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Everything posted by 83457

  1. ^it would just be nice to be able to complete it solo. Not that I'll lose my mind over it. To make matters worse, I'm disabled, so poor, so on 360 still. Several of my zombie buddies keep messaging me to get the xbone, but alas, it's solo or nothing for me. I will eventually play with randoms, but for now, i can't stomach the thought. Added: on the bright side, at least there isn't 3 full hours of busywork in solo, like Origins had. I loved origins, but still.
  2. 83457


    Anybody try to shoot it down?
  3. You can make zombies. I just killed 31 on round 1... I think it's a glitch (360), but it seems like it would have been noticed because it is so easy, so I'm wondering because it slows down how quickly you can pap or get swords, but increases starting points. Great for getting the BK real early. I can't find any you tube videos... Maybe it's just lost in the seas of bo3 videos, maybe nobody knows it.
  4. I'll get some more, but one of the train stations has a fixable window, so 3 could watch the steps, one on the window, train is there for emergency escape. Death trap: camp at the top of the subway steps, with that beast door to junction closed. Camp until you die!
  5. I love kiting zombies around. I was doing it when most were still using the camp method. That being said, i loved the camping games. You needed to trust your team. You needed a good spot. Well, soe isn't really a camp map. Some of the best camp spots have an unfixable window, making them dead. Not to mention the board-ripping frenzy of the undead in this game. But, I'm keeping an eye out for some. I have noticed that Footlight has a spot, sort of, depending on how well one can actually hold a window in this game: open from the train, leave the footlight/junction door closed and camp there. One guy at the window, 3 on the hall with a back door. Could be fun for 'no beast' games. ----- Camp the giant: more fun than the catwalk: camp 'aisle 4'; leave the trenchgun/flytrap side of the mainframe closed. Open the tp from the juggernog area so that both doors by the flytrap are closed. One guy on window, 3 watch the hall. Happy gaming!
  6. Easier to upgrade the eggs now. A little slower in the beginning and harder to do high rounds with the ww. I wish that we could switch the type of loads between what was and what is. Screw leaderboards, give us customization. Fun beats leaderboards in my opinion.
  7. This wasn't too clear on the first, excellent post in this thread, but the shield pieces are always after the first door of the 3 districts: after opening a district from junction, the parts will be on the raised area with the perk machines that get beasted open. If you have no beast, they can all be opened from the tram-walkway doors that must be bought. So if you have money, you can always get the shield (like starting on round 15, for example). ------- So, it isn't the safest way to open, but if you open each district, open the raised perk machine/ shield area (beast mode), then buy that door upstairs to the tram, you will get to each ritual area and be able to get the shield parts and fuses at once without having to open an extra door to get the fuse parts. Not real important, since by the time you want the fuses, you should be able to simply open the other door. But if you are trying to play lean, this could help with points.
  8. It is fairly difficult since the patch when they load in, but if you already have a train behind you, you can get around them here still. Before the patch it was easy.
  9. Deleted post because it was terrible. -----+++()))(+------ You can transmogrify zombies by moving around the map a lot. On round 1 you can transmogrify 2 keeper zombies that spawn by the ritual part, and/or drag the 4 from the subway that spawn the first time that you go there. Using beast will usually change them to normal zombies or else you can be sure to have these red guys in the ritual room as you do the ritual, they will respawn as regular zombies. The point is that the red zombies don't give kill points, so change them to normal zombies for more points. I usually kill 14 on round 1 solo. Use the double points if there is one at start. In solo (not sure on mp) you can keep using the beast as long as you open a new area or go there by train. Normally you can use 2 on round 1, i often use 4. 360 tested. (Edit: hmmm, solo usually gets 3, but if i take the train i sometimes get 4 uses). Zombies pile up on the subway steps if one trains in the subway and one trains in junction. Annoying or exploit-worthy, given your style of play.
  10. If nothing else, it is the safest spot if you're there when a new round starts.
  11. I'm in over my head here. New to soe, just hit a mere 25 running trains with non pap... But i wanted to point out a spot that I've found to be surprisingly easy, but i can't say how it plays in the long run and it will never be the best spot... But if you find yourself near the boxing ring in the waterfront district, just behind the ring is a build table, left of the table (while looking at the table) is a ramp coming down around a corner to the table. Running a C shape up and down that ramp was quite easy. Sure beats trying to run around the boxing building or the dock there, should you end up in the area. Doors open/closed nearby didn't seem to matter much. Shrug, just something to keep in mind.
  12. I inadvertently did the no pap challenge, but had to quit on 25. ---- Challenge: start on 15 (soe), finish the round with the civil protector only, no other kills. ----- Challenge: kill 12 regular zombies on round 1 solo.
  13. Train symbols tip: The symbols are cuneiform. The large triangles with the dent on the back end are 10. The tiny triangles with the line are 1. So, if you translate them into numbers, they are much easier to remember. The 4 large triangles in a + formation are 40, for example. Edit: the symbols do not change during the game and are always the same set, in the same order, when you see them on the wall in beast mode. Update: from bottom left, to the top of the arch, then back to the bottom right, the symbols in Subway numerically translated are: Left40/10/2/12/4(top)/ 14/20/21/22
  14. Thanks, that's what I'm getting implied from stuff I've read. On keepers, later, I'm going to try to drag the 6(?) from the subway that usually spawn there up to the first ritual room and see if i can get 6 more 'pointable' zombies, probably on round 2. Edit: i seem to be mistaken about more zombies spawning in, they were just transmogrified keepers, before i knew that was happening. Also, simply running the keepers around the map tends to make them respawn as normal zombies.
  15. That's some terrible grammar, but i speak gibberish so I think i know what you may be saying. First, you must do each ritual. When all 4 are done, go to the pap room and when you walk up to the wall, it will go away, revealing the pap room (all 5 symbols will be lit). Then, each of you can drop a worm in the appropriate places, and then go back for the other 2 worms as you can only carry 1 each. Once all 4 worms are in place, set the key-ball on the altar and kite the critters until done. Watch out for triple-eyes! Then you can pap. Edit: i swear there was no response when i responded, sorry chopper! I'm apparently blind.
  16. To MAM, some q's and a's: Q: Were you able to use the gg again that round, after the dead draw? A1: I'm on 360. A2: note that the keepers that spawn in the ritual room do not transmogrify, but the 2 that spawn when you pick up an item (lawyer's pen and such) will transmogrify into regular zombies once the ritual is complete (360 version at least) if you don't kill them before the ritual ends. This i have tested multiple times and am positive of on 360. It may be different on xbone/ps4, or you've killed them before/during the ritual. Easy enough to test on round 1 solo. A3: it is possible that i transmogrified some keepers into zombies and mistakenly thought that 9 zombies had eventually spawned on round 1. I may have done that, not knowing about the transmogrification at that point. That being said, i will keep an eye on this and report the correct information when I'm sure.
  17. Double post. Edit: the correct information to this post is: if you get an 'empty' mega, the game gives you a white gumball, which does nothing, but takes up your chance at a GG that turn. Gumball theory. Sorry if touched on already. If you have 4 megas with 1 'charge' each and stock option (or 3 'single charge' megas with stock option and alch-a), once the 1 charge megas were used, would stock option have a 100% chance of being the gum you get? Or would you get 'dead' draws from the machine? If it's the former, well, that would sure make the late games easier. You're welcome.
  18. Just a couple (sorry if they're here and i missed them). Open up a sacrificial altar and have it's additional part ready. Best if only 1 zombie left, of course. Grab the part, don't kill the red dudes, do the ritual, and then these red dudes (and any flying things) will become regular zombies that you can kill for points (when the ritual is done) as the red dudes only give $10 per bullet with no kill points, so you might as well transmogrify them. Also, occasionally the flying things will turn into regular zombies if you let them follow you/they respawn enough times. Start room shadow man. You only need to shoot him once each time for the round skips if you wait enough time. Shoot him once, it plays the 'time bomb' sound, the sound bite ends, wait 5 seconds then shoot him once/ repeat. Not that there is anything wrong with unloading on him. I'm sure that everyone knows, but crawlers and wounded zombies usually don't die off. You can even make the same z a crawler multiple times as you get to spots that you need to do stuff (especially in solo). Wrong>>>[More zombies load if you take too long. Many times, in the early game, i died because a new, extra zombie would spawn and come from a window behind me and kill me. Good to know if you killed 6 of the 7 (in solo) zombies of round 1 and need more points. Just wait or try to dig (fumigate?) one up from a pod.]--- This is just wrong. My mistake. I confused the Beast's zombie cloning feature as random spawns when it was just a feature of Beast mode. When going for the bowie knife, if you are low on ammo and/or have a horde following you (that you wish to save for stabbing points), do not open the boxing ring with the censor (purple fire thingy) next to the boxing ring/build table, use the one just above that area in the wooden platform. Then, as beast, run back up to where you used the censor. This will keep the docks from being overly crowded with zombies as you run down to get the knife. Also, take the wider path on the left of the boxing ring (by Trip Mines wallbuy). And be careful as the bk wallbuy is inconsistent and glitchy (patched glitchiness/1 gun glitch 11.20.15-360). BK does not 1hk on round 10 (but at least you can get it on 1 or 2 with the zombie cloning feature).
  19. Sure, just shoot Mr. Hat! /jk, i know what you intended. -+--++----++(((+-+++((-+++--)))--+-- I did these last night: BK challenges! How much of a bad kid are yo.... Wait, not that bk...i mean bowie knife challenges, yeah that's it. BKC1: buy bowie knife on round 2; you may kill the last round 2 zombie to do so. You may not earn points on round 3 before buying the knife. BKC2: Round skip to 10, buy the bowie knife, but you can only buy doors, nothing else. BKC2a: You also cannot kill any zombies before buying it.
  20. (Waw version with 6 pap guns) We would camp by flytrap, with the two doors closed (tp area and mainframe doors closed) until around 30, when we would open to the tp and start the tp dash method. One guy at the back window, 3 on the hall (dubbed 'aisle 4' from the Tank saying). One hall guy could hold the window on the side of the hall until it became to dangerous, then he and two others would watch the hall together. Window guy should have pap flamethrower (waw version). I would love to try that on bo1 classic, but where to find 3 xbox players who would try?
  21. Nah, folk like you and i just come up with them. We have people here who, I'm guessing, have already read this and said to themselves, 'yup, gotta try that'. But it'll be a while before we see them getting into it. Edit: damn, you said camp so many times that I'm now dying for a zombie camp game. I've always been a kiter/trainer, so i relish the few zombie camping games, like camping 'aisle 4' (by the flytrap) in waw Der Riese.
  22. I know that is probably too early, everyone needs to get sick of the regular play first, but: Start room challenge: beast to survive when trapped? No beast challenge: no perks, no pap, just gum and guns. "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum..." At least you're not out of bubblegum. Start 1,5,10,15? More, as they come to me.
  23. On 360, i did it, no power, from the side of SU (i posted just above your last post).
  24. Like origins, but harder to do both (at least so far). If that makes sense. 44 solo now. 3 times i died stupidly on 44. 2p: (post patch that changed zombie spawns). Edit: 33 Will get higher...
  25. Standoff was one of the few extremely popular maps that i didn't get sick of. Usually, the more it's played, the more i hate it. Now that bo3 is here, these are some of the better Treyarch maps that I've seen, usually their maps are the worst of the cod series. One good thing about the 360 version: no Nuketown. Hopefully they won't add it later! Edit: hmmm. I always get so negative towards trollarch... So Standoff would be one that i would like. Maybe Hanoi, or that other bo map that was basically just a street with buildings on each side, Crisis, Drone, i even liked slums. Just not nuketown or firing range... :)
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