Hellllllllllllo CODZ.
Grilliam-Vrilliam-Trilliam here, with the notes from our recent staff meeting. We've decided that it is much easier to create a new thread for each meeting, rather then update one thread. Scroll below to see what we discussed, and do let us know what you think!
Staff in Attendance:
StrWrsBob, Covert Gunman, Way2g00d, GRILL, Hells Warrrior, Boom, InfestLithium, Jolteon, Slade
September 2014 Staff Meeting
Customized Chat Sounds
we'd like to "zombie" up the onsite chat with better sounds. We'd specifically like to come up with an "Entrance" sound, and "Exit" sound. We think that having a sound for every message may be overkill, but are open to suggestions. We will create a community input thread for all of you to figure out what you would like most
CLICK HERE to give us your opinion on chat sounds.
New Medal Ideas
@ has supplied us with some snazzy medals in the past, and we've approved a couple new ideas from him (design TBD)
- Clocked (24 hours spent on codz)
- Brainiac (Earn 20 brains)
- Pixelated (Win 15 Trophies in CODZ Arcade)
- Olympian (CODZ Olympics medal)
Will implement as soon as we nail the design down. We'd like @ to "zombie-up" all of his ideas, and we're fully confident he can do so.
Medals Being Moved
Moving medals to the signature line allows for your profile view at the side of posts to take up less space, and it allows you to display more medals!
Complete, but not permanent. Let us know what you think.
Default Avatar Image
The default avatar was pretty bland, so we are going to replace it with this:
Hope that's cool with all of you
The Graveyard Being Public
This was initially a mistake, the graveyard as never meant to be public - and as tantalizing as it was to view such forbidden threads, we're going to keep it locked for the better of the community.
Graveyard will not be public.
Consolidating Usergroups
At this point, most usergroups will stay the same. We will be doing some organization at the "Affiliate" level but only to ensure everyone has the correct title and "affiliation".
Spur of the Moment section removed
In case you haven't noticed, we removed the "Spur of the Moment" section in Teammate Finder. NOW, it's just "Teammate Finder", and a section for specific teams & tournaments. We observed that people were essentially using "Spur of the Moment" and "Teammate Finder" for the same purpose, so we consolidated.
Revising the Code of Conduct
We have been hard at work revising the Code of Conduct to be more specific, and cover more areas of conduct. We appreciate your patience, and will announce when we publish the revised CoC.
New Emoticons
We are going to add some new (and bring back some old favorite) emoticons!
- Mr. Green (for posting & chat)
- Facepalm (for posting & chat)
- Thumbs Up (for posting & chat)
- Dance Zombie (for posting & chat)
- Tumbleweed (for chat only - which one do you like?)
... - tell us your ideas too!
Just need to implement on the backend.
Medal Request Form Bugs
We are working to standardize the medal requests to an automated form which notifies all staff. Currently the form has some bugs and issues like coding at the top of the page, so we are still using the "old" method which can by CLICKING HERE.
As soon as we fix the bugs, we will implement the automated medal request form.
You can certainly expect us to support the new co-op mode that comes with Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - as we have done with "Extinction". We are very excited, and are eager for the announcement.
Once the new mode is confirmed - we will update the forum theme (while still preserving the foundations of CODZ), add new sections for discussion, and perhaps some new COD:AW-related medals
Special Event Prior to COD:AW
We are throwing around the idea of a special and exciting event that is set to happen prior to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's release.
More on this soon.
Give us your Input
Like a change we did? Can't stand a change we did? Have an idea for something new? Got a solution to our problem? LET US KNOW HERE.
Just post in this thread, and we will do our best to address any issues in our next staff meeting - scheduled for in/around October 1st.