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Everything posted by GRILL

  1. THIS. and the video for zombies is about 6 minutes. The whole thing is 9 minutes, as it includes the ending of the championship.
  2. reLmIEQ2dT8 mobile: http://youtu.be/reLmIEQ2dT8 *thanks bagel for the charlieintel video link! my video analysis / highlight reel: APJhl8xtnsE mobile: http://youtu.be/APJhl8xtnsE
  3. well done Naitrax. I'm pretty sure "the Warden" will be written down in history next to likes of "the Avogadro" & "T.E.D.D." I believe it is PTG's fault for this misinformation. They somehow had early access to basically all the information about Alcatraz (and were making videos all about it in great detail in the days before the trailer even came out), and they kept hammering in the phrase "the warden". Hence I can only guess the internet picked it up and ran with it. Also several of the analysis' here have named him "the warden", which is probably aiding to the misinformative title. Of course, no one here knows the correct name to call him (or if he is even an in-game character) - so it's not like we can do much about it until the DLC actually comes out. But by jove, with the information you've presented here - you've done something about it! Thanks again!
  4. Mix - thanks so much for the 1080p photos. I've added them into the OP. Double barreled acid goodness... one can only hope so Y'know I never really thought about - but now that I do - a wunder shotgun would be pretty sweet. It would be sweet too if they were to shake up the dynamics, for example - you could pack a punch it to turn it into a sawed off (this could also work if you could put certain buildables on it) sorry to group y'all together but I thought it'd be easier. Flammen & bagel_ thanks for providing the comparisons. I'm honestly leading towards flopper now, because the fact that he's holding the ray gun seems like a hint. Plus - I'm not sure who it was, but someone was talking about inversions of the map... and what would be the inversion of the ray gun? Why PHD, the only thing that can protect you against the ray's splash damage. Totally just talking off the top of my head, but yeah... and Naitrax - IT BETTER NOT BE A TROLL PHD OR ELSE I'M HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE! jk Mighty indeed! We'll have to see to find out!
  5. yup, this sunday for both events. I think they'll show the zombies preview either at the end, or during the middle. I was able to enlarge the photo so we can really check out Mr. Ray gun. Also, he appears to be holding Jug:
  6. Thanks, I wasn't the first to spot it though I have no idea! It kind of looks like the Jgb to me. :twisted:
  7. EDIT: After making this thread, I found that the mighty AfroChubMan posted this last night. I'm going to include it here - along with the information I posted this morning. Thanks for spotting this, chub. source - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=30333&start=60 So I was watching this trailer because it had some info for a MotD sneak peak... check out 00:43-00:45, and look in the bottom center... thanks for the hi-def photo, Mix! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALSO is that a ray gun I spy with my little eye? and a perk in his other hand? a red perk! juggs? or something new? again, thanks for the hi-def photos Mix!
  9. bbobs, awesome thread. I've been super intrigued at the possible connections between the O4 and the N4 and this certainly gives me a lot think about. so you're saying that Marlton is from the same time zone as Dempsey? What about his watch? It looks pretty futuristic.
  10. Conspiracy theorists believe that the Egyptian pyramid of Giza was designed by extraterrestrials and once served as a massive stone power station. What if we built a pyramid of Giza of Alcatraz, as power station? Well, this guy is one step ahead of you: 8cOcKwKu8FU link for mobile: http://youtu.be/8cOcKwKu8FU okay okay - so he may not be the most reliable source of information (he is a regular guest on "Coast to Coast" though). But a simple google search conveys that alien sightings happen quite often at the golden gate bridge. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=alien+sightings+golden+gate+bridge now - UFO Phil up there likes to think that the aliens simply like the view of the bridge.... but I disagree... I think they are studying Alcatraz. Because what is Alcatraz's nickname? "THE ROCK" Now i'm just going to take this and run for a moment... but what if the developers are using Alcatraz's nickname of "The Rock" as a reference towards 115 located underneath the prison? This would explain why aliens are close by, and a pyramid a top 115 could create more than hydrofusion. Just think of 115 if radiated by pyramid power http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_power what I'm getting at, is that what if Alcatraz in the future is the source of mass power because we put a pyramid on top of it? This could be the reason why we're sent in the past: to get things aligned for the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fun fact: thanks for reading! :mrgreen:
  11. you aren't kidding, my infested sweatervest friend. *taken from the very end of the trailer*
  12. I KNOW RIGHT? I hate waiting a whole month, just salivating. The re-do of firing range looks like some good ol' fashioned fun. can't wait.
  13. this is what seems most reasonable to me. I personally believe this could be the devil that has been theorized for so long. blindbusdrivr has a great thread talking about the supposed "3rd voice" - http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 53&t=19600 i'm really quite interested to see what we make of this. :mrgreen:
  14. HOW did I miss that?! Nice eye, Shooter. @everyone: added in photo links to your name so that all records can be accessed from the first page. thanks again to those who submitted photos!
  15. @minator: all set! keep at it, bud! @shooter: updated with your "Rank 55", thanks for the photo! @crimson: nice progress man! Updated. @birdman22: thanks for the screen cap, all set! Hopefully we'll be getting some new prestiges here with the next DLC or so ;)
  16. Black Ops 2 + Crystal Method = luv
  17. yeah Vahn said that Nuketown 2025 would be making it's way into playlists EVENTUALLY. One can only hope that this means there will be some sort of playlist update, I'd love for them to put Drop Zone in (but I highly doubt they will), and I'd love for some more hardcore game modes.
  18. so glad this has been implemented, thanks for doing this Bob! I've got a super epic juicy thread I've been working on. CAN'T WAIT TO SUBMIT IT.
  19. Well done Fated, on finding a link between Mecca & The Journey. Though it's too bad you didn't take a screencap of Peter's twitter, he changed his profile picture! This is what it is now: I'm not sure if this is now a personal picture, or if it has anything to do with Zombies... :? So let's add up the tweets in the order they were given: - (2 road signs) Ireland - (1 church) Ireland (?) - (2 carpet pictures) ??? - (2 bathroom signs) Spain or (?) (unsure on this one, could really be anywhere) - (Peter L's twitter profile picture) Mecca Very cryptic. I'm really stumped on this one. Also: I'd actually be inclined to put this thread either in The Asylum, or Future Maps. It's too good to get buried here in general.
  20. dammmmmn Shooter has the k/d to beat! I think the Prestiging mechanism is better than ever. Keeping all your earned attachments, getting an extra CaC slot AND a permanent unlockable token EACH prestige? Pretty rad, but plenty of people I know just plain don't prestige.
  21. @Spartica & @Delta: ALL SET GUYYYYYYS! keep prestiging 'till you bleed! EDIT: I WENT UP FROM 1.40 K/D TO 1.43... LIKE A BOSS... THAT IS ALL.
  22. another tireless fantastic effort from Stop. Nice job, as always - muchacho!
  23. GRILL


    ^^^ this took me a moment. Good eye, PINNAZ lol.
  24. thanks for the credit, ETEl2NAL407! and thank you Infest, for diffusing the situation - you mediator, you Lake Vostok did not come from any game source whatsoever. It was all based on PINNAZ' conspiracy thread from the Bus Driver quotes, and in fact - the Bus Driver never mentions Lake Vostok. After I read about Secret Nazi Bases & Golden Swastikas buried under the ice - I thought it could indeed bare mentioning. Sorry if that caused any confusion. In the end, I think we've seen our frigid ice map. COTD was more than enough. ...and honestly, if 3 rockets blew up the world and there was lava seeping from the crust worldwide - would there be any ice left? Food for thought.
  25. at this point - the text/characters are super blurry. it's quite hard to make out what they say... but by jove, you've done a killer job transcribing them. Have you heard back from Dragon?
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