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Everything posted by Slade

  1. These 2 loop every 10 seconds.
  2. Thanks GRILL and Boom. Made a new thread for future references. This can be used for any future suggestions and/or discussions. I'll be updating progress in this thread.
  3. Zombification _________________ Zombification is an indication of how many posts a registered member on CoDZ has made so far. (It's our fancy word for Post Rank) As a member makes more posts, their Zombification Level will rise. Your Zombification level is displayed on your member profile, right underneath your avatar - throughout the forum. Currently, there are 15 Automated Levels plus 5 levels that have additional requirements and can thus only be handed out by staff. Giving us 20 levels in total. Tier List LEVEL REQUIREMENT(S) (0 - 25) (25 - 75) (75 - 150) (150 - 300) (300 - 500) (500 - 750) (750 - 1000) (1000 - 1500) (1500 - 2000) (2000 - 2500) (2500 - 3000) (3000 - 3500) (3500 - 4000) (4000 - 4500) (4500 - 5000(+)) (5000+ posts + 50 brains) (6000+ posts + 100 brains) (7000+ posts + 200 brains) (8000+ posts + 400 brains) (10 0000+ posts + 800 brains) Zombification Discussion/Suggestions Thread
  4. Slade

    A Quote Question

    I don't see the contradiction. He may not believe Agartha to be a real place, but that doesn't stop him from trying to reach it with the other three. In fact, it gives him all the more reason to want to reach and discover this "mythical place". Richtofen's a scientist, it would make sense for him to pursuit this search of Agartha to either: see it with his owm eyes and study it, or to prove once and for all that it's nothing more than a myth (and thus prove that his suspisions of Samantha lying and tricking the group into doing her bidding - the same lies that "made Maxis go insane" were in the end, correct)
  5. This will piss off the MP fans. The majority of people buy the DLCs for the multiplayer maps anyway.
  6. Never understood the demand for a 'standalone zombies game'. Imagine the reactions if a standalone Singleplayer or Multiplayer CoD was ever released. People would be furious over the idea of paying more for less content. That's also the main reason a standalone zombies game probably won't ever be released in the future. "Hey, remember that cool bonusmode you liked in Black Ops? Well we made a few more maps for that! Sounds great right? Yeah that'll be 60 dollars then." Unless of course the amount of content in this standalone game rivals that of the normal CoDs, or like Lenne said, they won't charge fullprice for it. But wait, this is Activision we're talking about here.
  7. I've seen people glitch out of the map in Survival/Grief before, it's not a troll, Boom. If you move away from a location, most of the models in said location will be replaced by those black boxes you mentioned (or disappear altogether) in order for the game to still run at 60 frames. The reason you're seeing them is because the game messes up and thinks you're in a different area than the one you're actually in. (Say you're playing Survival Farm, then noclip your way to Town, the game still thinks you're in Farm thus won't render Town's models correctly) This happens with noclipping. Ever noticed how the screen fades to black every time you're switching between people to spectate? It's the game quickly de-activating and rendering the correct models.
  8. If it was Keith David "As Keith David" Pack instead, man I would've bought another copy just for that.
  9. Welcome Smith. If you have any questions be sure to ask anyone around here.
  10. Slade

    Hi CODZ!

    Hartelijk welkom Kobe. Iemand verwelkomen in het nederlands is een stuk lastiger dan in het engels, merk ik nu. Speel je naast PS3 toevallig ook op PC? Ons Community Center (en off-topic forum) is de perfecte plek om snel vertrouwd te raken en thuis te voelen hier. Allereerst hebben we de Chicken Sandwich thread, hier kan je van alles posten wat je maar wilt, zolang het binnen de regels valt natuurlijk. Ten tweede hebben we Forum Games, je kan hier met andere games zoals Galgje spelen, met een zombie twist natuurlijk. In Deep Thought posten gebruikers graag persoonlijke gebeurtenissen en ervaringen, vandaar dat het alleen toegangelijk is voor geregistreerde gebruikers. Members Lounge is een 'lichtere' variant van DT, de dingen die hier geposts worden hebben vaak betrekkingen met andere gebruikers. En je hebt Zombie Stories en Media Center, wat voor zich spreekt. Natuurlijk is er nog veel meer te zien dan dit, ik nodig je van harte uit om alles even rustig door te nemen zodat je je hier in no-time thuis kan voelen. Als je verdere vragen hebt, hoor ik het natuurlijk graag.
  11. GG Paolo/Kieran. Too bad my cold and crazy lag spikes screwed me over near the end, ha.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slade


      Join the PC side, we have custom maps.

      I'll see if I can get my xbox working tonight.

    3. Jolteon


      Make sure you are both there when we stream tomorrow :) Thanks for some fun games Slade!

    4. Slade


      We'll be there.

      I eventually fixed my mic btw, but after you left I think.

      We should play again tomorrow if time permits.

  12. I would personally recommend Samara for the social part of CoDZ. She welcomes (new) users with open arms, offers people useful advice when needed and she can always be found somewhere in our community center.
  13. Thanks, Jay. I'm with Rissole that a mix between staff and non-staff would be ideal. Chopper and Boom have been pretty vocal about the whole recommended standard of thread quality discussion and I often find myself on the same page with them on this subject so I would like to see them in this committee.
  14. Slade

    Mobile app?

    It's called Tapatalk, Z9.
  15. I remember seeing your name and avatar around a few times. Welcome back.
  16. Very nice ideas, Undad. I'm interested in those award concepts, perhaps we can work something out together?
  17. I like those medals, Undad. I can even see a possible Thread of the Year with this, with its own medal. So like at the end of the year we can choose one (or top three) thread(s) from the list of TOTW/TOTM to be crowned best of the year.
  18. If your thread is "coming soon", why post this already...? If you want to announce your upcoming thread, please use your signature or less preferably use the status updates like others have done in the past.
  19. Nice points. The problem here is that people who let's say nominated thread B, will almost always complain if thread A, C or D won because they had no input in the voting. I think if whoever organizes this pulls the nominations online saturday, the poll on sunday and makes the changes on monday evening, we'll be okay. The only way to see if this is - or isn't - enough time like Mega said, will be just to test it out I suppose.
  20. Nice, I like this idea. Weekly. Though we could do monthly first as a test phase. Nominations should be based on a thread's overall amount of quality.
  21. I don't think we have to write down specifics. And I'm confident we all can spot the difference between a normal post and someone who's just post-pumping. We can steer people the right way by: holding to an adequate standard of quality and when needed - approaching people with a friendly reminder whenever they post-pump. Like having a guideline in the CoC along the lines of "We encourage everyone to make of every post a special post and urge the need of remaining on-topic when posting in threads - especially in those that have a lot of work put into them." Something like this. Something that lets our point come across to everyone without running the risk of scaring people away by writing down and enforcing rules like 'Post-pumping will result in a 48-hour ban'.
  22. Here's the thing that I find really peculiar: Why were you using nemexisOps - a modded version of the original Black Ops - instead of the (steam) legitimate one for your Shang record? Are we accepting people who use altered versions of a game into world records, now? Also I'd like to remind people that when you play nemexisOps, there's always the text 'NemexisOps V._' in the upper-right of your screen. Unless you mess around with the files, of course.
  23. We all influence each other. I'd encourage everyone to hold a high standard when posting. And as long as we all hold on to an adequate standard, I don't think we need to write down and enforce this. If I see a post that to me looks like nothing more than post-pumping, I'll say something about it to the poster. But I'm with Boom that there should be clear rules as to what the consequences are to those who just keep on post-pumping like there's no tomorrow.
  24. Some actual easter egg rewards would be nice next time. Free powerups for tranzit and an extra gun slot after completing all the easter eggs and inserting all the navcards correctly - like, seriously? I don't agree with more maps. Sure it's nice, but to me it's more about making sure each map is absolutely crammed with new and interesting stuff to do. A perfect example would be Nuketown Zombies. I don't even consider that a map, it's just a big (small) playground that gets boring after 10 rounds. More threats to the player is also welcome in my book. And it would be awesome if they started including the map interactivity they currently have in MP also in Zombies.
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