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Posts posted by game78

  1. 1. pylon is power

    2.beams untangle the rays

    3.no hand no time(clock in bank maybe?)

    4.In exchange for power

    5.Stop Rus

    6.Tunnel Holds A Door

    7. Change Time

    8. Do we exist

    9.How do we tell good from bad, if bad does not exist

    10. Envy and Rosy

    11. No legs one leg

    12. Under south holds change

    13. 1 Nav Fail 2 Nav Succeed

    14. Lost Crying For Help

    15. Dulce Alien Base

    16. Trust Or Nothing

    17. Kills Bad Returns Good

    18. Emp Switches Route

    19. Government Behind All

    20. Aliens experimenting humans, humans experimenting aliens

    21. Lost Neighs

    22. Area 51 Route

    23. Different colors, Different Teleporters

    24. To Recieve or Decieve


    25.Angers with sparks, Begging for something


    27.Ray May Guide

    28. Controlled Brains

    29. Krauss Revives

    30. DG-2 to control the spark

    31. Human faces, Joined Tails

    32.Dont Always Listen

    33. Rise The Moon

    34. Power Off

  2. I apologize ahead for opening a new thread but I thought be best way to get thoughts. So sorry but here goes

    Most people's theory is the K/D or rounds survived. I'm not saying those wrong I do think at a certain point you may rank up that way. But I've seen to many ppl with lower stars than some and yet higher ranked. So a buddy mentioned something to me and I think he may be right.

    What if we have looked at the whole true skill thing wrong. People think by going into deep rounds that's showing true skill. But going to deep rds with a PAP ray gun and RPD isn't extremely hard depending on player skill. What if ppl are ranking up by going further with lower rank guns and not elite guns but yet still performing well and going deep rounds. Could their be more reward for going with less desired guns instead of top notch guns? Also the person two weeks ago stated how the customer service rep said their were challenges. Maybe the challenges have something to do with completing so many rds without PAP guns or wall guns.

    Just a theory but when I last ranked up I had to buy a wall gun and clutch a rd of grief and I remember I bought a wall gun to finish off a train cuz I had no ammo. I plan on testing this theory and thought I would share our theory.

    I will share my results after I have tested it. Again sorry for ANOTHER theory ranking system post

  3. I messed with the clocks last night. If u shoot them or throw a sticky the face of the clock turns dark from the explosion it doesn't really turn into anything from what I saw. U can still see clock number and hands.

    I did however find something I felt was odd. Out of all the clocks in transit one clock has no clock hands. That would be the clock in the bank. It sits up high and their r no clock hands. I have completed babble but will soon. I did testing with ballistic knife shoot it(like ascension maybe) but nothing happens. Could be nothing but I found it odd

  4. Me and friend noticed the stop lights in town seem to have a msg for morse code. I dunno if this is old or not. But seems to be a msg. The lights stop blinking for a short while and then start up again. Was gonna look into the code but it was pretty fast

  5. I've had barric-aid and dead shot 3 times now and lost them 3 tis quick revive has stayed. But I have been told if u go down or die after getting it they stay. Don't ask me why my friend had read it. Could be someone trolling but just telling I what I've heard I will probably try it tonight

  6. ya thats what i dont know about. Like i would try to earn these but if they arent permenant whats the point. I dont know how long i will have them for. I just got barric-aid back and lost it in the same match.

    Now i have heard from a friend that he read that if u die or go down in the same round you can earn it permenant or atleast longer. I dont know if thats true or not. All i know is i re earned them and lost them again same match. I guess its worth a try.

  7. i agree but their are videos out. But seems like their is something glitchhy with them imo. One guy claims if u run 500 miles u get to run faster and longer like stamina up. Another guy was not getting hurt by fire and stuff like that. Its in the call of duty forums

  8. Ive been reading and hearing from other ppl. That their are other earnable perks for juggernog, PHD Flopper, and stamina up. Didnt know if anyone had posted about it or if they have heard similar things

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