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Everything posted by CrimsonZombie

  1. It's called the Tesla Gun. It's a rumor but high voltage just make me think of it. It also reminded me of the DG-2 in some way.
  2. You guys do know he has yellow eyes right? Look at this snap shot. Doesn't it have yellow eyes?
  3. It is quiet easy to forget since the simply things pass by to quick.
  4. Will we be seeing zombie game play at EuroExpo? Treyarch is busy with both and this is starting to make me wonder if EuroExpo with have zombies as mp with game-con. Did this every pop into anyone's head?
  5. Okay, so this is the first map to have the hell hounds released. I still hate it when hounds come out in a small map. Any who anything else about Shi No Numa?
  6. Here's why its better and longer then MW3, credit goes to computer and video games. 1.MAPS WITH COLOUR Bar a few choice exceptions (such as the stunning Sanctuary, set inside a Greek monastery), Modern Warfare 3's maps are a dull, industrial bunch. Authentic they may be, but there's little that catches the eye.This is obviously a matter of personal preference, but we felt more at home waging war on some of Black Ops' more outlandish battlescapes. We're talking abandoned zoos, indoor ice rinks and derelict movie drive-in theatres. War's a serious enough business already, so is a bit of levity to lighten the mood too much to ask? Not when you're planting claymores on a golf course, it isn't. 2.RC-XDs At first, we weren't sure whether we liked these combustible remote-controlled buggies or not. But the more hours we sunk into Black Ops' multiplayer, the more we realised how much fun an addition they are - regardless of whether you're the exploder or the explodes.A warfield with an active RC-XD is a warfield fraught with panic, confusion and mayhem. As soon as the ominous beep-beep sound comes into earshot, everyone on the field scrambles stops what they're doing and instantly begins scrambling for higher ground, like a bunch of fifties housewives who have spotted a mouse. 3.THE DIVE Anyone who's ever played Domination on Black Ops will know that the best part of that game is the pre-match dive. What's that, you ask? Why, it's the frantic ritual that precedes each round. From a standing start, the entire team sprints towards the nearest domination point and, in sync, belly flop onto the ground like an Olympic team of performing walruses.It's a code. A rite of passage. A way of telling your teammates that things are going to be okay - we're all in this together. It has to be that, because in the heat of combat, the dive manoeuvre is about as useful as an ice-cream grenade. 4.ZOMBIES The Zombies mode is Treyarch's ace in the hole. What began as a fun extra at the end of CoD: World at War has quickly blossomed into a legitimate third gameplay pillar that stands shoulder to shoulder alongside the multiplayer and campaign modes.It was also the first indication that Treyarch were so much more than a 'me too' studio', fit only for toiling away on World War II shooters. Free of the confines of real-world conflict, Zombies has allowed Treyarch to take Call of Duty into uncharted territory - taking in sights such as Nazi Zombies, Sarah Michelle Gellar v George Romero and 'Space Monkeys'. In one memorable scene, we even get to step foot on the moon! As much as there is to like about Infinity Ward's games, we can't say they've ever taken us into space. Well, maybe once, briefly. But then they blew us up. Zombies is now an essential part of the Call of Duty tapestry, and try as it might, Infinity Ward's Spec Ops mode just can't compare. We can't wait to find out where this year's installments will take us. How can you ever possibly hope to top Space Monkeys? For now at least, the answer lies locked in a climate-controlled vault, deep within Treyarch HQ.
  7. Thank you for the consideration. Also I think you and Flame are right about not much to confirmed zombie's speed.
  8. Actually the zombies are on fire. It seems flammable zombies are here or been here. It just shows them running through flames and caught on fire. Sadly,zombies don't feel pain, so yeah watch out for those flame uses.
  9. Better? I only did that since that's what came to me. We kinda got off topic and on to pirates idea. I don't wanna remove my creation as did Maxis with his DG-2.
  10. It looks more like the zombies at top speed in Call of the Dead. So there is no different's of speed in my eyes.
  11. Or it could be she's dead already.
  12. All because of what my signature say "Kill Edward". I only put it on since that's what sam wants to do form the start. :cry:
  13. It possible means quarantine or high toxic area. To me its nothing else then that. Since skull and cross bones mean poison, so this means toxic area.
  14. Well shes like Richthofen but more darkness in a little girl. Which creeps the hell out of me when I play her. Preview of her personality 71MGU2oMUJQ
  15. I like how they're faster. Training is effective, but that's why it's boring. Time for Treyarch to mix it up. Do you me shake it up like the speed cola or Mule Kick perk song. Ps love the Dead shot jingle. mR16k1y07P0 LzcZDIFEB2I
  16. Sounds like Colorado or Nevada since you see a desert then a town.
  17. Yeah, it was a classic until modding got into it :evil: . Damn modder's and Lag switch, damn it all! :evil:
  18. What the hell, they for got jugg(not something else) . Sorry CoD lady players including Sarah well kinda sorry.
  19. Same here! Is it just me, or do Activision discs seem to be less durable than other game discs? Exactly what I thought of after my mw3 got scratched. Note to self, download games onto console before continue playing it. That's what will happen when I get Black Ops 2.
  20. Well all be damn, your right as usually. So yeah its good but still without some ee then we get confused. So some parts of the ee are good while sometimes it's not.
  21. Good point. However, with some trailers like kino and CotD, it showed the weapon fire for less than 0.5 seconds, so you're like "ok a blast that kills zombies... What?" as I said, a sneak peak, like a view of it coming out of the box and getting equipped/primed. Nothing is too spoiled. Honestly I hated that they showed exactly what the wave gun does in the zombie labs. The only real surprise there was the zap guns. That is why I'm hoping for a secret wonder weapon.
  22. That why they make co op as in Waw.
  23. Everything except what are the wonder weapons. I like to be surprised :twisted:
  24. Not me, I'm a fan outside of zombies as well. I have all 2000's of call of duty except Blop2 of course. Sadly most of them are scratch or broken *sigh*.
  25. Okay, just wondering since I heard about elite 2.0. I also have elite premium and only wold like maps for mp, but if zombies maps come free with it then damn, I just got a better deal for only $50 bucks.
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