I think that haveing phased perks, plus new ones, would be cool as in;
Buy Jugganaught once: 4 hits till downed
buy Jugganaught Twice: 6 hits till downed
buy Jugganaught three times:8 hits till downed
buy Jugganaught four tims: 10 hits till downed
But they just be leveling up so technicaly Pack-a-Punching perks (but not with the pack-a-puch machine) What about the other perks? I here you ask well that could go some thing like this.
Mule Kick
Buy Mule kick once: thierd gun slot
buy Mule kick twice: gun and perk will be kept after beeing downed.
buy Mule kick three times: extra ammo on all guns
buy Mule Kick four times: ONE gun will have a shotgun attachment
Speed cola
buy speed cola once: 25% faster reloading (Normal speed cola)
buy speed cola twice: 50% faster reloading
buy speed cola three times: 75% faster reloading
buy speed cola four times: 100% faster reloading
Stamin up (Spellet wrong?)
buy IT once: faster sprinting
buy IT twice: longer sprinting time
buy IT three times: even faster sprinting
buy It four times: unlimited sprinting time
And for the purpose of time i will skip the rest but i think you know where im heading with this. Please treyarch impliment this beacuse from the second i started playing zombies thats all i ever wanted. :D