect, zombies is already not noob friendly. I believe the best way to counter this is to have the spectator function in zombies where they can come in and watch skilled players and actually learn from them. Because (and it pains me to say this) it seems like some people just refuse to go watch one of the many thousand instructional, noob friendly, zombies videos on youtube. I can almost guarantee if they did, I wouldn't feel the need to slam my head in the wall when trying to find people who have at least been to round 20 on five. Long story short, its impossible. Noob friendly isn't call of duty's style, it's survival of the fittest.
  16. Create your own Zombies character? Sign me up now. :D
  17. Honestly, not a fan of that whole fusion thing. I would much rather they just add a double pack-a-punch function. Example pack a raygun and get Porters x2 raygun, then pack that and get like Porters x2 Nitro Raygun.
  18. Well guess we're back to just waiting until the next time someone overhears new info.
  19. So would you like to play as besides our usual cast? Because I'm pretty sure there's a lot who (on this very forum) have said they would love to play as Obama.
  20. Personally the only action star I would LOVE to be in zombies is Jason Statham. That would just make me jizz. Not to mention hes a complete badass that studies martial arts and does his own stunts. Can you also explain to me what the "unlimited ammo super commando" style of gameplay is in zombies? Because I'm pretty sure that we run out of ammo and always have to wait till theres max ammo or buy a new gun. Also in regards to walking dead characters It would be so funny to have Rick and Shane in there. Would let my teammate down and not revive him. Then say screw you for trying to steal my wife :twisted: .
  21. What do you mean by patch leaving a zombie behind a window? As in they wouldn't be able to break through the barrier or something?
  22. Uhhh...No it's not? If your passionate about something you go to the extreme. I'm passionate because I still play this game way too much and log so many hours but still never get bored. Also love going to high rounds without getting downed.
  23. Lol sorry had to quote. Anyway in regards to having 1 disc put both the zombies and MP on and 1 for campaign that is a great idea. And i believe someone said something about a huge zombie map poster? Would be epic, I would put it on my ceiling so every day I wake up and go "HOLY SH*T!!" then "oh wait just the poster. FFS why did i even get that. "
  24. Funny, a friend of mine and I were talking about BO zombies and he said that all the dodging and sidestepping, tumbling zombies and all that crap didn't start until after the addition of mule kick to the maps. I wouldn't know as I'm relatively new to zombies and never played until long after the mule kick update.
  25. There already is a limit on how many zombies can spawn on the map at once. The limit is 26, plus 3 for each player in multiplayer (If you have at least 3 people in the game, at 2 player the limit is the same) What? No man, its still 24 no matter how many people on the map. Limit is 24 zombies.
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