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About PatrioticZombie

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  1. Shouldn't classic maps be free? I mean we paid for them twice...I don't want to pay for them a third time.
  2. Drivable vehicles in COD? Nice! I've been wanting that for sometime now too! I think it would become like a fast-paced BF3!
  3. One thing I heard is that there was going to be an explosive sniper rifle just like the Scavenger in COTD. Is this true?
  4. Hi everyone! My name is PatriotZombie and I'm an avid zombie fan. I love zombies so much that it's quite macabre in the sense of it lol. Honestly I can't wait for Black Ops 2 and I think Treyarch needs to use all the ideas here on these forums because they are just so fucking sweet! Have a nice day!
  5. If this article is true then I am pumped. Cyborg zombies? Who doesn't want that!?!
  6. Perhaps make the armor more like Juggernaut armor like on MW3? Just for speed and proportion balancing issues.
  7. I've been reading around and I saw someone say something about a bank? Anyways on topic with your Richtofen idea, I think that would be awesome! A bank would really come in handy if a boss steals points you have on hand.
  8. I believe what ExpertCoah is saying. I mean we have no idea what GameStop knows or doesn't know. It's better to believe in something exciting than rather not believe in nothing. I for one really don't care if it's not going to happen or not. I just 'hope' it does.
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