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Posts posted by Verrückt

  1. Sorry but you are wrong. The loading screen of Die Rise has a postcard of Bus Depot sticking out from the page behind.

    Also, Maxis says in Die Rise that he can now talk without being interrupted by electrical devices ( I think that was the case, at least.), which refers back to TranZit where the devices interrupted him so he required to turn off the power.

  2. The guy talking about the flesh is the same one who's been talking to some voices saying "Yes, I see now. I will do it. I will do it for you, and the FLESH!".

    What we can assume from radios so far:

    Basically, there are groups of survivors. They follow either Richtofen, Maxis, or none of them two.

    The Jackass flats/CDC guy is one of the survivors that did not listen to voices. It seems kind of logical because people of his status would rather not risk listening to odd voices in his head and doing weird things. "Normal" people, citizens would be more likely to be affected by the voices and follow their orders.

    He mentions paranoia and all other sorts of things. All of these can actually (and most probably are) the effects of 115 being in your body while you are alive.

    Now, the Flesh guy really reminded me of Illuminati, I don't know why. The way he speaks... He is no leader. But he is enlightened! I believe he got mad thanks to Richtofen. Richtofen was in the heads of many survivors. He persuaded some surivors to eat flesh. The 115 made them easier to control from the Aether.

    "He" must be Richtofen or Maxis. Probably the second one. Probably Eddy convinced others to turn against Maxis and not listen to him. "He abandoned us" is said like and assumption that "He" left, and now the Flesh will let us survive, the Flesh will lead us. The Flesh might be a metaphor for Richtofen and his plan.

    It is obvious that many other survivors ate flesh. Stuhlinger did it too. Another person is the woman in the broadcast. She ate the Flesh, tried to follow the voices of German men (Maxis and or Richtofen) but she couldn't do something right. She needed others, but others did not eat the flesh, so they were not following the orders of the voices.

    She really seems to be affected by 115. And when she says she can't hear the German men anymore, it sounds like the voices abandoned her for some reason. Maybe she did not eat any more flesh, or the just did not need her.

    Now, I've heard "We are the living, and we are the dead." It's a song lyric. It has nothing to do with it, but the song is about the effect of 115 to a body.

    Now I see that people who consume 115 become insane. And insanity is something Richtofen wants, because it lets him control survivors with ease. So he can complete the masterplan.

    This is what I think. I dunno if I should put it in a separate thread, but please, comment on it. I know there are some gaps, but it's hard to see for me - I did not have much time to think.

  3. I haven't played Die Rise but Syndicate got it on solo, I was wondering what would happen when the player had quick revive aswell? Which one would work and which wouldn't?

    Later on he downed and lost the Quick Revive and Who's Who. Also, he did not manage to revive himself, he just came back to his normal body after a minute or so.

  4. I think people are misinterpreting the gargled voice.

    I have a feeling that the gargled voice is a 3rd party (the Vrill or whatever they are called).

    I think that the aliens are involved now because they mention "mending the rift."

    That rift was created by richtofen so there's a possibility they are trying to set things straight again.

    Also got a feeling that by the end DLC there will be alien weaponry.

    The voice turns into Richtofen's once they get on the lower floor.

    "[inaudible] begin anew!"

    "Accept your fate! Begin anew!"

    I am still more convinced about the third party theory. There's something bigger going on that we can't see just yet, that's what I think.

  5. No no. The intro clearly shows that Richtofen brings them over there. So the intro establishes that the intro itself is directly after Green Run. Therefore the map is after the intro.

    Also, notice the line "Have we been here before?" They retain a fragment of their memory, but only a deja vu kind of thing like the first poster said.

    Deja vu... Deja vu! Characters mention it in Green Run as well!

  6. All the qoutes about deja-vu and Maxis saying he's been searching for decades in tranzit makes more sense now. They were probably trying to activate that tower in Green run for years before they finally got it done.

    That would explain why they know each other, but they don't know too much about each other. They simply never had the time because of constant movement/dying.

  7. Yes. He did.

    And i have a feeling that the mumbled out voice was Richtofen.

    Richtofen's voice is also in the cutscene and it speaks about the felsh "They cannot know about the flesh!" or something like that.

    What I think is the situation is that there is Richtofen and someone greater, the mumbled out voice inside of Stu's head. Richtofen seems to have less power over Stuhlinger (whatever it's spelled like) and the flesh is clearly something the three know. Richtofen sounds scared, he does not want anyone else to know about the flesh.

    Maybe, as suggested before, Richtofen also ate the flesh, and that's how he and Stu can communicate?

    Also, the zombie idea sounds interesting as well!:)

    EDIT: Richtofen says in the cutscene someting like "Accept the fate, they CANNOT know!"

    Stu also repeats they can't know about him and the flesh.

  8. He mentions it in the cutscene, and he (probably he) is shown eating the flesh. The character has no blue eyes, that's a fact...

    This is taken from the cutscene:

    What do you think? And who could be the mysterious voice? Is it the "blackness" and something "far more terrible than Richtofen" which lurks in the shadows of Aether?

  9. His singing should change as the storyline progresses, as it happened with Elena. Hopefully he will drop out this nasal voice of his... Besides that, I like his singing. And yes, he is going to be on Die Rise. I saw the post the minute it came out and I thought "Zombies!" - but then again, ashes... It could be, like, ashes in Die Rise, or a title of the song, or part of the EE. Who knows?

  10. Oh wow. Trophy seems nice! I rarely see them actually, but I imagine they would be helpful with Demolition, Domination, just all the Objective based modes where you need to be at a fixed point. Would really help with grenades.

    Sensor Grenades I have only ever seen once on someone else. Does it have a VSAT effect though? When I threw mine, I was getting the effect of them in a small circle area of the minimap, and I was confused as to if that was an effect or not?

    Yes, it is a VSAT like effect.

  11. It's a good thing to have, I agree. But I think it's not that good. I prefer EMP grenade. It's easier to use, does not hack any equipment but can destroy multiple items. Also, you get an EMP assis which is 50 points, and you get more assists with it as it works through walls. And, you can destroy hunter killers with it. I've never managed to hack that drone with Black Hat.

    But, Black Hat is very good, especially to use on aircraft. I've stared using it after reading this thread and agreem it's useful.

  12. i feel that moon actually took place in modern times, cause it would alter too much time space continuum for it to be in the 60's. think about it. if they nuked the 1960's earth then call of the dead would have never happened.

    And wouldn't the zombies have spread to the whole world already by der riese?? just sayin

    The easiest way to explain that is that every time our original crew travels in time, different universes are created. So now, Richtofen and the rest are in COTD, they teleport to Shangri-La and from Shangri-La they time travel to Moon. Since they have time traveled to Moon, in the universe where Moon takes place event Shangri-La and COTD never happened. They happened in a different "world" which Nikolai, Eddy, Tank and Takeo come from.

  13. Yep, it must be Russia because:

    On the map we are clearly in Washington, above Nevada.

    Green Run Project took place in Hanford.

    There are American posters on the walls.

    The characters are American.

    There is a Hanford map in the Bus Depot.

    The Bus comes from an American company.

    Well done, use your brain next time if you come up with another idiotic idea and decide to post it. I am sorry, but posts like this just make me so god damn angry!

  14. yes this has happened to me as well a few times actually but everytime this has happened i joined someone midgame who already had the power on. So I dont know what is going on if it is a game you started from the beginning but ya its definitely a glitch

    You joined someone mid game on Zombies?

    It happens.

  15. Not really... I think Treyarch are busy working on DLC. All this "secret" stuff people keep saying I think is just wishful thinking. I'm not going to shoot you down, but that's just what I think.

    I don't think they are THAT busy with DLC... It's probably 90% finished.

    But yeah, in your place I would not get excited about this twitter account... Anyone who knows the storyline and the characters could just make an account and troll others.

  16. Um... when you capture Menendez, he goes to kill Woods, yes?

    Not if Karma/Mason are alive.

    Not true. I saved Mason and Woods was still murdered.

    Yup, sorry I meant to add that that's just my thought. But there is a way, and it requires Karma to be alive for sure.

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