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GRILL last won the day on September 28 2020

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  1. tap...tap... This thing still on?

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      The power is still on my friend.

    2. Boom115


      Still haven't played madafuckaz 

    3. GRILL


      I need to get the DLC then we shall play for realzskis-zelinskis 

  2. Just needed a good regeneration, that's all.

    1. Boom115


      whats wrong with last gen Aw9nfTnG7srq6xH2vxw7LemzdHgUotFpoziCudI7

    2. GRILL


      Jeeze somebody needs Botox 

    3. GRILL




      just gonna leave this here.

  3. I knew Hunter was destined for staff from his enthusiasm, his knowledge, and all around being a super nice guy. Thanks for all your hard work, stoked to have you on.
  4. I love it. Well done boyos. May the great halls of CODZ live on forever.
  5. Frankly I'm surprised this happened. Activision recently had their earnings report, and the best thing they had to say about BO3 was about the micro-transactions. This is great news. To think they put so much effort behind these new weapons only to lock them behind an RNG/paywall. Surely this will help win some loyalty back. Has COD ever changed its marketing course due to fan reaction? Can't say I've heard of it happening before (various boycotts over the years regarding dedicated servers, lag comp, etc.) Refreshing to see that for once we are somewhat heard.
  6. During the live stream, devs shared this photo which apparently is an Easter egg towards zombies in Infinite Warfare: High definition: Somethings to note: - 19-ATVI-85: maybe the map takes place in the 80's? - zombie sweatband: looks like the zombie is wearing an 80's style headband/sweatband. - popcorn/film reel/pattern floor design: all point towards a movie theatre - fire/person screaming in the background: really have no clue. Looks like Peppermint Patty from Peanuts.
  7. Update: During the live stream, devs from IW shared some info about zombies. Specifically that it's a separate universe from 3arc & SH, and that it's not connected to campaign. They also said that they love EE's, and will be incorporating them into the maps. On top of that, they have also shared the first Infinite Warfare zombies related image - which apparently is an EE towards either the first map or mode: Cheers to @BlindBusDrivr for the photo. and here is a higher def version: OP: According to CharlieIntel, Activison has confirmed that the co-op mode for Infinite Warfare will be zombies: Playstation will still be getting DLC first, so this means another year of living in the dark a month after release (at least for us xboners). Any thoughts on where IW will take zombies?
  8. Still in the dark on DE. I'll be more active after next Thursday :P

    1. NaBrZHunter


      Good for you! Have fun!

  9. Update 2/1/16: Been wanting to get this on here for some time. Corvus is also a constellation, and it's worth noting in the context of this thread. I will be adding a new section at the bottom called "Corvus Related Facts" which will house the below content: The Corvus Constellation Corvus is a small constellation in the Southern Celestial hemisphere. It includes 11 stars, with one of those stars having two debris disks. The constellation itself is named after the latin word for "crow" or "raven". An 1825 painting showcasing various constellations, including Corvus directly in the middle (the Crow). A legend associated with the Corvus constellation is that a crow was doing a task for Apollo and getting him water, the crow stopped to eat some figs but then lied about it to Apollo. The crow said that a snake had prevented it from getting the water quickly, while gripping the snake in it's talons - Apollo knew he was lying, and threw the crow, the cup (for water), and the snake into outer space. The cup is meant to be just out of reach to further punish the crow, so he is forever thirsty. To me this is very interesting, as we can now confirm two types of symbolism from Black Ops 3 present in the Black Ops universe. Iterations on serpents in the past include Shangri-La, and Die Rise: (Shangir La, Nāga statue) (Die Rise, dragon) To me, the cup could easily symbolize the Holy Grail - an artifact of great power that Hitler desperately wanted for his own. All this together is some strong imagery that lends itself to much speculation.
  10. For that to be true, wouldn't the characters from COTD and the N4 need to be in Der Eisendrache? I didn't watch the video, but there were many references in that ending cutscene that I don't think would mesh in Der Eisendrache: specifically the MOTD zombies, and buried zombies with cowboy hats. I agree that in The Giant the characters start devolving into their old selves.
  11. BO 1 DLC spotted on Xbox one store in Spain. Imminent backwards compatability inbound.

  12. It has recently come to my attention that @BlindBusDrivr was part of the CODZ staff, yet somehow overlooked in our records. He was staff in 2011, and had the position of a Dweller - which is no longer a role. The dweller would act as a liaison between staff and the community. Blind has been an active member for some time, and has contributed a lot to CODZ. Please join me in welcoming him to the halls of veteran status.
  13. Really feeling like 3arch jumped the gun with revealing Awakening DLC so early. Frustrated that so many zombie fans (like myself) are waiting until fucking March.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      I had a WHOOOLLLEEEE topic about this. Damn it playstation  marketing, you've jumped the gun instead of the shark. 

  14. Congratulations @Ragdo11706 our new UOTM! Cyan robes crowning will take place shortly. Huge shout outs to all nominated, thanks for keeping our community alive!
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