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Everything posted by xFierce_Fighterx

  1. In the clip we got on the 12th, you guys can here that ambient music correct? It's certainly not loud or distracting, and it's pretty creepy lol. My question is, is that part of the gameplay, or background music to put over the gameplay? Thanks whoever answers this.
  2. I'm confused...is the final delivery that Gt TV interview/gameplay that's out? Or are we getting another .gif image + a picture from something ingame and a qoute? I LOVE TREYARCH :lol:
  3. I'm assuming that we will get one drop every day... can't wait for today's teaser!
  4. And theres that Tombstone thing... ;)
  5. Even though I've watched this so many times now... my jaw still drops when I see it. Everything looks so good (especially the lighting). I love the concept of traveling to different places, the difficulty rising and rising. I have no complaints and am in awe at what Treyarch just showed us...fanboy I know :D
  6. To everyone, there are more zombie achievements in the link in the OP. These are interesting... the "Tombstone" everyone was buzzing about has it's own achievement... I still think it's a perk.
  7. This was a big topic back in May when it was found. Me and many other people believe it is fake. Besides, it's a leak and isn't appreciated here at Codz.
  8. Don't hold your breath. I don't think I could of held my breath since 5 in the morning... that being said I'm not By the way, I just read Sinking and It was amazing.
  9. Does that mean another teaser tonight?
  10. I loved it Carbon! It raises so many questions and I wonder how many of them will be answered the 26th... ;)
  11. @Frankengribble I would quote you but I couldn't find your what you said in the drop down list... I think it's one big map with different sections, and that the bus acts like the lunar landers in Ascension. Except now there are going to be real sections - aka a farm, a town (possibly), and other things.
  12. Guys, keep in mind that Treyarch knows what the community wants... and how to properly balance those wishes. I'm sure that they know it could get out of hand if being a higher level gives you an advantage. My advice - don't fret. Treyarch's got this :D
  13. I've watched this video about 10 times already and I keep noticing a "ping" at the end of the preview after the zombie rips off a board from the bus. Funny thing is, this is the same "ping" that can be briefly heard in the 40 second .wav video after the boom. I'm intrigued. Also, listen to it, it happens at 38. Can anybody else hear it, or is it just me???
  14. The zombies look so different...and epic. The hospital gowns add a lot of reality to the situation - the zombies we'll be fighting won't be nazis technically, but ordinary citizins...hm... ;)
  15. I'm getting psyched :D
  16. All aspects of the game look good. I'm all in.
  17. I think your on the right track... but with a zombies campaign, everything would be brought forward to us. Maybe there would be a level where you are Richtofen during the Der Riese experiments and you had to trap them in the room with the hellhound fluffy. Or, during an opening cutscene maybe we are listening to Dr. Maxis welcome us to group 935. I don't know exactly how the'll do it.
  18. This is what I was going to say...you mind reader you :lol:
  19. This is my 100th post!!! See, I have mixed feelings about a zombie campaign. For the traditional campaign/story in a game, there is a start and then a finish. In zombies case... would the game mode be done after this game? I shudder thinking about it... Maybe they can talk the Infinity Ward route by drawing the zombie campaign out for two to three games... but they'd have to make sure that everything makes sense by the end of the final story. Like punckrockzombie said, it's not confirmed...so yeah
  20. I think that we should get an extra map for beating the campaign. Which campaign though? The actual Black Ops 2 story or the zombie campaign according to amazon.com?
  21. 115 is not vril. Vril is not 115
  22. I posted a theory a few weeks ago that said that Richtofen worked on the manhattan project, and that Nuketown (Trynity Ave) was where they tested the Atomic bomb. Richtofen's books are there because his superiors found notes of "wonder weapons" that could be very harmful to pople, so they exported him back to Germany and put his notes in Trinity Ave. to be blown up by their tests. Just my theory...
  23. Yeah, I like this idea. Like the green hand could be speed reload. I don't know what the half zombified head could be. Even though I like your thought process, I still think they are prestige emblems.
  24. Guys, I don't think that releasing two seperate DLC's will make them lose money. You have to think outside this community and as much as I hate to admit it...multiplayer is probably the biggest part of every cod game. Sure Black Ops 2 will have a kick-ass zombie mode that appeals to a lot of people, but there will always be more people playing multiplayer. Think of it like this... if there were about 15000,000 people always playing zombies (numbers will obviously fluxuate depending on time,day etc.), and maybe 400,000 always on for multiplayer, then releasing two DLC's would make sense. And let's be honest, all or most zombie fans will play multiplayer as well. Of course they'd have to make the content attract buyers. So include 2 zombie maps and 3 new multiplayer maps along with a re-imagined map for 2025. Charge maybe $15 for each, and Activision now has a larger profit margine. EDIT: I don't know if it's a solid idea... but yeah. I just thought about it and typed at the same time lol.
  25. I hope it's a prestige emblem. A level system would make a lot of people happy and would make zombies less... stale if you will. Treyarch's just slowly teasing us...enjoy all of the teasers and embrace the full reveal. I don't think it's fair to expect a trailer yet everyone. We got a full month and a half before release, and I think they'll do something big for Halloween...
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