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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Thanks for link ↑↑ I just read them at Activision support. The ps4 notes indicate the EE Quest issue is fixed, but aren't specific. The ps3 didn't list that fix. Maybe last gen didn't have whatever issue it was.
  2. Summary of thread: Alternate Ammo types have changed since launch. Currently, by my reckoning: Blast Furnace: excellent for pooled up crowds. Still counts towards gun challenges (only one that does?). Works poorly on uneven ground. Procs every 15 seconds. Fireworks: works better than ever, takes out all in sight range. Works on uneven ground. Can be more reliable versus trains than BF. Pooled up zombies, camping, are both possible, but procs infrequently like BF. Turned: excellent for camping. Gets a good number of kills. Helps hold zombies at bay. Later, may have 2 Turned zombies at once. Dead Wire: actually useful now. Kills a few zombies only, but procs constantly. Good for pooled up zombies, decent for camping. Thunder Wall: it seems to kill more than it looks like, but i still find it to be the least impressive. Use like DW on pooled zombies. Doesn't seem to proc as often as DW. Least tested by me, opinions always welcome. ------------------------ Original thread>>>>> I noticed that Blast Furnace got nerfed, killing only 10 zombies at a time recently, instead of the usual 20ish. Edit: it seems as if it is less prone to spreading. If you have a really tight group, it will take them out, but igniting a zombie in a conga line only burns a couple now. Many of the ember zombies don't ignite anymore. Did they at least bring up the quality of others? I noticed last night that Thunder Wall is still poo, but did Deadwire or Fireworks get better? Fireworks always seemed inconsistent in effect, so i usually just stick to Turned and Blast Furnace. It seems that Turned is almost the best now. I like variety, so I'd love if they were all comparable. But i fear that they just hurt Blast Furnace only.
  3. 1. Fingers crossed. 2. How long do 360 players need to wait for this? Haha (cries).
  4. Both Ragdoll and i have waited to do rituals. 'e actually dragged them (margwa) around through all the rituals. The margwa remains unchanged after the ritual. If you don't have the updates, this will stop the post-pap margwa spawn, but with updates, everything is the same as you would expect. As long as you don't take a heart, each margwa will drop one until you do. I've taken various ones, including the post-pap margwa. No difference that i could detect. But it could be something tricky, like take the tenth heart... Or at a specific locale. ---------- On AS/box:The few times that i traded the AS away, i gave it to a pod. Maybe that's glitching my game. I'll try to give it to the box instead and see what the workbench says, and see if the AS is seen in the box/box scripts. √
  5. 83457

    Wrong forum title.

    Ha-ha. Fair enough. I just figured this is the hoopiest group of zombie froods, so we would have the most accurate titles when it comes to the zombie experience. Happy gaming!
  6. 83457

    Wrong forum title.

    Just FYI, in WaW, this map is called "Zombie Verrückt" not just "Verrückt". The forum title should reflect this. /nitpicking, don't hate. :)
  7. In WaW's Der Riese, the TP-B room has a radio that plays that message, iirc. About taking your suicide pill. I hope that's the right radio...
  8. Yes. Very carefully. That's why I'm asking, because i haven't figured it out yet, and I'm very obsessive about watching these things. That being said, i just haven't used MK enough to suss out what is causing this weapon-slot-swap. I can't be sure that I've lost slot 1 in BO3, but in BO2, it was fairly common: i would replace the start pistol with Wonder Weapon, and sometimes lose that slot, which should never happen, but frequently did. BO3, watching carefully which slot is which, i sometimes lose slot 2 in lieu of 3. I've had AS, Big gun with alternate ammo, then i would get an smg/wall gun (pap, but no alternate ammo) for slot 3. When i went down, slot 2 was gone. It would be annoying to play, just to test this, so i hoped someone had sussed it out already. Thanks. :)
  9. It used to say it would be available in the mystery box. Last night it didn't. I don't know when it changed, or if i (we) have done something strange. I can say that it never has appeared in the box 'scripts', meaning you never see it cycling in the box, ever, on 360. -------------- Also weird: they changed the red circles so that they don't turn off if you fire a regular gun in them, nor if you fire a pap gun in a circle that is not your character's, then leave the circle. But, the red circles can and do go off still if a margwa spawns or it is a 'dog' round. Yet, you can do the Ovum step with the circle off. There is something more to that red circle since they changed this and it still doesn't make sense within the accepted parameters of what we know it to be for: the Ovum step. So what else is it for? Either it's been changed to help point the way forward, or they are just terrible at patches. The latter is known to be true... Shrug.
  10. This is continued information on Post 5's Canal Camping strategy above. ↑ ----- Canal Camp feedback: (The Unmazing method). Using Dingo with fast mags, Turned-pap, and the autonomous sword, i was able to camp the Canal Fancy Grind strategy on round 35 without ever getting routed. Speed cola is recommended, though the Dingo's fast mags did well without it. The Dredge48 reloads way too slow for that strategy, but i later tried the Gorgon with success. I feel that Turned is key to camping. --- Remember to leave the $1000 Barrier above you closed. Steps can be down, all other Doors can be open. Safest route if routed is down the steps by the CP switch, through the Subway via Rift, then come out of the Waterfront or Footlight Rift. Use traps as you move. Footlight Rift is best, in my opinion, if a Margwa is following you, as he will appear in Footlight ahead of the crowd for easy dispatch just in time to start camping again. ----- Edit: more testing: Widow's Wine can be used here, especially with the AS; affected zombies will form a wall, blocking the zombies at the arch. Fire the AS, collect the spider drops. Then continue this method (alchemical antithesis helps), or switch back to Bulletgun + Turned. Calling the Civil Protector makes this very easy, but cuts into points made. But after a certain point, he is necessary. He always drops into the water and fights*, so you only need to focus ahead. Note that he can be called from behind you in Canal, or as you pass through Junction or Footlight, so there is always a switch nearby. If you keep the Junction-Subway Door closed, the CP should follow you through the Rifts. *(this changed recently, he tends to stay up by me after the recent patches, but he is still quite effective). I drop Trip Mines behind me at the top of the steps, in case i back up, move forward, and get a straggler from behind; at least I'll get a warning sound. When routed, i stop at the Canal trap (round 15 or higher) and wait, activate trap, wait until zombies begin to come the other ways. Head into Rift to Subway, turn and wait for zombies, shoot with Turned to Turn one, head to Rift to Footlight, but i don't enter it, i wait right in front of it and shoot zombies/margwa and then pull back. Once the Rift sends me to Footlight, i either shoot them as they come through, (hit CP switch?), or head by the GG machine to shoot margwa. Then i use the Footlight trap, sometimes just run back through it a few times, then i head back to canal and repeat. Possibly hitting CP switch as i pass through Footlight or Junction. This whole path is rather wide and safe at all times. By following the same path, it is very comfortable with no surprises, making for longer games. Obviously, this isn't the fastest way to 100, but for folk like me that play for fun, it is a real treat to be able to stand one's ground for entire rounds in SoE. Stock option is an option. Armamental Accomplishment for faster swaps is an option. With a combination of fast mags and speed cola, fireworks** or blast furnace can work at lower rounds. But you'll get routed more frequently. **(Fireworks has been buffed and works well here, but may not proc fast enough. Dead Wire [buffed] actually works on lower rounds, then i recommend Turned). The autonomous Reborn Sword can hold lower rounds on it's own. This method can be used with other players. 2 can camp there easily. Also, with less zombies per player, it is easier to camp here without getting routed. To avoid encroaching in another's area, if routed, run loops by RR workbench (call in CP if needed). Happy camping!
  11. I've always hated it. Gun slots were free in WaW... This is the first zombies that i get MK, and even then it's sporadic that i do. But solo SoE: AS, pap gun (turned/blast furnace), then, by like r40, i get MK and ray gun for old Triplevision. Before then, i just use my pap gun on Large Marge. (Shrug).
  12. On The House gives each player a new perk and perk slot, so be sure to have 4 perks, so that you get a fifth. On the Cthulu/Christian mythology stuff: you have the 'mark of the Beast' on your hand, literally. The symbol is the Beast symbol in game. Save us tentacled Jesus! Har. Move over Dianetics, Trollargh just invented a new religion. ++++++++ Ragdoll, i checked last night: after giving the AS to a Pod (since all of my zombies were running in place), i checked the workbench that i built AS on and it also said nothing. I had Nar-Ullagua before i gave it up.
  13. Edit, between [ + ]: they fixed the Goddard Apparatus so that you can get another after the first breaks. Ignore this first section unless you have no updates. (Not fixed on 360 as of 2.27.2016). Still valid for 360: [Shield upgrade. Short version: it appears that trading the Goddard Apparatus for a regular rocket shield, upgrades the shield and the upgrade to GA is no longer possible nor needed. Only through testing was this confirmed (x360 at least). The (post GA) Rocket Shield will look like the regular RS, with only 3 charges. Whether intentional, or one of the plethora of glitches in this game, i cannot say, but it gets stronger.] + How to get Goddard Apparatus: Rocket boost into zombies so that you get 10 hits. You will get a 'bowling pin strike' sound effect. Repeat 9 more times (like a perfect bowling game of 10 strikes). You will hear laughter when it is complete and immediately, the name will change (to Goddard Apparatus) and it will have 4 charges. If your RS looks weak, break it by hitting zombies (without boost) or letting them hit your shield. Then grab a new one to continue the upgrade 'strikes'. If you fail a strike (not enough hits), you must start from the beginning and do all 10. ---------- Long version: i got that glitch where all of the zombies can't path to me. The margwa, meatballs, and flyers could attack, but zombies would stay in their spawn or enter the map and then run in place. This was rounds 53-57 (then i quit). - I always heard that it works like this: upgrade the shield, then when it breaks, you have to do the upgrade again. What i did: i traded the upgraded shield (Goddard Apparatus) for a regular rocket shield before the upgraded one broke. You can do that, just walk up to the workbench and you'll see. - So, i decided to attempt a round 53 shield upgrade. I never upgraded a shield before, because of the limitation of having to do it again after all that work. It just seemed pointless. Well, i never had 10 zombies together, but i tried hitting a group of about 3 zombies. Well, being they were so strong, they took 10 hits and gave me the 'bowling pin' sound effect. So i kept doing this until i got the laughter/cheering that indicated the shield was upgraded (the name changed, had 4 charges). Note that the zombies didn't take much damage up to this point. Then i ran around with the upgraded shield. Eventually, the myriad flyers and meatballs beat it up, so i swapped it for a regular shield. Then, i figured that i would try the upgrade process again, but in just 3 rocket hits, it killed the few zombies. It also would no longer make the 'bowling pin' upgrade noise. I continued to use it on clumps of zombies through round 57, it was clearly much, much stronger than the original that could barely scratch round 53 zombies. I'm glad i had this glitch to help me better understand the rocket shield upgrade. ++++++++ This works: Civil Protector Strategy: (appears in 'Happy Camper?' thread also with more detail). I also tried a strategy of using nonpap'd wall guns for points, Robot as a trap (after regular traps stopped killing, around r45), AS for emergencies. It worked rather well, so one could get to over 50 without pap/pap guns with relative ease. Just find an open area and run circles around the Robot. Fire the gun to quickly regain your $2000 for the Robot. Junction worked fine in the early 50s until the game glitched. Margwas were a pain, i kept a third slot for the Ray Gun for them. ++++++++++++++ This is good: Keeper Reborn Sword (upgraded sword): For those who don't know; With sword out, hit LT to launch autonomous sword. Hit LT again if you want to recall the sword so that it doesn't kill the last zombies. It takes a few seconds to come back. The sword meter will stay at the level it was at (and start to climb as you kill). You can also pull out the sword, hit LT for the autonomous sword, then hit Y (ps∆) to put the in-hand sword away while the autonomous sword fights along side of you. The sword meter will continue to drain until depleted, then it will go away. ------------- Funny glitch: if i got this correct, you have to launch the autonomous sword, then, as it goes after a zombie, shoot that zombie with Turned, so he becomes Turned. If done right, the sword will hack the crap out of your Turned zombie (he takes no damage). It's just kind of funny. Happy gaming!
  14. I worked with that theory for a while, but it isn't working out. Often, the third gun slot injects itself between 1+2. But I'll lose the third gun slot of i go down. So, I'll have bloodhound, kn-44, then get a third gun and its after the pistol, but before the kn-44. Sometimes when i pap, the guns switch order. In bo2, i would replace the start pistol with the wonder weapon, to make sure that i wouldn't lose it to the mule kick glitch, but it still would take that first slot often. In general, i avoid Mule kick, but SoE is one of the few zombies where I've found it useful.
  15. Well, i got the Round 40 glitch, but on 53, so it seems that the game was just messing with me. Here i am standing behind a few of the zombies that actually made it onto the map. I also had the 'disappearing perks' glitch again. Oh that Gwanash, he's one messed up bitch. (The zombie looks stuttered, because he is running in place). And here's a better shot of them running in place just outside of windows.
  16. I didn't think of the shadowman trick, but i hit 0/0 anyway. Funny enough, i had activated the book, but just left it for Max Ammo, which was never an issue so i didn't start the flag step.
  17. Does anyone know the exact reason that Mule Kick sometimes takes your third gun slot, and sometimes takes another instead? I've heard that it always takes the last gun you get (bo2+3) but that isn't true, unless the Apothicon Servant breaks that rule. ---------- In BO1, you would always lose the third gunslot. In BO2, and BO3, the gun that disappears obviously isn't always the third gun slot. This has been tested and confirmed many times. But what is the deciding factor as to which gun slot disappears? I've clearly had it take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, seemingly random. Thanks.
  18. I got it to zero twice more in the game that i just played. No white pods. Grr. I tried to try everything else that i had done, except the massive Widow's Wine spider feast. I'll try that next game. I even had Lor-Zarozzor again. I found that doing my Fancy Grind camp spot, i could pull out the sword and headshot them easily without flanking attacks from zombies. For unknown reasons, the game downed me and i was stuck with the sword out, but it did no damage... 2 of 3 deaths were glitches... Sigh. But the first time that i did it, I got all 10 headshots easily. I checked pap, all altars, looked for cocoons. Nothing that i noticed. The counter must do something! As it looks, getting headshots seems bad: making the sword end early and giving me downs without even getting hit. Maybe 10 at once isn't necessary, just get a few here and there until it gets to 30? 50? 115? Please don't be Tranzit2...
  19. RAGE! Ha. Solo, i hit the box after doing the shotgun chalk on round 1. If not Paralyzer (for infinite booze) or Time Bomb for infinite money, i restart.
  20. RAGE! Ha. Solo, i hit the box after doing the shotgun chalk on round 1. If not Paralyzer (for infinite booze) or Time Bomb for infinite money, i restart.
  21. Can't do that canal jump on 360 sadly.
  22. Can't do that canal jump on 360 sadly.
  23. Here's an old tip that works rather well in SoE. This works with Bowie Knife or regular, especially good for the 40+ zombies of round 1, to avoid the accursed Nuke drop, but also great for maximizing X2 points at start. (After all cloning) Gather the zombies, and stand so they all are in front of you. Repeatedly hit the stab button (pistol in hand, or later in the game, pull out the Trip Mine for quick stab recovery). Then just let them wander into your knives of death. You should be able to maintain a set pace, and if the zombies drop any power-ups, they should be just out of reach so that the Nuke won't trigger. Simply grab the drops that you want. Carefully turn slightly if you get a couple next to each other, don't worry about a random hit or two. Occasionally, the Bowie Knife will lunge forward. Just keep hitting that stab and the pace will reset, just turn slightly to aim at individual zombies, if needed. Stabbing the redead zombies as they fall will also help keep the momentum as new ones move forward. You can also push forward as you do this, which will kill them faster, but at the risk of getting a drop, for good or ill. Usually at start, there will be 2 drops (power ups) during the kniving frenzy, so if you get a Nuke and avoid it, usually there won't be a second Nuke so you can switch to high-speed mode (pushing forward as you stab). If you had x2 at the Easy Street Beast Door, and get another random x2, try to avoid grabbing it until the first runs out. Later, this works when you get an Instakill, just make sure that the crowd is forced through a smaller door so you don't take 900 hits at once. Happy knifing!
  24. Being solo, and often zombie cloning, i do things weird. One view of Waterfront: good for bk and ritual. From Tram, open the Fuse area steps. Hit the beast fountain behind The Anvil, get the Anvil door, run up the skinny side, past the workbench area, grapple right to Belt-Box ledge, turn around and grapple to walkway by perk. Hit the cthulu box, perk, and steps. Only missing the Rift beast Door. You may not always make it. ---------------------- Clone solo strategy from start, 3 Beast: Start, grab fumigator, wait until shadowman leaves, open $500 Door, grenade Chang's for $500 back, gather zombies at Quick Revive, fix window ($40), take $100 from QR machine. Activate Easy Street Beast, zap the 6, zap QR, mash Beast Door, mash Summoning Key box, activate Crane, activate Stamin-Up. First beast done. Gather the 12 by Stamin-Up, take $100 from SU machine. Activate Beast there. Carefully zap all zombies, open Nero's. Second beast done. (Did you know that you can grapple up to Nero's, then run on the edge of the building, rather than go through Nero's)? Stab 2 zombies, so that you now have $1000 (Chang's 500+qr100+su100+w40+z130+z130). (I go for Bowie Knife, so) Open Waterfront, gather most zombies by the Beast Fountain there. Activate Beast, zap the crowd as they run down Waterfront. *Then, head to where the Championship Belt drops (still as beast). Jump the lowest part of the rail by the Lone Pod between the 2 $1250 Doors, run up to next door, jump the rail, run to The Anvil, break open the Beast Door. Then, carefully stab the 40-50 round 1 zombies and go buy the $1250 Door (by Lone Pod) and the Bowie Knife. ----or---- *Instead, after zapping the WF zombies, run over by the Civil Protector switch, grapple up to Championship Belt box, knock it down, carefully jump over the $1250 Doors area and run down to the Anvil. Either way works. This is how i start most games.
  25. Well, your loads are different, but currently it doesn't run well. It's pretty fast for camping, but hard to do any circles or reverses there as the zombies stream in in 2 unbroken chains. The altar floor is fairly easy, but no great place to headshot, just turn and burn (blast furnace), or use AS. Stay on the move around the couches and altar.
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