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Everything posted by Slade

  1. Forgot to mention: The final 5 are added to the 15, so we'll have 20 levels in total.
  2. Here's an idea. If we take out the Announcer and put in another boss like the shrieker. Then we can have 15 levels of 'normal' Zombification that you can reach simply by posting. And the final 5, our original heros (Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo, Richtofen) + Announcer all need a certain amount of brains in order to obtain them.
  3. We're talking about the brains requirements for the userbars, right? This is perfect.
  4. Make medals just for brains. Like Brain Count I, II, III, IV, V. Or Mix in the brains with the prestige medals. i.e. for prestige medal 10; 1000 posts, 5 months, 2 medals, 10 brains.
  5. Craig, I don't think we need to tie them together in order for this to work. I imagine the current reputation system works a bit like this: If post_count >= 100 & < 200 {rank = 2} All we need to do is add in the brain points. If post_count >=100 & <200 & brain_count >= 10 {rank=2} This way you only have to change the way the reputation system works in terms of requirements needed. Namely by adding one more value - the brains. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination; so please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have updated (and will be updating) the OP with what we're currently working on. So it's (and will continue to be) very clear on where we stand with this. @TAMB While I am glad to see you're getting so involved, it's very clear that you didn't follow a large part of the discussion from the start. Everything you've suggested so far has already been suggested by someone else. If you have any more suggestions, from now on please make sure to check if it hasn't already been suggested by someone else. I'm not going to fill the rest of my posts repeating the same answers over, and over again. I will however PM you the answer instead. So please, PM me with your future suggestions. Thanks.
  7. I'll be very clear and straight-forward with you. From reading your posts, the first thing that comes to my mind is that you've likely skipped or rejected 50% or more of everything that's been posted by others. When the perks, tallies and shields were first getting introduced and tested to our users, so were the userbars. I admit it was kind of hard to follow as GRILL's thread was mostly used to post ideas about the perks, tallies and shields. And only I (and later Lithium) posted every once in a while showcasing our ideas for these userbars. But we still showed our ideas, and the response was very positive. That's why I made this thread. The community's response to the userbars has always been very clear and positive from the start. Otherwise we wouldn't have put so much work into making them. In the end, it is pretty clear that the userbars "won over" the majority of our community. Otherwise GRILL's thread would still be kicking much more than mine, and surely more people whould've voiced their wishes on rather implementing one of the other three than the userbars. You can complain all you wish, but I won't tolerate you dragging this thread down just because YOU don't like this idea. "I don't actually think this was decided by the community" If that's correct, then you can start by showing me some proof that the "community" doesn't like this idea. Apart from you, I have yet to see a single soul saying that they don't like this or that they prefer the other ideas. You just gave a big slap in the face to everyone that has helped you with your idea. Craig worked his ass off to make it work, in fact we all did. I even presented multiple prototypes that had both the bottles and the userbars. While I prefered the userbars, never did I say that the others weren't great ideas as well. Because they were, they still are. In the end however, it didn't work out as we wanted. The bottles didn't look right. The shields didn't look right. The tallies didn't look right. If you have a brilliant suggestion that would make those ideas work, I'm sure the staff will take it as seriously as they have with the userbars. But now you're just turning to the idea that has been making headway, and accusing it of being the reason for the perks/tallies/shields being put on hold. So I would suggest that you'd stop your complaining, unless you back it up with either prototypes or valid ideas. I've been very clear from the start that this thread is about discussing the userbars. If you want to talk about the other ideas, you can do it in GRILL's thread. That's not so hard to understand, I am sure.
  8. Same thing. They're just prototypes and placeholders. They're not even worth discussing about, as they'll be removed before you know it without warning. So let's leave it at that.
  9. I assure you, we are. It just takes time, we can't do everything at once. The tallies and bottles were just for testing purposes. They haven't been removed yet, they will shortly.
  10. @TAMB We've avoided putting Maxis, Richtofen and Samantha in the ranks because we wanted the final rank to be more special and personal oriented to the person who earned it. Once you get 5000 posts, you are the Announcer. Not Richtofen, or Maxis. @GRILL Awesome!
  11. @Tac I hear you. Don't know if this is plausible, but we could have the final rank require not only a high amount of total posts, but also a minimal X number of brains supplied to that person before the rank becomes 'unlocked'. @TAMB Announcer is just an alias we chose for Zombie God. ______________________________ Like GRILL said, right now we're focusing on finishing and implementing our current vision. We can always change things around after the foundation is fully completed and implemented. I'm always open to new ideas. Also I've made countless Zombification Bars that I've never uploaded. I might post them in the OP under concept/scrapped ideas.
  12. No problem. I'll get to work on the Brutus one and once it's finished, I'll sent the tier list to Craig so he can make the necessary adjustments.
  13. Yeah, I posted it a few days ago.. It's now also in the OP. Craig already implemented it, you can see it under MMX's name for instance. All we're missing is the Brutus one. Thanks for your concern.
  14. Outstanding threads are being posted in DT & ML, kudos everyone.

  15. @Eternal it's a progressive system. As your rank increases, so does the # of posts required to advance. @Tac I like your list, but for right now I think having the final rank at 5000+ with 15 ranks in total is enough. No one has passed 10 000+ posts as of yet and with this being the off-season I don't see that happening anytime soon. I can definitely see this getting an overhaul when it's Treyarch's turn again though. Thanks for the feedback, friends. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Excellent explanation, MMX.
  17. Thanks for the feedback, friends. I think Announcer will be our best bet here.
  18. Nice thread. The upgraded Type 100 is called 1001 Samurais. Not Samurai's.
  19. Thanks again, GRILLz. Updated OP with the complete tier list. Also finally unveiled the final rank. Unfortunately, poll's bugged (at least for me). So if you could shoot me a PM with your choice, that'd be great.
  20. No, no. The score you see in-game is irrelevant to this. I just used the name score as an example. There's an algebraic formula somewhere in the game to determine your rank. f(totalscore) = (kills * 5) - ( (downs * 100) / rounds ) This is a very simply function that captures the gist of how I think the whole system works. Jimmy said that downs are a problem, especially in low rounds. That tends me to believe that either your rounds are being multiplied by 0.001 (and then your score gets either added or multiplied by that) or your score is divided by the amount of rounds you've survived. Both meaning that the more rounds you survive, the better your final score will be. Here's an example. Let's say: Person A got 20 kills, 5 downs, and survived 2 rounds. Person B got 20 kills, 5 downs and survived 10 rounds. totalscore A = (20 * 5) - ( ( 5 *100) / 2) = 100 - 250 = - 200 totalscore B = (20 * 5) - ( ( 5 * 100) / 10) = 100 - 50 = 50. As you can see, even though both got the same amounts of kills and downs, person B got a positive totalscore because he survived more rounds. To be honest, I've never paid much attention to the rank system discussion because there's so many theories with little to no actual evidence to back up. I'll go through my game files and I'm 100% certain I'll find something like: kills * 1000 / rounds = totalscore.
  21. It actually makes a whole lot of sense if you break it down. (Let's give Rank the variable Z, score of each game = X, and your total score = Y) Run BO 2 for the first time. Your total score (X) starts at 0. Imagine you need 1000 total for rank 1, then 3000 for rank 2, then 6000 for rank 3 etc. etc. For each kill your score (Y) is increased, for each down it gets decreased. At the end of each game, your kills and downs are both multiplied by the same variable (I think, not sure, this variable is the round you've made it to, I'll check on that), and then relatively added and subtracted to your score (Y). Then your score gets added to the total score of your profile. (X + Y) If (X+Y) > X Needed for Next Rank, then Z+1 (in english, you rank up) It's like an RPG leveling-system, following basic logarithmic. Treyarch just likes to mess with you so you think there's so much more to it. [Probably way more complicated than it should be, but I'm a sucker for math] To my knowledge, you can only de-rank if you play too many games where you have more downs than kills. And you're not thaaaat bad, are you?
  22. It's about your kills and downs, possibly rounds but I cannot confirm that. Those are multiplied (by 10000 I think it was) and added to (downs are subtracted from) your 'score'. I know this for a fact. I imagine that if your total score (X) >= X needed for next rank, you'll rank up.
  23. Slade


    I've gone through some of your threads recently. Very impressed so far, keep up the excellent work.
  24. Thanks, I've heard enough and made up my mind on how to best handle this. We can go back and forth forever discussing which names are suitable and which aren't but in the end, it comes down to personal preference. There's no right or wrong with all these 'community names'. Without actual examples to look at, there's no point in continuing this discussion. If you still have something to say about certain names, do so in pms. I'm going to finish the designs, put them all in the OP and post another poll asking which of the names suggested by our users you think are the best. The ones with the most votes will be finalized and used.
  25. I understand why Murder is against names 'made up' by the community. Community names bring with them a lot of debate, because a name you like I might not and vice-versa. Like Grill said, please bring that discussion someplace else. I'm still designing the Jumping Jack. But I'm leaning towards that one because it's an evolved version of the Gas Zombie. But that's just my opinion so ultimately it'll come down to whichever one is designed best.
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