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About AeroPhaze

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  1. So, I was watching this video from NGTZombies when I thought back to the terminal in Black Ops 1. WL-yR7WValY Richtofen states in both the moon and nuketown easter eggs that, "Teddy, Password: Is a liar". Has anybody tried this on the der riese server in the terminal?
  2. Precisely. Richtofen wants the Earth to be back and flourish with life so he can continue his reign of terror. In my opinion, they both want to save the Earth, just for different reasons. That's what I was thinking. Maybe in another map, Richtofen and Maxis will speak to each other and argue/explain their reasons for why they want to save the earth.
  3. At Hanford, there is also a nuclear power station maybe holding some radium. Radium, when exposed to oxygen glows a pale blue. So when the missiles hit the earth, they may have hit it making the zombies eyes glow blue.
  4. Great post but the text is too small to read :/ The bank vault only keeps the money for the current game.
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