Hey guys, this is only my first post on the site but I've always been interested in the zombies storyline since World at War so I like to think I have a good idea of whats going on.
Anyway, on topic, with zombies moving to an 8 player mode in Black Ops 2 there is the obvious need to add 4 more characters to aid our usual heroes. A lot of people feel we will join forces with the characters of Five, COTD, or even 4 entirely new characters. However, I believe that the 4 characters we will fight with in Black Ops 2 are none other than Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen.
While this might sound a bit out there at first it makes a lot of sense with a bit of explaining. With Richtofen now in the MPD and having launched the rockets at Earth we will find ourselves trying to undo this damage as the story progresses. This is where the idea of multiple dimensions referenced throughout the storyline come into play. Our heroes will crossover to another dimension in which Richtofen has not yet achieved his evil goal and bring the alternate group back to our dimension, resulting in them fighting alongside themselves (8 Players). With Sam in control of Richtofens body from our dimension this should make for a lot of interesting dialogue as each member of the group, as well as Sam, must keep the alternate dimensions Richtofen alive despite their knowledge of his manipulation and their hatred for him as only he can undo the damage that has been caused.
Please feel free to add to this, point out any holes and let me know what you think.