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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Thanks for the pod tip, i used it in one of 'my' survival maps when i was trying to build the WW (Der Verruckt Riese): i recalled your tip, which caused me to recall the pod hiding in the subway car in subway, and there was the part. I don't think that it appears in a part of the map that you haven't opened up. But i can't yet swear by this. ------ Somatic survival tips: i often hear folk say 'how come the zombies don't hit you as you run right by them?', the answer is this; the creatures in the game lock on to where you will be, the flyers are real obvious in this manner: they (like scorpions from Extinction) aim for where you are going to be, so changing course frequently causes them to miss. Zombies: constantly turn your controller as you loop past them or else just twitch it back and forth as you run. The zombies always try to aim for where you will be, so constantly turning slightly as you pass them, makes them try to recalibrate their attack continuously. Mawgra: well timed jump. If you are in the air when he slams the ground, you take no damage. He may instead attempt the '8-fold bitchslap', which does much less damage when he connects. A direct slam to your shield will take it out, but you won't take damage. Flyers: zig zag as you run. Get to smaller rooms where you can shoot them in groups, up close. The easy street loading dock is perfect. Subway steps. Urinal area of boxing gym. Under steps in Nero's. Ruby Rabbit is okay. Or just outrun them and pick them off.
  2. If everyone takes one at once, do they have different names? It seems impossible that they had this same glitch again, maybe it is a step. Edit: ah, this was patched on xbone. It still worked on 360 the other day, but there was 2 gameplay updates, so maybe it's dead for 360 now as well. Sorry. ----- What about gumballs like Hidden in Plain Sight? I've used it for regular PaPs, but not the WW. That would be quite the in joke: hidden in plain sight.
  3. I tried with the regular sword and the BK. I was a little timid on my attacks, but I'm fairly sure it's not a profitable idea. With the upgraded sword, just aim at his eye/head and hit LT.
  4. Maybe to keep it upgraded, you have to bowl over Mawgra. I don't want to be the guy trying that. ------- Maybe you can PaP it. ------- Shoot it with the WW? ------- Maybe you need to bowl over x amount of zombies with the upgraded shield? And pod tanks to keep it going? That sounds like something we would have to do. ------- I've noticed pod tanks around the map that appear to just be background, but coincidentally look exactly like the pod tanks. Maybe they are for this? ------- Kill x zombies with it in zombie blood (hidden in plain sight)? ------- Sword Flay + Goddard Device + kills = ? ------- What's with the room with the lion heads? It looks like they either could hold a ring in their mouths, or a stone or something in the indent on their heads. Is that part of the easter egg? The place has a woman's name, (not on the game right now, so i can't post the name), and inside says (her name) Secret. It can't be nothing. Canal>power steps> the room before the perk room with 4 lions (4 players...).
  5. Do the found (in pods) tanks replenish/heal it? Or, realistically, it is supposed to stay there, but is glitched. This is Trollarch.
  6. Excellent! What round does it plow through zombies to? If anyone knows... I did the achievement on round 4, i guess i should have kept at it.
  7. I agree. As soon as i have purple pods i dig and almost immediately get the Tentacle. Usually within 1-2 rounds the (bright green piece) is dropped from the Wasps. Edit: seems to drop on round 14 every time.* I've since gotten it on 12 several times, and got the tentacle on the same round. So apparently you can get more than one piece in a round, fyi. On 3gg: it also requires a Rare Mega GG to do it, so it won't be happening in every game. The zombie cloning seems intentional, (how could they have missed it?), but it probably isn't.
  8. As a moderator, if you feel the zombie cloning or Wall Power 3 gun glitch should be deleted, do so with my blessing. I like to know glitches, but i understand that this isn't a glitching site. Technically, i didn't mean to do either when they first occurred. I don't like glitching to high rounds, but the game gave me a third gun slot and i wasn't about to complain. :)
  9. On Trip Mines: you can not use these like claymores, where you hide them around the map until the ones that you drop instantly explode. I believe that you can have 4 total on the map at once. As you throw a new one, the oldest one disappears. Edit: now 2 max. They are good for putting up high to take out the flyers around the areas that you train. Edit: these also kill zombies into the 20s, making them work well for the Egg step of the swords. ------ Flyer rounds: fight these guys in the subway steps, they get trapped in a wall design and have trouble attacking you in swarms on the subway steps. Also, remember you can use beast, if needed to open doors or power, on this round. ------- Meatballs: have trouble with stairs, especially by a bend. The Nero fire escape is perfect for them as they must slowly navigate the bends. Patched---Edit: hmm. The Nero fire escape actually makes you invincible (360 at least) if you stand near the bottom; they roll up the easy street steps, vanish, respawn. Just fire from above as they roll past. ------- Mawgra: i choose to shoot them, so they outrun the train. But some folk like to save them for after the train. Chopper; care to explain how you stop them from spawning?
  10. But it may just refer to unlocking the pap, which it does... We may be over thinking that bit. (Shrug).
  11. It may be something. A couple of lines seem to be random thoughts, but others do pertain to the game. When grabbing the worm, the boxer says 'are we gonna battle the giant worm mommy when she comes looking for her babies' (something like that)? Which comes sort of true.
  12. It just gives choice; where would you like the shield? Canal seems best, but there is probably someone running the theater with it built up there. I haven't tried, but i would not be surprised if you could use the table that you built the wonder weapon on to then build the shield. But since the shield is usually built early, we may never know.
  13. (360) Weird: used Wall Power, grabbed the one gun i can have attachments on (this was the Vesper, in Footlight) and it also gave me an extra gun slot. It stayed the whole game, PaPs, wonder weapon, and all. I don't think that that is supposed to happen. Edit: even through downs, it was not MK/Peraholic.
  14. (360) I've noticed that Beast can't zap while running anymore, the zap lags usually even after you stop, and there is a 1-5 second lag before most grapple spots can be used. Especially by waterfront, if you try to do the 2 grapples, the second one just won't light up for several seconds since the patch. The Bowie knife no longer takes $3000 and gives a 1 gun glitch with no knife while still telling you that you can buy it. They made the fliers much more aggressive. You can now revive teammates. That's a plus. You could occasionally pull it off before, but it was extremely difficult. --- They added these glitches; choosing GG menu, as well as choosing attachments for guns menus all make the DMF noise for no apparent reason. Reload glitch has been added like previous zombie maps so that, while standing still, you may have to reload up to 3 times before the ammo actually reloads. All guns, but especially the start pistol. This never occurred before the 11.20.2015 patch, now it is every single game. --- Attachments for wallbuys still only work on the last gun that you equip them to. Max ammos are often still dropped on top of train, in walls, or high in the air out of reach when dropped by Wasps/pork balls. When downed, you usually still keep jumping in place. If this happens in solo, you nearly bleed out before QR revives you (it takes at least twice as long while your screen is jumping). --- I guess since this was ported (360 version) by a different group than Trollarch, it explains why there is so many less glitches than bo1 or bo2 or WaW, ha.
  15. I use it at start, is slows PaP down slightly, but who really needs a PaP by round 5 anyway? I use the points to open the map and get BK on 1 or 2, depending on drops. I have gotten BK on round 1, but usually 2 or 3 due to the ridiculous amount of nukes that drop. BK: Solo, use Beast 1 and 2 to clone zombies, grab x2 from start, carefully stab to avoid the bomb(s), open waterfront, use Beast 3 to drop Ritual Belt and open boxing gym. You will need to open the $1250 door, the $1000 door, the ES $500 door, so it isn't always easy to get enough, i probably got a rare game where x2 dropped in lieu of one of the several bombs that usually drop. Stop trolling the game with early nukes, Trollarch. They should not appear before round 10!
  16. (360 at least) Beast Mode's left trigger doubles zombies. Zap zombies while running around as beast, when they respawn, they are doubled. It just happens constantly because zapping zombies is the best thing in the game, so you do it as you run around and you get more zombies. Purposefully gather them and zap the crowd, run off, and double the zombies. 32 (nonbeast) kills on round 1 is my highest, but more could be made. Weird note: this part won't give points, but as you turn human, any nearby zombies get blown away. These count as kills, even though the zombies respawn (to kill again, get even higher kill count). If it is a glitch, either it is only on 360, or the community is blind to the fact that zombies double, or somehow you guys aren't zapping the zombies, which is mind boggling. Why play SoE if you don't Odin-spank the zombies?
  17. On Die Rise: 360 version was patched regarding the death slide. Unless there were others that i missed. Both the small slide and the large elevator shaft don't kill you anymore. The elevator shaft drops move really slowly now, which is fine. I rarely use the small slide, so maybe I'm mistaken, but the few times that I've used it, it was safe. The shafts were definitely fixed.
  18. I feel that it is setting the tone that you have been duped into making things worse, helping to let them take your dimension, only so you will feel great later when you stop them. Common plot device. Edit: also, the song always sounds like: potato, potato, potato, tomato, (some other stuff), potato, potato, potato, tomato... I can't be the only one who hear's that.
  19. Some people are missing this: when you can use Beast, the symbol on your screen glows blue. If you have multiple uses, it has a flashing effect. If it is red, you have no uses left.
  20. Thank you, sir. I figured some one would be amused.
  21. Here's a legitimate challenge that is fun and worthy: Old's Cool Mode, Map (SoE): Strasse Der Untoten. Open only the Easy Street door. GobbleGum Pack must contain: [Always done swiftly Stock option Armamental accomplishment (SC) Sword Flay (Bowie knife) In plain sight (zombie blood)] You may use anything else available to you: Fumigator/pods Stamin-Up Quick Revive GobbleGum (once or twice, if that) Wallbuys Beast (stairs, power, loading dock power up, revives, et ceteta) Board windows Ritual (for lulz) How long can you survive? 1 player (11 so far, but I'll get better) edit: died on 12 now, only one QR used, but that round 11 mawgra still had a head and the pods gave me crap. Game over. 2 player 3 player 4 player Happy challenging!
  22. I changed this thread name from "More Zombie Maps Inside" to Moar of SoE to align with my other "Moar..." threads. [Updated for change of Gobblegum Machine availability. Always having access to GGs is a huge boon for Survival map builds. Some maps may state 'possible GGm location', that now means that a GGm WILL be there]. [The ?Box now always starts in the First Area of WF or Canal Districts, or in the Perk area of FL. Originally, it would spawn at any of the 6 nonSubway locations. Maps like Juggerton/Homeboy that say 'possible Box Location" will now definitely not have a ?Box, unless it has been moved since start, which is unlikely in those builds]. Summary: This thread is about breaking the Shadows of Evil map into smaller or convoluted survival maps, as well as helping players understand the layout. It is a fortress of text, be warned. If stats matter to you, you can always play Local; Local will not save to Leaderboards. Local has all Weapon Attachments and Classic GG unlocked, but no Mega GG. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} This first post is survival map and difficult map layouts that can be created, and variants. (Posts 4, 5, 8, and 9 contain more maps. Post 4 also has other games. Some maps tell the basics of how to build a version of it, while other maps are built specifically for you, so you won't have to think them up. The second post is how to create your own map, as well as exactly what is in each district, so that you can better understand the existing "Shadows of Evil" map as well as the survival maps that you create. The third post is to help newbies without them getting lost in my wall of text. Whether you're rusty from lack of playing, or you are new to zombies, check the third post. It's not the most comprehensive starter that you could view, but it should get you some familiarity with running this map. ---++-+())))))(++----)(())(-++---+-+ I've been listening to the community, watching vids, learning the curves, coming up with challenges, and having fun. You know, the usual new zombie game stuff. Then, i noticed the genius of SoE: Survival maps built in. --- What i hear from the community: "SoE is too easy", or "there is too much busywork again", or "i simply don't have time for another long game". Well, old 83457 has heard you and help is on the way with these new BO3 zombie maps already available on your console! (Maps separated by #########). (Note that the symbol '$' means 'points' in many of these examples). (Fuse Doors, and Fuse Area refer to the area [or $doors] between the Tram Station and the Perk Cola areas of each district, where the Fuses for the Civil Protector are located). --- Maps may be 1, or possibly both, of these Map Types; >Map type: Old's Cool (OC Maps) = Shorter Survival maps for limited play time and limited busywork. Has that WaW feel. There may be multiple builds or gameplay options in OC Maps, some may be adaptable to Full Power by using Tram to get rituals and stuff done and then returning to the OC Map area. >Map type: Pro Map = Full Power map with restricted openings to increase difficulty or add pizzazz. These are specifically built, usually with no options. The term Full Power means that all items in the map are available and allowed (PaP, Sword, Apothicon Servant, et cetera). Both Map types are interspersed between each other, there is no set order. Generally, look for 'OC Map' or 'Pro Map' to distinguish between the two. --- CP CIVIL PROTECTOR CP SWITCH (calls CP to location if 3 Fuses are placed in Blue Subway Fuse Box) SU STAMIN UP SC SPEED COLA J JUGGERNOG QR QUICK REVIVE W'sW WIDOW'S WINE DT2 DOUBLE TAP 2 MK MULE KICK GG GOBBLEGUM GGm GOBBLEGUM MACHINE ?BOX MYSTERY BOX BL BOX LOCATION BK BOWIE KNIFE ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷=====÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ For the Pros, the 'too easy' crowd; Solo works, but this is for you 3 or 4 man teams that need some challenge added: (Also see "83457's Labyrinth Redux" below for a pro map). ########################### Pro Map: TranZit II: "Go to El". (As in El train, or Elevated train). Rules: plays mostly like regular SoE, with these exceptions: Only 1 rift can be open, must be in district with juggernog. Only 1 $1250 door can be open, must be by juggernog upstairs. This forces Train use and minimizes map movement, hinders moving around with conga lines. No Civil Protector (Fuses aren't accessible). 3 different map configurations. ?? Harder Variant: "Engineer's Choice"; You must listen to the Engineer after opening the Easy Street door, whatever District he names, you can not open the ($1250) door of that district as your choice of single ($1250) door. Note that the wall map will show where the Train went as well. Also, he calls the Footlight District by the name 'Theater District'. If you listen closely, first he says where he is going, then he gets there and says '"now boarding for (the other 2 districts)". In addition, you can not open a Rift to the Subway in that District, nor in the District that you open your lone ($1250) door. So, the train will start in one district, your Rift in another, and your ($1250) door in the third. That's manly SoE zombies. ############################### *******Old's Cool******* Old's Cool Mode: These are for the other two groups, 'less busywork', and/or 'shorter games'. Old's Cool rules and variants: All subject to your whim. [Strict is for faster, NDU/Zombie Verrückt type games. You are not obligated to play by these rules]. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Strict Old's Cool Rules: >No Solo Quick Revive; There was none of those free lives in Solo WaW. >Perks: Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap 2, Quick Revive (Mp). Solo, instead of QR, use Stamin-Up or Mule Kick to preserve Old's Cool feel. [Perk restrictions are frequently ignored in many builds]. >No PaP, no Swords, no Civil Protector in Strict Versions. >Apothicon Servant can be allowed, but skip it if you want to keep games short. Search pods for guns and Power Ups instead. >GobbleGum allowed. Adjust GG power to desired levels. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Old's Cool Options and rule breaking; Replacing QR in Solo with Stamin-Up is easy as SU is in every map that can be made once you open the first 500 point Door, and it isn't a game breaker. Mule Kick instead of QR gives that '3 gun glitch' WaW feel. If you have no shield, or no Juggernog, Widow's Wine could be a replacement. But otherwise avoid Widow's Wine for OC Maps, except for occasionally giving a favorite OC Map a 'new perk' feel. Without Juggernog in a map, allow Solo QRs if desired. Ban all Perks for that Nacht Der Untoten vibe. Don't power it on if you don't want it in the map. PaP: if the OC Map can be adapted for PaP, consider avoiding Alternate Ammo types to keep Old's Cool Der Riese vibe. Or use Thunder Wall and Dead Wire for a strong, but not too strong kick. Turned for a group camp game maybe. Bowie: Allow it, if possible, if desired. In the following maps, i may talk about using things that i banned in Strict, above. This is because you will play how you want and adjust rules as you want, so I'll mention some stuff, contrary to what I've banned. It's also necessary in order to communicate different ideas. I also tweek things here and there so you may notice some changes. Anyway, those of you who actually read this will probably find something to enjoy. Have fun! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] For the upcoming Old's Cool Maps, you may need 1 of these 3 Tram Variants: ----- Variant 1: Train can't be called or used. If it's there, you can buy the Bootlegger. ----- Variant 2: Train can be called to location (for Bootlegger Wallbuy), but not ridden. ----- Variant 3: Train can be called and used, but no ($1250) doors in those areas can be bought (see below). Or for 1 time use for shield, AS Workbench, Trip Mines. ************************************* Old's Cool Maps: 1-4 players. ######################### OC Map 1; "Strasse [strah-sa] Der Untoten" (Street of the Undead): Rules: Only the Easy Street $500 Door can be purchased as far as $ Doors are concerned (Nero's Landing can be opened). Gobblegum: Classic, or Mega, adjust power to taste. In this map you will get QR (if allowed), Stamin-Up, and GG. You have a few wallbuys and possibly pod weapons. Map: You have Junction and Nero's place, and that's your whole map. Solo games last half an hour or so. Margwa's are a challenge. ++ OC Map 1.1; "Easy Street Extension": As OC Map 1 above, but you may purchase one additional door for $1000. Giving access to a perk (j, sc, or dt2), an SMG, and possibly another GG location, and possible box location. This will extend the game time to an hour or so. ++ OC Map 1.2 "Easy Street Extension Plus [Subway]": For additional ease, or for more players, you may open the Rift on this map, for 2 more perks, and a GGm and Box Location, as well as an additional smg). ++ OC Map 1.3 "Easy Street Extension Plus and Loop": As OCM1.2, also open Junction/Subway Door (to create Shangri-Loop). --- Worthy Build↓[√] OC Map 1.31; "83457's Usual (Easy Street Extension Augmented [Full District] Plus [Subway] and Loop [2 Subway openings])": I play this frequently when time is constrained, so i can get right into the action. Open: Junction, any Doors in the District that has the Juggernog machine, that District's Rift to Subway, Subway Door to Junction, ritual areas (if desired) of Nero's Landing and opened District. Quick Revive usually banned, leaving Widow's Wine to be my late-game savior, Stamin-Up, Juggernog, and a 3rd gun slot with Mule Kick. This gives a few decent wallbuys, pod guns (+ possible fire sale), GGs, 4 perks (5, with QR, if allowed). I avoid shield, Trip Mine, and BK usually, to keep game about surviving and time efficiency, but sometimes i have the time or desire to get them and extend the game. If Waterfront is open, i always get BK, for that old school feel. ####################### OC Map 2; "Der Verrückt Riese" (the crazy giant): Like Map 1, but Waterfront can be opened completely to access BK. No other areas. Subway rift door cannot be opened. Train Variant 1 (No Train). This adds the BK, the wonder weapon, possibly the Bootlegger Wallbuy, as well as a random perk machine. (J, SC, or DT2), and a possible temporary box location. (Disclaimer: If you don't get Juggernog, feel free to open the $1000 Door to it, drop the steps, but don't open that further. The idea is cramped map, Juggernog and Bowie Knife. See variants below). ÷ OC Map 2.1; "I'm the Juggernog's Bitch": Fully open whichever district has Juggernog. No Subway allowed. Train variant 3 used for BK. ÷ OC Map 2.2; "Where I Belong"; Pick a district before game, only that one can be opened fully. No subway. Train variant 3. ÷ OC Map 2.2a; "Where am I?"; Randomly pick district to open before the game. No Subway. Train variant 3. In OCM 2.2 and 2.2a, If Juggernog isn't available, you may purchase 1 $1250 Door, from Tram through Fuse area, to access it (See post 2 for Random Dungeon Generator if you like random). ########################## OC Map 3; "Shadow No Numa": Rules: Subway banned [or limited to one Rift that requires a Tram ride, if you love those perks, or that area, or the box goes there]. Train Variant 3 Required. Only one $1250 door can be purchased in the entire map. Any other non-beast doors can be opened. This gives all perks except W'sW and Mule Kick (unless Subway allowed). Rocket Shield is available. Apothicon Servant is available. BK Available. Only a slim chance of no more ?Box (Subway location inaccessible). No PaP. No Swords (if Subway banned). No Civil Protector. + OC Map 3.1; "Chasing Juggernog"; as above, only the 1 $1250 door by Juggernog can be opened. + OC Map 3.2; "Catch the Train"; you must open only the ($1250) door in the District where the Train first resides. Wall Map in junction shows Train location. + Or open the district with your favorite gun or kite spot, but by picking the others, you get more practice in the lesser known areas. + Full Power Version; PaP: Need it? Then simply open the subway, but consider restricting it to a District that requires a Tram ride. ########################### OC Map 4; "Tramzportation": Rules: No Subway. Train/Tram required. You may only purchase 1 ($1000) door. This, like "Shadow No Numa", allows most perks, box locations, the shield, the wonder weapon, but with a greater reliance on the Train to get perks, certain guns, box locations, kiting areas. Revives can be nearly impossible unless you stay together. + PaP Version: if you add PaP, you must only open 1 rift and it cannot be by Juggernogg, it must require a train ride from Juggernog. Subway to Junction Door closed. Add Subway, no PaP: As above, but with PaP banned. ########################## Pro Map: "83457's Labrynth Redux": (Remade due to game ending glitched death barrier). Hard map with normal SoE gameplay with Door and Stair restrictions only. Use most items as usual, i mostly only describe the map opening. Shield built in Footlight. Open each Ritual location. Do not Beast-drop any Perk steps. Easy Street: open $500 Door. Junction: Open $1000 Door to Footlight, open $1000 Door to Canal. (Do not open Waterfront $1000 Door. Do not open Subway-Junction Beast-Door). Footlight: Open both $1250 Doors, $1000 Barrier by Shield Workbench. Beast open Rift Door to Subway. Open Rift. (Do not drop steps). Canal: From Tram area, open the $1250 Door to Fuse and Perk areas. (Do not open the $1250 Doors by Ruby Rabbit. Do not open the $1000 Barriers. Do not open Rift). Waterfront: Open the $1250 Door to Fuse and Perk areas, open both $1000 Barriers. Open Rift. (Do not open the Pod-steps $1250 Doors). Subway: Only Rifts to Waterfront and Footlight open. (Door to Junction closed). PaP open when able. --- This makes for long games, forced Tram use and dangerous Perk paths. Some difficulty getting to downed players. Easy Canal training, Waterfront 'pit' (see below) for fast spawns or team Trap camp, Ruby Rabbit fast spawns. Junction easy training. For a torturous Solo game, or an interesting team game. Beast for revives often. ########################## Pro Map; "The Pit (at Waterfront)": Waterfront: Do not open the $1000 Junction Door. Do not open the $1250 Doors with the lone Pod between them which connect the first area with the Tram/Boxing Gym area. Take Tram to Waterfront, drop down from the $1000 Barrier from the Fuse area into the area with the Rift. You can't open any more doors. How you want to set up before that is up to you. [Or you can go (Old's Cool) with nothing but what the pit offers and hope for a ?Box to be there, if you are brave or skilled enough]. [Full Power: Alternately, play SoE normally (PaP and Swords), come here, but open the Rift to Subway too, and fight here for fast loads to save WW ammo]. ########################## OC Map 5: Homeboy: (See 4th Post in this thread for fleshed out Old's Cool Homeboy Survival map build called "Juggerton"). In Homeboy, you pick a District (favorite run spot, perk, gun, or random), then go there by train. You can't open the Rift, the $1000 Junction Door, nor ride the Tram after you arrive. 'Anywhere But Here!' GG is banned. Anything else is fair game. At your discretion, allow early set up, or ban it and only use what that District offers. Good for a short game under Old's Cool Rules. ################################ Give these a try, they really do play like different maps and breathe more life into Shadows of Evil while getting more fighting in, in less time, and with less busywork or alternately making it much harder and longer. Also this will strengthen your training skills in different areas, if applied in that manner. Let me know if you've liked some of these maps and ideas as I'd love to hear it. ++++++++++ As always, happy gaming! --+())))(+±-+()))(+--++-++----
  23. Hmmm. This isn't a glitching site, so i don't want to post what must be a glitch then.
  24. At first i thought it was a glitch, but it happens constantly, so it's totally impossible that it slipped by unnoticed. Given the ubiquity, the visuals as you do it, and the fact that it isn't patched nor even spoken about, i have to assume it's normal game operation unless it's only a 360 glitch so nobody knows it. So, we're all making zombies, killing 30 on round 1 is easy enough. It seems balanced; it slows you down beast-wise for getting to pap while giving a huge point boost, especially with X2 at start. So, is this a purposeful game mechanic, or a glitch that only blind folk could miss, or is it a 360 glitch and nobody gives a crap about an 11 year old game system? Why does nobody post about it or make videos of it (that i can find)? I is confuse.
  25. This could be something to watch, see if anything changes it or the GG machine even.
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