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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Actually I am subbed to you on YouTube. I'm on your friend list on PSN too.
  2. I'm getting it on launch day too! Although I'll be playing split screen on it with my friend acts school first I'm sure we Can still play. (Justin case you forgot I'm LJE_Shot1)
  3. It would be awesome if the Easter egg was we destroyed the entire universe.
  4. Micro-transactions for weapons? I want that, please.
  5. I would love my beloved crossbow return to the zombie slaughter grounds!
  6. Map description: TRANZIT was terrible so we took that and made it 100000000000 times better with no fog a larger vehicle New weapons a bigger map and giant friggin robots!
  7. NEW power ups wonder weapons and we have a diesel drone and a tank?! AWESOME
  8. C4! lots and lots of C4! I love that stuff! Maybe make it a bit like campaign with some scripted moments and objectives to do when you pause ( For the easter egg you could make the objectives riddles?)
  9. Mayby the new gun is a new versions of the wunderwaffe, I'd not know...it just looks similer to me.
  10. Discord- living tombstone remix...it's a fan song that fits kinda...
  11. NinjaNick

    Nav card/Table

    I think it is only one, not entirely sure...
  12. I like them all a lot, except Samuel....unless it is Tranzit...
  13. Erm...Serperior from pokemon (no tutorial used) What do you think?
  14. Personally I hope it is a cliff hanger so we have MORE ZOMBIES!
  15. Is this available on ps3 because my friend got the mystery box one and we want to get this?
  16. NOTE: I play on Ps3 so I can't confirm this to be effective yet Ok, you are first going to need a ballistic knife and the paralyzer. Go pack a punch those two. Mule kick and another gun is optional it is not needed. I recommend having quick revive, Stalin-up, juggernog and vulture aid. Simply fly around with the petrified and revive your teammates when needed!
  17. What if...once all three maps EE s are finished on the same side (max is/touchdown) something special happens? A new map? Perks? The wunderwaffe?!
  18. Multi perk? It's mule kick...it was available on moon so it is not new.
  19. Could you also provide a link for this video?
  20. I challange you to train in the deadshot room (If I can survive a round there you can too! It was round 11 but still...)
  21. It happens to me too, just restart black ops 2 then try again!
  22. I want this map, TRAYARCH...MAKE THIS MAP NOW, DO IT.
  23. 2 examples here. The hoarder. First time playing MOTD online with a friend of mine. He had at least 7000 points by round 6 and I had to open all the doors, sure I'm generous with doors but this was ridiculous. The stupid camper. We all camp at one point but this was stupid... Me and one other guy he was new to zombies. I wanted to help him get used to it but his idea was that the electric door at wardens office was the best place to stay and he stayed there no matter how many times he went down, by the end he had went down in that slot a grand total of 11 times! We only made it to round 7 and I died in the tunnels with him still in the office with his RPG.
  24. How do you get your intro medal?
  25. I want 21 perks...Yes, 21 perks available on one map. One HUGE map.
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