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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Onslaught DLC Map: BayView: this is a small, building-cluttered map. There is a tram car that makes a square-C back and forth trip around the southern end of the map. You can get on it, on top of it, place explosives on it, place sentry guns on it. It will push you if you get in front of it. There are no other interactives. Edit: it eats safeguard support drops. If you are getting the drop when this occurs, it glitches your game. Specialty killstreak: mortar fire, no special effects. Disclaimer: there isn't much practical parkour in this map, I'm typing mostly pointless bits. If you are timid on new maps, try lurking the seating things along the southern side as they provide views and cover. Start in the southern tip, it is a lighthouse that has a ladder on either side and a roof hole to fall through. You can jump across from the roof to one of those green things. Slightly north, see the 'city of BayView' sign. Climb the transformer on your left. Climb roof, break window, go inside. Make a left, go west to the railing, get on it (pink flowers below you). Get over it, onto the thin grey ledge, walk that around to the south side. Not very useful. Drop off, go to the north side of this building, go up the steps back onto the balcony. From the north side, you can jump to the trolley, the green thing by the trolley, the red-roofed concession stand, and from that, the a.t.m. Go back through building to where you broke in, face north, break that glass, get on the a.c. unit directly ahead. If you get on the plant to your left, you are in a dirty camp spot that is only good for a kill or two before you'll get killed back. Get back on the a.c. unit and walk east on the wall, jump the boxes (you can climb up/over them from below). Go to the eastern corner (on the wall). Jump to the top of the directory sign (not the easiest). Face nw, jump onto an edge of the shrubbery. You can get on the palm bulb at the north end, so you are fairly hidden from sight (this is rather a pain to do in a match and isn't worth it). From the shark, head east. Go up the coffee shop via the east ladder, north stairs, or climb the west balcony, either on the grey thing, or the wood/glass display case to the blue-topped case to the balcony. On the balcony; get on the southern, curved edge. Jump onto the round coffee sign (not always easy) get on the main coffee sign for another unexciting parkour. Note the southern seating things; at the ends, you can get on the bench to have views through the windows. I guess that's it. Egg hunt: on the underside of a pier in the east, outside the map, is the egg. Can be seen from the ground just east of the lighthouse.
  2. Onslaught DLC Map: Containment: a classic style map that has a nuke on a truck, on a bridge, that takes out the bridge when it gets hit by mortar fire, which is the specialty killstreak in this map. It will kill any near it, and it will destroy the bridge, changing the map slightly. There are also several breach spots in this map. Starting in the middle south; there is a building on your right. You can not get on the overhang above the door. Go right into the building (blue and white floor tiles outside) stay left and you should immediately see a red breachable skull symbol on a boarded window. Breach it, climb through. Go right, at the edge of the building is a fence to stab open. Have at it. Head directly west to the church, go through the open double-doors and continue west to the edge of the map (inside the church). Turn right, go through the arched doorway and breach the door immediately on your right. Go down and out, note where the breachable door was on the outside. Go north across the dry riverbed, up the ramp and steps. You should see a broken wall, and through it, a building with a red-skull breach spot slightly NE. Breach it. Go in that doorway to the inside, note the other end. Get on the middle pool table, climb up top. On the roof. Note the place to climb up the north side, try it. Note the ladder on the west side. Note the ladder on the south side. Just south of the ladder, you can climb the wood-slat fence, walk up the wall onto the roof. There is a transformer by the southern ladder that can be used as a hidden snipe spot for anyone coming under the bridge-truck. Note the east side of the roof has a truck that will allow you access to that same roof. Jump on the truck, jump east to another roof. Note the way to climb up, try it out. Head south to the nuke truck on the bridge (it messes with your radar). See the billboard. From the truck or wall, you can jump to either side of that billboard (not easy). For the tree side, i jump from the truck roof or the red bridge column by the truck cab (you can also get on the tree). For the other side, go past the truck cab, south, and get on the white column in the center of the bridge (this is fairly easy to jump to the billboard from). Note that the graphics don't mesh with the collision barrier; you can lie down and be under the white wood, floating in the air. Also, the ends opposite the truck end before they visually end, so you will fall through the wood if you head too far east on the billboard. Jump back to bridge. Head directly north to the edge of the map (no entre), with a red-striped building on your left. There is half of a ladder. Push the dumpster under the ladder, climb up. Once inside, breach the southern window. Make your way down the steps and we're done here. Not much hidden stuff, but a few interactives. The red-striped building is pretty good for local safeguard or camping bots, just make sure the dumpster isn't under the ladder and they will only use the stairs. Edit: Tree in dry river bed: go to the bridge, fall off heading west. In the NW of the dry river bed is a tree. Get on the makeshift wall slightly north. Get up on the level next to the wood (can't get up on wood). Jump to the center area of the tree. With luck, you will land on a small ledge in the tree, about where the black ring hours around it. Egg hunt: in each of the Onslaught dlc maps is a hidden bit of cryptid egg. If you find and shoot it in a pub match, you get rewarded. Get all 4 for 2000xp, then play a pub extinction and the first hive that you destroy will give 10,000xp for extinction. On this map; get on the movable dumpster, look out of the map on the roof of the building to the east for a bump on the roof that is the egg. Shoot it, you will get a notification on the upper left side of your screen, below the minimap (core, xbox360).
  3. DLC Standalone Map: Update: Freefall added to the regular map line-up in March 2014. It is a bit too small for good tdm games and because it is new in rotation it has a high troll factor; expect to see this too much. Free Fall; this is the standalone dlc map that came with the game. Unless you played some local or private games, you probably haven't seen it much. It is a small 'balanced' arena map. It is a wildly unrealistic scenario where a chunk of building is somehow stuck between two buildings and grinds its way towards the ground without ever reaching it. In under 10 minutes, the map will 'drop' 3(?) times, slightly changing the aesthetics of the map and kicking up some dust. Starting in the west: there are 2 couches that let you climb up to the second story, they are a little finicky, walk up to them, get the 'A to jump' symbol, go up, move around slightly until you get the symbol again to climb. You can camp the top of them or go in the second level. On the second level note the sideways door to climb through on your right. Edit: from the opening, you can get on the tiny edge of the tiles by the opening. So you will be off to the side of the hole, on the wall. Drop back out by the couches, head north, see the 'the one H hotel'. At the northern edge (where you can fall out of the map), get on the grey stone on the left (yellow wood leaning against it). You can carefully go over the other side and crouch into the corner, off the edge of the map. Looking east over the gap, there is a room that you can't get in that i think you were originally supposed to, but it got nixed. Climb out, head east until you can make a left (looking at 1H again) to your left is a tiny spot that you can jump to, behind the broken t-bar ceiling tiles. It is a pesky jump that will more often result in your fall to death, but it is there. Head east to the orangey wall, look south. Head south 20' to the burning planter box with the wood chip piles. You can climb that to sit on or get up top. Get down, face north (1H), make right (east). When you hit the burning orange wall, go slightly south and east past it. You are now at the east end. Turn around. See the polka-dot wall? See the second story window/hole? You can climb into it by the giant circular object. Edit: climb up, go left to the ramp. You can jump on the thin ledge on the right, above the ramp to take anyone coming up by surprise. The same with the other ramp in this area (seen on map) slightly north. Yeah, not much surprising here. Either end is open for cp, either end is best for user controlled killstreaks. Edit: bots; bots will shoot you through the sideways doors, despite the fact that they can't be seen through by humans. So be aware if playing squads, safeguard (private match), or private match game versus boss. Edit: During one of the 'falls' when the map lowers, i was killed by falling debris as i climbed into the second story where all the white polka-dots are. So apparently there is some 'falling debris' danger in this map. I tried to pinpoint the locations that this occurs, but since the map was added to the regular rotation, it will not 'fall' at all during private match games, which it used to. So I wasn't having any luck tracking down the danger zones. But i wanted to bring this to peoples attention. Edit: safeguard mode; in the western 'building' upstairs, is a door in the floor that you fall through. This does not happen in mp. Later, the door opens in the floor. This may occur in mp games as the map falls/not sure. Also, as of this edit, sd packages land on the 'roof' often.
  4. Some fixes would be nice: If i could, i would fix: select a map for Safeguard. I can do it offline, why can't i online? They already give you 2 of the easiest maps, why not let us play any map that we want? Edit: i found that you can go to mp, private match, select game mode, safeguard. That way you can play any map online, but it won't save stats or level up your soldier. Play squad versus squad against a buddy. In addition to random people. Set your squads up for different game types, so you're not thrown into domination with tdm bots. Online; let me pick my soldier at the start of a match instead of only letting me use the current soldiers' classes. You give us squads, make us want to build them up, but then punish us if we don't have the correct one. How are we supposed to know what map that we are going into before hand? We can't, because we have to constantly join new games due to lag, host screw, host migrations fail, host dashboarding. Killcams; even offline bots' killcams are blatant lies. Buff killstreaks, buff explosives. Fix scavenging explosives. My two pennies worth... On story: yes, iw campaign is fun, but the story is trash, and predictable trash, but it was fun to play.
  5. You can also stand under it to buy it. In the third area of the poc, there us also a chain saw, but the reload time is worse. Try to use the pistol, pull out the big guns when needed.
  6. Their p2p netcode is poo. That being said: the mp is fun when it's not a lag fest. Private/offline versus bots is fun. Squads are surprisingly fun. Safeguard, once you get the hang of it, has a very 'early zombies' camping feel to it. It has max ammo, dog/shield guy rounds and can be 20/40/100 rounds to win. Try this mode until it grabs you. You won't love it on first try. Extinction is okay, a great team effort game that you win in an hour or so. Despite the online mp issues, the game has a lot to offer. The campaign is one of the must fun to play ever. I couldn't even finish the crap fest campaign of either bo1 or bo2. The mp maps are fantastic, the worst maps that i don't want to see are better than any bo1/bo2 nap, they actually have that waw feel. Much of this game gives me that waw feel. The look is more realistic than bo games, but it takes a few games to catch on (I'm so used to the turtle/hunchback gnome-folk of bo2). I was playing bo2 until i got this on 12.27, the transition from playing the tiny arena suck-maps of bo to the far superior ghosts maps took some time. Overall, i am quite happy with this game. And I'm glad that it has lots to offer besides the same rehashed mp, which it does have also. I just wish i could play tdm on the new maps, but I'll just have to wait for them to go into rotation as the Onslaught playlist is always Kamp Konfirmed. If you by it for the cod mp, it is okay, but if you actually play the other modes like i do, it's a wealth of fun stuff.
  7. Nice work.
  8. Mine are never formatted well either, ha. Thanks for the input.
  9. 83457

    Seriously Iw?

    The mp is unplayable right now on 360 in my area. Bo2 was playable p2p, this is just extreme lag constantly. Unlike other cod games, the side games are decent. If not for the crap netcode, thus game is a joy. Blitz is good, cranked is fun, safeguard is a mix of bot-camping and zombies, the closest thing to zombies that I've played. Extinction is fair. I'm getting into it, but it's not super great or anything. The squad games are fairly interesting. The worst maps in ghosts beat out every bo1 or bo2 map. The only reason to own bo1 or 2 is zombies and bots. Now this has bots and a bunch of new game types, even if the online mp stays unplayable. Bo2: constant glitches/programming errors, but little lag. Ghosts: runs pretty well, extreme online lag. I constantly get put in the same matches, over and over, with hackers that I've avoided, in ghosts.
  10. I just bought that shield set up yesterday. I thought it might work in dom. Thanks.
  11. I don't know why i wrote that you would never need to free the big guy. You would, to do the tb/bank infinite max ammo bit. Rd1, kill all but 1 z. Get tb (restart if needed). Go to bank, get fat cash from bank/tb trick. Use candy, big guy, bank drop to get another max ammo. Go through house while friend stays in town. Lead witches to town for friend to babysit. Drop tb, kill witches, get perk. Use tb. New witches spawn, friend babysits them. Use candy, bank drop, big guy until you get another max ammo. Then keep repeating this part: drop tb, kill witches, get perk, use tb. Bank, bg, candy into max ammo>>> until you have 7 perks without buying any from machines. No point, just something academic to achieve.
  12. Playing as zombie: i laugh too hard to play. I find it grating to play against randoms. But against friends, i can't stop laughing. Very little replay value though.
  13. If you can get 4 players, mix the classes. You must try to get each challenge done for each hive. Try not to buy a gun until you are given a gun challenge. These challenges award a skill point, just like beating a hive, which you use to make your character better. Weapon specialist and medic focus on scorpions, the medic builds up his class to heal people and fight scorpions die to his immunity to the gas clouds from their goo. He may also build up special ammo. The weapon specialist just needs to put all points into sentry guns. Use the mini turrets if not level 22. Tank can build up his class and do armor. While the medic and weapon specialist concentrate on scorpions, tank will keep the hordes off of his teammates. Engineer builds his class up, for money, trap longevity, drill health (he plants the drill, he fixes the drill, like the medic has to get people up). Each player should put 1 point only in pistol, that is your main gun at first. No more is needed. Someone should max armor. At least 2 should be maxing specialty ammo out. Armor piercing it's nice, but the turrets and mini guns could do that. Explosive ammo or stun ammo are the best, imo. Stun ammo stuns them, making it easier to take out scorpions and the horde. 2 should max sentry guns early. Stay close to each other and watch each others backs, this is very competent. Communicate what you need and when. Feral instincts can help get back on the run back to start and are always useful, but not always leveled up. You can do 4 medics for the constant health Regen, or 4 weapon specialists for the damage, but usually a mix, with roles to play, works best.
  14. Edit: in an early 2014 update, all of the 'operations' in mp are always active. Getting squad points there is the easiest way now. But still, if only 1 or 2 are needed, this is an easy enough way to pick them up. Go to Squads/xbl squads/squad assault. Go to challenge friend (or play randoms, but if you know what map/game mode your friends has set a hq, it may be easier for you) after each game, back out and choose challenge friend again. You get xp (may be capped at 1500?) And I've earned at least one squad point per match. The bots are super easy and they don't go after field orders, so you can always get them. And you get the joy of seeing your team in action. The one that you play as will have your gamertag, the rest will have whatever names that you named them. Pretty fun and easy squad points/xp. Your friend can be offline, it just takes their names and loadouts. Check it out. And if folk play against your bots, you will see how they did in the squad reports. P.S. (edit) under each of your soldiers, you can pick what class you want them to play as by hitting the 'start' button on your controller. The bots play run and gun with occasional corner camps, so make sure to give them a decent assault class, no fancy sniper classes or knife classes.
  15. For solo, max them sentries first, try to make each challenge in the first area to do so. Then you hide behind them. No armor, not much ammo needed. Just watch them and put them down to watch each other. I drop 1 point in pistol next (all that is needed), then bring up my class (use weapon specialist solo for the extra damage). It gets brutal sometimes. The main thing to remember is: face and attack. Try to run and you are dead. If on your last hit point, fight still. There is no 'safe'. When crystals drop, just fire at the base and you'll kill the red guys. Rhinos, just move the sentry gun a little every time he tries to hit it.
  16. I just stepped off of the cliff while trying to set down a sentry gun. I laughed it off, it was still my best solo game. I had just unlocked sg and maxed that out before anything else. Two sentries ftw. I'm just starting to enjoy this mode. I'm very obsessive (mostly harmless), and was obsessing on the online mp and bot games as i just got this 12.27.2013. So now I'm learning Extinction. If you solo, it is hard and you must do everything yourself. If you can meet that challenge, co-op is a breeze. I learn/get better this way.
  17. I got my sentry guns. I made it solo to the 11th hive. I was going strong until I derped off of the cliff while setting a sentry gun. Yup. Fail mode activated.
  18. I would like to add some thoughts as a newcomer to extinction: level up until at least 22, for sentry guns. They make the game much easier and is practically the only way to solo the game. By the time you get to 22 (not too hard), you will know what you are doing and whether or not the game is for you. Like any decent game, it takes a little familiarity before it is fully enjoyed. Jumping in solo, unfamiliar and unleveled, will be frustrating. You say that friends play it, then party up with and listen to them until you get the hang of it. Enjoy.
  19. Field Orders: Edit: most field order bugs have been fixed by now. But, if you achieve the FO then immediately die, it will not count. Example; 1 melee kill: i stab a guy, get stabbed, fail the FO. You must survive at least 1 full second after completion. Field Orders appear as a blue briefcase that slowly bounces up and down on the map. They are dropped by a player that had them, by the first player killed in a game, and randomly during the game if the current one times out. There will usually be a couple active at once. Speculation: i believe (tdm, 6 players) that 3 players from each team will see/interact with 1 FO, the other 3 from each team see a different FO that the first ones can't see and vice versa. If you get the FO, you will be given some task to perform, if you succeed, you will earn a squad point (in theory), your ammo, tacticals/grenades/reserve grenade launcher ammo will be replenished, and you will be given a care package grenade to call in a cp. The cp may be any killstreak(?), or it may be a map specific killstreak, which will show a grim reaper symbol. Squad points; upon completing FO, you will immediately get a squad point (even in Squad Assault/squad games). Often they show up late and possibly not at all. This is a bug. I have had them show up 20 minutes after I stopped playing online. I've had them not show up, but then sometimes I go from 0 sp to like 12, and the game isn't always clear in what challenge you did to earn them, so it is never clear if owed points are showing up late or if I earned new ones en masse. (again, most of these bugs are fixed). Challenges: 1 headshot 2 crouch kills 3 non-killstreak kills. 1 explosive kill (non-killstreak). 1 jumping kill (before apex). Humiliate (teabag) the next enemy that you kill. 1 prone kill (laying down). 1 secondary weapon kill. 2 kills with a picked up weapon. 1 melee kill. Knife/shield (i assume shield works?) Kill. Note on 'Humiliate'; it will be the most recently killed enemy, not the first one that you kill after getting this f.o. Example: get f.o.: humiliate, you kill 3 enemies, go teabag the last 1, not the first, of those 3. Teabag = squat then stand while on the corpse of your enemy. You may 'humiliate' from any height, you do not have to be on the same plane, just above them (probable below them too, where applicable). Jumping: must be start of jump before apex. Prone: this means laying down kill. Picked up weapon: glitched; ubsg counts, ubgl maybe?, gold knife versus enemy with gold knife, maybe having the same weapon as the enemy? Any Ammo Crate weapon counts. Secondary weapon: must be a secondary, probably can pick one off of the ground, but must be a secondary. Won't work by trading your empty secondary for a primary from the ground. Headshot: in Safeguard mode (called challenges, not field orders) these may glitch for several rounds where it is not possible to get any headshots to count. I think that's all of them and correct. Note: completion will refill launcher ammo in reserve, but not in the 'chamber'. So if you have any ammo in your launchers, make sure to reload before completing the FO. Panzerfaust: 1 in chamber/2 in reserve max. Kastet: 1/1 reserve max. MK32: 6/6 reserve max. (2 fire at once). Note that you can complete more than 1 per match and you can have multiple care package grenades without penalty. Edit: if you get any juggernaut package and then get an FO, there will be special orders for the juggernaut. Also, if you have field orders and then suit up as any 'jugger', your orders will change to appropriate 'jugger' ones. I'm not sure how many there are, but; Maniac: 3 melee kills. 3 throwing knife kills. 3 kills from behind. Minigun juggernaut: 7 kills with your weapons. Juggernaut recon: 4 kills. Michael Myers (dlc1 Fog) earned once per match max: 7 kills. Predator (dlc2 Ruins) earned once per match max: 7 kills. Death Mariachi (dlc3 Departed): 7 kills. The undead can't use killstreaks. You may earn Death Mariachi more than once per match.
  20. Elite: Gambler (1): seems silly, but actually will pay off quite frequently. It is a 1 point perk that will usually get you a better-than-1-point-perk. Often squeezed out for a class-specific perk, but a great 1 point filler if you don't know what to use in that slot. If you use gambler in your Specialist class, you will receive the bonus perk as soon as you unlock Gambler. As soon as you get it from Specialist or spawn in with it, the perk that you were granted will momentarily show in the middle of your screen, so watch for that. Hardline (2): Killstreaks cost 1 less, each 2 assists count as a kill. Not often needed, but a staple in many 'Specialist strike package' classes, and some of you just love it. Ping (2): Activates a radar ping from the death location of an enemy that you kill, revealing nearby enemies without the 'Off The Grid' perk. A fair addition to the game. Taking your eyes off of the screen to see the minimap may get you killed by the guy on your minimap though. Overkill (3): Carry 2 primary weapons, no secondary. At 3 points, given the current point system, i see very little point in this. Useful for campers. Deadeye (5): "Consecutive kills increase the chance to deal more damage with bullet weapons". 5 point perk with lots of qualifiers in that sentence. I've used this from Gambler, and it seems underwhelming. Is anyone using this and finding it worthy? I didn't notice any great effects that would fill me with the desire to main this on a class. Thoughts/experience with this? Edit: I spent a few hours playing with Dead Eye. What happens is this; random bullets will give a special red-squarish flash instead of the normal hitmarker. These bullets did extra damage. At one point i hit a guy in the arm and leg and both were the special bullets, so i got a kill in 2 bullets to limbs. It was kind of amusing to use, but overall, i still don't see the value of it being worth 5 perk points. After more testing, i find it useless on marksmen rifles/snipers. I kind of hoped it would make chest shots a 1 hit kill for marksmen (on red hitmarkers). Shotgun pellet spreads count all or none, not really helpful. Best with lmgs/ars/smgs. That's our 35 Ghosts perks, happy gaming all!
  21. Equipment: Extra tactical (1): Self explanatory. Should you find value in one of the tacticals, why not take 2? Extra Lethal (2): Also rather obvious what it does. Usually not worth it for the 2 points it takes up, but a staple in an explosives/Danger Close class. Also consider this for a throwing knife class; despite being retrievable, they do get lost sometimes, and you do miss some throws. Edit: Note that the underbarrel grenade launcher gives you two grenades and is not increased by this perk. Fully Loaded (2): Start with maximum ammunition. I have yet to find a reason for this over scavenger. Maybe for long-range camping? Too far to run with your lmg guy to get that little blue satchel? Luxury perk... Extra Attachment (3): the cost and usefulness of this (and overkill) self explanatory perk is questionable at best. Extreme luxury perk. Thoughts? Danger Close (4): increases damage dealt with explosives. Given that the only way to replenish grenades is to do 'Field Orders', this perk is crazy overcosted. That being said, you will use it if you want to make an explosives class. At 3 it would be fair, at 4 points, it should allow you to scavenge grenades. C4 works well without it. The underbarrel grenade, launchers, and thrown grenades all benefit from dc. IEDs are much LESS effective with danger close. IW really screwed these up. Almost done with perks, feel free to input your own advice, even if it is completely at odds with mine. It will help us all grow and understand better.
  22. Resistance: Resilience (1): Take no falling damage. A decent 1 point perk, usually less important than something else, but worth the 1 point for sure. ICU (2): You regenerate health faster. Sounds good, but is rarely useful because you either die or you lived. Maybe for objective players fighting for B-flag(?), otherwise this is a luxury perk, not a necessary one. Objective player thoughts? Focus (2): Reduced ads weapon sway, reduced flinch when hit. A top tier perk. Perfect for snipers/marksmen, useful on many classes. Don't undervalue this. Tac Resist (2): Reduces tacticals effects on the player. Maybe would be considered as a 1 point perk. See Blast Shield. Blast Shield (2): Reduces damage from explosives. This and Tac Resist are near useless in a game with such nerfed tacticals and explosives. The main use of Blast Shield in tdm would be on your own Danger Close class to keep from killing yourself. These probably hold slightly more appeal in some objective modes, but generally could be passed over for something more effective for your class. Edit: after extensive objective playing, this perk is still not needed: grenades in this game are clearly a non issue.
  23. Yeah, I'm having host/lag/p2p issues galore, but the bots, campaign, extinction are all making it worth the wait for the mp fix. You can put bots on 'mixed' difficulty, and it plays much like real games; some veteran strength, hardened, regular, and recruit. So you get some fierce competition and some 3-14 players, like real games. You can also restrict anything, so playing a shotgun only or knife only match can be fun. If you get it, you will probably enjoy it. If you pass on it, that's understandable too as it really is just the same thing again (extinction is a bit different). Happy gaming!
  24. Awareness: Recon (1): this not overly exciting perk is not terrible on the right class, but certainly not top tier. Note that you will see any enemy hurt by any explosive, including Thermobaric grenade and any teammates explosives. Scavenger (2): scavenges ammo only. If you plan on living a long life, and don't want to pick up random guns, this may be for you, either in your class or in your specialist package. Normally is better than starting with max ammo, but weaker than any other version of this perk in cod games due to ghosts inexplicable lack of grenade scavenging. (grenades are so weak, why can't they be scavenged?) Sit Rep (2): shows enemy armor and equipment, including ammo crate, Sat Com, most killstreaks, but not dogs. Less valuable in this game than in previous cods due to underwhelming grenades/tacticals/killstreaks, but still a decent perk. Amplify (2): makes enemy footsteps easier to hear and allows you to hear players with Dead Silence. I think peoples opinions of this vary. It can help you track down enemies, but the sound is already fairly loud to me, so I've used it, i can see the value in it, but don't really need it myself. Try it out...thoughts? Wiretap (3): This perk is better than you first think. I rarely find room for it in my class set-ups, but have had it from Gambler (random perk), so i have seen how strong it can be. You see enemies from every allied and enemy Sat Com, so many games it will be a huge boon, many games it will be a dud. Run it with a Sat Com in your killstreaks, call it in when an enemy or teammate calls one in. Edit: most games sat coms are rare now, so the value of this went down over time. Back soon...
  25. North Jersey, p2p hosts and migrations and lost connection to host. Either there is no dedicated severs in this area, or they are constantly full. One of the most affluent areas, and the most densely populated state per square mile (and that is due to the northern half), and iw is fail city? Derp. Herbie Derpstra must be the new ceo of idiocy ward. I still am amazed at how much fail that takes from a business standpoint. Idiocy Ward. But at least the game will put you in the same fail lobby up to eight times before it puts you in another. Because i so loved the lag in that game, the players shipping across the screen, the random unsolicited player movements, running over the same 10 feet of ground, et cetera/loads of sarcasm, don't really enjoy these things.
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