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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Of the three that you mention, only the double swiping has changed. Having zombies that are 20 feet away hit me while ads on them or running past 1 and going down as if 4 hit you at once has been common since launch. I haven't noticed more fog zombies after playing last night. I notice the dead zombies glitch: you must keep at least 3 or they die off, damaged or not, including fire. This same broken glitch has ruined games of Die Rise as well. Quick patch is required. And did they fix the Die Rise glitches? Nope. They added a new one so that only one player can get the Sliquifyer now. Do they even have programming degrees at Treyfail? I assume they don't. They could also use some game design classes obviously. No clue on balance and/or player enjoyment. They stumbled on a goldmine with zombie mode, their cod mp record was atrocious until bo2... I wish that zombies was in the hands of a competent designer/programmer. Yes, they have been around and screwed enough stuff up to deserve my derogatory rhetoric.
  2. Fun. Congratulations!
  3. I enjoyed it (except the script error in local, fn Treyfail) greatly. It was reminescent of twisted metal 2 winning cutscenes.
  4. 83457

    Camp/ run spots?

    Okay, multiple votes for the Buddha room (what I called ballroom, but Buddha room seems more universally understandable, so I'll stick with that). In solo, by the elevators, just before opening to the buddha room, is a decent stop: the few elevator zombies make noise and climb slowly...
  5. 83457

    Camp/ run spots?

    Cool, thanks people. I recognized a few spots that you mentioned Minotaur. It is a real joy figuring out new maps... I wonder about the upper tier of the upside down ballroom? For mp, not solo.
  6. It is new and may be difficult to explain, but what are some spots that you use? Mp/ solo zombies: a good long term spot is right by the dragon signs onthe roof; 1 window at your back, plenty of area for claymores... Solo start up: if you are having trouble early, try this spot: from start, open the doors under steps, make right, open escalator debris, go down, make right. You should see the useable pdw and quick revive. Buy them (helping newbs, if you know better spots/ start runs, post them) and hold that room with the elevator: almost zero zombies come fromthe window, you have a good view of their 2 avenues of approach and room to circle around them if too many come.
  7. Great. Just like bo, fix what didn't need a fix. Ramp/slide glitch and zombie death glitch and script error glitch, which are game ruining, are still in it. Waited forever for them to patch the terrible zombie glitches in bo. They patched the multigun glitch (suck) and the podium glitch (yea) and ignored the most important ones like hacker and 'kill your teammate'. Why not fix stuff that is important? Please don't bo bo2... No wonder we hate you Treyfail. I was starting to forgive you for bo, but now bo2 is flopping from your glitches...
  8. Like the tower with all the satellites and things on it? And do you have to be directly under it or around the area where the Nav Table is built? Apologies. I was in error. I just left the Tranzit page and got all stupid on this thread. Please disregard...
  9. I am happy with all of the zombie bits in bo2. Just fix the zombie death glitch (in Die Rise too) and the slide/ ramp glitches. I haven't had a legitimate dr death yet... How far can I get? Who knows? Glitches kill me...
  10. Edit: ignore this post. No. In the ee, you make the blood sacrifice under the power tower spire. I've done it myself. Also, use a dictionary, never wiki. :roll: Happy gaming.
  11. Maybe, but I know that you cannot store the m1911 at all, so maybe that caused you confusion?
  12. 83457

    Wtf Death?!

    Yeah, every Die Rise death so far has been to the slide and drop glitches. 4 perks, gk, 2 decent guns, out of points. First the 'tranzit' glitch kills my last zombie (suck!), then I lose all of my perks to the dr specific glitch... So disappointing. I wish I had confidence in Treyargh...I don't. Please surprise me and fix this.
  13. Because they added turned mode and the new leaderboard stuff. On topic: someone mentioned they only had the issue after buying jugger, someone else suggested the fire was damaging zombies, causing the glitch to kill them. The jugger one meshed with what I saw. I am unsold on the other idea; it seemed right, but then they just started dying without fire or damage. As of 1.30.2012, still game breakingly glitched... I got an update last night which didn't fix it. Note that it occurs in Die Rise also. Definitely not intended. Please fix.
  14. Why would it? It's basically the same layout as bus depot. A cramped building and an outside area with debris scattered around. There really seems no point in that. Of course then it could be argued that bus depot could have simply hosted turned, but whatever. I don't know. Well, you were right. I would take a bus depot/ndu style survival. Also bus depot turned would make sense too. Heck farm would be a little bigger, but workable. Turned needs more customization: different guns, turn off the orange glow, magic on/off. I'm guessing that if it is a hit, there will be more attention to it from the developers, if not bye bye new turned stuff.
  15. I think that it will initially have curiosity seekers, then die down to a moderate following. I laugh so hard while playing it, but I couldn't play it for hours, so most likely I would play it once in a while. I haven't played zombies with randoms since Der Riese, but I imagine I will with this mode. So far, playing with friends is crazy fun, but doesn't have staying power.
  16. 83457


    Imo, it varies. Bus depot is the oddest one for me; they have followed me across that section. They have attacked me without entering the fog at all. Once 1 had one chase me around (i never entered the fog) but it never jumped on my head, just ran at my feet. It hoved me around if i let go of the stick. It was there for most of a round, but i lost track of it while fighting, not sure where it went. I once saw one face down, like it was gonna dig a hole, but just stayed like that, kicking its feet in the air. (Shock and dismay that the game is glitchy...not really. Seems much better made than bo was. Ugh. Bleak oops sucked).
  17. From playing zombies these last several years, I doubt that the doppelganger (i'm gonna type clone, it is much easier) would start with the extra perks again. That being said, I hope that I am wrong. Thanks for the info.
  18. Hey, thanks for the redirect. I looked around before posting, but i'm pretty blind...my bad.
  19. Okay, this is second hand, sorry if wrong: My bud said that if you kill no zombiesduring instakill, you may get the red one. If you get the red one, the zombies fall dead if you get near them. Yeah...
  20. Yeah. I played local ss last night without issue. Today i could not solo it. Online worked fine.
  21. I have played but haven't tried who's who?, can anyone answer some questions? 1. You keep your perks if you revive yourself, does that include who's who? Or do you have to buy it again? There may be more questions depending on the answers...
  22. You mean glitching? Or do you mean cheating? You silly poster! It was clearly intended. If you bother to be there, you get one. If you is dead or too busy being lost, well then, no sliquiding for you.
  23. I thought it was 4 elevator plates, then 4 nonelevator plates. No pap required yet.
  24. I called him Commissioner Gordon. Similar glasses, same mustache. He does kind of look like the new version...Gary Oldman (he was Zorg in 5th element also).
  25. I have only been here for a short while so feel free to kick my opinion to the curb (i won't be insulted), but the more you try to seperate the glf and die rise bits, the more confusion you create. Put it all under die rise or glf until another map gives you a reason to move it around. This has already caused me confusion during the last map. Please leave well enough alone until necessary. My $.02. Again feel free to ignore this post, I am really easy going...
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