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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. GRILL


    Thanks for the update, Craig. Very nice. I like the touch with the zombie related questions.
  2. Sorry Samara! We know that you zombshe's may have enjoyed that medal - we just don't want to be praising girls just because they are girls. Everyone's a slayer here, and we value all our members equally. @jarhead: good to know, man! Yes, reorganization will make everything much cleaner and simplified... at least that's the goal. @tac: thanks, glad you like what you see (thumbs up). To answer your question, yes we discussed it (I vaguely included it as the last item in the OP, "new member group title images") - but we are going to hold off on a formal announcement until we get all the gears in place. Rest assured, retired staff will be getting titles.
  3. We had a staff meeting! Read what we talked about in the thread in site news :D

  4. People of CODZ The staff of CoDZ have meetings to discuss important things. Below you will find accounts of such important things - complete with a description ("Issue"), a briefing on where are at with the issue ("Status"), and solid info on whether the changes are complete or incomplete ("Outcome") June 2014 Staff Meeting Issue Status Outcome Signature Size Reduction With the new forum look that @Hells Warrrior implemented, we had yet to define a limit to the signature size. Naturally, this led to some large signatures. We are restricting the signature from 25 lines to 10 lines. Please click here for more information. To be implemented June 10. Complete. User Profile Information Reduction In an effort to remove text clutter, we have removed custom fields from profile view at the side of posts - and moved that information to the profile page only. If you want to see more information about a user, simply click their name Complete. Medals Being Moved Moving medals to the signature line allows for your profile view at the side of posts to take up less space, and it allows you to display more medals! Complete, but not permanent. Let us know what you think. NEW STAFF MEMBERS Everyone give a big hand to @Boom and @Slade because they are now staff. It was a group consensus that these two will bring a high quality of excellence to the CODZ staff (not that it wasn't there already just MORE). Complete. Zombie Asylum, Zombie Training Facility, Zombie Research Facility Recovery What once was lost has now been found. Thanks to @Hells Warrrior , we are now able to access the lost files from the greats. You can find these topics under "Zombie Stories & Theories">"Recovered from vBulletin...". There are still some kinks to work out, including the usernames in those sections. Complete, but some bugs still being worked out. Steam, Xbox, PSN Profile Information Basically jazzed up versions of what we have now. More on this soon. Incomplete. Advertisements Ads are doing great. We all think they are very low profile, and they are making CODZ some great earnings to help towards server bills, tournaments, giveaways, setting up a merch store, and more! Complete Server Size/Bill Reduction We have successfully lowered our storage plan, and in doing so have substantially lowered our monthly bill. Complete If there are any topics you'd like to see added for our next staff meeting, please post them below or PM a staff member with them Complete. Zombification (Userbars) UPDATE June 2014: Zombification userbars have been implemented, Click Here to view gallery. (Click Here). FYI the thread is currently locked until we finalize the ranks for you all to vote on. Complete. Donations We bought a donation tracker, and have implemented a module on our homepage showing active donations, and how much $$$ is needed to pay the monthly bill. Complete. UoTM archive update UoTM archive has been successfully implemented. Mouse up to the top menu and click on "Medals">"UOTM Archive" or, just click here. Complete. Removal of zombshe medal We are all equals here, and there is no reason to reward someone with a medal simply because they are of a certain gender. Just trying to keep it classy. Medal Removed. Complete. New member group title images UPDATE June 2014: Member group title images all been spruced up. We have also added a couple new member groups, for more info click here. Complete.
  5. Welcome wunderwaffe!
  6. Haha, friendly fire? NO thank you.
  7. Yes this is a thread for discussion, discussion that is being hindered by the topic of absolute truths. The back and forth I mentioned implies that we are hearing the same opinions back and forth - yet it is not leading us anywhere near the goal. Meanwhile, Slade is trying his best to move the topic along - yet people continue to drag the issue through the mud. I'm locking this topic so Slade can actually get some work done. I'll unlock it when there are actual new items to discuss and new poll options. I really didn't want it to come to this, but clearly some people just can't "drop it". Slade - just send me a PM when you'd like this topic unlocked I'm not doing this to be a dick, I'm doing this so Slade/Infest can get stuff done AND THEN you can give your feedback on it.
  8. Guys, I appreciate the debate - but this thread is not the place for it. I think it would be highly beneficial for one of you to make an "absolute truths" thread to hash it out - but please enough of this back and forth.
  9. An argument could be made that the reason it's green and not blue, is because the guns in MP shoot bullets, and not lasers. Wouldn't be that much of an inconsistency, but it's the only reason I can think of. Just as Liam said, seems the whole TU,nor blog really goes above and beyond just announcing the camo pack that they've already announced.
  10. Wanted to post this here. It may be camo/personalization pack related, but it seems like Treyarch are hinting at something more: They link to their newly created Tumblr page: http://treyarch-official.tumblr.com/ On the Tumblr page is a .gif image showing the "backgrounds" you get with each personalization pack. I assume this is for "Weaponized 115": So I guess that's where our green 115 comes from?
  11. How about "God of Zombies"?
  12. Gotcha. I really like the 15 you have in the list in the OP, feels perfect. Once we get it figured out and all in the OP, we can disable the poll and we'll pin the thread - to forever be a reference.
  13. Slade, do you have a corresponding list of post counts to go with the list of ranks in the OP? Or is that still being figured out?
  14. Awesome news Can't wait to formally meet Covert.
  15. Eternal, I think that's way over complicating. Either that or I simply don't understand lol. Also that tallies/bottles/shields conversation is in the "zombification" thread - this is just for the user bars (to avoid confusion). Looks awesome guys. Seriously badass.
  16. Do you really look like a guy with a plan? You know what you are? You're a dog chasing cars. You wouldn’t know what to do with one if you caught it. You just… do things. Welcome back
  17. I think the tallies look great, and will not overly clutter the brilliant userbars being created. I say we go with 10 for now, but with the mindset that further ranks can be implemented. At the very beginning, I remember Craig was suggesting that once we get to 10 tallies, then the images could be replaced by shield icons. Ranks 1-10 = Tally icons Ranks 10-20 = Shield icons (replacing tallies) And then maybe even add Ranks 20-30 = Perk bottle icons (replacing shields) Just a thought. We'd have to have a lot of ranks, but there are quite a few enemies - and on top of that, we could always allocate 20-30 for Treyarch's next project (presumably BO3 in 2015 - but that is merely a prediction with no fact or rumor to back it up). Edit: Added an "All 3" option to the poll.
  18. Great work here, my votes hath been cast. I'm so excited for this to be a reality!
  19. Yeah, I thought we were just going to use the perk bottles as an icon - not your "rank". I really think we should stay with the enemies as our rank, but when it comes to icons - I love all the choices everyone has put forth. I think having to match up the rank to the rank icon is way over thinking it. Tally is the simplest, and may be a plain - but it really gets the point across IMO. The "shields" as we have dubbed them, are the best option to me. Nice shape, stacks together well. The perk bottles are great too. I just think that if we have them, just because you have a juggernog doesn't meant your ranked "juggernog". It's just an image, no reason why we have to make the ranks so literal to the rank icons, Edit: I see there is a new topic for the userbars, which will consist of the enemy rank. I guess that's more so what I was talking about, so disregard this I guess.
  20. It's a different image now https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/439174941439569920/xJdjxVHl.jpeg Looks like they are just showing off reticles for the new micro transactions.
  21. Yeah, the avatar just looks like 3 bullet holes. The middle hole looks different from the others. I'm not sure "it has to mean something", but It seems an odd thing to do unintentionally. Could be like a new 3arc logo?
  22. Weaponized 115? Damn. Looks green, in contrast to the blue. This just makes me even more confused lol
  23. I think it's just a contemplation thing. I agree it is kind of strange to have them go off on these lengthy back stories when downed, but when the N4/O4 was downed we wouldn't hear anything. All the more reason to believe that MOTD takes place far away from the story we know.
  24. Eh, brains are so subjective though, we don't want it to turn into a brainsing popularity contest to see who can get the best title. Posting encourages involvement, rather then reward. I kind of think we should just stick to post count and according titles, but that's just my opinion.
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