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My "space flower and rainbow" pic were painted by my gf in the 80s. We're still friends, I was at her wedding in 2019.
From 1960-something to about 2000, the rainbow flag was the all inclusive symbol of acid freaks and usually dead heads (Grateful Dead). At the turn of the century, our flag and motto were usurped by the gay community, which was mildly awkward. I don't care at all if someone is homosexual, but my pic is the old school hetero acid freak flag for any who contemplate these things and wonder.
Note the diamond stars: "shall we go, you and I, through the transitive nightfall of diamonds" -Dark Star, Grateful Dead.
Happy gaming!
Thanks, I devote a lot of time and love to these lovely ladies, I like to keep them as friends after. Only 1 ex-gf had to be perma-dumped, due to her extreme evil.
My last love was a 19 year relationship that ended over 6 years back (I'm too poor, she got fat. Sigh). We go for walks every weekend and talk and do sudoku and that's enough for both of us.
From now on, I'm only dating wealthy ladies. If I have to put up with a woman full time again, I'm getting paid for it. Forgive my loving misogyny, ha.
What is considered "High Rounds" on this forum?
83457 replied to TheBSZombie's topic in General Zombies Discussion
51 on WaW or BO is quite beastly. 51 on BO3 is a bit more feasible, but quite nice. /my opinion. I also imagine pc mouse control to be much better than console, as is true for most games where I've played both versions. However, I've not played pc zombies, so I might be off. During BO2, I studied all the folk on the leaderboards, counting only those who played a map at least 100 times, so that you know that they tried. I found a very tiny percent made it past 30 in any map. I find most folk in random games try to camp and survive, which made Treyarch seem out of touch these last couple of games by forcing the training/kiting on folk. If they made zombies more camp friendly for early rounds (in map and spawn design, not in willy nilly perk design), it would appeal to a much larger audience, while still allowing 5% of players to do the long game training sessions. /my 2 pennies worth. -
Delgado means slender more or less. Jack Slenderman. Eeeek!
Ah, then perhaps I'm just slightly less mad than the universe likes to portray me as. I would never have even noticed had those fellows not been so surprised by it.
83457 changed their profile photo
Wow, good question! And thanks for that info. Send 83457 money: Lourdes Ayton 666 Ninth Level Terrace Living Inn, Missouri
This is a companion thread to my SoE thread "Moar Zombie Maps Inside!" and the Der Eisendrache "Moar DE..." thread, dissecting and discussing the map and playing options. (Note that these 2 mentioned threads have been renamed "Moar of Shadows of Evil" and "Moar of Der Eisendrache", so all of my "Moar of..." threads align and can he searched easily. I have a Moar thread for each map except Gorod Krovi so far. 1.25.2019). Too often, I hear "The Giant is just DR reprinted, so go read up on that". But not everyone played WaW or the BO1 reprints, and the game is a little different now too, with Gobblegum, different weapon-types in old spots (Shotgun is on Thompson side), extra Perks, Perks and Box that randomize, and the Annihilator. Even the way the zombies move is changed (note that they fall into the tunnel now). So, this thread is here to describe the map rooms, item locations in said rooms, common map openings, uncommon map openings, unusual gameplay options, and camping and training spots of varying quality. ------------------------- Most abreviations are as SoE "Moar" thread, but in short: (####) = Amount of points to purchase or use item. TP = Teleporter (TP A, TP B, TP C). Note that they are called teleporter 1, 2, and 3 by the Maxis Voice (announcer). BL = Box Location (950). PL = Perk Location (Various Pricing). GG and GGm = GobbleGum and GG Machine. GGm prices are not listed, starts at (500) each round. MB = Monkey Bomb. TM = Trip Mine (1000). BK = Bowie Knife (3000). PaP = Pack-A-Punch Machine (5000/2500). Trap = Electric Trap (1000). MF = Mainframe. 1. Camp = Move little while mostly facing one direction. >Window = Window watching player [calls out if swarmed] >Marksman = Headshotter [Calls out reloads]. >Shortstop = Often between Window and Marksmen, helps Marksmen mostly, but is also Window's definitive back-up, giving support where needed [Should have MB, and fast reflexes]. + 2. Train = Move around zombies. >Loop = Long distance training around map. >Circle = Train in a relative circle around zombies in a single spot. >Reverse = Turn tight 180° to go back the way you came, either making an 8 or C shape, or if blocked while looping/circling. ------------------------- Areas and Items Available: [Stand at PaP, face Clock. TP A area will be to the <Left; first room on left is Room L1. TP B area will be >Right; First area on Right is Room R1. Many rooms have specific names, (even several), so I'll use this method to start, then address individual rooms of note after]. # (< is Left, > is Right, - is centered) -Mainframe (Pack-a-punch): All players load here at Start. Each Teleporter takes you here. Items: Shieva (500), RK5 (500), PaP [Link all 3 TPs to Mainframe to access PaP]. Doors: Ramp Door (750), to Room L1. Steps Door (750) to Room R1. # <Room L1 (Aisle 4, Flytrap hall, The Alley): This is the end of a hall of the Concourse that makes up the middle of the map once power is on. It is blocked off by a metal wall until then, making it a room. Items: GGm, L-CAR-9 (750), Trap w/L2 open. Doors: Mainframe door (750), Room L2 door (750), Power-activated door to Concourse. # >Room R1: This is the end of a hall of the Concourse that makes up the middle of the map once power is on. It is blocked off by a metal wall until then, making it a room. Items: GGm, KRM-262 (750), Trap w/R2 open. Doors: Mainframe door (750), Room R2 door (750), Power-activated door to Concourse. # <Room L2 (Animal Testing, Lower Left): Items: GGm, Kuda (1250), BL, Trap w/L1 open. Doors: Room L1 (750), TP A (1250), Upstairs Left (1000). # >Room R2 (Warehouse, Garage, Thompson Room, Lower Right): Items: VMP, BL, PL, Trap w/R1 open. Doors: Room R1 (750), Upstairs Right (1000). # <Upstairs Left (Juggernog Hall): [Juggernog likely won't be there, but that's it's old name]. Items: Trip Mines (1000), PL. Doors: L2 (Animal Testing) (1000). Drop spot to Concourse below. Bridge to Upstairs Right with power on. # >Upstairs Right (Double Tap Ledge [DT2 likely won't be there, but that's the old name], The Ledge). Items: PL, GGm. Doors: R2 (Lower Right) (1000), TP B (750). Drop spot to Concourse below. Bridge to Upstairs Left with power on. # <Teleporter A: (Left TP). Items: TP to MF (1500), M8A7 (1500), BL, Frags (250). Doors: From L2 (Animal Testing) (1250). If you are here, it's open. # >Teleporter B: (Right TP, Upstairs). Items: TP to MF (1500), HVK-30 (1600), BL, Frags (250). Doors: From Upstairs Right (750). If you are here, it's open. # -Concourse: (Power, by Power Switch, by ?Box [it always started here in Der Riese]). Items: Vesper (1250), PL, BL, (Hidden PL too), Trap, Power Switch [Activating Power Switch activates PaP, Perks, and lowers the Bridge and the metal walls by L1, and R1, making them ends of hallways of the Concourse, and therfore connecting the map in one or possibly two paths back up top to the Bridge. If Room L1 was not open at all, that area is now a team camp spot]. Doors: TP C (1250), 2 simultaneous power-activated doors to Rooms L1 and R1. # -Teleporter C: [Opposite end of map from mainframe]. Items: TP to MF (1500), GGm, KN-44 (1400), Frags (250), PL, BK (3000). Doors: From Concourse (1250). If you are here, it's open. ☆That's the basic content of The Giant's areas. + ☆Specific Areas and Uses: ♢ Each TP Room. >1. Camp 4 player. Basically 2 Window, 2 Marksmen. ♢ TP ? >1. 'The Catwalk'. Go up the tall steps, camp at the end, 1-4 players. 1 player can be in the opening over BK (solo or mp). >2. The Floor solo: Good circle training, and run up KN-44 steps and jump off/repeat is effective. >3. 4 Player Perk Camp. 1 Window, 2 Marksmen, 1 Shortstop. [Alternately: 1 Catwalk, 3 Perk Room]. This window is hard to maintain, i don't recommend this. >4. Solo camp KN-44. Headshot w/Turned LMG. <30 Rounds. ♢ TP B: >1. A CODZ member recommended running solo clockwise around vat next to frag room. ♢ Room L1: ["Clean up in Aisle 4"-Tank]. >1. 'Aisle 4': 2-4 Player Camp (Best w4). Turn on Power through Right Side, come to Room L1. P1 is Window, P2 is Marksman, P3 is Marksman, P4 is Shortstop. [Players choose their role]. Emergency Escape w/Trap to L2, or EE to MF option. ♢ Room R2 (Thompson Room, Lower Right, Garage, Warehouse): >1. Open Left Side to Power, cross Bridge, open Stair Debris between Upstairs Right and Thompson. >1a. Camp. Walk down steps, make right, turn to face VMP wallbuy. Headshot. If 2+ players, mix with 1b. Emergency Escape to R1. >1b. Camp. Down steps, cross room, go right to corner. If 2+ players, mix with 1a. >1c. Solo Train. Near Trap door to R1. Mix with 1a, above. Emergency Escape to R1. >2. Hard Camp 4 player. Instead, open R2 only from R1. 2 Window, 2 Marksmen. Semi-Escape to Upstairs Right. Electric Trap to reload and/or double up on Windows momentarily. >2a. Solo Train. Activate Trap if desired. ♢ Mainframe Room. >1. RK5 Solo Camp. Camp by RK 5, circle as needed. May work with 2+. Seems to be best with Ramp Door closed. >2. Camp 4 player. Ramp Door closed, Steps Door open. Windowman by Ramp Door, 2 Marksman by RK 5 (circle + camp), Shortstop on Mainframe proper (stay near PaP, watch railing break mostly). ♢ Concourse: [area by Power Switch] >1. Solo circles (or circle mp games alone here). >2. MP lone player camp/circle. With campers at the catwalk, stay closer to the bridge than the Power Switch and you should get almost no rear attacks, stay left by barrels, headshot. ♢ Room L2 (Animal Testing). >1. 4 Player Camp. This should be easier than WaW. Open from L1. Don't open Steps Debris. [TP A can be open]. 2 window [effects may help each other], 2 Marksmen. L1+2 Trap can help. Emergency Escape Steps. ♢ Room R1. (I call this Aisle 5). >1. 4 Player Camp. This was doable, but hectic in WaW, should be easier in BO3. 1 Window man should be able to cover both windows with Sniper or LMG early, 1 Shortstop/Window back-up, leaving 2 Marksmen on Hallway. Emergency Escape: R2 Trap Door (possibly camp R2 next if R2 was still sealed), or EE to MF option. ♢ Upstairs Left (Juggernog Hall). [This was a disaster in WaW, I haven't tested it this in BO3, but I'll mention it]. >1. 4 man camp. 2 Window by perk. 2 Marksmen on Bridge. Communicate well. >2. 4 man camp. 2 Marksmen on Bridge. 2 Marksmen by door to animal testing (By Trip Mines). Bridge players drop down to escape, Trip Mine players may drop down or open animal testing (L2) for escape. ♢ "The Pit" (The Original, revisited) + "The Pit Extended". [For 'No Power' Game Modes. Only 'Anywhere But Here!' GG can get you out]. >1. 'The Pit'. Drop from Upstairs Left or Right. Do not activate Power nor open TP C. [Vesper, BL]. >1a. 'The Pit Extended'. As 1, but open TP C also. [Vesper, KN-44, BL x2, Bowie Knife, Frags, GGm]. ----------------------------------------------------------- Perks in The Giant: [5 Randomized Perk Locations as 'PL' above]. Any PL may be; >Double Tap 2 (2000) [Fire 20% faster, each bullet becomes 2]. >Juggernog (2500) [Strength: 2 more zombie hits]. >Mule Kick (4000) [Carry 3rd gun until downed]. >Speed Cola (3000) [Faster reloads+]. >Quick Revive in 2-4 Player (1500) [Revive others time halved]. + >Quick Revive Solo (500) [Self revive. 3 purchases allowed]. Hidden Perk: [Under snow in Aisle 4]. >Stamin-Up (2000) [Run some] Or >Deadshot Daiquiri (1500) [Headshotaide]. Expose hidden Perk: Get Monkey Bombs, throw an MB into a TP (weird sound), then (any player) teleport(s) to MF. Repeat for each TP. A green light will light up on the MF small panel each time. When all 3 are lit, a red button will flash. Hold X (ps# □) to activate. The extra perk is randomly DD or SU. ----------------------------------------------------------- Special Weapon (From "Hide and Seek"/Flytrap. Rechargeable): Annihilator Pistol; 15-shot high-power pistol. ----------------------------------------------------------- Check the Zombies Library thread above for details of Special Weapons, Hidden Perks, and various 'Easter Eggs', if you are seeking that knowledge. Thanks to Pinnaz. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Map Builds: These designs will show how to utilize different areas or be for fun, like GobbleGame, No Power, or worse. Maps separated by ######... ############################### Basic Giant Map 1: "Catwalk and Run"; Solo or 2P Loop [with guidance for beginners] [Map can be played by 4 players, loop is good for up to 2]. [This is the most common map opening of WaW, due to in-game factors of that time. Currently (BO3), this gives the quickest access to all perks, since a Perk Location has been added in R2]. [I used to start on the DT Ledge in WaW, but that ledge is harder in BO3, and The Catwalk is easier, so i often start at The Catwalk and then run the loop, giving me an easier headshot train at The Ledge. Use caution with the "Warehouse Defense" electric Trap (R1-2) as it will cause massive respawn traffic coming down the steps. Freely use the "Bridge Defense" (Bridge Trap) around 30+ or when desired. Rules: Specific Map openings only. Map build: From Mainframe, open Room R1 Door (750), Room R2 Door (750) [Recommend VMP (1300)], and the Steps Debris to Upper Right (1000) [Camp on Ledge opposite PL, or drop by Power Switch for early points]. Drop to Concourse, activate Power Switch. Open TP C (1250) Door. Link TP C to MF. [Recommend Bowie Knife early]. Make points. Open TP B (750) from Upstairs Right and link the TP. Open Room L2 from Concourse Hallway (Aisle 4, Flytrap), open TP A from Room L2. Link TP. [Recommend ?Box. Recommend PaP]. Now, do the Loop: Drop off of Catwalk or Bridge Ledge, move to the other spot, using Bridge Trap as needed. Run Circles/Reverses in TP C, Mainframe. Camp Mainframe, Catwalk, Ledge. [It's reasonable to Catwalk camp to 30+, then Loop]. Generally move and fire thusly: 1. (Either start here) Drop off Bridge Ledge, fire and/or activate Trap [always use switch nearest BL]. Move to TP C opening (past BKnife), turn and fire. Circle here if needed, go up steps, Camp in opening over BK and headshot until dangerous, drop. [Go to 2 below]. 2. (Or start here) Dropped from Catwalk, run the Power Switch side of Concourse, activate Trap if desired, go through door to right, then head hard left towards perk location. As you approach Area R1, turn and fire. Move to Room R2, turn and fire and/or dash upstairs to Ledge, Camp until Dangerous. [Go to 1 above]. Repeat 1 and 2, use Teleporters as an escape route or "TP Dash" strategy. [TP Dash involves camping a TP until overrun, using that TP, then running to another, possibly using Traps on the way. It was an endgame strategy for when nothing else worked]. + Optional "Aisle 4". Leave L1/L2 Trap Door closed, open TP A from Juggernog Hall (Upstairs Left). This gives "Aisle 4" 4 Player camp spot (L1), with Emergency Escape w/Trap. ############################### Basic Giant Map 2: "Down in a Hole". [In WaW, it was rare to see this opening, but it offered interesting Thompson room options. It is much more player friendly in BO3]. Rules: Specific Map openings only. Map build: Open Left Side to Power and TP A when able. Open R2 (VMP/Thompson Room) from Upstairs Right only. (Do not open R1/R2 Trap Door unless Emergency Escape). This offers the Thompson Camp/Train, Left Side loop, and 4 player R1 Camp, as well as the usual Catwalk. + Optional: "ThompsOn"; Open Thompson from from R1. (Do not Open R2 Debris Steps to Upstairs Right). 4 player Thompson Camp w/Trap. Long path to TP B. + Optional: "ThompsOff"; Do not open R2 (Thompson) at all [may depend on R2 perk]. This offers 4 player R1 camp, with Emergency Escape w/Trap to "ThompsOn" 4 player camp above. ############################### Old's Cool Maps: "The Pit" and "The Pit Extended". For Old's Cool Game Mode or GobbleGame Mode. # Game Modes explained: >Old's Cool Game Modes = (See Old's Cool Mode under SoE 'Moar' thread for more details). -In the Giant, your Old's Cool Options are: 1. No power. 2. No PaP. 3. Restricted PaP (No Alternate Ammo, or specific AA). 4. No Perks. 5. No Annihilator. 6. No BK. 7. Ban or Restrict GobbleGum (Limit which GG can be used or create specific packs). Mix and match as desired. + >GobbleGame Game Mode: PaP and Perk purchases are Banned. Perkaholic, and Wall Power are Mandatory. [Could be No Power games, but not necessarily]. ÷ Back to the maps, now that the Game Modes are understood; ####### 1. OC Map: "The Pit (the original)". [Hard] 1-4 Players. Rules: Specific map openings. Power Banned. GobbleGum Banned. You may purchase exactly 1 wall gun before you enter "The Pit". You may purchase Trip Mine. Map build: Open either side, exactly 3 Doors to Power. (Do not activate Power. Do not open TP C 1250 Door). In The Pit, you have a Vesper wallbuy, and a BL with a 1 in 6 chance of the ?Box spawning there and that's all. At least you can take 3 hits. ####### 2. OC Map: "The Pit Extension". (TPE). [Medium] 1-4 Players. Rules: Specific Map openings. Power Banned. 'Anywhere But Here!' GG Banned. You may purchase exactly 1 wall gun before entering "The Pit Extension". You may purchase Trip Mine. No other purchases allowed before entering "TPE". (All wallbuys, GG, and ?Box locations that are in "TPE" are allowed). Map build: Open exactly 3 Doors to Power. (Do not activate Power). Open TP C 1250 Door. Available: [wallgun on way], [Trip Mine on way], Vesper, KN-44, Bowie Knife, Frags, GGm, BL x2 (Roughly 1 in 3 chance of ?Box). + Alternate TPE 1: As 2 above, but with GobbleGame Rules. (Wall Power and Perkaholic are Mandatory. ABH! is still Banned). + Alternate TPE 2: No Power, but allow all Door purchases, Mandate 'Anywhere But Here!' GG. Players play full map, only ABH! can get you out of TPE. [+ option to play GobbleGame Game Mode; Pack includes ABH!, Wall Power, Perkaholic + 2 GG of choice] ############################### OC Map: "Der Riese Reprint #2"; Rules: PaP Restricted [No Alternate Ammo allowed]. GobbleGum Banned. Annihilator Banned. Map builds: As desired. "Seems like I've been here before, fuzzy then and still so obscure" -Born Cross-Eyed, the Grateful Dead. ############################### >The Other Old's Cool Builds and Ideas: If you turn on Power, you are basically playing "The Giant", but you could still Ban TP areas*, or one side (Dont open Left or don't open Right), this would leave you without PaP, for a WaW ZV or SNN feel (With optional GG). Otherwise, without power, you have the Pit (+Pit X), or you can build minimaps off of Mainframe for NDU style maps with varying guns (but you take 3 hits and have GG option). This is more fun than expected. I know that very few will try these, but you're the ones that I type for. ############################## *OC Map: "The Not So Giant". Rules: Restricted openings only. Map build: Do not open any of the 3 Teleporter Rooms. What this means to game play: 1 Perk, by TPC will be inaccessible. PaP machine will be inaccessible. Box may be inaccessible or become inaccessible. Consider Wall Power GG. [Perk: Juggernog, Quick Revive, or possibly Mule Kick are the least needed]. 4 Player camp options (not listed above): See above for other options. >1. TPC door camp by power. >2a. Animal testing (L2): Upper Left debris closed, open from L1. 3 Window, 1 Marksman with Trap option by L1. >2b. Animal Testing (L2): Door to L1 closed, open steps debris to Upper Left. 1 Window by TPA, 2 Marksmen on Hallway, 1 Shortstop usually on Hallway. >3. Exploit (if unpatched): Open Left Side, keep VMP steps debris closed. All zombies load in window by TPB door, if all players stay there. (Sort of cheating, but you won't break any records doing this, so have a laugh). ############################### >NDU map options (should be obvious): Play just the Mainframe Room only (Start Room Challenge). Or Mainframe + L1 or R1, or both. (Adds gun and GGm). Then maybe open L2 or R2, or both. (Adds decent SMG). Then maybe add Upstairs Left or TP A area on Left, Add Upstairs Right, or all of these...et cetera, until you could play all but the Pit. Maybe add Pit or TPE, and ABH! to escape. I think that you get the idea. ---------------- Have fun with 1-4 player NDU style games, use GobbleGame Mode if desired. ################################ I've build you this NDU (Perkless) Style Map to point out the Wall Power GG and Annihilator trick. --------------------------- >OC NDU style Map: "Annihilator Violator"; Rules: No Power. Specific Map openings. Wall Power GG Required. Do not enter The Pit (area by power). [May play GobbleGame Mode]. Map build: Open Left Side to Bridge. Open TP A. Open Right Side to Bridge. Open TP B. (Do not enter Pit). This accesses the entire map except "The Pit Extension" and the Bridge. Get Wall Power and use it, activate Flytrap, shoot Bears and Monkey, get Annihilator Pistol. [Flytrap: Go to L1, look out of map by the corner window, shoot the small switch on a column with a PaP'd gun. (Power-ups appear and fly away) (Gun must have some range). Enter TP B area, go to left side of left vat, jump to see and shoot Bear in Vat (voice confirmation). Go to Ledge, shoot Bear on highest fire escape above Power area (voice conf). Go to TP A, shoot Cymbal Monkey in alcove under TP (sound and voice conf). Go to Furnace in R2 (Thompson) hold X (PS# hold Square) to pick up Annihilator]. MP Camp Juggernog Hall, Ledge (don't drop), TP A, TP B, or Mainframe, Solo Mainframe. Trip Mines help slightly. Strong GobbleGum can change up the game play. ############################### NDU-Style Quick Start OC Maps: Remember, you have .5 Juggernog built in. -------------- This is the best flow I've found for an NDU (perkless) map; Simple Map build 1: Open Room R1 (KRM-262, GGm) and Room R2 (VMP, BL). Fight by RK5, if routed, run to VMP, train and return to RK5. VMP for headshots, KRM for dogs. Optionally, open Steps in R2 and open TPB for HVK-30 or extra box location, if desired. -------------- Simple Map build 2: Open L1(L-CAR-9, GGm) and L2 (Kuda, BL) instead. This map has terrible flow, forcing you to play the Mainframe mostly, but that works fairly well and plays differently than if you opened R1 and R2, for a different quick map experience. Optionally, you can open TPA (M8A7, Frags, BL) and Upper Left (Trip Mines) without affecting gameplay much. ############################### Hybrid Mode: "Earned it". Start Old's Cool, finish Full Power. 1. Pick a Side (L or R). Open that side entirely, do not drop to power, do not open Doors on the other side. 2. Play the chosen side (and Mainframe) until the end of the first Dog Round. As soon as a player picks up the Dog-spawned Max Ammo, you must open the other side entirely. 3. Play on both sides until the end of the second Dog Round. As soon as a player picks up the Dog-spawned Max Ammo, drop to Power. Do not activate Power Switch. 4. Play "The Pit Extended" (TP C can be opened) until the end of the third Dog Round. As soon as a player picks up the Dog-spawned Max Ammo, activate Power and play as "The Giant" without restriction. ############################### Racing Game for 2 or 4 players: "Powers Which?". Start: Form 2 teams [Team Left, Team Right]. Each team can only play on their Map Side and Mainframe and purchase Doors and wall buys on their side. Team that activates Power wins. ############################### Notes: [Mostly for WaW players]. You take 3 hits to kill. 5 with Juggernog, instead of 2 + 4. Guns can have earned attachments. You can run and reload. Zombies are more aggressive, but easier to get around, unlike the 8 foot wide WaW zombies. Zombies drop in tunnel now from "QR Room". Zombies path erratically, not a smooth flow directly at you as WaW. Bouncing Betties are replaced by the less effective Trip Mines. However, TMs can be held in hand for faster melee, or for slightly faster run if you have heavy guns. Opening either side is viable now: a useful gun added and steps not frequently blocked by zombies on TP A side, as happened in WaW. An SMG now awaits either side, the Shotgun (KRM-262 now) has moved to the first door out of the Mainframe on the Thompson side (R1). (Early shotgun is still a bad point making strategy, but if you love it, it's there). The location of each Perk is randomized each game, like WaW Shi No Numa (5 perks though). Quick Revive can be bought Solo 3x, for 3 self-revives (500 points), then the machine basically becomes invisible and inaccessable (it's still there though, don't get caught on it). A fifth Perk Location was added in the Thompson Room (now VMP there), if you had the BO1 reprint and were connected to the internet, Mule Kick was there. GobbleGum adds pizzazz. 5 machines dispersed around the map. Training is generally much easier. Alternate Ammo (re-PaP guns for 2500): 1. Turned: Makes friendly zombie; Great for Camping, but not windows (no longer triggers out of map). Also good for emergency shotgun as the Turned zomb will immediately blast zombies away, like built-in Thunder Wall. 2. Thunder Wall: Verticle Thundergun effect; Blasts a few, looks silly, can be good in emergency. 3. Dead Wire: This causes a slow 'WW DG2' effect; Not great for hard camping as it blocks your view, and is underwhelming in other uses. 4. Blast Furnace: Great for circling; fire into crowd, crowd dies while you reload, gather horde, repeat. Decent window watching option. 5. Fire Works: Great for camping or circling. Works well at windows. Instead of a reprint that was less than the original, as BO1 gave us, BO3's "The Giant" is at least as much fun as WaW's "Der Riese", if not more. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Happy gaming!
Correction: under both "PODS", and "Lil Arnie", you have pod contents listed. Both lists are different and are different than in-game currently. Maybe the game changed, or 360 is different, but I've never seen an L-CAR-9 in a pod (i won't rule it out, but haven't seen it in 28+ days of playing). Pods frequently give Man-O-War, which is not listed above. It's not uncommon to search 4 pods in a row and get 4 MWR in a row. Tip: if you search pods a lot, unlock and pimp the MWR.
Both times that i heard something, i ran up the VMP steps in Canal and could see Icarus (that's the MOTD plane, to those not aware). It seemed that the sound came from there (I have 28.5 days of bo3 playtime in, so this was new to me as far as i could tell). Icarus flies over part of Footlight (i think?), Junction, and the first half of Canal. It heads where the tram line leaves the map from the Canal Station. Maybe listen at different points? ----- (Canal is a Station, a waypoint along the line, though we can't ride it out of the map. Footlight and Waterfront are Terminals, at a terminus of the line. Just some Train nomenclature).
Interesting stuff. I have 2 small things to say: 1. From the character quotes in DE and Giant, i get the feeling that the o4 are heading to a fight with the Apothicons, where we will see the Arbgwaoth. "(Fore)Shadow(ing)s of Evil (to come)" is what the name SoE may really mean. 2. The Icarus only flies over the map once a player enters Junction. I swear that i hear voices from it if i run up the Canal steps as it passes over. Maybe it is meant to be triggered by someone entering Junction and someone else (or a few people) has (have) to be in the right place(s). Grapple up by SU, grapple plane...i doubt that, but I'm feeling feverish.
I knew that the waw weapons would not return, so that didn't bother me. I like the Bo3 weapons well enough, but i disliked bo1, so I'll be much happier with bo3 Giant, than bo1 DR, I'm sure. Add GobbleGum and alternate ammo, and I'll be happy to play it.
The Giant is available on 360 as of July 5, 2016. $5.99 That is all.
Random thoughts: Bring panzer in there. Drop Ragnarok up top of steps. Kill zombies in the tower.
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See Quick Start OC Map below (☆☆☆). ------------------------------------------------------- I thought that I was done. Again. The design of SoE allows for literally thousands of slightly different survival map variations. I could never even think of each incarnation as there is simply too many variables and build options, but I really tried to touch on a bunch of builds; from small Old's Cool maps to convoluted Pro maps, showcasing the genius of SoE's design. In the past week alone, I've filled another post to the brim with map builds, and added to previous posts. Then I thought that I was done. Again. But here I am with a very special build. The exact reason that I made this thread was to bring some quick play map options to the marathon map that is SoE. Pro maps were just an extra feature to flesh out the thread. So, I've saved the best for last, perhaps. The fastest map ever in zombies. Forgive the preamble, but I'm just too verbose for my own good. -83457 ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ What if Treyarch made a survival map for quick games in BO3; a map that had Power on, 5 Perk options, 2+ large kiting areas, a shotgun, rifle, and a couple of smg wallbuys, with a 40-round(?) trap, all ready to play on round 1? What if it had 4 zombie types, random digs for Power Ups or guns, and GobbleGum? What if you might be able to trade Juggernog for a box location and a different perk? Or maybe get a box and Juggernog? And what if that map had 6 builds that were possible? What if...? But that would never happen, would it? ################################### ☆☆☆ OC Map build: "The Fastest Zombies in the West". There are 6 variations (3 maps, each with Loop option), the map is complete and playable on round 1, for fast action Old's Cool games. [I've come full circle, these are essentially Post 1 Map: "Easy Street Extension" maps, with Subway added and Loop option. (Easy Street Extension Plus" and "ESEP + Loop)]. <Rules: Strict Old's Cool (Posts 1 and 8). [You don't have to check the OC Rules as the map design won't allow anything illegal except Perks, which are allowed in this build]. All Perks available within the map parameters are allowed. <Map: Options: [Pick 1 Junction-District 1000 point Door to open (Choose either the Juggernog, Speed Cola, or Double Tap Perk District, or pick the District with ?Box). Then, decide if you want to open the Junction/Subway steps to complete a loop or not]. [Solo, 3-Beast description follows. This description will work well enough for 3 and 4 players also]. [For 2, 3, or 4 players, have P1 open the Junction 500 point Door. P2 hits Chang's for +500, then opens the District for 1000]. + [For 2+ Players: P1 can Beast (District Perk, Steps, and) Rift Door while P2 may be able to hold X immediately after to open the Rift to allow Beast through to Subway. How effective this is depends on the District. You may need the second round to power everything with 2 players]. >Open Junction 500 point Door (hit Chang's for +500). Use Beast on Quick Revive, Loading Dock (room with Power Up), and Nero's Steps. (Stab 5 zombies for points). >From Junction, open the chosen District's 1000 point Door. Use Beast to drop Steps, power Perk Machine, and open the Rift to Subway. >Enter Rift to Subway: Use Beast to power Mule Kick, Widow's Wine, open Door to Junction, power Stamin-up. (If you want the Junction/Subway Door closed, either power Stamin-Up up on Beast 1 if you can, or else Beast it on on round 2). ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ [That's it, the busywork is usually done on round 1. Just play; You, perks, zombies, guns, and a trap]. Perks: Mule Kick, Stamin-Up, Widow's Wine, Quick Revive, and your choice of Juggernog, Speed Cola, or Double Tap 2. (You can go Jugg+QR, one or the other, or semi-NDU style with neither). Guns: RK5, Shieva, L-CAR-9, KRM-262, and Vesper as the default wallbuys in each version, with FL (Vesper, Kuda), WF (Kuda), or Canal (VMP, Kuda) options. May have ?Box Location. Pods may give guns. FL and WF offer a Trap path, and Canal offers the Fancy Grind Arches camp spot, and the canal raceway with Trap to train in. There is training in Junction and Subway, with a loop option available. No Sword, no Shield, no PaP, no Apothicon Servant, no busywork. Box will likely leave if you have one (though it may go to Subway and be accessible). GobbleGum can be simple Classic effects, crappy Megas, or game changers like Wall Power, Perkaholic, Immolation Liquidation, or just basic Power Up drops to feel old school. Adjust to taste. ########################## OC Map: "83457's Fast Map Extension" Rules: Strict Old's Cool Mode. All accessible Perks allowed. Map build: Choose 2 Districts [I choose Juggernog and DT2 Districts usually]. Open those Districts and their Rifts, making a loop. . [Stamin-Up, Juggernog, Double Tap 2, Mule Kick are my usual Perks for that old school feel]. Utilize training spots, or run loop with Traps. ########################## Regarding Traps; These are almost completely pointless in SoE, as there is no need to use them with all of the power available. They used to work through round 42, now they don't even last that long. However, they are actually useful in Old's Cool Mode, so here's a couple of OC Maps dedicated to Trap use. ---------------- OC Maps: Trap Maps: Rules: Strict Old's Cool. Apothicon Servant Banned. All Perks allowed. [Best with Double Tap 2 or Juggernog available in the small builds. Also consider the Box location in your choice of District to use]. Trap Map builds: 1. Waterfront; From "Fastest Maps..." above, or "Easy Street Extension Plus" (Post 1); Open WF 1000 point door from Junction, Drop Steps, Open Rift, activate perks. Description: Gather in Junction, run through trap, gather in Subway, run through trap as needed. 5 Perks available. Possible Box. + 2. Footlight; "Der Verrückt Riese 2.2" Build option (Post 1); Open Footlight 1000 point door from Junction, drop steps, open 1250 CP Switch Door. (Optionally open Rift, or use Tram for additional perks). Description: Gather in Junction, or by Black Lace, run through trap as needed. Up to 7 perks with Tram and Subway options. Possible Box. + 3. Canals; Canals, by itself, is a Trap Map. You just need to get there, so here are a couple of builds: = 3a. Canal "Easy Street Extension Plus" build (Post 1), or "Fastest Map" build. Open Canals 1000 point door from Junction, drop steps, open Rift (for perks and U-turn options). 5 perk options. Possible Box. Description: Run Junction to Canal and back through trap, or just run Canals through trap, or use Junction and Subway to make a U-turn and head back through the trap. 5 perks. (Or) 3b. Canal "Homeboy Plus" build (Post 1, 4); Take Tram to Canal, Open 1250 RR doors. Open Fuse area to Perk area. Open Rift. Description: Grab perks on way, plus 3 choices in map build. Gather at workbench, gather in Subway, run through trap. Possible Shield option. Possible Box, or Box on way option. + 4. Subway/PaP Trap: could be "Hell" map, or "Gate to the underworld" [w/Canal for 2 trap map] map, or just play in Subway/PaP with any map build. For this, you need to do the 4 rituals and open the PaP wall. Do not do the PaP ritual (or Restrict PaP; no alternate ammo). It's a little bit of set up work, but the trap is well placed, and you have a PaP option. [Suggestions: No Sword. Build shield. Restricted PaP allowed on Round 20 (No alternate ammo)]. Description: Gather by PaP altar, run through trap, gather in Subway, run through trap. ########################### (Again with the italics and missing edits?) I'm done. Again. I think.
Welcome to the funhouse.
Solo Camp Feedback: I was doing lots of solo camping tests on 50+ rounds. This is my feedback. Storm Bow is the only hard core camping bow. Demon is on par if you run circles, as it acts like a trap as well, but for boring stand-your-ground camping, take the Storm Bow. Fire is the third best as a trap/long term killer. QR alcove is excellent for Survival gun camping/headshotting. It would be a blast for old school 4 man camping (no bows). However, for Bow camping, it is not the best for seeing drops, and can be very dangerous to get the drops down the steps. It actually plays faster with QR 750 point Door open. Tram nearby, GGm nearby. Shield by Pyramid, or over DT2. Before mid-40s, with QR Door shut, Death Machines couldn't ask for an easier place to be. Best I've seen: Tram alcove is what QR alcove wishes it was. Easy to see what's coming, easy to see drops. Tram deliveres directly to you, and the GG machine is easy access. If you haven't tried this, do so. I did my highest game here [61], just camping. Boring, but fast. Shield by pyramid or above DT2. I had the door towards DT2 open (so I could also do the QR alcove test), it may load faster with that door closed, so open start initially from QR (if so, build shield by pyramid). One of the best: Parapet by clock tower (fire bow ring, w-fizz, landing pad there): Better than QR alcove, less than Tram alcove. This is almost as easy as the Tram alcove, but drops may be hidden behind wall or on steps, Tram is far away for Fuses, GG machine slightly harder to access (in Void Bow room, below). Easy shield access above DT2. Stand and fire, with circle/reverse runs right there if overrun. Some zombies load by church balcony, over WS, so it's not the fastest, but still excellent. DT2 Wundersphere: By 50ish, this is a death-trap; zombies will come out of the side window, ignore your Storm Bow shot, and surround and down you while the WS fails to fling you. That area may be held with multiple players, but not recommended for high solo rounds. In Clock Tower, on steps: Drops may be out of sight, and it's a bit small. 2 GGm nearby, shield in Church or by DT2. Not the best. Demon Bow room with Courtyard Door closed: This had the same issue as the DT2 WS; windows right there mean constant shots to stay alive. Fine for circles, but terrible for camping the small steps. QR Door camp (open Demon room from courtyard, walk down to QR Door). This isn't a thing. Very slow loads. Same with Mule Kick area. The Pit: DT2 1000 point Door closed, Start Room Door 750 point Door to DT2 area closed. Open 500 point Barrier above DT2, drop down. Use ABH! to escape this area. The logistics are a pain, but the loads are insane. Easy to miss drops, run out of ammo, or get surrounded. High risk, fast rounds. Shield could be over DT2, GGm in area. Not for the faint of heart. Camp on Start Room steps, use door for escape. Don't even bother with this until past 40 or 50, then burn through rounds. ABH! GG can get you out, but most likely you'll need to open Start to escape, so this is a one-shot camp often, maximize it by going in after a Panzer Round, with Alchemical Antithesis (or ABH!), Ragnarok charged, and a new Shield. Wunderfizz room lower courtyard: I thought that this might have some fast loads, but it has no redeeming qualities. Fail. ----- I plan to test Church steps (with barriers closed), Church balcony (though I feel it loads slowly), and Rocket test TP room with Storm Bow camping, as I've already heard good things about them or played them with Demon Bow. I've tried the main TP room with Demon Bow, but not Storm, it seems to load a bit slow, but I'll try it with Storm at a higher round. ****Edit: More Solo Camp Feedback. WS shell protects zombies, in it with you, from Storm bow shots. TP room (main complex). This is not a camp spot. While you technically can stand in the TP, not moving, and fire Storm Bow shots, you can't see well and have to panic fire often. Running in front of the TP works well though, just not camping. Decent load speed. (Running circles is not camping to me, if your terminology differs, call it camping then). TP (Rocket Pad). Camping is not great as they load fast but spread out. But a simple C-shape (while facing out) on the small steps of the TP, or tight circles, works fairly well, just keep dragging the fastest zombs back and forth between shots. Camping Church Steps, outside Church Balcony, (and the crappy Steps across from Balcony) all have slower loads. This makes them fun for gun-headshotting, but not the fastest for high rounds. (The last steps are nearly impossible without bows, but i wanted to be thorough in testing). Camping the Church steps (window steps, upper left) inside gives the best "line up for a headshot" trains that I've seen in BO3. With the Balcony debris closed still, every single zombie head gets lined up. For comparison, even QR alcove has 2 lines merging. And the slower loads allow higher-round gun camping. I wanted the stairs under the lower courtyard to be campable, I hoped that the zombies wouldn't load up top if i stayed near the bottom of the steps, but this isn't a thing. Dangerous and dumb. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Solo Training Spots: Parapet (by Clocktower). Reverses, circles and headshot camping, all in one. Shield by DT2 (fling back to parapet via WS). Undercroft Column (below Dog Bow wall run spot). So easy. A bit slow. Shield by pyramid. Pyramid. Always changing paths, yet easy. Shield here. Undercroft TP room. In front of TP. Shield by pyramid. Upper courtyard: either by Church or by Demon Bow Room (best with 1000 point debris intact). Slow loading. Shield far. Tomb (Where Bow spawns). Hectic. Panic fire often. Shield in Church or Pyramid. Bastion. Trap, WS escape. Hectic but open. Shield over DT2, (fling to parapet, walk up). Tram Console. Hectic. Reverses and zigzags. Easier than you think. Shield at pyramid or DT2. Church (by dragon). Reverses and ovals. Shield here. The Pit: [DT2/GGm 1000 point Door closed, Start Room 750 point Door (to DT2 area) closed. Open 500 point Barrier by WS over DT2, drop down]. This may have the fastest loads in game, but is hard. Camp start room steps, or run circles by small steps (to zombie window). Open door or use 'Anywhere But Here!' GG to escape. Rocket pad in front of TP, between windows near TP, in front of blast doors, under launch pad, or on the launch pad. All of these are doable, none of these wow me. Fast loads in TP area. Bows, or high rounds (all zombies run) make most areas trainable. All courtyard areas (incl church) and pyramid areas load rather distant. Not the best for high rounds. Happy camping and/or training!
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