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Everything posted by PINNAZ

  1. Hey CoDz, So while doing the Moon side quest in the lead up to bombarding Earth with 3 Rockets, Dr Richtofen says this line - (This is also heard at the start of the Nuketown map for those of you that haven't played Nuketown) "Stupid Accent" stands out to me? I never payed much attention to it until I heard it again in while playing Nuketown. There are many mysteries surrounding Dr Maxis. My question is - 'Is Dr Maxis really German'
  2. Great effort Tac, abakedpotato and blaked. :!: I'm sure writing an essay not long ago really helped with this thread. It is interesting to note (in real-life) that the Hanford Site is one of the most contaminated sites in the world, but at the same time is one of the most progressive clean-ups underway. Did the US government sign a deal to take Nuclear waste from Russia in an exchange for HAARP research? What is the Connection between the Chernobyl Nuclear Waste & the Hanford Site? My question regarding Marlton in the Fallout Shelter in Nuketown would be this - He must of been in there prior to the initial Nuketown blast (as it has only just occured) & then came out after Maxis' rockets hit earth. So I wonder if he thinks that the Nuketown explosion has caused this worldwide apocalypse?
  3. Why are our characters spawned in the same room though SaLaD? Why aren't we Pacified?
  4. This was like 3 or 4 days after release. At that time, we didn't know that you can still complete the Richtofen achievement with 2 players equipped with EMP's
  5. Xbox user here. Way2g00, SaLaD_FiNgErS_HD, A Random & myself were doing the Tower Achievement a few days after the release, I spent an hour & a half chasing the Box to get EMP nades, only to have "Migrating Hosts"!!!! I was pi**ed!!! I have still not completed it!!! Though I think a lot of the time, the fault may be at our end if the Internet connection?
  6. I wanna know about them all. Marlton - Scientist/Engineer - did he work at Groom Lake or Jackass Flats? Or somewhere else? Abigail 'Misty' whatever - typical country girl - I wanna know about Abigail. The name written on the wall next to Sam & Emilia has intrigued me for a long time. Stuhlinger - German Name? - Conspirator - I like a good conspiracy. What's his background? Russman - Homeless Man? - did he find a shoe or did he find a boot? Did he loose a boot or did he find a shoe? I voted for Russman for that reason.
  7. @ Optimus555 Can you please distinguish what you are doing? 'Theater Mode Roaming' or 'No Clipping'?
  8. Very interesting points you make OP. I've wondered the same thing. Maybe just a gameplay mechanic, maybe part of the story? One thing I've noticed, though it does vary. Sometimes they 'wake up' straight away & sometimes it's not until you make 'a sound' (stabbing/shooting)? It can be random?
  9. We have been given very limited backstory & ingame facts for BO2 so anything at this point is plausable. But like what jaeger1999 said - "Dempsey would of shot him already" I'll throw my thoughts of where & how I think Marlton may have ended up in the Shelter at Nuketown. The Americans may have been experimenting making zombies (for the cold war?) just like Maxis was (WW2). Marlton may have been a scientist @ either Groom Lake or Jackass Flats & was the first to realise that they are dangerous to control. The word "scuffing" is the operative word here. If he was banished/fired? Maybe he realised that the safest place for a Zombie breakout in all of the Nevada test range, was in a Nuclear shelter? Man I just want some factual ingame info...
  10. Your post confuses me greatly? You say "if you go from the bus depot to town, there is a gap..... Has anyone no clipped NDU?" all in the same paragraph? But NDU is on the other side of the map between the farm & power? Then you say that YOU "no clipped in town" Yet your whole topic is asking for someone to no clip NDU? If YOU no clipped in the town, can't YOU no clip NDU? You don't have to quote the pics Tac, (I dont mind) not sure if they'd come out any clearer? That was in theatre mode too
  11. @ TheVetx You have really good points & I'm not trying to be a smartass, I know nothing about the weapon history, but people say you can't count weapons as dates? The 'LSAT with a DIGITAL ammo reader' is equipable in Nuketown, yet Nuclear Tests were banned in America in 1992. It's obvious a nuclear device was detonated on this map. "Underground tests in the United States continued until 1992 (its last nuclear testing)" Tell me when a Quantum Entanglement Device was invented? 2025 like the Single player campaign? it was on moon. Ray Gun? A very early example of a raygun is the Heat-Ray featured in H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds (1898). Science fiction during the 1920s described death rays. Early science fiction often described or depicted raygun beams making bright light and loud noise like lightning or large electric arcs. Nikola Tesla's attempts at developing directed-energy weapons encouraged the imagination of many writers. I just hope that we get some decent info for a time setting?
  12. Thank you so Much!!!! What an awesome first post. Welcome to the site. with information like that you will be very useful around these parts. Thanks again. So it is more art from Bosch? I searched through so much of his work & never saw that. Wow. Much appriciated!!
  13. A quick google search shows the following - Environment Artist/Computer Games Profile/Resume http://www.threedyzero.com/index.html It looks like he was on a tombstone in Modern Warfare 2 This is a MW2 video. 30secs long. Pretty poor graphics KUAXLnDHioM
  14. Welcome to the forums! I'm fairly new here too. Search around through all the threads If you like the storyline be sure to check out the Zombie research/training facility & the Asylum threads. Theres also heaps of awesome strategy videos from the best Zombie slayerz around! Have a nice stay!
  15. Thanks Tac, I can't believe I forgot. The master of Mind Control....
  16. I wrote my Tesla thread (link in my Sig) before I had read this thread. So reading what you posted on the first page about Tesla blew me away. I bet you didn't realise what BOII would have in store relating to all this. There's a sentence in these documents (2nd page) that says "Scientists from the Navy & OSS examined his diary & notes which was one month long, hardly enough time to decipher his handwriting." Starting from top to bottom The Page on top is the first page of the document & the page on the bottom that says "DEATH RAY" is actually page 2 of this document. The page inbetween the 2 documents is upside down & is page 1 of 2, so I included the second page aswell. This page is the document that says "DEATH RAY." (I think Treyarch may have just added that title in, or it was redacted?) There are 290 pages in total, all very interesting. These are Pages 7, 106, 107 & 8 Respectively I haven’t found the fourth document that is visible on the bottom yet.
  17. I'm so glad the 'Abigail' character has been revealed, now we wait to find out how she's tied into the story? That's a great theory too Mix & Lectric J-Dawg. Girls playing dress ups. Another question is who/what is JD? I always thought they were 3 different girls & I have had this theory that Maxis is not Samantha's Birth Father & that these 3 girls were 'Orphans' at Verrückt, and Maxis took in Samantha? The children crying & the "children will be sold to the circus" sign (this was my idea before BOII & I have no evidence of this what so ever) A very interesting Quote which intriges me is Richtofen - "Maxis & his stupid accent" Is Maxis really German?
  18. Cheers & thanks for reading & commenting. This took me ages, nearly as long as my Nikola Tesla thread (in my sig) now I have to rewrite that one! My zombie rank has probably gone back to a crossbone!!! Well said!!! A very intelligent post. And the first line of this thread - 'Take it with a grain of salt' (I hope that is a universal saying, not just Australian Slang) I wrote this at the start of my Tesla thread:-
  19. The Underground Bases really stands out to me. If you research the 'Dulce Base' you will come across an allegation that it is connected to many other Underground Military Bases by a 'subway' type TranZit system? I think this would be an awesome style map? Catching a train from one location to the next & can you imagine how freaky it would be running through the tunnels from one location getting harrassed by the 'Grey Aliens' This also relates to areas such as the 'Power Room' & 'PaP' room in Green Run. They both are highly evolved technology rooms hidden underground from view. Much is to be uncovered from these 2 rooms.
  20. Yeah I tried a few different combinations when that part of the Moon EE was done. I thought that's it! When Samantha refers to teddy, she's referring to Edward! But this is not the Der Reise Password.
  21. I really enjoy this thread Faust. I have lurked over it often. I have come across Akakor many times when researching zombie related stuff. It has 'popped up' more than Shangri-la/Agartha. Although it maybe similar, Akakor would be completely underground as opposed to 'Paradise' One place/map I can't help but feel may be the ending is (if they do end it) The Lost City of Atlantis. (as mentioned in posts above.) Atlantis just seems to be the Penultimate Destination. So many secrets. (The Indiana Jones references are just uncanny. The warehouse pictures above & also the Nuketown/Nuclear test town scene. Plus 'Akator') Hope to read many more of your threads Faust!
  22. They've had 2 years up their sleeve's already, + 6-9 months for DLC to be released. (a good 2 & 1/2 years) It's not like they would've just started making new maps now. It would really p**s me off if they added more stuff/maps to Green Run. The community doesn't want to buy half a game, then have to keep paying for the rest of it? I hope this is right & I'm not just wishful thinking Lenne :D
  23. It's much more likely that they will add other locations with their own TranZit modes as we currently have a World Map with only two locations: Green Run and Nevada. Correct MMX 'TranZit' is a Game Mode, (Survival, Grief) 'Green Run' is the Map Name. (Der Reise, Five) There will be 4 more 'TranZit's' with a new Map Name/Location (maybe?)
  24. I voted for 27. All good Rockstars die at 27!
  25. This is a screenshot I took a few days ago. It's fairly blurry. I've been meaning to take individual ones but.... I haven't really looked into them at all. Might post some better ones Tommorow. - Applied Science - Cross Word - Birder Monthley - Air Travel - Let's Sail
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