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Everything posted by 83457

  1. I like both, but kiting wins in the long run (i remember being that weirdo who ran zombies in circles in waw, now it is the norm). Hybrids can work. Skill level and map knowledge are key. The buddha room could have campers and runners. Say a 2 man game where one runs and one sets up on the walk above. Campers can drop and run, get back up and camp. On map knowledge: knowing where you can camp early or in an emergency has saved many of the zombie games that I have been in: last zombie dies while everyone is in an unfamiliar spot, I say do this, watch that, and it saves the game. Camping until death is a thrill, not a great strategy.
  2. Hey man, don't need to start calling names here. My favorite in Der Riese. I recall holding the window in the flytrap hall with it. I had 6 total, full, pap'd weapons on round 30 something when everyone else ran out of ammo.... (If you never camped the flytrap hallway, do it. Now.). My tale: just before Shi No Numa came out, my friend started talking about this house where zombies break in and you have nowhere to go. Just stand your ground. Sounds boring. He makes me play it. It is boring. After forcing me to play a few times, it clicked; we were getting close to making round 10! (Ndu). So I say dangit, I guess I have to go buy this now. He pulled out an extra copy given to him and said that I could have it. I dl'd zombie verruckt and loved it. Snn came out and I had taught another friend to play (he hadn't played video games since Atari 2600), he became hooked, then Der Riese came out and made us worship it. All hail Der Riese! Bo was a big change and I loved them well enough, except moon (way too glitchy and annoying except nml), but bo2 is a great leap forward from bo. Die Rise is the first map since Der Riese to give me that 4-man camp feeling.
  3. Someone above said that they respawn. I have never checked.
  4. If you run in the Buddha room, run up the slanted column near the bear. Then go left and jump off. This usually makes 90% of the zombies run up to the an-94 area before returning. This can help if you need to revive someone in that room. This can hurt if you are zombiesitting: if you do this by accident, when the zombies run off, they may respawn near your more vulnerable teammates (no perks, waiting for an elevator, et cetera). It is hilarious on high rounds to see all of the zombies just evacuate the room.
  5. Note that turning on power automatically sets one in a ready to go position, so fight until ready, run the lone zombie away, hit power, wait until elevator is about to go, jump on. Edit: also, when everyone is in the buddha room, if you jump across by the ak74u and make lefts until you get to the sliq room, one always seems to be ready to go if you get there a.s.a.p. (Zombie elevators is tongue in cheek humor... Remember zombie elevators in Der Riese?) Helpful tip: if you need to go down one level and the elevator is coming down at you, back as far as you safely can into the shaft; the elevator will hit you and drag you down. When it stops, it will release you, push forward to go into the level below. Quite safe once you have done it once or twice.
  6. I need more instances, but I am fairly sure the voices always mutter the same groans just before the jumper rounds. I started to figure this, and it happened the next two times that they came. However, need more empirical evidence. Edit: this has not held up under scrutiny. It was just coincidence.
  7. I have had a few zombie games where i died early, like twice, and just played anyway and then got a new high round...
  8. So, after 4 days, I lost no money. I checked just for the sake of this thread. Why would that be? So you did not play one single game of tranzit for over 96 hours, then checked your bank and it was full? That is correct. Just for this thread. I was not on for a couple days and played Die Rise on the others.
  9. It matters not what two guns you have and/or are holding when you buy the third gun, it does not replace the first or second, it adds a third. Exactly like bo was. So, if you have m1911 and pdw, get mk, hold m1911 out and buy an-94, your guns will still be 1-m1911, 2-pdw, 3-an-94. Same story if you hold the pdw in hand as you buy the an-94. It will just add a third slot and the an-94 will be in it.
  10. You still lose the added 3rd slot. So, you have sliq and pdw, you are given mk for free, you buy the an-94, the an-94 is the one that will go away if you get downed.
  11. So, after 4 days, I lost no money. I checked just for the sake of this thread. Why would that be?
  12. Yes, to get all of that done quickest, on round 1, I concede to your method. You, honestly, do have a good point about a player being down or maybe having to zombiesit due to having a wounded zombie, but I have been playing with decent players where that rarely would be an issue, but I can't say that it wouldn't happen. I don't find it hard to build ts, ditch last zombie, all fling over from power to grab keys. My reasoning is: keys are not (imo) high priority early. I hate the start room, prefer to get the trample parts out and get keys when ready. Not everyone needs to go back for keys at once either; they can each grab one as they feel comfortable doing so. The 750 points is not much to worry about, though sometimes is painful to spend early. I think my issue is that I forget how easy the early game is with 4 players. Personally, I would still prefer to game the way I mentioned. On the key part: any that are more likely to have trouble coming back could grab a key on their way out, assuming they had no ts part. In your scenario where someone went down, they would have dropped a key as well and would have to go back to where they died (assumes no revive) or remember to pick it up (if revived) or where they were downed if they forgot to pick it up. So, in short, I still prefer to save all 4 keys and leave the start room closed, but I withdraw the argument as you have explained your reasoning and I can't argue your claim of being all set on round 1. Even if your party desires the Sliqqer, it can still be worked on round 1 in your plan. Thanks for the reasoning and discussion.
  13. I had them standing in corners yesterday. This afternoon, while playing flinger games to learn stuff, i built the sliq, the lone round 2 zombie kept walking around upstairs from the sliq bench. He would come near the stairs, turn around, come back...(the debris was still there).
  14. No, your first message was properly written, I added in something that you didn't say. My apologies. I fully understand. It was my failing to comprehend earlier that was the issue. I opine that I would consider it a better option to take the parts, build both like I suggested. This saves 750 points (start room door to get parts from start room in your scenario) and a key over your plan. Then, the group could return, when convenient, fling over to the hall and grab all four keys. Anyway, I meant no disrespect, I simply misunderstood and also still don't love the idea for the reasons I stated above. We can all play the way we want and Die Rise certainly offers multiple ways to start off, which adds replay value in my mind. If I am still stupidly missing something, please point it out. I just post to learn and dissect, not act like i am right and you are not. That is not who I am. Additional: you posted before I responded. You can happily skip the suckquifier if it offends you. :)
  15. My experience recap and new: I once put 60k, then 50k in the bank. Played offline one night. Next day had 2k in the bank only. This week, max bank, did not play tranzit for 4 days (played Die Rise), came back, bank is maxxed. If we think of it logically, it goes like this: game + Treyarch = nearly infinite glitches. So that is probably all it comes down to. You may argue that Activision rushes them or whatever, I won't argue. But after 3 extremely poorly made cod games, as in wonkier than any of the idiocy ward cods, it is clear that Treyarch does add quite a lot to the failquation.
  16. "Mend the rift" Just fyi.
  17. That's a good rule of thumb for zombies, but even if you die at the bottom of the shoot and you have all four players there, they can not revive the downed man. He is in unplayable space. Often you do get stuck on the slide, you can't revive yourself with ww either. You can jump, start to revive....fall back down...grrr... But often you get thrown into the an-94 room and can be revived. (About 60% slide, 40% an room in my experience solo and mp). Also note that if you collide with someone down there, you both go down, so space and time it appropriately so someone lands, orientates, buys an, leaves, before the next guy gets down (if you have the time to be careful).
  18. I usually run behind the green house. I leave the inside upstairs door closed. Open the deck debris. This makes the steps part of the run to avoid underdeck traffic. Just run up, fall off, continue circles. You can do similar to what was said above: run up the deck steps, through house, jump out window. Most of the train comes through the house, a few to your left. Just aim and shoot. But circles: around either back yard, tight or all-encompassing circles. Around red truck in center until it gets opened, it still works, but is less good. The nuketown sign and other stuff right there. The other truck is bad to loop due to two spawns by the narrow, blind corner. Yellow house: leave inside steps closed, open deck debris. When you first enter the house, go to the back-left door and open it, leaving the one under the deck closed. This makes the easiest pathing/least traffic as far as I can tell.
  19. Must be a setting. I've played for 2 months with my roommate using a guest account and its never signed him out before (even leaving it overnight). Now xbox live has signed out my main account over and over in the middle of a game but that's xbox being xbox(loves to do it during netflix as well atleast 5 times a week). Gotta love having to pay extra then still having problems just trying to join a party or a game. Hmmm. I will check settings. I assume mine are default so others may encounter what I said.
  20. Nice job typing it out. Note that despite what you said about leaving the controller for hours, the truth is that when the controller times out, it signs out the profile if [gamertag(1)] it is a guest, which ends the game. Unless there is a setting that can be changed. So be wary of that.
  21. maybe no, and that's the point of all the "i think i have seen this before" line. it makes me think of a short story by harlan elison called "i have no mouth and i want to scream", in which a super computer hase ruined the world and is now playing with the four survivors that it keeps alive, curing them everytime they try to suicide, having fun torturing them. i think richtofen can do everything he wants including keeping the crew alive, in a way or another (by sending them back in time obviously). Okay, good reasoning. I still didn't get that emote from him, but I get what your point here was.
  22. 83457

    Mp5 shortcut?

    I mean the spot where you jump from the rear of the dragon ramp area to the trample steam room. Instead of jumping over to that building, can you fall off the edge in such a way as to land in the area at the end of the mp5 hall? I would have to look at it again, but I am at work and they frown on me bringing my xbox...
  23. 83457

    Mp5 shortcut?

    First. I am sure that what I asked is nonpossible due to the extension that you jump off of behind the dragon ramp; you wouldn't be close enough to the building. The spot I inquired about: open the ramp debris near the bottom of the dragon ramp. Go down, turn 180, go forward, passing mp5 on your left, continue forward. The area straight ahead is open, so I wondered if one could fall from above, which would be the flat area after the top of the dragon ramp. Analogous to dropping from the top of the escalator to the pdw room below (which is possible).
  24. 83457

    Mp5 shortcut?

    If you go to the mp5 from the roof, then head to the opposite end of the building, it is open. Can you drop from above into that spot? It would be where the top of the dragon ramp is. It is merely academic as nobody wants that crapstick ammo/point-wasting junk...I have more interest in the simple possibility that it is well...possible.
  25. 83457


    I am unsure which post that you meant. I was suggesting that they could put it under semtex. If you went down the elevator just outside the room under semtex, you would need to buy 1 door to get back to the elevators that would take you to the roof proper. If they replaced the mp5, you would have to buy 1 door to get it (assuming on roof already). Unless you can fall from the area near the top of the dragon ramp... I'm gonna ask that question. If I missed what you were asking, quote the part I confused you on.
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