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Everything posted by nikerox

  1. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/1825 ... 72d587.png killstreak predator missle ah6 overwatch pavelow
  2. my clan is ICU i know most people will make fun of it haha until they play against us! :)
  3. ACR with a silencer and extended mags best combo i've found so far!
  4. Prestige 8 K/D is 1.14...
  5. 20 solo and 35 with 4 players earliest round ive done the easter egg with 4 players was 11 :)
  6. 35 with three people i havd over 2,000 kills myself
  7. nikerox


    Thanks so far so good theres a few theards ive read on the zombie's portion of this site that are extremely interesting :D
  8. nikerox


    i was looking at the site today and enjoyed it so i thought i would register and have my own account. my favorite thing about call of duty is to play zombies!! the only thing that annoys me when doing the easter egg on the moon is samantha's voice im sure im not the only one that hates it especially listening to it for 25 or so rounds lol. well i just want to say this website is great and look forward to meeting new people and giving some good edvice!!
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