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Everything posted by Tridalo

  1. Maybe we want to play them on the new engine, with the new weapons?
  2. They are harsh on us all the time. Not to mention they deserve any crap they get. There is nothing redeeming about the MP crowd a bunch of kids, adults who act like kids, perverts, druggies, and people who purposely ruin game for the sake of "trolling to get famous on youtube".
  3. It didn't even have to be a full map pack it could have been something like 2 of the 5 maps from a pack were zombies or heck 3 of 5. Would the MP side been pissed? Probably because they think they deserve everything and when things don't go their way they send death threats, but it would have been a change of pace and they would have gotten over it... eventually.
  4. Really? Explain Rez last game. Should we have expected it? No. Would it have been a nice way for Treyarch to say sorry for continually give you the short end of the stick in DLCs? Yes Also the season pass issue. NO WHERE and I repeat NO WHERE, in the description did it say each pack would be 1 zombie and 4 MP. NO WHERE. It simply stated 4 map packs. That isn't specific enough to warrant people to think "every map pack is going to have MP". I think its time we faced reality though. Zombies is nothing but an after though, a skinny dog looking to pick up some kind of scraps from the overfed and attention getting dog. That's all we will ever be until Treyarch stops feeding the overfed attention getting dog that is MP and that won't happen until the 13 year olds stop shelling out mommy and daddy's money.
  5. Enjoy MP for what it is.... a lag fest where people with horrible internet do good? A game where you go around the corner only to be killed by someone who on their screen you haven't gone around the corner, a game where you put bullets into someone, they turn around and kill you and once again on their screen you didn't shoot? How, how can you enjoy that garbage?
  6. It could just be an "ending" of sorts. They go back to the beginning, stop this from happening and boom the story "ends" there, but we also have the story we know that people are saying it doesn't have a solid ending, well in my opinion that could be an open ending. You hit the button that person is in control of the zombies and that is how it ends, you return to the previous maps and the "cycle" that was talked about begins again.
  7. Funny coming from someone who admits they play MP and yet turns a blind eye to ALL the whiny little freaks from there. Need I remind you of the death threats over a sniper nerf? You talk to anyone who has played since the beginning and you will quickly learn, not many of them like this new direction zombies has taken. There is no challenge anymore, its run to the bank, get your perks, spin the box or get weapon out of weapon locker and set up camp for the rounds. Its not zombies anymore, its some contorted version of zombies that is catering to the people who wouldn't make it past round 10 in the other games. There is something you are right about, there is VERY LITTLE I like about this game. The campaign was fun and I enjoyed it, played through it to see all the endings and then played through it again for fun. MP can be deleted off my disc for all I care, zombies as I stated either here or another thread, 2 maps I like other than that I don't play, I go back to BO1. I would go back to WaW but its filled with modded lobbies, so I stick to BO1.
  8. Ok wow apparently you are deaf to some of the complaints. Here is a list. 1. They gave us 2/3 person leaderboards finally. However in order to set records for those leaderboards you have to jump through hoops via split screening, asking people to leave or waiting for a long butt time. 2. Ranking system that no one knows how to figure our and that people glitch to get to the highest rank just so people will "admire their shotguns". Zombies doesn't need a ranking system. 3. Unable to view the rounds of others in the lobby. You decide to play with randy mcscrandy and you can't see his round leaderboards, all you know is he is a skull rank. That tells you absolutely nothing. You could be playing with someone who has a high round of 5 because they died blindly spinning the box. 4. Maps are lackluster and overly complex. MOTD did it right as did Buried with the ability to build things where-ever. Tranzit, oh you want to build the jet gun, you gotta scavenge pieces around the map and then bring them back to town instead of a easier location like power where 3 of the 4 pieces are near or at. Die Rise there are only two buildables(?) so I guess I can't complain. 5. MOTD had the only shared buildable inventory. The other maps you have to pick up one piece at a time instead of being able to have them all at once, this is more of a inconvenience issue. 6. The one map that got stuff right, is also one of the easiest, MotD. Redeemer which is insta kill for god knows how long, shield, electric reload and the acid-gat = high round unless you have the intelligence of a rock. 7. Private matches were replaced with a useless custom game function which doesn't even save to your round leaderboards. 8. This is more of a personal thing but, MP was given in-game streaming. Why not zombies? Why is the ADHD side of the game gets the streaming function while the zombies gets left in the dark? Need I go on?
  9. That tweet... wow just wow Treyarch. You had a chance to right the wrong you have done to zombies players but nope, you still cater to those ADHD induced kids who sent you death threats over a sniper nerf... *sigh*. It probably isn't even real but here is to hoping that DLC 5 thing I've been seeing around lately is real and its all zombies.
  10. For those who didn't read: If Treyarch is smart and wants to keep the zombies players for the next game they will release this as a zombies map pack. So you're saying every zombie player is going to boycott Treyarch's next Call of Duty if this map pack isn't 100% zombies. Where the hell did you get that from? It's business. When you grow up you'll understand, champ. No but most of the zombies players will probably say screw it and either just get the base game and no DLC or just avoid it all together. Also the grow up comment, maybe you should grow up before you assume someone is younger than you, champ.
  11. Nobody is forcing them to buy it, just like in BO1 no one forced them to buy Rez. The way I see it, MP has gotten 13 maps DLC, Micro-transactions, In-game streaming DLC, and league. Zombies has gotten 4 maps DLC, two new game modes one of which has less than 200 people between the two maps, a custom game function that is basically worthless, complex leaderboards, a ranking system no one can make full sense of and FORCED 4 player easter eggs. So looking at this from a business perspective, both sides are irate at the horrible job Treyarch has done on the game some how they made it worse than that trash heap MW3. Now MP side is far better off they have a far more vast selection of maps, don't like 1 of em? You got 12 + however many shipped with the game. Zombies, you have 6 to choose from if you don't like a map. We have easter eggs which are forced with the exception of MOTD and Tranzit to be used 4 players. We don't have an in game streaming function which in my mind would have been put to MUCH better use on zombies than to be used in MP by "Aspiring Youtuber/Twitch Person #223". Lets face facts, zombies in this game as much as it pains me to say it blows hard in my opinion. There are two maps that I find fun, Die Rise and Farm. That's it. Everything else is just too big or not fun. Business wise choosing one audience over the other when you have two isn't good but they have TRIED to please both but when 1 side gets 4 maps and the other only gets 1, it seems to me they have their mind set on one mode. Which means the other side gets ignored, the customers from there get angry and either stop playing or go back to their previous game. I've heard many people in-game say that they will not buy the next map pack if its the same set up as the others, 1 zombie and 4 MP, I have friends who are in the same boat, some are saying they won't do it until they see the new zombie map, people are getting accustomed to the zombies side getting screwed in lack of maps, even season pass holders that I know regret buying it they thought there would be more on the zombies side. Now from if I was at Treyarch I would look at all this and say "Hmm, one side of our game is up in arms over lack of content or just plain bad gameplay, we should try to make them happy if we want them to stay with us for the next game." For those who didn't read: If Treyarch is smart and wants to keep the zombies players for the next game they will release this as a zombies map pack.
  12. Well the MP side can take a back seat, they have gotten 12 maps 13 if you count nuketown. where as we only have gotten 3, 4 if you count nuketown zombs. I really don't care what the MP side says, anyone who can say they legit enjoy the MP is crazy in my book. Funny thing is they back up my crazy theory due to those death threats Treyarch got over the sniper nerf. Its funny really.
  13. Those characters, are we sure those are our O4? If so they look different, or maybe I just don't pay enough attention.
  14. However is there a thing to give points to others like all the other maps that have the bank?
  15. Yes it is too much to ask this is Treyarch we are talking about.
  16. I was able to get it finally. I brought in a friend who managed to pull the paralyzer on the first spin and he launched me over the gate. Nice guide it was extremely helpful.
  17. To put it simple, this is the Zombie Team way of forcing people to find 4 just to do the EE, where as in MotD we could do it with just two. It is obnoxious and annoying but there is nothing we can do about it since the same Zombie Team took away private matches for leaderboards and forced us to jump through hoops to get it so we can just play with friends for rounds.
  18. I believe I am doing this wrong or the game hates me. Leaning toward game hating me. Everytime I have attempted this, co-op or solo, all the gates in the maze have been closed except the gate directly to the fountain from the start of the maze. I have done this at least 10 times in solo and 5 in co-op. Its really starting to irritate me. Is there a way to reset the gates without having to go back through the house and risking my points?
  19. I know you can make him hold the crawler, but can you make him drop the crawler without him killing it? Lets say you have him holding but then want him to change a money drop into another drop, can you make him drop the crawler and still have the crawler be alive? I ask this because everyway I can think of ends up with him throwing the crawler to the ground and stomping its head in.
  20. Everyone has all navcards inserted. Our box isn't even lighting up at all, I have never seen it lit up beyond the very first time we played the map.
  21. Ok well our box still isn't lighting up and we all have the achievement. So why are our box not lighting up, we haven't seen the full ending. We all have Ric across the board. So what are we doing wrong? Also I would like confirmation of if doing this EE resets all map EEs? I have a few friends who are claiming it does but I'm not quite sure.
  22. Unless you have like super aim I don't think you can do it without 4 people due to the timer set on the targets. We had the same issue last night and we couldn't figure out a method of having one person cover two sets of targets.
  23. Saw it once when we were screwing around with the boom blaster thing. We had three going plus a guy using the upgraded paralyzer. So maybe it has to do with over use of those things.
  24. So wait this EE can't be re-done for the other side once locked in? We're forced to stay with a side unlike the other ones?
  25. I would have personally gone team maxis as would have my cousin but we have two people that flat out refused to do any easter eggs unless we did Richtofen's side. So me and my cousin just followed them seeing as how it was simpler.
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