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Everything posted by CrimsonZombie

  1. I think it means let go of revenge or hatred then the start of the mess will end it as well.
  2. Ingenious way to survive alone but the problem with some is obtaining the hell redeemer :? . It's difficult since no one really know how to get it every time. I mean I still having trouble just getting it my first time.
  3. They have the crossbow in mp but it should be in zombies as well. It's still a cool looking crossbow.
  4. Very wow grill. I can see how you made it but not going to try. But I do have a question. "What does this crow mean to you and what would you make next?" :D
  5. Ah fudge browns from the candy land! I'll play tomorrow but today I'm going for my blue eyes on zombies.
  6. Yup the gat does look like the loopers gun.
  7. The Law, Crossbow, Gersch Device, Wave guns, DG-2, Thompson (my baby), Mp40(My other baby), Stg, Baby gun(football time!), G11, Stakeout, MPk5, Thunder gun, Commando, Python, cz75, mp5, famas (headshot gun mostly), and the spaz. I still mis phd with mustang and sally.
  8. Sorry you didn't get a response until now. But welcome to the CoDz forum where we kill zombies as a passion. If you need anything I'll be glad to help. Also please look into the code of conduct to play safe around here .
  9. I believe it wasn't a prototype at fist but they realize it had a lot of problems. So they made a better version where you are timed and not being hunted down. But they made sure the zombie were not far when you wait for them to leave.
  10. Don't be shy shooter. It doesn't have to be awesome but I do uck at making funny emblems :oops: . We all have our down falls and our rises.
  11. Very nice on how the cycle began. Kinda sad to see how even the purest of a soul can be erupted by society. This is just like that poem I read back then "We Wear the Mask". I feel bad but still they could have tried to become successfully in a different path.
  12. My emblem and it looks great with the heart breaker signature. It's alot better in game though.
  13. Well the new one is the GG Bridge expect it comes last instead of first.
  14. Interesting, very interesting indeed. We do get something if we let al win.
  15. It would be nice to have a GG no man land medal for codz. Sadly dead went away now how are new medals going to be made?
  16. I call that the Mustang & Sally. Naw I call that "The Wave Guns" but instead shoots "Do you like my glowing green balls, ahahah!"
  17. Man they seriously need to put another launcher. It be nice to have phd but i know that not happening. Anyway they did make sure there can be only one acid gat per player. I mean image having two of these thing. "Oh I ran out of ammo on my VM,okay time to switch to my other VM." That's to overpowering and plus there will be more selfish people on the map who steal kills and hit the box way to much. Everyone would want two VM's which is stupid. It's bad right now people are fight over the box to get it but no one knows about the free one? A lot of problems would come up due to having two of the same gun. Though it would be nice to see a version of the ray guns brother/sister. Ah dual ray guns, what a dream that would be right.
  18. 1.Try playing with others to even things out. 2. Buy eletric cherry to stun them and also make the zombie shield. The shield saved my nuts alot on the roof top. 3. Tommy gun is the upgrade version of the gun at the docks. An speed cola in the warden office on the right cell of the first dog head. 4. Depends on if the wood chuck is hungry or doing work. 5. Train in the cafe or the roof.
  19. Actually, that is interesting. Somehow I never actually wondered that... if the warden was into some kind of occult activity, what was his angle? Immortality is a good possibility. Kind of the whole legend that if you make a deal with the devil there's always a catch. Perhaps he wanted immortality, but the catch was that he became a zombie, and ended up spreading the infection to the rest of the prison? Then again, I still like the theory of the map taking place in more of a purgatory-esque state, so I'm not sure what to think. ^This^ It makes sense and how the warden still in control. Nice job Megaton.
  20. The only reason he didn't get it since they didn't throw it in together. I believe only a certain amount can get it or you have not heard your ding/Q to throw it in the hole. To me it's still weird but easy to do. Also you can shoot but it just won't count. It doesn't mess you up and have to restart at all. Just need to get kills with the hawk until you hear the ding. Also I believe all you need to do is go on the plane once. Then after that you may get the kills on the island. But I could be wrong and I need to test it. Sadly I suck at the map's on solo (except town which I love for solo) unless i'm ahead. I'll figure a way out to test it.
  21. eaXJViEOyCQ HRCoKnrjiBY
  22. Well Reznov is a sniper for the USSR in WaW and a pretty damn good one. Maybe he is in the tower or it's just someone else.
  23. But Brutus does say when he get's killed "I'm trapped here, just like you!" Now this tell's me his not the one totally in control but is messing around with the group. Though someone else is in charge and keeps spawning Brutus and other guards. Everything else I agree to except this part. Brutus is similar to George but is in full control at all times.
  24. I tested this and it can happen actually. The tower picks off zombies that are runners or near the players. But if you get in the way, just like the fan trap and acid trap, you will go down. All traps in every zombie map can make a player go down.
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