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Hello, this is xMaTrIxSh0tZx here with a complete, in-depth solo strategy guide for the zombie map Kino Der Toten on Call of Duty Black Ops. So let's get started. Round 1 The first round use nothing but your knife. There is no point in using any pistol ammo because on the first round the zombies die in one knife, it would be a waste of ammunition to use any bullets this round. Round 2 On to the second round, shoot 8 pistol bullets into to each individual zombie, but remember to keep one clip of the pistol, let me explain. Basically when you reach 2500 points the next zombie you kill will drop a power up. So knife the zombie once, then shoot however many bullets it takes to the head of that zombie, therefore you will get a random drop. The two best drops you could possibly want are either Insta-Kill, or Max Ammo. Also keep in mind to not pick up the drop until the next round starts unless the drop is a nuke. Round 3 Pick up the drop that you got from round two when round 3 begins and utilize the drop to your advantage. This round should go by very quickly as you do get a drop that lasts 30 seconds at the beginning of the round. (Unless of course it's a nuke.) Round 4 Make sure all of the barriers are repaired this round. When the round starts you want to wait below the stairs, when the zombies start pouring in you want to make your way up the right staircase and begin your train. It's the same as running the lobby strategy, only in the first room. Once you have your train in a nice, tight circle you want to throw a grenade at the group. This is very similar to No Man's Land only there are 24 zombies instead of 20. You then want to knife all of the crawlers or if you still have ammo you can shoot them. This should get you enough points to open all of the doors and turn on the power. Round 5 Again, make sure all of the barriers are repaired at the beginning of this round. Wait near the top door next to the M14 until the zombies get to close, then run and open all of the doors until you get to the power switch. Turn it on and the proceed to the corner where the Jugger-Nog perk and the Bowie Knife can be found. If you have enough points you could buy both, if not just buy the Bowie Knife and knife the zombies until you get enough points for Jugger-Nog. Rounds 6-10 Continue to knife the zombies with the Bowie Knife throughout these rounds, this should get you a lot of points which you can spend on various things, but we'll get to that later. Round 10 By now you should have left the first room, turned on the power, bought the Bowie Knife and the Jugger-Nog perk and knifed with the Bowie Knife up until this point. This round you want to hoard the zombies into a circle and shoot any remaining pistol ammo into them. Then you want to throw a grenade into the group making them crawlers for you to knife. By this point, you should have around 20,000 points. Use the points on the Mystery Box ONLY the rest of the perks and Pack-A-Punch can wait for later. You be seeking three things, the Thundergun, Ray Gun, and Monkey Bombs. (Optional.) If you don't get these things within your first spending spree at the box, make sure to keep a decent weapon to for point gathering, and then try your luck at the box each proceeding round. Rounds 14-40 By round 14 or so you should have what you want. Open the door that leads to the MPL room from the lobby and DO NOT open the door that leads to the Alley, if you do then the strategy will not work. Use the strategy shown here to make the rounds go by fast. pfntaT1In_o Rounds 40+ Well if you've made it this far there is a fast high round strategy shown here to use Oe4j4eVZ7Zk CONCLUSION This strategy if done correctly can get you to rounds 100, mabye even 200 if put in the time and effort. I hope you enjoyed thanks for reading! Goodbye.
Hello everybody! xMaTrIxSh0tZx here and today i've decided to bring to you the FASTEST solo strategies for every single zombie map on Call of Duty Black Ops! So, let's get started. KINO DER TOTEN Okay so the first map we have is Kino Der Toten, probably most peoples favourite map on Black Ops. So I had a lot of trouble deciding on which strategy was faster, KINGJAQ's Insta - Trap strategy, or Superhands MP40 room strategy. In the end I decided the Insta - Trap strategy because you will not have to recycle the Thundergun as often, therefore taking less time. So if you wanted to get to, let's say round 100 it would take less time because of that factor. -HwRqSQrv40 Fortunately this map also has a decent speed early round strategy, rounds in the 20's will only take 2 minutes at the maximum. pfntaT1In_o "FIVE" Alright so the next map we have is "FIVE" a very challenging map. This strategy was thought up of and created by Superhands89. Xz0BJwE5P3Y The early round strategy shown here. 0-qlEq0dkP4 ASCENSION Probably the easiest map on Black Ops, Ascension has a VERY fast strategy, hoards only take 17 - 20 seconds! C2AMdMbVUTk Another advantage to this map is that it has an EXTREMELY fast early round strategy. Rounds take only 1 minute in the 20's! GZuVDFGXwLY As for when to start the strategy, I would wait until round 48 because up until then the spawn rate of the zombies is not fast enough. CALL OF THE DEAD Now this map for the most part is a very SLOW considering it does not have a legitimate power weapon. But, there is a strategy that has decent spawning rate. Now unfortunately I don't have a video for it, but it involves running in the bottom floor of the lighthouse with the door closed. This map has an early round strategy, but again I do not have a video for it. is to Run near the AK74u by dropping off the speed cola cliff. But you need to have a PaPed Scavenger, Mustang & Sally and a Ray Gun you can get to round 40 in 2 - 3 hours if you get lucky with the box. Don't open the boat to Juggernog or the PHD Flopper door or the light house door as long as you can until you out of ammo. You can also try your luck flopping zombies and killing George and the Wunderwaffle. SHANGRI - LA So this map is a bit challenging at the start but once you get set up it becomes pretty east for the most part as you will not need to recycle The Fractalizer because you can get drops from it plus, it has a lot of ammo. So the strategy is what I believe to be the fastest on this map, it is a strategy where you hoard in the AK - 74u area and kill them with The Fractalizer. Superhands did this strategy on his 100+ run on this map. Wu9Dfp06wqU For an early round strategy the video shown here should do you just fine. o5V2SD8FVoI#! MOON Know this was a tough one. Moon is a map with two high round strategies that are very similar in speed. There is the Tunnel 11 strategy, and the Receiving Bay strategy. It came down to me having to time it and the Tunnel 11 strategy was faster than the receiving bay strategy. This video demonstrates probably the fastest way of running Tunnel 11. taFfmVpz8Uo Also for the early round strategy, the best thing to do would be to camp/hoard in Tunnel 11 with the Ray Gun and Wavegun/Zap Gun Dual Wield. NACHT DER UNTOTEN This map is probably the most difficult on Black Ops as it has no perks. But this strategy is pretty much flawless if you are focused, I would not recommend playing this map when you are tired because if you make one little mistake, it's game over. i_6ehKUp4PM The early round strategy, there isn't one. This strategy becomes effective at rounds 10+ if you have a Thundergun and/or Ray Gun. VERRUCKT This map is another one of the more challenging maps on Black Ops and this strategy was not developed until just about a month ago. But it's still a very good strategy considering before this Verruckt was a very slow map. OGcIqRN4uew The early round strategy is camping in the Thompson room with the door to Quick Revive closed with the Ray Gun and the Winter's Howl. SHI NO NUMA This is an easy map for the most part, it's got a fast early round strategy, and also a fast high round strategy. This strategy was created by KINGJAQ and used for his world record run. PVerf-UvoZw As for the early round strategy hoard in the Comm room and once there is 10 - 15 zombies Wunderwaffle them. wRLgcp5_h8A DER RIESE Finally the last map we have today, Der Riese, the fastest strategy on this map, is something I like to call, The "Tommy Trap Strat" where it involves hoarding in the Thomson room and using the trap, then coming back through the spawn and using the trap again. It's a bit like running the phoris913 strategy, but solo. yJYEwW9jB5s Early round strategy? It involves hoarding in the Thompson room and turning on the trap, also killing with the waffle at the same time. Well that's it, this is the ultimate collection of the fastest strategies on Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies! Thanks to everybody I mentioned in the video, and goodbye and farewell. Thanks for viewing everybody!
Hi i'm xMaTrIxSh0tZx, and i'm sorta new here to CoDz. I found this site from 5and5, i'm sure you have heard of him. I'm hoping to have a great time here at CoDz!
Thanks 5 I know that this is probably the fastest strat on this map, the only reason i didnt include it is because i forgot lol. It was late so I was really tired I think ill add it now ;)
Hello, this is what I bielieve to be the BEST solo strategy for the map Der riese on Call of Duty Black Ops. Let's get started: This is probably the safest way of playing Der Riese. It averages out to about 1 minute per hoard. The current world record holder CJgarof used this strategy in his round 133 game. While it's not the fastest, it's definitly the safest. DOx-b1AA7mc This next strategy is pretty fast, but it is not very organized as it involves turning on the middle trap as you drop down from Double Tap. You drop down, turn on the middle trap, and then run a train near the bowie knife until you have a full group of 24 zombies, then tou lead them to the thompson room trap turn that on, then repeat. King Jaq OFFsuit used this strategy on his 90 + run on this map. Riq4TxpXqlA Now this strategy is fast, but it's not as efficient, it involves dropping down from double tap, and just running straight to either the thompson room trap, or the trench gun room trap, the only flaw is that if they dont spawn fast enough near double tap then they will come back around and they could trap you as your running u the stairs to double tap. It may be super fast, but sometimes it's better to be safe then sorry. ZeusCannons used this strategy on his 100+ game on this map. Spz1czVgcUI This is the #2 method for this map. It is efficient, yet fast, also it is organized. It involves Starting near double tap, dropping down grouping them up near bowie knife, then turning back around turning on the middle trap, and then sprinting to the mainframe causing them all to spawn there, and then turning on the thompson room trap. But, there is one flaw in this strategy, and it is that there is no way to "get points" while doing this strategy, they are never lined up for you to shoot at with whatever gun you have, a way to fix this is to point whore in the early rounds therefore you wont have to in later rounds. Pishizor did this in his Der riese game where he unfortanatly died at round 95. zglemEAEbIw Finnaly this is what i bielieve to be the best Der Riese strategy. The video speaks for itself. It was originally a co-op strategy then modified into a solo strategy. 5and5 and iBlackettXD both did this strategy. [youtubehttp]
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