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Everything posted by Reddonkeyham

  1. I see you have learned to work the Google on the internet machine.
  2. What happened to you chagning your sig daily!! I prioritized advertising hangman for a week over keeping that up. It's been nearly a week, so I will get on that ASAP. Edit: you were saying? No one knows what it means, but it's provocative...
  3. What happened to you chagning your sig daily!!
  4. My favourite mode is old school, O were on BLOPSII not COD4. O well in that case, ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!
  5. think your very close there :D
  6. Welcome: And post your gamertag, whether you have a mic and your location here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24881
  7. Welcome, post loads, and enjoy. And post your gamertag, whether you have a mic and your location here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24881
  8. Welcome, enjoy, post loads. And post your gamertag, whether you have a mic and your location here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24881
  9. You being the Legend should push on that, also add me!! Although i may not be on your level or any where near, I'll try to keep the conversation going for you :D
  10. My guess is the two eyes, is two i's!
  11. Ok, just to make this clear. Split screen, may be online, may be offline. But when the 2nd player (bottom screen) looks up they cant see the light that shows the box. Haven't played split screen in a while, but when some gets a chance, set up COTD and be the 2nd player. I don;t mean the box itself just the light!
  12. I have always wondered why this is. Another random question is this way 1st player can see the box, but player 2 can't. Or is that another thing all together?
  13. Welcome back I guess, I'm new but I welcome you, if your on ps3 add me. If not see you around (although i guess I won't, but you will see me)
  14. I tried setting up a clan thread but it got shot down. 1 clan per person. Come to this thread, and let me know your gamertag, your console, your location (country, timezone etc), and whether you have a mic. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24881&p=240022#p240022
  15. Guys, Check out http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24881 just post your gamertag, your console, your location (country, timezone etc), and whether you have a mic. And feel free to add any one on the list just mention your from here.
  16. Hmmm. This is pretty cryptic to say the least haha. Will try and get some more people to look over the thread and help out - Waffles Oooh waffles, call yourself lucky there!! Your lucky I didn't print screen!
  17. How do you reckon this works with a pre order that was made before this price drop. I preordered a long time ago, and only paid 20£ so far and will pay the rest day of release, you reckon ill have to pay the 50, or because its a tenner cheaper ill pay 40?
  18. we need to update player list for consoles then see whos up for it?
  19. definitely need to get a codz clan or 2. could be tiered or just split into time zones
  20. Right, I'm mega busy at work but I'll get this short. I'm not offering tips as I don't have any. But I would like some of our more experienced members to post tips, ideas, clues, historic stories, in order to help out the community in order to find the Easter Eggs. What sort of things should we be looking for? Are we listening to quotes? Are we to be pushing every button on every object within the map?? Anything that could help us begin the search when it comes to release.
  21. WTF is Pitfall? I despised DOA so im sure this will be an improvement
  22. Nothing of Nuketown Zombies has been leaked. (People who have got BLOPS II are unable to download it, until day of release) Both maps are different, 2025 has plenty of footage around, but nothing of the zombies is out there.
  23. Welcome, enjoy, post loads, if your on PS3 add me.
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