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Everything posted by CrimsonZombie

  1. This has been interesting to me for quite awhile. Since zombies is based upon tactics and team work, will elite be moving into zombies? Cause everything elite sort of fits into zombies.
  2. Damn you nailed it men :lol:
  3. My Baby Ray is coming home to daddy on 11/13!!!!
  4. All I got to say about this thread is this. XgDrJ5Z2rKw
  5. There's a line in zombies as well. They can't do everything like a god.
  6. Can I still have the link for MMX thread about the story line please. Again I agree with you guys, just wanted to see where the story line for blop2 kicks-off.
  7. I love to see the winter howl or vr-11 (I pick alot of people who go down). I'm the good who picks up the good, and bad, but for the people who don't take EE seriously, count you being down for along time.
  8. I say this looks more of a zombie world then in the jungles,theaters,and factors. No we finally have a town with blue eye zombies!
  9. Sam only wanted Edward dead only. So of course Edward wants the people who can stop him dead. So strings he will pull may fall is to speed up things. If more dead die then Edward grows even more powerful and only make things worse. So his making sure this does happen and that the people are dead. My only thought is how is he able to control earth zombies in the first place. Maxis said in order to stop his power form expanding, they shoot earth with missiles.
  10. That is why they said there maybe a campagain [sorry for my spelling], also I've done Call of the dead and Shangri la, so I don't mind helping out. The only problem is it's scratched alittle so yeah. An if you need help with call of the dead then all help with that too. But its got to be on the weekends since im busy during the week. I get what your saying and hoping for zombie storyline to be separated. But if they doso then except there to be leveling in zombies as well. It's tough making a game based on the people you know.
  11. As long that stamina up is back then im fine. But if it isn't then count on me only using SMG. Plus we already saw in zombies the fastest one's in call of the dead mostly. So if health decreases for the zombies and speed increases, its all good. Though just watch out for those runners. Just as Michael Rooker said"I call bullshit on that! Zombies don't RUN!" If they run all I got to say is "Oh yeah, that'll put some hair on your balls", drinking Juggernog while training.
  12. That was exactly what I said. See he gets it.
  13. I love this idea. This will show whose good and whose not. Also it will help the noobs who are just messing around instead of helping out. I do hope this will be how we get xp instead of multiplayers way. Blessed CoD gods, don't give the noobs power over zombies as in multiplayer, please!!!!
  14. I type licence plate XP-79 and what showed was a Colorado motorcycle with Colorado plate with the same numbers and letter.
  15. You are right but the car pool kinda fits in since we now ride a bus.
  16. That is why the license plate is important. Plus also they direct what country or state it came form.
  17. Well leveling has its ups and downs. Were just worried that if classes go into zombies then the classic vision fades away to some but not all. My what if the black ops 2 ranks mixs in with zombies as it did on WaW. The only different's is that instead of multiplayer prestige symbols,it shows a zombie icons.
  18. It is in English, so its in Europe or USA. An the Colorado plate maybe a clue. Also thank you scoop for what you shared. So this may have some part into this.
  19. This is the first thing that jumped out at me. Good to know that they're carrying on with the premise. Yeah,but there will be some flash backs,since its in single player and the first black ops. But more in the present it seems.
  20. Moon was that bounce house filled with zombies. A adult or teen dream come true.
  21. Right, so it has to be a city or town.
  22. Remember that in mw3 that they put all perk. It gave a big advantage but this had its down fall's. You see you only have a pistol vs someone with a primary. If your a vet pistol then good for you. Though someone has to get lucky and even if they get it, remember the fancy streaks and attachments. So it will be difficult to get in close range even if they have the perks filled. The attachments and streak's counter most of the wildcards,including the greed.
  23. You may wanna check the XP-79 thread. I found something.
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