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Everything posted by CrimsonZombie

  1. "Damn, I keep forgetting to update my Facebook page." — Said when using the Pack-A-Punch machine
  2. Here another Nikolai quotes I love "Hey! My sister used to make these things...she was bitch."(upon talking to his matryoshka doll) "There it goes again! If you see my ex's tell them fuck you!"(As the Mystery Box vanishes and refference to his wives) "Fuck you, monkey!" — After receiving a Monkey Bomb. "I hate those fucking Monkeys." — When getting the Monkey Bomb from Mystery Box "That stripper did take all my money, Bitch."
  3. Thank You and I will be looking fowards Grief. Beware zombie player's, Beware!! :twisted: :twisted:
  4. That's what I love to, more zombie labs like in moon. Loved it when they gotclose to the zombie and it exploded right in their faces.
  5. This too if you have something to do.
  6. Interesting of how tranzit will start off. Better stay frosty as the marines for call of duty. My goal is to get intel and make conclusions starting Monday. 8-) P.s 5 weeks and 4 days to go :D
  7. ^^^This^^^ Treyarch team alot smarter then you think. They don't spoil until the big day which is 11/13
  8. Yup, his right. It maybe just change for pc, but for consoles its been that way.
  9. What was select fire like using (if used)? Also what were the title's like compare to black ops?
  10. Yes, but remember item's are scattered around the map and spawn in different areas. You can make a assault shield to back you up. The shield will help in high rounds, and then once the douches go down, or satisfied, then go get a weapon.
  11. But still only 40 days men Only 5 weeks and 5 days to go.
  12. Someone like's to make the big boom.
  13. Yeah they do look a lot different and clear. I wonder if they are going to replace the glowing icon on the machine with metal ones? If not then we should see the what we have on in a new graphic.
  14. Maybe or a new perk. If it was deadshot maybe it would show a bullet hole or scope at least. Jst a skull makes me think a whole different idea.
  15. I love the drunk Russian. "Ouch! Little Nikolai, are you hurt? (In high pitched voice) No Papa!" — Nikolai, after being hit by a crawler. "Small and powerful, like sixth wife! Hmmm... Nah. They were all big. They could plow me..." — When buying an SMG "Now I have got two black hole bombs, the other one is my ass!" — After getting the Gersch Device from the mystery box "I think this is what Dempsey calls his Boom Dick! Is the right? Guys?" — Nikolai, after buy a Stakeout off the wall. A reference to Dempsey frequently calling shotguns a "Boom stick." "Hey guys, I'm gonna go get a great weapon from the b- OH FUCK!" — When someone else gets a teddy bear from the box. "It must be fun to watch this fat Russian run." — After buying Stamin-Up. Love everyone of these quotes 8-)
  16. I like this idea , though teryarch did something similar but fitted with ranking system. I believe this is combat training though. An it is coming back to black ops :D
  17. 1.Zombies 2.new crew 3.old crew 4.richtofen 5.vrill-ya Sam, no sure about since she's got some way to stop it all :twisted:
  18. Just as in the movie eh? So it's like Chaos for zombies 4vs4. Click here to know what is chaos
  19. Very well done sir That's the point in which i try to express. I think to fast :? then words don't come out right :lol:
  20. Then that arrow would be pointing at the bus driver, if this is correct? Here's everything about what happened in the year 1979. I saw anti-nazi league vs police in London. Not much but I got more crow eyes then scavenger eyes So anything that may relate?
  21. I think when the world went to hell,these four bound together as in call of the dead. This maybe similar to call of the dead, instead no George, not in the snow, after the earth blew up, and something to do with helping the voices. This does sound very similar to call of the dead 8-) interesting eh?
  22. Yes, hopefully that more information comes out.Also I do have elite and it does save money. I know elite will be on but maybe only for mp. Since elite is base on factor of mp, I belive maybe the zombie map's will be separated. So if you want zombie map, then got to get it separated.
  23. Okay, can we get back on topic before this thread gets closed. Now I still don't know why they put this licence plate here. Maybe 79 is 1979 of some sort. Any idea's about this year?
  24. Eh? So that means it is a re-cap of the information given. Funny thing is we do more on getting information then x-play for zombies.
  25. 38 minutes for us to go until we see something new or replay.
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