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Everything posted by Tridalo

  1. Maxi's side seems fair. However, no go on Ric's side. Removing the fog, that's fine. Removing the face huggers, that's really pushing it. Open teleporters and removing the lava, no just no.
  2. I only ask this because every-time I play no matter if its local or with friends, pack-a-punch is always the first drop and speed cola or jug is the last one. Its rather annoying seeing as how we get pack-a-punch at round 3 or 4 and speed/jug until the high teens or low 20s, which is basically the reverse of what one could consider optimal drop. My main issue is speed cola. I can live without jug but I basically need speed cola since I run sallies and an RPD, and reloading that RPD without speed isn't very... optimal. So is there a way to un-randomize the machine drops or at least make it so pack-a-punch doesn't drop at round 3 or 4.
  3. Just completed the easter egg today, Ric's side. I was Russman and noticed a orb on the street light and at the diner hovering near the teleport light. No one else could see em but yeah.
  4. Get the semtex, wait for an insta kill, throw you sticky at them or on the ground and boom there goes your train without wasting ammo or risking it trying to knife/knuckle them at higher rounds.
  5. If you have stamin-up it will let you stay in the fire a bit longer before the damage starts, couple that with jug and there ya go.
  6. I think he is saying the square looks like the building or at least that's what I infer.
  7. Unless I am mistaken that's Samuel's first person model.
  8. Love the look of Die Rise. With all this vertical talk, could it mean the return of the purple doctor himself? I of course am talking of PHD Flopper. The turned game mode looks fun and like it could be a longer standing game mode in my eyes than grief. It's been said before but Marlton where did you run off to? *Cue scooby doo music* The multiplayer maps, eh, the only one that interests me is Downhill and that's probably because I'm a sucker for snow maps.
  9. No settings altered. I got my friends in there and started it up nothing was changed. Although we did have someone lag out at round 8 and rejoin at round 10 but that was before we even started either easter egg.
  10. First of all we did this in a custom game, I don't know if that has anything at all to do with it or not but just throwing this bit of information out here first incase it does. Now, we first were attempting to go for the maxis EE. However the electric guy hadn't spawn in by around 15 so we just decided screw it and went for Richtofen's EE. We did everything the guide on here told us to do, Richtofen said his little line about "flames covering the earth" or something I wasn't really paying attention, and then our tower was lit up with what I believe was either a purple or a purple-blue color. Anyway, we finished Richtofen's side and nothing unlocked for any of us. After this we thought we had to do Maxis's side as well. So we started a new game. We followed the steps on the guide once again, Maxis said something and our tower turned from the purple color to red. Still no achievement. So my question is why didn't the achievement unlock? Is it because we were in custom games? Is it because we did both sides and it screwed something up?
  11. For the Maxis side for 2 players do the turbines have to be at depot and diner or can it be any of the lamps?
  12. Russman: Easily my favorite character. Has very entertaining quotes and lines. And there is just something to hearing someone yell out "I need to go poop" or something like that quote while being chased by a hoard of zombies that makes it so much better. Samuel: He used to be my favorite however his constant yelling about needed cheese when he is out of ammo is getting on my nerves. Yes I understand you need ammo and cheese just shut up about it. Marlton: Love the voice actor who did his voice, depicted him perfectly. That being said though, the knife noise made me think he was a girl for awhile. Even after hearing his actual voice the knife voice still made me wonder. Misty: Hate her, she looks like skank trash because she is skank trash. I'd rather have the silent CIA/CDC guys to play as than her.
  13. Yes that TV quote says decades however, the first pick up you get in TranZit, Richtofen says he is getting used to the Aether. I'm almost positive it wouldn't take decades to get used to the Aether. So we have a few options here. A. Maxis AI is horrible at keeping track of time or he is using a generalization, like how people tend to use the word "years" when in reality they could mean hours or days. B. Richtofen took awhile to get used to the Aether. C. While I have never personally heard the decades quote in game nor do I even know how to hear it if it is in game and not a unused file, it could be that since time travel is common in the zombie's story, that quote is from an unseen future. Now if I had to pick any of my three options it would be A.
  14. To put it simple some how I have revives from the game mode yet I apparently haven't gained any wins or losses even though I know I've played it at least twice. A friend of mine who plays this mode basically all the time is also showing that he has no wins or losses but his revives are showing.
  15. If the zombies stay on fire or in the lava long enough will they die? This is something I've always wondered but never had the chance to test mainly because the people I play with are very impatient.
  16. Tranzit: Russman is easily my favorite out of the four. I don't know if its the fact I spend the most time playing with him or the fact that he blurts out random things "I ain't shat in a week" while slaying zombies that makes him entertaining. Samuel is next up on the list, his whole conspiracy theorist thing is very interesting to say the least. Marlton, while higher than Misty, I do not like him much. His knife grunts are the main issue, they are annoying and for the longest time I thought he was a chick due to those grunts. Misty, I hate her. She dresses like a skank and if anything the zombies should be running from her in fear of getting an STD. Survival: They could have done so much more with these, if they had any kind of dialog it would make them better. But nope. Still like them better than Misty though.
  17. Notice this as well, it runs like a jet engine for awhile then slows down, however if you switch modes(zombies to MP, Mp to zombies, ect) it sounds like a jet engine again. Kinda makes me wonder if there is a problem with the game since I have it installed to the xbox harddrive.
  18. I think he's just sleeping, constantly having to cause storms, come down, shock people, get knuckled or knifed and having to go back up and repeat takes it toll. Give him a pillow and blanket.
  19. That tweet confirms nothing at all, all it was was a "yes". It could have been to the last part which is in game rewards. Which if you pay attention after the EE, power ups randomly(?) drop after the EE is finished under the tower. Which if he was answering that part it is a yes.
  20. I'll see if I can figure it out, as for a particular character, 9 times out of 10 I am Russman in the game, so I really don't pay attention to character anymore. It was online I was playing with a friend, and it was TranZit mode.
  21. I do not have a youtube account, I can see if I can get one of my games on CoD elite. I don't know how or why I got it, all I know is that I didn't pay attention that much and one day I noticed instead of blood coming out of the zombie heads, it was this white puff. My friend thought I was crazy because he still saw blood coming from the heads. So I do not know anything beyond that.
  22. I made a topic awhile back about a white puff coming out of a zombie when I got a headshot instead of blood. This is what it looks like, while I couldn't make a video myself but that is what it looks like whenever I get a headshot. While I cannot find this topic anymore, I remember clearly making it. Anyway, whenever I get a headshot now blood no longer comes out, a white puff does. I do have the headshot upgrade where no matter where you shoot the head pops off, however this white puff comes out of the zombie when I shoot it, if I knife/knuckle it and the head comes off its normal blood.
  23. The first one is "Now Die" which is a common phrase from everyone's favorite German who is currently attempting to kill us with zombies from the Aether. "On 4 U". I think its just Treyarch saying they left the light on for us. Kinda like that hotel chain. The last one is a shot in the dark but the "now die" is solid.
  24. Throwing my experience with this voice in here. Was playing last night with a few randumbs when one of them said "Behind you what?" The rest of us were confused. The randumb claimed he heard this voice, going back into theater mode of the game I didn't hear it when I went to his character. The randumb was Misty just like the topic creator states. I know nothing of this voice and have personally never heard it beyond the videos on this forum. While I am not taking the randumb's word on it he actually heard it, it was strange that out of the blue he said "behind you what", when the guy hadn't talked period before this.
  25. Thanks for the offer on the help. If he gets on tonight I'll send ya a message or something. He asked me via skype chat to find out.
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