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Everything posted by Slade

  1. You've got the width - height ratio right. But they're still way too large. How about this. I resized them to approx. half of the size they were in your latest test. Could you run a test with this one and see how it looks?
  2. Those fixes are actually from the september patch, Rissole. The only thing that got patched this time was the security thing.
  3. Nice! Maybe just me, but I feel like Announcer would be a better fit than Zombie God. Apart from that, awesome list.
  4. Darn it, beat me to it. And about the tallies. They're okay. But in my opinion, unimaginative. I think either the shields or the bottles would be the best option. Both look great.
  5. Sorry, I don't have it. Lithium made that screenshot, I simply replaced the bottles with the shields to see how the results would turn out.
  6. Here's a hybrid between the Boss titles and the Shield images. Personally, I think the shields are better than the bottles. Mainly because the shields are more distinctive than the bottles. They look a little bit generic.
  7. Perk Bottles instead of stars for the amount of posts one has and the Tier Titles for the amount of brains one has? Or would that get too complex?
  8. Very nice. I think I prefer the second one.
  9. Remove all those MP-only features from my solo games, please. Nobody wants to hear Maxis, Richtofen or Samantha moaning about towers or agartha when they're playing their own. Same with traps that require the turbine. In MP, okay I get it. In Solo, that fact alone renders those traps useless. Unless you like to waste 20 minutes running around, getting the parts, turbine and the trap, only to have your turbine break the moment you put it down.
  10. I like the idea for replacing the stars with (boss) zombie images combined with the tier titles. I've messed around a bit and here's what I came up with. As you can see, the stars will be replaced by an image that's refers back to your level of zombification. Thoughts?
  11. Interesting idea, Knight. I've been missing teleporters of any kind ever since Kino. (Tranzit doesn't count) Welcome to the site.
  12. Very nice list, Rissole. I feel like our heroes should be in the final tier. Like, 5000+ posts - Samuel, Marlton, Misty, Russman 7500+ posts - Takeo, Nikolai, Dempsey, Richtofen
  13. Excellent. Those zombie ranks are perfect, Grill. I can finally get those shotguns, and now be called a post-pumper instead of cheater. Lovely. if things work out; I don't see why we can't make a nice, fun, contest out of this. Let our creative users come up with and vote on some additional title names.
  14. Good one Grill. The tally marks could be just small images. Problem solved(?) Also, borrowing ideas from a great forum I no longer am involved with. Multiple 'group' titles. So instead of getting one star or one title in this case, two or three titles are unlocked for you to choose from. Like Test Subject, Human, Crawler. It works essentially the same as suggested in the OP, but it adds much more variety.
  15. How about a combination? Replace the stars with small tally marks. Under (or above, replacing the duplicate usergroup title) that, you have your zombification title. Either way, definitely liking this. Much better than having a bunch of stock stars.
  16. Pretty sure the Origins part refers to our 04, not the zombies, Mocking. It explained how the characters got together for the first time. Story-wise I think it was one of the best maps. Even if I don't really cared about its ending.
  17. Majora's Mask.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      LINK IS ACTUALLY DEAD! The 5 areas of the game represent the 5 stages of grief:

      Denial: Clock town

      Anger: Deku area

      Bargaining: Goron mountians

      Departure: Ocean area

      Acceptance: Desert area

    2. Tasha


      Non, Wind Waker ! :3

  18. This should definitely shake things up a bit. I like it.
  19. Forgive me for asking; but who is Melissa?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slade


      I thought so.

      She refunded my donation today.

      Weird considering I donated long after she retired.

    3. Rissole25


      It's possible the email or details or whatever were still linked to her. Not sure how, but all I can think of.

    4. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      Slade, I have sent you a PM regarding this, can you get to me when you have the chance please?

  20. Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki and Edward Richtofen added.
  21. Haven't played Die Rise in forever. Decided to fire it up once I got back home last night. Drunk but still made it to round 25. (27 is my highscore) Get killed by the slide. I ain't even mad.
  22. Must. Not. Look. At. Bank Balance

    1. TheNathanNS


      Spend a little to much in Paris?

    2. InfestLithium


      Same here brother - my poor wallet looks like Buried.

    3. Tasha


      That's what you get when you only look at hotels that have kingsized beds and bathtubs fit for multiple persons, Al!

  23. Hahahaha. I always game on a massive screen. Smaller tvs give me headaches. I always game at night. (during the day, lights out) I find the darkness somehow increases the epicness of the story in singleplayer and the intensity of multiplayer. Gaming is the best thing to do before foreplay. [Don't mix the two or your k/d will be demolished. Cross-overs however are the best thing ever] I need a lot of spare time Even if I'm going to play like only one or two matches, If I don't have atleast 2 hours of spare time, I can never turn on my pc or console. The clearer the room, the better the performance. I don't blame the lag, I blame my messy ass room. I always speak English, but I always curse in other languages. Thanks to Heather. If you ever hear someone suddenly shout russian or spanish nonsense after falling off a cliff. Add that guy. I still believe if I scream loud enough like a little girl, the Zombies will eventually stop trapping me in that corner.
  24. All easter egg stuff are disabled on the Grief and Survival modes. So that rules out any easter egg 'triggers'. It's a (theater) glitch.
  25. Now these are the kinds of threads I love. Kudos to you friend. Certifiable nut-job C.I.A. (ex) Agent. Genius. I think the idea wasn't scrapped, but rather never really explored (yet). Just general backstory that they made up for Stuhlinger but somehow it hasn't yet appeared in the actual game. Game companies tend to do that often. It helps the voice actors establish their characters. (Much like T-Dog in the Walking Dead. His actual backstory (stop laughing, he has one) is actually based on his actor's, IronE Singleton)
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