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Everything posted by Reddonkeyham

  1. I don't think any sort of prestige will affect the "normal" zombie mode. As someone mentioned above it will mainly be for purposes. But I guess for the multiplayer and what other modes there are, it could be just for emblems and clan tags. Zombies, and no doubt Treyarch know is about being any one and being able to jump into it with no disadvantage except for maybe not knowing the map. Maybe for the campaign you can get different guns and set ups. Meh, I don't know just hope they don't mess with the succesful formula they have in place and that works.
  2. Its Jonny five!!!!!
  3. The calm has ended = Machetes Handled :roll:
  4. But you know that's not gonna happen now, don't you?
  5. What makes you so sure?
  6. Well done, Jebus, I've added you the OP. Any one else? Any of the guys that have been part of any of the master guides or just friggin any one.!!!.!
  7. I doubt it, just think they charged us for the W@W maps. I think either as people have mentioned they will drop somehting after all the maps. But to me I reckon it could just be a polished image of Nuketown at the end of it all and we will forced to work out every little thing from this image only to find out its all wrong and we have all +100 posts trying to guess what a certain bit of writing scrubbed out on the wall means.
  8. When is this expected?
  9. Hey kids, I'm new to this site but have got around (post wise, don't think dirty things now) and I have yet to write a guide, a theory, an idea or anything worth while.( I'm not one for the theories and nor do I really :shock: know anything about the story.) So after a quick (or near non existent) search I found I couldn't see a co-op guide. So I was hoping I could round up a few troops who can help me write a guide for co-op and online play. Now admittedly I'm not the best player, I haven't got any records and I don't record games. So essentially I could be useless for writing something. The things I wish to include are: (and yes I know the Blops II is only around the corner, but im sure this guide could be useful for not only the current game but can also provide tips for general co-op play, whether that be 2 player or 4) General 2 player tips 3 player tips 4 player tips (In my eyes 3/4 could be grouped together the same principles would no doubt nearly apply to each other but I don't know) Reviving: 2 player tips 3 player tips 4 player tips Map specific tip/hints, do and don't: 2 player tips 3 player tips 4 player tips Ok, I haven't thought this through thoroughly but a few more fingertips and brain or 2, I'm sure we could come up with something. So is any one up for this? Sorry if any one has made a thread like the this. I'm sure the idea could be scrapped, just be good to help out and make a decent thread for once. Cooperate and we can operate and save an attack People in so far: Electric Jebus
  10. Sorry dude, dont have access to youtube or most video hosting sites. What have you got here?
  11. Welcome, enjoy and speculate.
  12. Good morning and welcome. Post as much as you can, share your views, and enjoy.
  13. What is it they are reviewing? Sorry for asking, but at work I cant view videos or go on facebook.
  14. Some good points there Jebus, didn't know you could get your weapon out and that could be quite essential tbh. As you say assigning a medic is a good idea, but 80% of my games are generally 2 player, so unfortunately its harder work, especially on a bigger map like COTD, you near enough have to leave wherever you are in order to reach the other side of the map. (Unless they can ping over on the flipper, or are with in reach of a zip wire) As for QR maybe its something I could implement into my game although in a game full of stronger players, I would no doubt become the player who needs reviving. Speed Cola never is never in my first 4 perks. ( I tend to go for Juggas, Stamina, Mule Kick & Flipper depending on the guns I get out of the box, if I go to the box) so im sure I can fit into my set up some how. Cheers for the tips there, be good to see what else people have
  15. Just a quick question/questions. Now of course every map is different, and the number of players can change, and different scenirarios can occur. But i was wondering if people had any tips on reviving, it seems in a 2 player game as soon as a player goes down i find myself in a right old pickle. So i guess you assess your situation, work out whether you can actually reach them, how many zombies, have you got ammo etc. In a 4 or 3 player game you its a lot easier to pick up another players zombies and revive, but my question mainly applies to a 2 player game. I mainly play COTD so if you have any ideas and they can relate to cotd please let me know.
  16. Welcome back, I'm newish round here, but i hear this site floods with posts and it would be nice to have a 2 way conversation on this forum, also as a felow ps player i think you should be inclined to add me.
  17. One disc, if it will be 2 disc it will be on the xbox much like BF3 was. But they wouldn't put it on another disc due to cost issues (much like some one put in much detailed post over a very simple explanation) if they were worried about cost they probably would of thought about having zombies as a DLC game only and charging people by the map each time (rather than selling it part of black ops and giving the option to buy each map, they would charge £20 per map and no other costs) Any one who reckons they have 2 seen disc spaces within the games case, (mainly within the steel one) should be reminded it is most likely just the soundtrack.
  18. I totally agree in the past few months the amount glitches i have seen my people in amazes me. The Ak is the only one where you can get them out of the glitch. I also will open the door to stop doing that glitch but i tend to only do it when they start stealing my kills/ or breaking up a train i may have on the go. I've seen two different glitches at the ice slide, 1 by Mule kick, 1 by MP 40, 1 at power, 2 at start. Its becoming more than a nuisance now, it means near enough every game i get some kid, running straight to the glitch and stealing all the kills and pissing of George on every given momemnt.
  19. Campaign and Zombies only for me, can't take the Mp any more and havent been able to since COD4. All these kill streaks, deathstreaks, and all this new mumbo jumbo is far to much for me.
  20. but for some reason the coding isn't right
  21. Just dont put anything, just change the thread title to no news - (todays date)
  22. Nice guide dude, why the 2nd floor of the lighthouse, i was playing last night on the bottom floor with the door to the ak shut. Had scavenger, way gun and HK. (ended up dying after getting caught on the stairs Also what you mean the flopper door, do you mean from flopper to the AK, or flopper to inside the lighthouse. And last thing are you saying that both players should chill together? I always find things to get messy if players hunt in packs. Sorry for some of these questions, I'm at work and unable to check your videos yet.
  23. Another question, I guess wouldn't work with 2 of you playing. Where would your recommend the best places to kite in co-op?
  24. No thank you sir, shame your an x-boxer!
  25. A few questions as I mentioned another thread. In your video regarding how to survive a down or whatever its called, you ignore all the zombies why? Do they not respawn as you go around the map? Also why do you start a the top of the lighthouse and then drop down, do you do this as then all zombies come from the lighthouse? If this is the case how and why does this happen? Also I've always assumed that people do the whole loop in front of the ak, (from the ak along the wall down to the water and back up along the left hand side) where as you sit in front of the ak and around the steps. How do you keep those zombies compact and as a group. Is it just the way you move and the directions you look. I understand that playing NML will help improve this but unfortunately I do have it, so I was just wondering tips you can give apart from the norm of "practice makes perfect"
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