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Everything posted by 83457

  1. (360 version, if that matters) I just laid next to SU and it gave me the $ from the side of the machine, on the ledge that it is on. No power, round 1. Just some fuel for the discussion.
  2. Omg, i hate nuketown. I will actually refuse to buy the game if it is even hinted at being in the game. Your version does seem much better though. Also, below (under), bellow (holler).
  3. Also, killstreaks in the last two games have been shamefully bad, mainly because of domination, so i hope that they can make them have different lifespans depending on game type. In Regressed Warfare, a sentry gun lasts 30 seconds, whether it fires or not. 30 freaking seconds in tdm? That is trash.
  4. Deal breaker: scavenge grenades? I won't buy another cod without a basic mechanic of gameplay such as this. From what i understand, Trollarch thinks 'one per life grenades' is stupid, so hopefully that mechanic will be fixed properly, but they don't have a very good track record themselves for doing the right things in a cod game. But BO2 was pretty decent, if they had just ditched nuketown, firing range, and summit (I mean, they knew bo1 mp tanked and was reviled, so leave memories of that crap in the past, please).
  5. For Treyarch? They have exactly one map that was constantly voted FOR, game after game, and rarely did people jump out of the lobby. Overplayed to death, yet still played: Standoff. I'd say anything except nubetown, and firing range. They shamed themselves twice already. No small maps. No spawn in a box. I second drone, and turbine.
  6. Wow, Call of Dookie, Dress-Up Barbie. is the best one in the series! (Yeah, check the date).

  7. Playing offline aw (local) by myself (internet is down). Lost connection to host. What? How? This is one special game.

    1. creepertrent


      this happened to me i was like, what!?

  8. ...and today's AW supply drop challenge doesn't work. This game is just endless glitches.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 83457


      Thanks. Oh well. I'm a pretty positive guy, I'll eke some fun out of it.

      Low profile says that you are invisible to tracking rounds, i am guessing that they mean tracking drones?

    3. 83457


      Also, LP seems to be glitched on 360: explosive drones won't follow the player either.

      tdm ends, next game is Hardpoint (again). I can't even keep track of the glitches...too many. Ha. Fu sledgehammer. :)

    4. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      Actuall re: the low profile, there is a weapon attachment for some guns called "tracking rounds" which if you hit a enemy with one of the bullets the enemy glows red for a brief amount of time

      and the explosive drones are just useless, i dont think its a glitch they it just needs a buff.

  9. Playing this trash cod, i find myself torn as to what to call it. i have 2 names that are apropo; advanced wallbreach, or regressed warfare. both are obvious: wall breaches are common and the game its a huge step backwards for cod. which do you like more?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      i like advanced warfare far more than ghosts. Sure there are some flaws, but overall its really fun

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Considering the advancements never before made in COD, I think AW turned out pretty good.

    4. 83457


      I'm talking about what humorous name to call this trash. I know that some people like it. Heck I'm playing it, despite finding it the worst cod since bo1. This is about titles, not reviews.

      :) So if you like it, maybe advanced wallbreach is more fitting, but if you hate it, maybe regressed warfare would be best?

  10. Jon a game of infected, start as infected because only the omega man is left. later, I'm the omega man, a new player joins and its a survivor. what?

    1. 83457


      As maligned as this turd of a cod is, the infected with guns is kind of fun (and you care less about how poorly it functions). I like the supply drop elite guns. At least they had some slight redeeming value in this crapola. I'm trying to like it, but there isn't much to like. It's like the 2 worst cods had a defective baby.

  11. worst cod ever. i feel like it's bo1 all over again. surprisingly boring and completely out of sync online. makes ghosts seem well made, which is pretty bad.

    1. Lenne


      Can't be worse than CoD3.

    2. 83457


      Rumor has it. Thankfully, i missed that one. Started on the nostalgic waw. Phew. I thought it was me at first, but the internet agrees: this is one of the top flops of cod. Works well offline, i wonder why the mp is so far off/freezes/glitches? Damn it sledge, i had some hope that you wouldn't poop yourself...

  12. can anyone supply a link to the enemy names in exo survival? like the shotgunners are named 'grunt' the Goliaths are named AST. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flammenwerfer
    3. 83457


      Hi guys. I've just been doing life stuff (read: suffering) :)

      Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

    4. 83457


      That link was exactly what i couldn't find on my own, thanks.

  13. Hey folk, 83457 here with some teeth news. In the update (late Nov or early Dec 2014) they gave local mode the same teeth amounts as online, so you can play offline and earn teeth much quicker. There is no daily pool, but you get teeth for everything else like you would online. This is especially nice since the hacker attack has made it impossible to sign into xbox live 360 for several days. Happy gaming!
  14. mr-28, ex mags, ark, 12 direct hits from under 20 feet away doesn't kill the leper. Good job iw.

  15. Happy Halloween you freaky bastards!

  16. After much too much Extinction, it seems that no downs = 2 teeth. From playing solo extinction, nearly identical games, getting 1 down costs me 2 teeth. However, I am now officially bought out on teeth upgrades; I have them all and am max prestige. No more relic-heavy games required of me. I still need that solo Exodus win though. Maybe I'll make some randoms happy by giving them csa and arks... (updated information on post 48)
  17. After seeing the end of Exodus, many think the humans only survive and the game is dead. I think that they are blind. Clearly, in the end sequence, Samantha Cross' eyes change 'cryptid like' and she is clearly talking about cryptids being the species that didn't fall. Obvs, more Extinction in the next iw game.
  18. POC, escape # 200. I get to the exfil point at 2 minutes, no helicopter. It eventually showed up at 1:28. What's up with that? At least it gave me a silver, not bronze. After yet another perfect game was ruined by the Leper invincibility glitch. 2 magazines of hitmarkers with the Grach, csa, ark attachment. Glitchy mess of a game.

  19. There is a barely useful exploit that could be done on some consoles. I haven't tried it on 360, but i know that it works on ps4; For that lone tooth that you really need when at 999 teeth. After getting your 'bonus pool' tooth, you can go into settings, manually change the day ahead 1 day and the tooth pool resets. So you would still have to beat a barrier hive (like the tentacle hive on Mayday; 3.5 hives to get that tooth). So this isn't usually worth it, but it's an fyi.
  20. It's the stuff that the bears are holding when you shoot them (and the monkey is in the fire).
  21. Rhino, in extinction is either $1000, or $1300, why? I checked out 'not taking damage' and that's not it. I checked 'don't let him hit you at all', it's definitely not that. I thought maybe 30% extra for late game, but that's not it. The only thing left is critical kill, but why would they give you $1300 at the end of poc for a rhino that you never fought? The 'don't get hit' option makes the most sense, yet has been proven repeatedly to not be the case. So why the different amounts?

    1. 83457


      Ah, maybe difficulty level; they seem to vary from recruit level to veteran level. Maybe getting a hardened/veteran level Rhino gives more cashola...

    2. 83457


      To whomever cares, it does appear to be critical hits. I retested everything. I have no idea why they give you the $1300 for the last rhino of poc, but it is what it is.

  22. Well maybe you're just too good for regular difficulty now lol. Also, I am finally starting to play again! Haven't played in a little over a month now so we'll see how it goes.. Well, the next game was back to what i call normal. But now, after so much hc, regular is so easy; I'm always like 'wow, look at all of the skill points!'. I've done 6 relic solo on poc, but one of my 5 relic runs gave more points.
  23. Extinction solo hc poc, working on completionist. Hive 13 (cliff), leper challenge. I throw out ferals...and it's on the road over by the town barrier hive. I run over there, throw a flare which he ignores. I kill him long-range with my Magnum, just as he climbs onto the roof behind the Town barrier hive. Drill health is 38, hits zero halfway back. I hate the jerks who thought this was a good idea to include in the game. Absolutely a lose-lose situation.

  24. I saw a post on Fakebooc (so it may be bs); 666 years since Halloween fell on Friday the 13th. i thought the calendar repeated every so many teen years, but I'm not sure.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You came to the right place, we're all about brains and dead here!

    3. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      ive seen other posts on facebook stating something hasnt happened in X number years calendar wise... they are all false that ive seen. basically facebook is terrible

    4. 83457


      Yeah. I would normally know better, but lack of sleep... Duhr.

  25. I've noticed a few things that bleed over. One day i was messing around with casual. Then my split screen buddy came by and we did a regular difficulty run, but the scorpions only shot one glob at a time and we found ourselves often standing around doing not much on the last few hives. After the game, we got regular-difficulty teeth and i checked the setting and it was on regular. But clearly it was too easy. Off topic: i did a 9 relic casual and it was still easy; i was downed once on the last hive because i got careless and 3 scorpions shot me at once as i was battling Hunters. To be fair, i had hybrid medic-tank (and clearly no mortal relic). More off topic: I just got csa for 500 teeth.
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