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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Good to hear. It looks like folk read my stuff. I don't get many responses, but I enjoy sharing my thoughts and finds. I got over 2000 peeps on a text-only thread in the days of you tube videos, that's saying something. I'm glad to help in my own weird way. Happy gaming!
  2. Right from the start... You can dig up all three ice staff parts by gen2 before going into nml. You can dig anywhere for the golden shovel. Digging or not digging doesn't affect when/where ice staff parts show up. In other words, 'saving' mounds (not digging them) is plain wrong. Sorry man, but a lot of suspect facts in that post. Ice, lightning fire in a straight line. Fire, wind fire a 3 pronged attack. For the uncharged shots.
  3. Bowie Knife... And the Galvaknuckles are even better: faster melee, stops burning zombies from exploding, gets rid of Denizens faster, kills zombies to a higher round.
  4. My name is Loki, I live on the second floor... Okay, hopefully none of you got that bad 80's music reference, but this is a post about getting average players a Loki (Loki killer patch) or maybe a k.e.m. First and foremost: Put Loki on your class. You won't get it if you don't have it equipped. I recommend sentry gun, hind, Loki. I'm old, blind, broken, a mediocre cod player and i have got plenty of these things called in. I get them in tdm games, no headset, with randoms. If i can, you can. Lots of factors dictate whether or not a scrub player pulls in a Loki, let's discuss these; In your control: killstreak management; this simply means properly using killstreaks to get higher killstreaks while not dying. In ghosts, your assault killstreaks only count toward the next higher killstreak once you call them in. So you can get a sentry, pick up 2 more kills for a hind, then call in both to work towards your Loki. 9 kills sounds rough, but from seven, it's only 2 more. Seven sounds rough, but even the scrubbiest of randoms will have their day, and with a little knowledge and forethought, you can get to that 7 more commonly than you thought possible. Maps: you can't control what maps that you get, but you can recognize ones that give a better chance. Don't try on every map, try on maps that will work with sentry/hind, and especially ones that you already do well on. For me, I have the most Lokis called in on Prison Break. I pulled one in on Ignition recently, due to factors simply lining up for me, but i wouldn't expect one on that map in the future. Class: think snipers, camping. If you can run around with your gold mtar and get k.e.m.s regularly, you don't need my help. If you want my help, then heed my advice despite your reservations. My Loki class: not what i would have guessed when ghosts launched, but... VKS (silenced)/thermal/ armor piercing. (gold pdw/tac knife if 10th) P226/silenced (mostly for movement rate) Blind eye, focus, incog, off the grid. One hit kills, not showing on radar, unseen by killstreaks, not having a giant orange name when someone looks in my general direction, all keep me alive. Low movement, camp/patrol an area. No ieds to give away my position. Only setting up the sentry leaves me open to be seen. Camp near it, but not too obviously, just so you can protect it and it, you. Connection: if your connection always sucks, or just randomly trolls you, you won't get a Loki. When it rains by me, my service provider must get a lot of bleed-off of signal and packet loss, because it sucks in the rain. I also get random quality connections in general: prison break, go 24-0, then, about 15 minutes later in another lobby, again prison break, i go 0-2 after getting 17 headshot/chestshot sniper hitmarkers. So frustrating. So it will need to be on a connection-friendly day. Sacred cows: kill them, eat them. If your go-to class hasn't gotten that Loki yet, drop it. Try to snipe. Example: i have a friend whose sacred cows are LSAT/scavenger/speed reload. I got him into Reinforce, he finally took off scavenger for Marathon, which is necessary in reinforce. I have not seen him use the LSAT once in recent games, always just the gold pdw (my account, split screen). Yet he can't take off the useless lmg or unneeded perks. So, kill your sacred cows and try a new approach. Listen to me/friends who have done it. Players, enemies and teammates alike: this is one of the most uncontrollable aspects that can dictate whether or not you get a Loki. Playing randoms, you need them to hold an area of the map, especially obvious areas, so you can lurk nearby without being the main focus; Prison Break example- team randomly holds the tower and surrounding area, i sit on the blue fence by the tree by the tower. The teammates holding the area around me are a safety net and early warning system. They get in battles, i pick off the enemies. Enemies coming specifically for me get waylayed by random 'mates. Enemies must play stupidly: they die, mash X without watching the killcam, run back into my sights to feed me kills. Yes, thank you. Decent enemies: watch their killcams, aim to pick you off specifically before your killstreak gets too high. There is nothing you can do to stop good players from trying, but with luck and map knowledge, you can try to get them first, but pulling in Lokis almost requires idiot enemies or good luck on your side (teammate getting the guy flanking you, random ied gets him, you happen to look exactly at the bush he was about to snipe you from/et cetera). Aim, then shoot. Yeah, what a concept. Pulling the trigger and waving your gun at them isn't going to pull in Lokis. Camp/patrol, but don't move a lot. Do shift position a little after every kill or 2 so someone can't simply aim at that spot as they round a corner or air-mail you a nice frag. Game mode: I've done most in tdm, but it isn't the optimal mode. Basically the goal in tdm is get 13 kills, die less than 12 times. So, you really need to get no deaths/early death and more kills, faster, than your own team. Often i pull in Loki for 1 kill and the game is over. To actively try for a Loki, probably Domination is your best bet. With a smart team (even randies often know this), hold 2 flags, don't encroach their spawn and just watch the avenues of travel towards B. Plenty of time/kills to be had to pick up 15 consecutive kills, even after a death or 2. Your head: too little sleep, too tired, too intoxicated, can all affect your game. Plenty of rest, a day off from gaming the day before, some caffeine, electrolytes, food in your belly can all help. Know your mind, if you are already on a roll, maybe it's time to try for that Loki. For me, early afternoon awareness is one of my best cod play times, and also when i am almost asleep in a Nirvana-coma, where i have no nerves or 'choke' issues because i am so lax. Good luck! Random tale of the other day's Loki in Ignition (to help you understand); I did not expect Loki, I just have those killstreaks on that sniper class, never pulled in an Ignition one before. So no forethought was involved, just playing the game. Spawned by the crawler. Team held it, giving me a buffer zone: enemies are intent on my teammates in the crawler. I tried to hold the crawler, got killed (1k1d). Spawned nearby. I took the area where c flag in reinforce is (se corner). Basically i knew that my flank was safe due to teammates. Even if they died, i would hear the commotion and watch/kill from the side entrance. To get revenge directly on me meant trying to come down the east side. I could watch between the tanks, the space just west of that or go out further to see clear across the map. So i basically picked off stragglers or those fighting my teammates, with the occasional revenge-minded enemy that, through luck or skill, I bested. At 9 kills (again, didn't expect to get this far on Ignition, sniping), i called in the hind. During that momentary distraction, I set up the sentry to watch from the eastern approaches to the west side of the map (basically where C flag-reinforce is). So now i have a hind in the air (questionable on a map with so much cover) and a sentry watching me and my teammates by cutting the bottom (south) fifth of the map off. The Loki came soon after without much help from me. I laid in the back corner, hidden as well as i could and dropped missiles on them and my Jugger squad mate took the final kill (18k-1d). So i did need some skill, but i had decent teammates that inadvertently created the buffer zone that i needed to stay safe. I only had to control a small section of map without moving much. Enemies played well, not stupidly, but just couldn't get past the wall of sniping that was the southern end of the map. They weren't using blind eye and fed both my sentry and hind some kills. One guy was on the far side of the crawler, i literally saw a white pixel or 2 through the tracks (thanks to thermal) and shot him dead through it (armor piercing, remember?). So this was a lucky set up, mixed with know-how, map knowledge, and some average skill. Nothing that makes me deserve a Loki anymore than anyone else. But still, this average blind old guy got a Loki on Ignition, so you can get one too. I hope this helps! (fixed waves of typos)
  5. 83457

    Have some class.

    [Weapon Specialist] This is a gun centric class for camping/patrolling/flag watching, meant to cover all ranges and maximize attachment potential. Honey Badger (silenced)/ub shotgun/armor piercing/tracker. VKS (silenced)/armor piercing/thermal. Ready up, focus, overkill, extra attachments. Specialist: on the go, resilience, gambler. Bonus: sleight of hand, dead silence, scavenger, blast shield. Could easily be assault killstreaks: sentry, hind, Loki. HB: loaded for bear. Silenced/off radar. AP rounds for cover/juggers/vests/sentries. Tracker sight for picking out far targets/iron sights option. UB shotgun for close range. VKS: long ranger. Silenced/off radar. AP rounds/see above. Thermal sight for picking out targets. Camp for Loki or rack up specialist bonus to stay enemy number one. Not for r+g style. Enjoy! Edit: after some extensive use, the theoretical class gave way to the practical class: the hb jumps too much without the grip. I replaced the vks with the usr chrome/variable for more consistent longshots. I tried other rifles, but kept hitting ammo issues, so; LSAT/ubsg/rapid fire/tracker USR/chrome barrel/variable sight Focus, overkill, extra attachments, gambler. Sentry, hind, Loki. The lsat had no ammo issues, the ubsg really takes folk by surprise. The Usr is reliable at range. If you die (which happens), go back and scavenge the lsat/ubsg ammo from that spot, if feasible. This has been quite useable online. It is hard for me to not r+g...
  6. Normal drill time is 2 minutes for hives,i think it's the same for Mayday's central command door. Other doors are 30 seconds?/unsure. Edit: later hives take longer than early hives. Not sure of all times. Mayday tentacle tip: get on the mounted gun, aim where the tentacle comes in, next to a grey box hanging down that the tentacle hits sometimes. If you aim there, you will always hit it, no matter how it moves. Save hypno traps for rhinos, Hunters, phantoms. Drop it in front of them as they attack you. Sentry gun armor is well worth the 5 teeth: i actually heard my sentry gun laugh at a Rhino that was attempting to kill it. Hunters, phantoms, scorpions are all 200/300 critical.
  7. This is the highest prestige I've done as well. I really like the look and feel of ghosts for the most part. Playing reinforce, a bit of double xp, i prestiged one guy in <8h20m. For the first time in months, i played some tdm, pulled in a Loki on Ignition. Woot! I also got one on Prison Break, but that's more common. I got into that tree above the troop transport in the east too. I love getting kills from rare places.
  8. There is usually only 45k-75k players on 360 on any given day. I have a lot of fun with this crappy game: I'm 10th prestige and play many of the side games (still hoping for that Safeguard fix, fingers crossed). It is also 3 map packs deep, there is usually a sale on them around now, isn't there?
  9. Season pass 40% off. 7.8.2014.
  10. Played safeguard for the first time in a while (sentries/vultures still not showing up). Half of the Loot Drops stopped about 5 feet in the air, had no contents and could not be taken. - Offline, testing stuff: split screen me + afk controller; field orders says '2 kills with a picked-up weapon'. Me: gold knife/usr (gold knife in hand). Afk: combat knife/gold knife (combat knife in hand, not gold). 2 kills gave me the fo, even though i didn't pick up a weapon, nor did our knives match. - Unrealistic to do online cheat: Get at least 2 squad members called in. Then, use maniac (or juggernaut) and Loki (probably works with support squad mate, juggernaut recon, Odin too, but not tested yet). Once you have your killstreaks, call in a jugger suit, suit up, then call in the Loki, call in the juggernaut from the Loki and he will load. Normally you may only have 2 squad mates in a game at once (including dog), but i had 5 in one game easily (offline, i won't cheat in public games). Original goal: use a care package to get into the split tree on the middle road of Prison Break, going up the hill by the fallen tree (actionable tree). You can get in the tree, but it is hard to get up without falling out. Off to test glitch on support streaks... Okay, tested support; it works also. So, your best path to 3 squad mates realistically is this: 1 class dog killstreak, after dog is had, switch to support class with support squadmate, juggernaut recon, Odin. Dog is held in fourth slot. Call in dog, support squadmate, juggernaut recon, suit up, call in odin, call in Odin jugger squadmate. You have dog, wimpy shield guy, heavy duty shield guy and your juggernaut recon suit. With hardline on both classes, it's 19 kills. Only 4, for dog, need to be consecutive without dying. Presumably works with Michael Myers/predator suits too.
  11. Private match map rotation. Map rotation has been added to private games. Go to private match, map select, then you can hit x to bring up the map rotation selection options; highlight maps that you want, hit a to make a yellow mark in the check box. Go to bonus maps and do the same. Then, after each game, you will automatically move to the next map. I think it starts with the last map that you highlighted. You can go to the 'game set up screen (maps/mode/options/join-in-progress/intermission)' and turn on Intermission, this will then cause it to auto-start each game after a brief intermission, just like online. 60 second intermission. After grinding the last few soldiers to 10th for the pdw, i have been taking it easy with bot games. while playing offline, hardened bot, reinforce games, it is nice to have the next game/map load and start since they are so short (when I'm not making them 12 round games). Enjoy.
  12. 83457

    Have some class.

    [Now I'm a quickscoper] While there is no aim assist in ghosts on snipers until you are aimed in, this sniper is still so easy to kill with that it looks like quickscoping. I've been footshot, I've hit knee level and gotten kills. USR/chrome barrel/variable sight (small maps, use armor piercing instead of variable sight). Gold pdw (or whatever, or skip secondary, use throwing knife/c4)/tac knife. For cqc. Ready up Sleight of hand Quick draw Dead silence Focus (Resilience if no secondary/tk/c4) Dog/sentry/hind (whatever works for you and your skill level-I'm new to this class, so i didn't go high on killstreaks). Try to aim the center of your screen where you travel, for quickscope shots in an emergency. Just keep out of the way and take people out with ease. Use secondary for close work until you get more proficient. Any game mode.
  13. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    Ieds always disappear when you die. The trick is not to bash x/square straight away, as the ied will remain for the time of your killcam. It's the same with grenades and semtex. Very handy on free for all when people run over you just after killing you. I'm sorry for my bad wording. I meant that they seemed to be going away during the killcam. Before i mashed x to revive. I guess it was just coincidence, that people were destroying them before taking a flag. I literally haven't heard one go off during my killcams: i throw 2 on A, die, and they take A while I'm watching my killcam, and I hear no explosions, get no hits/kills.
  14. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    Did they glitch out IEDs? It seems that since the update, my IEDs have become glitched: they seem to be going away when i die, which is a really game-breaking glitch. It's not in the patch notes... Or am i just confused and these aren't glitched? Just unforeseen circumstance?
  15. Mine gets worse in the rain, i assume signal leakage due to old infrastructure in my area.
  16. I had one last night: no games found. I backed out and tried again and it was fine. This game clearly has connection issues. I mean, i had to make a post on how to mitigate at least one them.
  17. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    1. Cod is glitchy. Twice we held all 3 and didn't win. I've taken flags, gotten killed, then somehow didn't take the flag yet in the killcam, so it 'untakes' it. There is a couple of second after the win; i have ran onto flags, stand there and it let's the enemy win by getting all 3, even though i was on one. Oh cod... Edit: on Sovereign, they took C from us, I took B from them, A was white. They won from score limit; which ment that they took all 3 or held 2 at time, which was not true at all/stumped/glitched. 2. Besides the 'rush timer' (45 seconds once 2 flags are held), there is also a round timer of 2.5 minutes. Whichever team had the most flags at that moment will win. Most likely it was that. That threw me off for a few games. If not that, more information on what happened? To your question: yes, ping is orange map circle and beep. No magical halo. Recon: magical halo, no orange circle or beep. At least i think that there us no orange circle (scratches head).
  18. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    Ping: You kill an enemy. From his location, you get a radar ping. This is exactly like radar on the shield, but just one 'sweep' of the outward-moving circle. If any enemy, without 'off the grid', is in that area of effect, you will get an orange circle on your minimap (for each one) and hear a blip. That's Ping, the perk. Recon is the perk that gives the 'Oracle' halo; if an enemy is damaged by an explosive, you can momentarily see them through walls.
  19. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    Yeah, wire tap makes sense. On ping; i look at map, get killed by enemy that i would have seen if i wasn't looking at my map (ha, it really happens). Just my luck, but it is probably a great idea to use in this mode.
  20. 83457

    Reinforce Game Mode

    More killstreak thoughts: I have really embraced the Specialist killstreak in this mode but here is another take; Sat com. Often after a few rounds several of these drop at the start of a round. The opposite team is suddenly at great risk of being easily annihilated. So; 1. Hold one for when others drop. The downside being that you may get another before using the first, which overrides it. This can be mitigated by putting other higher killstreaks to avoid that or simply drop them when you get them, which is less useful. Possibly: need 1/2 point for assault sat com, have 1 in inventory; get to flag, drop sat com, take flag, drop new sat com. So; Make 2 identical classes (or simply use 2 different ones), 1 with assault sat com, 1 with support sat com (maybe hardline? Though it is hard to fit in objective classes). Switch classes every life (after enough time has passed that it won't change at start of round, but before you die) so that you store these up in your 'extra killstreaks' slot. Drop a couple per round if the game goes long enough. This should easily swing a game that has hit overtime. So; Have a later-game class with 'off the grid' for when the enemy team pulls one of these scenarios off. I hope this helps.
  21. 83457

    new ideas

    In town, jetgun fly up to the room with the white light, shoot it with the jet gun. Don't ask me how, I'm just theorizing for you. ° The area around the church has signs warning of the fog as if they are not in the fog, but they are. Either: design change, signs left in. Believable since Treyarch is such a sloppy programmer and the map was rushed. Or: there is a way to clear the fog at the church. Shoot the fog signs with the jetgun? The church? The foggies? Gk foggies at the signs? While the nearby teleporter is active? Camp/kill X number of zombies while holding the ledge above town, by the church? ° Hold the bridge with electric traps/turrets? No rationale for this, just guessing. ° Kidnap Jimmy and do foul things to him until he relents all secrets?
  22. Between games, this can work: back out to where you can choose squads, extinction, or multiplayer. Hit squads, back out, hit extinction, back out/repeat a couple of times. Then try multiplayer again. This often breaks the link, but if it did throw you back in, pull the ethernet during the load map screen as stated above. Glad i could help. The feeling i got when I first figured this out was euphoria, due to the glitch being so ridiculously annoying.
  23. That's a bunch of suck. Ha. I still can't figure out what kills count and what flags count in Reinforce. Often, the first flag of the game and the last flag of the game don't register as captures for me. I also had a few of those captured flags that turn white when you step off of them. I also saw a blue enemy flag. On Fog, i loaded 5 feet in the air at the start of game, i dropped to the ground at the end of the timer. I had a bot game with a friend where kills didn't count. The enemy deaths were right, but we didn't have enough kills to match; the first kill i got that counted was a dog, which shouldn't count, then it started counting them normally. In Safeguard, stand where a support drop is about to land. If it lands where you are, you are trapped in it until someone takes it (you can take it, of course).
  24. Yeah, i see the same folk again and again. Just not too many playing it i guess. Note: don't back out of the guide, sign back in from there. If you back out to ghosts, you will get the 'fetching profile' glitch.
  25. As you are well aware, cod is always programmed poorly and ghosts is no exception. For me, one of the most game-hurting glitches is the lobby glitch: no matter what, the game will put you back in the lobby that you just left, up to 20 times or more. Playing Reinforce, it is a true nightmare; you get thrown back in, your choices are to wait until the game let's you leave again eventually, just to be put back in, or you can dashboard, but then you must play the 'fetching profile' game, which sucks, only to then get thrown into the shit lobby again. The fact that this glitch still exists in this game, when it didn't exist in bo2, is heart breaking. I often wonder if they even play the game at all. Anyway, end rant: here is the best fix that I've found: when you see that it is going to throw you back into the same lobby like a total douchebag, pull out your ethernet cable. Plug it back in. It will say that you need to be signed in to play xbox live, so hit the guide button and sign in. Then, while still in the guide, go to play cod ghosts. Then you can go play without playing the 'fetching profile' game and it had always broken the lock on that lobby for me so far. You're welcome. Getting around this glitch is fantastic. Iw should be ashamed of this issue still being in the game. (clarity edit)
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