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Everything posted by CrimsonZombie

  1. You mean this guy? I never saw him in the trailer though :? As for James not sure eitherhttp://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=7m6dVdra4m9KjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2755235840/nm0122703&docid=wElNKxuvlUcCiM&imgurl=http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTgyOTk1MzI1MF5BMl5BanBnXkFyZXN1bWU%2540._V1._SX640_SY987_.jpg&w=640&h=987&ei=oI9kUPK3HoOS9QSBmYCoCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=409&vpy=260&dur=199&hovh=279&hovw=181&tx=108&ty=103&sig=109086952685738781059&page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=101&start=0&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:0,i:102
  2. Yes. You hit the head on the nail. alrighty thanks boss... believe it or not im not a noob at playing the game but im a noob at the terminology of it Aw,you focus more on the gameplay rather then the story. 8-)
  3. Damn, Expert you a sharp shooter on these forum eh? :lol:
  4. We have perks. They showed Speed Cola in the Diner. i thought treyarch said that all the magic items will be in survival mode only? "These areas feature the same gameplay zombie fans are used to, including magic items and 'Pack-a-Punch' machines."-joystiq article under survival section are perks included in magic items? Yes, perks are included as magic items. You can't just drink something(unless its a monster or red bull) doesn't give you something in return. An yes but survival is only can be played in private.
  5. Yup, that's what I was pointing towards. Thanks for the shorten it :D
  6. Complete quest as you traverse the apocalyptic world to reach the ultimate goal: salvation. ok thank you...it will interesting how we are going to survive with no perks Nope there are still perks as explain in achievements and trailer showing speed in working mode. Perks are still here but you can play a mode where you can't use any magical items (Box, PaP, or perks)
  7. Well this is a believe to be a real arcade game back then. I'm not positive if they every made a second one.
  8. Well since Edward knows they are the only people to stop him, he probably blocked the teleport. So they need them to get them back to earth. But why would they wanna do that? Remember, sam knows alot since she's been on moon for so long. She knows how to end his power as well. Nice move sam 8-)
  9. Just like the TG eh? It seems your right about this being maybe upgraded vision of it.
  10. HAHAHAHA! I am sorry but actionpackeddd has not said anything remotely true in years... I know, but still the description about the tesla gun sound just like the one at the end. Another mystery, here we go :roll:
  11. All be mad if we don't pick off where moon ends men. I hope your right other wise :? well never know until it happens :shock: .
  12. But I was hoping for new ones..... :cry: please tell me I get to see my friend Nikolai, and his vodka again.
  13. I am hoping this is only for zombies mp. I still wanna find out how are they going to get back at edward. But still love all weapons and WHY NO PERKS :evil:
  14. You mean like signs just in kino and der riese? Maybe so
  15. What the hell is that? New zombie?
  16. YES! I have to disagree with CrimsonZombie by saying that I like this addition, it really is a survival of the fittest and competition would be good for zombies! I know but still wish I could kill them for their gun :twisted:
  17. Holy shit, he found one of the characters!
  18. How about now?
  19. Aw, but I guess it make sense since killing each other is to easy.
  20. Sounds like dead rising.
  21. New treyrch avatar.
  22. I heared a hell hound in the beginning. But what you saw was the tesla gun its self being fired. Also,treyarch got a new picture symbol!!!!
  23. I saw it!!!! The tesla gun ahahha.
  24. Holy sh!t balls,new people and the poster girl.
  25. Like Edward says before JmGrSP6qzd4
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