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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Thanks for this. Btw, in the achievement lust, they call him Brutus. I'm surprised that nobody calls him that.
  2. If you can leave both gates closed, by jugger and the other two. Then you have 1 window and every one else on the hall. Solo, i camp opposite jugger until overrun. Then i open that gate and circle that area or i run through the main map. When opened, start at bottom of ramp/incline. Fight, back towards jugger, when they come from behind, head towards jugger, fire the green gun by jugger so the narrow path past it is safe. Drop down when the zombies catch up. Go into the door and stay left as you walk through so the zombies pool up in the middle. Go back to bottom of incline, start over. I did 42 solo with this strategy.
  3. I used the buildables to go over 30 rounds with no credited kills. In the saloon hallway that drops to the bar floor. HC on an opposite wall so zombies wall towards blades. Then TS behind that. Lastly, SR and the Turbine and myself at the other end. Gt:Unmazing Check solo leaderboards for rd 32. (no longer valid as I've done 64 rounds then quit this super easy map). Saved in theater. (still true: 32 rounds). Typed badly on annoying interface... Edit: bumped/retitled thread. How high can you get without any credited kills, using only buildables? I know someone here had a goal of 70, how is that working out? I made 32 rounds with no credited kills easily, now it's your turn. Happy gaming!
  4. With 2 players, we left the door closed and used the ts to get up there. My friend watched the upper rooms while i stood in the opening to the court area, right in front of the 1250 door. Fire the canon up the middle. With four, try two upstairs and two down. Church: two ts on back windows. Fire up the middle/left side. No easy escape... Saloon: i camped the hall that dead ends into a drop. Zombies wouldn't load at start of the first new round (19).
  5. I did it by taking points out of the bank. It did not give me the achievement, so i guess you can't use the bank for this.
  6. Thanks bs. I have hardly played, but I can see the value you have put forth.
  7. Thanks yous. Appreciated.
  8. Sorry, search didn't work even though I am sure there are threads on this. Also bad eyesight makes searching very difficult. Anyway: Russman calls the zombies 'freakalopes' like Tank did. The odds of some random surviver coming up with the same odd title for them are astronomical. So, they must have met/known of the o4. It took me forever to remember to post this...
  9. Does ec actually kill them, or does it just tp them away like ghost mode?
  10. As long as you go into purgatory mode, you can zap the ones away from your body. I imagine that you knew this and I misunderstood...
  11. Ah, I wasn't exctly sure what ec did, thanks. Dd is useless imo.
  12. Now you've done it, we're so screwed... While running through the Tranzit fog the other day, i thought 'wow, this actually better than waiting for an elevator'. Love Tranzit, love Die Rise, enjoying this (but only did like 6 games so far). I love figuring a new map out, love conquering it even more. So far, fun map. Feeding the dog-heads is good times. The look is fantastic: spiky zombies, burning ?box....
  13. That is definitely a thompson with a round drum. Definitely not the ppsh. I am surprised at how many people care about the story of zombies. I am not one of them, but to the person who said nobody cares about the story, here people certainly do. Maxis' color in lights has been red, so red eyes could be him. But not necessarily.
  14. In Tranzit, Sam says that the aliens talk to him at night when he is trying to sleep. I assume zombie voices, but Sam seems to think they are aliens as he makes a few aliens references. Maybe zombie aliens? (Codz asplodes)
  15. Train. Either train yard or, more likely, automated train. Blane anyone? (Ugh, just like Lost, that story ended way too predictably). Edit: inTranzit, Russman says: should've took the train (when he gets downed sometimes). --- Dead ops gave us islands. ---- Completely underground facility. Or cave spelunking. --- Amusement park. Left for cod. It could be humorously fish-themed!
  16. 83457

    New Navcard

    I know the parts to build the first thing which is the meteor, plank, radio, and electrical box but when i build it, it says insert navcard. Everyone tried holding x and it says invalid navcard. Where do you find this navcard? The nc (grey) from Tranzit fits in the Die Rise reader on the dragon roof. The Die Rise nc (white) will presumably go in the next maps' reader. The last maps' nc will presumably go into the Tranzit card reader under the electrical tower.
  17. I have never seen the machine just chillin'. If you play solo custom and someone joins, the qr machine closes, even if you never bought it.
  18. You probably already got enough help... Solo (or mp) on roof: setting; get by the window next to the dragon ramp, face away from window: on your right is a grey cube. Set your trample steam between that and the 'wall' to your left, slightly left, facing straight out (in case you hit it, it is safe). The jumpers that come over the middle will land directly on it. Drop claymores to the left, facing in to the mesh(?) area in the center. Then just keep the ts between you and the jumpers coming from in front of you. If you get hit, run out, grab two clays, drop them and run straight down the lasers, the jerks will follow and die, run back for two more or set behind the ts again.
  19. Thankfully I play with friends who all want me to use it since I do the best job and they don't want to lose the gunslot (or deal with the terrible mk glitch). I am happy to let someone else take it, but no... I have heard a few people say what you are saying though: if there is one where you first jump down from the start room elevator, take it back to where you jumped across; lots of stuff on the floor to visually hide it and it is rare anyone would go over it by accident, just put it in the farthest corner so nobody spies it going for a key. Another trick is swap it for a navcard bit as everyone ignores them (if not built). Edit: typos, because ipad sucks.
  20. Ha! I am internet stupid, being old. Oh well, thanks for the heads up and greeting! I am glad that I can be on this forum, it has been one of the best. At dj, cool man, no weirdness was taken from you informing me. Happy gaming all!
  21. 83457


    On xbox; i once had all green sky, everything else in black or white on die rise. My bo2 disk is in pristine condition and the xbox barely reads it. i have to turn it on/ off, put disk in, take disc out. Only bo2 and bo have ever given me trouble... Every single other game works fine (yes, even waw).
  22. jeez man quit bringin us down with your god damn negativity. the "it costs too much" complaint is stupid. i played yesterday on die rise to get the achievement when you dont turn the power on til after 10. well by 10 i had 20000 pts. if points are a problem for you, you probably are a box spammer which is an evil all unto itself. Negativity? I was saying that they got rid of the overcosting issue by giving it for free. I have hit the box less than ten seperate occasions in Die Rise. Not a box spammer and points aren't the issue. In waw, extra gunslots were free and it made the game popular. In bo, you had to pay 4000 for 1 extra slot that thy took away when you went down. It was a disaster and reviled by players (ever know anyone who bought it in bo? No? Me neither, now it is considered by good players). Note that the 'prices are exhorbitant' is a malton quote put in the game by Treyfail. The last bit is a deserved slight to Treyfail. They created that negativity on their own. Their terrible programming and balancing issues make them a joke. Edit: i will man up and say, hey, sorry if it sounded too negative. I try to be positive and friendly, some things bug me. That happens to all of us. Happy gaming birdman. Didn't try to irk you or anyone else.
  23. The issue with mule kick was that it cost way too much for an extra slot that you lose when you go down, but the free perk jerks mitigate that programming disaster by getting rid of the 'prices are exhorbitant, to say the least' issue. After the last patch though, Treyfail screwed the programming so that if you have the sliq gun, you lose that instead of your third gun slot. They really need to send their programmers back to school... That or some complete moron thought this was a balance tweek/ kidding, even they aren't that stupid... I hope...
  24. It makes me happy in my pants. She has a sexy voice and it makes me hard Er to kill. Vote added!
  25. Well heck. That is even easier than the trick I used to get down one level...
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