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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. Few days ago one of the treyarch guys said "montaging is so hard" or something like that. They are almost done whatever they are doing, which seems to be montaging. Now we get a sound effect. I say they are almost done compiling a montage of gameplay for a trailer soon. Actually "almost done" is a few days old so maybe today or next Tuesday will be the day! I don't know what the sound is for sure. happy Tuesday!
  2. Electro boss? Remember the avogadro's law post a while back? Maybe we will be seeing some evil flying gas zombie boss of doom?
  3. I know there is some crazy roaring sci fi SFX when you flip the kino switch, but I doubt a massive 30+ second psychedelic explosion montage whistling Armageddon SFX of doom would play. As was mentioned above it sounds like a meteor. I don't know what they mean by "power". Maybe if it IS Paris, or any large city, you hit a switch for a power grid as big as several blocks. It will be the most powerful power yet!
  4. There is a light in the background, top right. Looks like a lighthouse. Maybe tge lights at the bottom are fires? Burning buildings? *Maybe* that light at the top is the Eiffel tower? I still think we are going to le Paris!
  5. OH SNAP! ...just kidding, i agree that I will play the hell out of every aspect of it,
  6. Can you post a link please? http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_W7b-e-an-8 Here you go! S&@#, THAT'S CREEPY!
  7. One thing I thought of is that there should be seperate sub-game modes for this. How about: UNDEAD ROULETTE Free-for-all Barebones This is just like the idea I described in the originsl post. Free-for-all classic There are still points in this mode. You can buy perks, Bowie/sickle, and pack a punch. However when the weapons cycle you lose the PAP. It may still come in handy if you find yourself against 50 zombies, armed with only a pistol. Also the zombies have level 15-20 HP so a Bowie will take 2-3 stabs, reducing its effectiveness. Free-For-All point match After ten cycles, the player with the most points wins, assuming any are still alive by then. You can choose to spend them in order to help your chances of survival, but risk losing by points. Team Un-death match barebones Like the one I described in the OP, but with two teams. Pretty self explanatory. Team Un-death match classic Like free-for-all classic but with two teams. Again, self explanatory. Team Un-Death match point match Yeah, you get it. NOTE! I'm not trying to over complicate things, but some people like FFA, others like TDM. some like point hoarding, others like high-round survival. Some like a challenge, others play it safe. That's why we have so many MP game modes. This is to appeal to everyone's tastes. Honestly the original, dubbed FFA barebones, is still my favorite. Just throwing this out there!
  8. Maybe you can't pick up a weapon that had more points put into it than your own? If you only had one "naked" gun and six perks, for example, you could only pick up a gun with no attachments. Also If you only have one gun you can't create a new slot. This way, being lucky enough to kill someone who is coincidentally carrying a gun with one attachment will be rewarding. However it removes the possibility of you rampaging with two guns that have three attachments, on top of your bullshit six perks.
  9. ^^^ thanks! I went with the eye idea for one main reason. My wonderweapon ideas, map and power up and perk ideas are all cool, but would be insanely hard to program. They changed the eye color on shi no numa and in the moon Easter egg. This way it actually fits into an idea and sort of makes up for the unrealisticness of my past ideas. The other reason I went with the eye idea is because it's badass as hell. Quoting albus dumbledore: "one of my more brilliant ideas! And between you and me, that's saying something! My brain surprises even me sometimes!"
  10. After a long hard day of hardcore theories I like to kick back and post a good ol' idea thread. and THAT is the response I like to get! danke! By the way I LOVE bacon and plastic ducks! They are EXCELLENT.
  11. ^^^ just like we shouldn't rule out the possibility of the girl on the poster being dempsey after his sex change operation! But seriously, I doubt it. Possible but unlikely. If the game is too big there will most likely be 2 discs for every system. Ps3 could do it with Blu ray (w00tw00t) but Xbox and pc users might get pissed if the ps3 users appear to get special treatment.
  12. Thanks! One thing that Jay said that I forgot is one of the most important: your job is not just to revive them but get them back on track. Get them to jugg, provide cover, do what you can to keep them from dowing again! Here is more info on the medic class! Primary weapon: any machine gun works Secondary weapon: vr-11 Tertiary weapon: crossbow or ballistic knife Perks Juggernog: A-DURR Stamin-up: this will give you the edge you need to outrun the mob and get to the downed player in time. Mule Kick: you absolutely NEEDNEEDNEED specialty weapons! However, If your team goes 10 rounds without anyone going down there is no way in hell you could last with just a vr-11 and a crossbow. You need a decent point gun or killing gun. Mule kick allows you to have the 2 important revival weapons AND a good stand-alone gun. IMPORTANT! You must choose between a crossbow and a ballistic knife as your 3rd weapon. Having a ballistic knife completely eliminates the need for quick revive, freeing up a perk slot. However the ballistic knife is good for absolutely nothing except reviving. So you basically sacrifice a gun slot for a perk slot. If you choose a crossbow you will need to get quick revive. The crossbow us still effective for actually killing zombies, so you get a decent gun at the expense of a perk slot. Basically, if you get a cross bow, get quick revive too. If you get a ballistic knife you can use whatever you want for the fourth perk. Also one other player should have QR and be a back up medic in case the medic goes down. They can have whatever gun they want, but they just need QR.
  13. IM glad you asked because I'm sure lots of people encounter this issue. Here are a few general rules to follow if a player gies down. 1. Prioritize your team's survival. If you have to make a choice between attempting to revive someone and running away to freedom, choose the latter. You are at your most vulnerable when reviving a player. If you go down too, you lose, game over. Yes there is a chance you will get them but it is still slim. This brings me to my second point. 2. Run, don't gun! As you may know there can only be 24 zombies alive at once in order to prevent lag. So, just run a makeshift train unti the zombie's are all alive, and DONT KILL THEM! Run then for a loop. This will give you time to run back and pick up your buddy, and it will ensure that no zombies will get in your way. 3. Ya need a little reviiiiivveeee! Quick revive is a generally underrated perk. When it comes down to it, more than any other perks, this is a life saver in intense situations. It takes only one second to revive with it, and about 3-4 without. I mean, everyone wants juggernog, speed cola, mule kick, and flopper for the most part. You should honestly sacrifice speed for it, as speed won't save you in a pinch as effectively as a mate with revive will. 4. Press triangle! One sort of specific thing to note is that if you press triangle while reviving someone you continue reviving, but with your gun out. However, toucan only look straight ahead while doing so. But if you have a scavenger or a raygun and flopper, shoot at the ground while reviving. The zombies will be blown sky high if they try to interrupt you. Also revive the person from the opposite side the zombies are coming from. 5. Designate a medic! This doesn't work in 2 player, but in 3 or more you need a medic. This person needs to have decent skill because they need to survive with the most exotic weapons. I am nearly always the medic. What they need is: upgraded crossbow, upgraded ballistic knife, and a third weapon with mule kick. You can replace either of the specialty medic weapons with a Vr-11. It is unwise to have all 3. Though it may take time for them to get these weapons, simply make the medic the first person to get one of these. Well that's all I have to say about that.
  14. ^^^ well I didn't do that in order to avoid people chucking grenades at each other or stealing kills. I want it to be "who can last the longest" not "who can get their opponents killed first," how about this. All players exist in the same world on the same map, so yes, you can see each other. Lets say 100 zombies spawn. 25 go to each player if there are four for example. 25 of the zombies have blue eyes, 25 have white, 25 have yellow, and 25 have green. Only the player with the matching colour can inflict damage on that zombie colour. Also the only zombie's who attack you are the ones that match your colour. For example, you start with a crossbow. You are Nikolai (blue). You try to hit a blue eyed zombie but miss and it hits a green one.the explosive bolt goes through the green zombie leaving it totally unharmed. The explosion only harms nearby blue eyed ones as well. Also players can't see nor interact with any opponent players' explosives. We don't want anyone trying to steal some kills by throwing a grenade again and have them end up overcooking it. Your mistakes and your mistakes alone are what must get you killed, not other players. P.S. if a player dies, the same amount of zombies still come. For example if 25 came for you at first but 2 people died on the same round, now there are 2 left so 50 will come to you. The zombie number cap still exists. P.P.S. This isn't really a 4z4 mode is it? It's more like a zombie's wager match or party game mode which are rumored to exist. P.P.S.H. (see what I did there ) how does 3 -5 minutes sound for a round time? The fast pace will keep it going. Also, in all honesty, 25 zombies isn't a whole lot to handle, epecially if it's only like 10 at a time. However, getting mixed up about whose zombies are who's and not being able to see their eyes will cause some major Armageddon.
  15. Ok so here's how it goes: There are no points in this mode. No juggernog (or any other perks) here! It is a free-for-all style game, as everyone stands alone. Everyone exists in their own "world", as they are on the same map but can't see or interact with any other players. The rounds don't get any more difficult or longer. The main point is that every round, the mystery box jingle plays at the beginning and the weapon in your hand cycles through. Then it lands on a weapon, which all players must use in order to last the longest. The weapon changes every round. The zombies have the health of about level 15-20 zombies. Rounds have a time limit. If Tou cant kill your zombies before tge tine runs out you are elininated. This is to prevsnt that one troll from training for 2 hours until everyone else who already finished goes completely insane.The weapons that are chosen can only be "crazy" weapons. For example: Claymores China lake Crossbow Ballistic knife LAW Grim Reaper Mustang and Sally Raygun Vr-11 Frags/Semtex CZ75 dragunov L96A1 PhD flopper (tee hee hee) Notice that I didn't include mass-kill wonderweapons like the dg-2 or thundergun. That would be too easy. I suppose a raygun would be too, but the idea is only in its adolescence. It is sort of like the sharpshooter of zombies. Any ideas? Feedback? Comments?
  16. [ Image ] But, I've heard the development of Shangri-La was rushed. (or was it Moon?) It was moon, A developer liked the idea of being suspended in the air (like w/ the geysers in Shangri la, and they needed more of a *BANG* for the finale or black ops. it was going to be Catacombs in Paris, Kino was supposted to be a WaW map, but they put it in BO, so we think Paris will be in BO2 Quite. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/viewto ... 03&t=23774
  17. ^^^ Treyarch calls it 4z4 so it is generally assumed that that is its actual official name.
  18. Alright, I've posted this like 3 times but I will post it over and over again if I need to. Nuketown and area 51 are both in Roswell, new Mexico. Couldn't the four heroes have just walked to the nearest "town"? The zombies would follow them, and there you go! Zombies AND the heroes have an excuse for being there. Idk about where they hope to get guns and perks, but If you think about it WHY ARE GUNS AND FREAKING MAGIC SODA MACHINES EVERYWERE ON A MOVIE SET, IN A LOST JUNGLE, OR ON THE FREAKING MOON!? it makes as much sense as any of those.
  19. This is, frankly, an epic idea. It seems almost wonder weapon worthy. You should post it over on the wunder-ful thread with some more specific info. I.O.U. (or your subconscious) some hardcore brainage.
  20. Well I like the idea a lot but one problem jumps out at me. Imagine on average a gun costs about 1000. PAP costs 5000 under normal circumstances. The odds of getting a teddy are probably one in ten. Therefore you could get a pap gun for about half price 9/10 times. It needs to cost more. I think 5000 would be good because it saves the cost of the gun itself, so you basically only pay to pack a punch it. However you could always end up with a pack a punched handgun which isn't worth crap, so it has good balance.
  21. Where gave I heard that exact example about M&S and flopper before? Hmm, PONDER PONDER PONDER.
  22. Maxis nuked earth, not richtofen. He nuked earth so that richtofen could only control zombies on the moon, greatly weakening his power over them. If maxis turned everyone into zombies it would make richtofen damn near invincible. Sorry but that idea makes literally no sense at all. Here Is a formula to help you remember. The "new" postulate 1-1-5 Richtofen=bad guy Maxis=good guy 115+earth=nothing maxis would ever want to happen Nukes+earth=weak richtofen Weak richtofen ISN'T MATH FUN!?
  23. Has anyone considered the possibility of the map being modern treyarch base? You could go through the zombies , mp, single player departments, and so much more! Maybe the truck is delivering the boards and 115 so they can zombify it!
  24. I agree with almost everything you say here. Good job. I agree with you especially in the subject of map atmosphere and gimmicks. However, I must disagree a but with your views on weapons. You must first realize that we here on codz are generally good at zombies and can get past round 30. The average player can't however. I know it seems inaccurate because of the number of pros you hear about, but it is nonetheless true. Secondly, wall guns are good because of the massive numbers of variations to strategies. They are good for everyone based on their game play style. I think that even beyond round 30, running around and buying all of the wall guns in turn and upgrading them and draining them into a horde is EXTREMELY FUN! I mean, I do that all the time. I can now confidently recite every single upgraded gun name from memory, black ops and WAW. Finally, I have no problem with this but it might be questionable to address treyarch directly from a thread. Like I said I don't know for sure, but you might want to check up on that. However, the rest of the points you make are excellent and well thought out. I.O.U. Brains!
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