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Posts posted by AceClouds

  1. Hey guys, i really don't know if there's a thread for this but oh well.

    What would be your ideal custom made zombie map Easter Egg.

    here would be mine for the new map we kinda know about:

    i think they should make an easter egg where you're on earth and you gotta find lost documents of plans from centuries ago regarding element 115 and when you find them all your character wants to show this to scientists but as soon as you find them all an emergency broadcast will be televised about the missles on moon coming to earth and have to evacuate into some kind of panic room or something like that and it ends the game.

    is it the best idea? no, but hey it's a start. now what about you my friends?

  2. I can't think of a name but it's a sniper that's kind of like the scavenger, but when it explodes it shoots out lightning and has the effect of a Wunderwaffe. When PAPed just increased range and different color lightning, different name.

    that sounds pretty cool. it sounds like an american made version of the wonderwaffe/scavenger nice idea

  3. by Electric Jesus » Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:02 pm

    i originally posted this on a different thread, but i want some more reliable feedback because i put a lot of thought into it. -V

    after WWII, the united states finally seized the much sought-after die glocke projects. after nearly a century of research and experiments, US military scientists created the perfect formula and perfected their new wonder weapon, following in the footsteps of group 935. thus, the U.S.M.C. BEAM CANNON was born.

    imagine a deep electronic whine, menacingly getting higher and higher, until a massive beam erupts from the barrel of your gun, annihilating every victim in your path- living, dead, or undead.

    this weapon is going to be long and tubelike in appearance, thicker than a wave gun but thinner than a stinger. it is held like an assault rifle, and has a single shot mag. it comes with 9 reserve "magazines" and has a medium reload time.

    while firing the beam cannon, you cannot rotate or look around nearly as fast as you normally can. it also pushes you back quite a bit. for example, it lowers your look sensitivity to 1 regardless of your current settings. this is to balance out the weapon, as it is pretty OP in its rawest form. not only that, but once you pull the trigger, it takes approx. 2 seconds before the beam is actually fired. this makes it a powerful and effective weapon, but not overpowered because it must be reloaded frequently, takes a moment to use even if it is already equipped, and restricts mobility.

    the beam itself is blue and continuous, and deals infinite damage. it has no splash damage, and kills any zombie it touches. the continuous beam lasts for about 3 seconds. so, in theory, your 48 zombies could be coming at you (bro) and you could point it at the far right of the horde. then, when you fire, sweep to the left and take them all down! it has infinite penetration through zombies but zero penetration through walls and obstacles.

    when the poor suckers are hit by it, they snap, crackle, and pop their way to hell as they thud to the ground with charred bodies and sparks flying off of them.

    upgraded it gets more ammo, (15 reserve) but retains its one round magazine. the time between you firing and the beam appearing is reduced to one second. the beam still lasts three seconds though. its name is simply the BEAM CANNON v.2

    sorry for the long post. any ideas? comments?

    i saw this on another thread to and i loved the idea. It really does'nt seem all that over powered and i could imagine it being on black ops 2 if they went that direction.

  4. Hey guys, I already know that there is already threads about wonder weapons but i decided to make one where people could really think about what type of wonder weapon they would want and the weapon can't be overpowered. like my idea for an ideal wonder weapon:

    my wunder-weapon

    Name: Chesters Revenge/ Pack-A-Punched name: The evil Chester

    Type: Pump action shotgun

    Ammo:4/12 max ammo, 6/18 pack-a-punched max ammo

    Description: it basically looks like a winchester but the barrel is like the trench gun from W@W. The reload time takes about four to five seconds. The regular color is medium-dark grey with 2 silver stripes going down the barrel glowing a white neon color. the pack-a-punched version is pure black with 4 maroon thin stripes going down the barrel glowing a red neon color with little red numbers floating around it. an added feature to the pack-a-punched version of the gun is a bayonette below the barrel.

    Regular effects: The effects of the gun in its regular state is it would make the zombies have a white type of aura surrounding them and when shot in the early rounds like until round 19 it will be an instant kill. at round 20+ it will push the zombies who got hit by the shot back. The sound made would be a mix of chirping birds and a huge bang.

    Pack-A-Punched effects: The Pack-A-Punched effects of the gun is when shot it will push the zombie and the zombies around the one(s) hit by the shot push back and have a red type of aura surrounding them and then a mini explosion will occur. This will be an instant kill until round 25. The bayonette attached will have a fast swift stabbing action and will be an instant kill until round 16. The sound of the shot would be a mix of a huge bang and a faint demonic type of scream.

    tell me what you think of my wunder-weapon my fellow zombie slayers and please leave your legit non over-powered wonder weapons below


    p.s. i think mine is a little over powered :P

  5. Hey guys as some of you may know there was a tweet saying that on the 7th there will be a multiplayer trailer or look into multiplayer. if you dont believe me click the link.


    what does this have to do with zombies? well zombies are now using the multiplayer engine so it is possible that there will be a sneak peak at zombies and i kid you not im crossing my fingers for it! what do you guys think?

  6. i came up with a wonder weapon in a recent post. here it is

    my wunder-weapon

    Name: Chesters Revenge/ Psck-A-Punched name: The evil Chester

    Type: Pump action shotgun

    Ammo:4/12 max ammo, 8/24 pack-a-punched max ammo

    Description: it basically looks like a winchester but the barrel is like the trench gun from W@W. The regular color is medium-dark grey with 2 silver stripes going down the barrel glowing a white neon color. the pack-a-punched version is pure black with 4 maroon thin stripes going down the barrel glowing a red neon color with little red numbers floating around it. an added feature to the pack-a-punched version of the gun is a bayonette below the barrel.

    Regular effects: The effects of the gun in its regular state is it would make the zombies have a white type of aura surrounding them and when shot in the early rounds like until round 19 it will be an instant kill. at round 20+ it will push the zombies who got hit by the shot back. The sound made would be a mix of chirping birds and a huge bang.

    Pack-A-Punched effects: The Pack-A-Punched effects of the gun is when shot it will push the zombie and the zombies around the one(s) hit by the shot push back and have a red type of aura surrounding them and then a mini explosion will occur. This will be an instant kill until round 29. The bayonette attached will have a fast swift stabbing action and will be an instant kill until round 19. The sound of the shot would be a mix of a huge bang and a faint demonic type of scream.

    what do you think?

  7. I just had a thought that could kind of go along with your environment hazards. What if there were things on the map (objects/traps/enemies/weather/e.t.c.) that would actually cause you to lose the ability to communicate with teammates via mic? Something that would cause you to go dead silent and have no way to warn your team of the possible danger?

    thats a great idea. say like in shangri-la a shrieker zombie screams at you and you cant hear your teammates. that would be epic

  8. Hey everyone, over the past week I've been looking at a lot of threads from the zombies story forum and saw a lot of people talk about takeo getting his memory back and what he said on moon about destroying group 935 so i have a question. will takeo be the one to lead the group through fixing everything? he's been knowing what was going on since ascension i believe so he has to been understanding how richtofen has been teleporting them from place to place right?

    what do you guys think?

  9. Heres an idea: the pressure gun. it fires a pressurised bubble and traps the zombies within it and slowly crushes them into a small lump. It could also be used as a barrier to revive someone, you just shoot it and any zombies that don't get trapped in the bubble within the first second or 2 will be blocked by the bubble, therefore giving you time to revive a team mate. Team mates will be able to walk through it but will take some damage. It will have a 3 round clip and 12 spare maybe more. When pack-a-punched it will have a 6 round clip with 24 spare, also when you shoot it the bubble closes in on itself then will expand rapidly letting out a shock-wave that will stun any zombies nearby and knock them to the floor giving you more time to escape or revive. If there is a crawler they wont be killed (unless trapped in the bubble) but they will get blown back further than regular zombies.

    i'm not gonna lie i really like this idea. and it would be fun seeing zombies try to get out of the bubble :D

  10. my wunder-weapon

    Name: Chesters Revenge/ Pack-A-Punched name: The evil Chester

    Type: Pump action shotgun

    Ammo:4/12 max ammo, 8/24 pack-a-punched max ammo

    Description: it basically looks like a winchester but the barrel is like the trench gun from W@W. The regular color is medium-dark grey with 2 silver stripes going down the barrel glowing a white neon color. the pack-a-punched version is pure black with 4 maroon thin stripes going down the barrel glowing a red neon color with little red numbers floating around it. an added feature to the pack-a-punched version of the gun is a bayonette below the barrel.

    Regular effects: The effects of the gun in its regular state is it would make the zombies have a white type of aura surrounding them and when shot in the early rounds like until round 19 it will be an instant kill. at round 20+ it will push the zombies who got hit by the shot back. The sound made would be a mix of chirping birds and a huge bang.

    Pack-A-Punched effects: The Pack-A-Punched effects of the gun is when shot it will push the zombie and the zombies around the one(s) hit by the shot push back and have a red type of aura surrounding them and then a mini explosion will occur. This will be an instant kill until round 29. The bayonette attached will have a fast swift stabbing action and will be an instant kill until round 19. The sound of the shot would be a mix of a huge bang and a faint demonic type of scream.

    tell me what you think of my wunder-weapon my fellow zombie slayers

    I actually really like this. It seems a bit over powered for a shotgun, but the lack of ammo counters that. I think take away a little more ammo or make it a little less powerful and it is a great idea.

    yeah i kind of agree its a bit overpowered. i kept thinking how can i make it not overpowered and still an epic gun to have but when i was writing i couldn't think of a way. thanks for your opinion though :D

  11. my wunder-weapon

    Name: Chesters Revenge/ Pack-A-Punched name: The evil Chester

    Type: Pump action shotgun

    Ammo:4/12 max ammo, 8/24 pack-a-punched max ammo

    Description: it basically looks like a winchester but the barrel is like the trench gun from W@W. The regular color is medium-dark grey with 2 silver stripes going down the barrel glowing a white neon color. the pack-a-punched version is pure black with 4 maroon thin stripes going down the barrel glowing a red neon color with little red numbers floating around it. an added feature to the pack-a-punched version of the gun is a bayonette below the barrel.

    Regular effects: The effects of the gun in its regular state is it would make the zombies have a white type of aura surrounding them and when shot in the early rounds like until round 19 it will be an instant kill. at round 20+ it will push the zombies who got hit by the shot back. The sound made would be a mix of chirping birds and a huge bang.

    Pack-A-Punched effects: The Pack-A-Punched effects of the gun is when shot it will push the zombie and the zombies around the one(s) hit by the shot push back and have a red type of aura surrounding them and then a mini explosion will occur. This will be an instant kill until round 29. The bayonette attached will have a fast swift stabbing action and will be an instant kill until round 19. The sound of the shot would be a mix of a huge bang and a faint demonic type of scream.

    tell me what you think of my wunder-weapon my fellow zombie slayers

  12. i dont think the first map will be in paris but i do believe it could be a map pack like moon and the others from the first black ops

    a theater mode for zombies will be great for easter eggs and i know some people who said they'll make a sort of zombies movie using it. i cant wait! :D

  13. Your character back stories are some of the best things I have ever read in my life. The way you describe every little detail bit by bit is just amazing and better than most books I've ever read. You could make this into a book and I bet a whole lot of zombie fans like myself would pay top dollar for this. Keep it up and don't change a thing because you're doing great.

    p.s. if you are, when will you post a story about tank and possibly Richthofen?

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