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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Yes, the sword counter starts on 10, not 9. Both numbers go down in tandem with headshots. Interesting find/theory. Most likely a bug, but worth checking out for sure. I play solo though. (No team. No friends will buy Treyarch games anymore... And i can't blame them given the mess bo3 is, and the other Treyarch fails of previous cods. I won't spend another dime on BO3/treyarch until the AS issue gets fixed).
  2. *Finally patched this: This is a good spot, but on 360, one needs to open the door, or drop the steps; unless they patched it, keeping the 3 doors shut on 360 means that the ground is covered in death barriers, even though you got there legit. To be fair, i haven't tried in a while, since it ends my game. Ha. I will check this later maybe. *Tested 1.24.2016 on 360, this is still filled with death barriers on 360. *tested 3.7.2016, patched. √------Canal Camping-------- Unmazing method (Unmazing's Grace). Newish spot: i use this frequently in solo just playing any style, and it may work with a coordinated team; Canal: Open the junction-canal $1000 door, and leave the perk-area $1000 barriers closed. Can be used anytime, but easiest if Rift to Subway is open here, and footlight (waterfront will work as a secondary also). From junction, walk straight into canal, through the arch by The Fancy Grind, just past the break in the rail on your left (where you could drop into the water). Turn around and fight. None should come from behind until you back up to the Molly's Cream Cakes cart approximately. When pushed back, walk down steps into the water (by Civil Protector switch), fight by Rift, enter Rift to Subway, fight by Footlight Rift, exit Rift to Footlight (this will get the Margwa ahead of the train as well, if there is one). Train back to canal, repeat. The Ruby Rabbit $1250 Door can be open or not. There are 2 traps en route, a third if you detour into pap. It's very similar to camping the Courthouse stairs-area in Buried: fight until pushed back, circle the map, reset. The training is very safe and easy. Edit: standing by Fancy Grind makes Sword counter headshots quite easy. What the counter does is still a mystery. See post 19 for more on this strategy. ↓ ------ With 2 or more canal idea: open RR from perk area, keep the other $1250 door closed. Go to the Civil Protector switch corner. 1-2 players watch the steps up from the water, the others watch the Molly's Cream Cake and GobbleGum Machine paths. None actually come from the greenish window behind you (at least on 360, but both are usually the same after the updates). CP switch for emergencies. Back door ($1250) also for emergency escape. Happy camping!
  3. This is not at all how it works on 360.↑ The game definitely does not cycle through the pack. 'Computer random' frequently gives the same GG 2 times in a row. Especially wall power, alchemical antithesis, and perkaholic has like a 95% chance of being the GG every single time that you hit the machine. I guess so that it will deplete your ultra rates, so you might be tempted to buy LD, (which should be removed from the game). Classic (regular), is infinite use. Online, you start with the top row 5 classic GG, then earn the others as you level up. Prestige unlock token can permanently unlock one (usually alchemical antitheses first). Mega GG are made (random), from liquid divinium, in Dr. monty's Factory. Using LD, you can power up 1-3 vats, 3 gives a higher chance of rares than 2, which gives a higher chance than 1 vat. ----------------- On topic edit: try the Canal spot under the arches that i listed in 'Happy Camper?' thread. That works for AA/AS camping as well.
  4. Yeah, master pod, not centered in bay window, but near it, from what i could see in that video and my pics.
  5. Those speed loads were easy, if annoying sometimes. And funny to watch. ----------- Last night, finally had some play time. Nero, opened Nero's, opened waterfront for bk round 1. Then opened footlight for jugger. Then opened canal. Did train, got egg. Completed all rituals on 10, including pap; Nero's, Anvil, RR, BL, in that order. First worm dropped was altar right, it took the canal worm (first in inventory, third ritual done), no X. Dropped the other 3 worms, still no canal X until pap was done. I think this is the first time I've gotten a left (inventory) X. After pap 2(!) Margwa spawned in. The round ended during the ritual. They seemed to take longer than usual to spawn, then began to spawn as i crossed from Footlight to Junction, and a second spawned in. Now, it's probably just a round 11 margwa + pap ritual margwa, but the late spawn seemed weird; the pap one does spawn late, but why would the round 11 margwa wait until over a minute into the round? Would pap delay his spawn too? I had egg (subway statue done), bk, krm-262, weevil (random box hit), trip mines DO upgraded, jugger, dt2, SU, QR, at the time. Make of that what you will. I hope it helps with your theory. Happy gaming! I'm snowed in, so hopefully I'll put some work in.
  6. DBZ, put effects on 8, voice on 10, and music 5 (or off), that helps to hear the voices. I'm more concerned with effects on game now, because the voices haven't gotten us anywhere. We need: 1. Confirmation from treyarch that they definitely didn't siht the bed on this upgrade. Make it clear that it is in the game or being fixed. 2. Fill that head counter on the swords. It's the only clear avenue that we have. 3. Solve mysteries: missing inventory X, confirmation sound while killing keepers at Black Lace during the ritual, coin sounds, why 2 Trip Mine upgrades (?), purple symbols in 360 black lace altar (if anything, they've dropped stuff from 360, but this is clearly added, so why?). ------+----- At Ragdoll: i just realized that you, playing offline with version, must have the speed zombie loads, right? Where windows vomit out a stream of zombies at once? That was hilarious/easy/annoying all in one. I would have all the zombies behind me, then cross into another district, and they would all disappear and then get vomitted out of the nearest window. When it didn't randomly freeze, it was fun. I might have to delete the updates and play like that again some day. At least I could upgrade the apothicon servant without waiting for Trollarch to fix their game. I have no faith in their abilities.
  7. I perfectly understood 'bowed out', ha. I didn't mean that, i simply mentioned that the bowed (bay) window wasn't exactly correct as far as location of the pod goes. The pod's off to the side, when i originally thought it spawned in the bowed area, centered. That's all, sorry for any confusion.
  8. She's really together for a youngen. Her and our own BlindBusDrivr have done the most for helping me figure out the Apothicon language. I'm jealous of all the custom zombie maps that she gets to check out. ------ On no X: always that waterfront one. What i meant by 'placing them fast' was in regards to the worm holders by the pap, i drop one immediately after the other and tend to get the 'no X', but that may just be coincidence. Hmmmm. There is more to this map. So far, the languages have been useless, there must be something they're there for. It can't just be 'we made up our own language just so we could write "zombie head gather" on everything in sight for no reason'. Please don't be TranZit²... ------------------- Sadly, this week i can't get past round 20 without derping to death. I've had no time and no game. I'll be snowed in this weekend. Sounds like zombies to me. Must gather heads...
  9. I thought it was by the bay window, but looking at that picture, it's off to the side, where the lamp is. The pics are around here somewhere...
  10. First, i still think it's just an inventory glitch. Second, i will happily be wrong about the first. Third, i never save a margwa, yet often get a missing X symbol. So you could rule out saving the first margwa through everything. I also get it doing early pap, before round 10, so you don't have to have the AS or wait many rounds for a missing X. I'm not saying this to discourage, but to keep you away from unnecessary steps of this process, if it is more than a glitch. Also, i only ever see 1 missing X, because if how it glitches. Show me 2 or 3, and I'll drink the koolaid with you. ----- Side stuff: the red circles no longer go off if you kill with a nonpap weapon after pap, when the circles light up. This was changed. Not related to above, but you know how i was riled up over them red circles. ----- I saw the GQ Cthulu critters video and she gave you a shout out. Yer mah heero! Har. But that's cool, none the less. But, I almost stopped the video after the third 'meeeeethos', in lieu of mythos. I'm sorry that I'm a grammar person, I try to avoid being the Nazi type, but 'meethos' is not a word. Myth-ohs is normal, my-thohs is acceptable, meethohs isn't a word at all. Please pass this on to her. She did so much damage to the community with her 'gwanash' is 'zornash' and 'margwa' is 'marza' gaffe, that i still have to facepalm regularly, and my face and palm are getting chafed. Now there will be legion puppets saying 'meethohs' because she doesn't consult a dictionary, and neither will they. She's cool, i like the majority of her stuff a lot, I'm not dissing her, but the damage she's done is real. :) Remember all the illiterates saying 'get the leaper', in Extinction? Leper, pronounced 'lepper', is never pronounced leaper. From the word leprosy. /end grammar lesson.
  11. On 360, the bulbs do stick out from the map, they aren't flat. Shrug. Not sure how to clear that. It took me an hour to get 3 pictures in one post, and now it is nearly impossible to edit/add to. Very frustrating. I think this site is going through menopause. Edit: top right menu, my account, attachments, will let you see them, but i dunt know how to clear it. We get 25mb(?) And I'm at 71% (all this week, ha). I don't know if it resets each month or when...
  12. Molly's Cream Cakes carts do also get this effect. Tested this last night. Summary added to first post. /end thread.
  13. I was taking them to the altar and killing them. 5 groups, 5 altars. Traps, red circles, AS them, xm53 them... Who knows? I did get a strange 'completion' sound from killing keepers at the black lace altar, while doing the rituals. This game; lots of questions, few answers.
  14. Is that canal? On 360, it is so bright that it washes out the sign. The sign is unreadable. ----------- On the broken handcuffs: that's the purple JJ symbol that appears on the black lace altar. Where i got the strange 'completion' sound effect while killing keepers during the ritual.
  15. Water youth ink the smite bee?
  16. On that last part, that's been patched online. You can take a one-eyed one in to pap, do the ritual, then no margwa will spawn either. Ovum steps too. Or maybe you get only one if you have one, and should be getting 2. Again, this is all patched for us onliners.
  17. On 360, black lace has 30 bulbs at entrance. I often think there is Morse code or similar in the windows of the whole map. I keep watching for different ones to be lit. Nothing so far that I've seen.
  18. That grapple spot, and the one above the workbench in Footlight, are enigmas. No known purpose for either.
  19. For listening purposes, i suggest using your cell phone if you have that option. They are configured for excellent voice clarity and reducing other noise. Then, pay attention to one syllable at a time and write it down, then keep going and listen several times. Then, if you are capable, compare them to known apothicon syllable symbols. Lastly, don't force any words to match known words as that doesn't help. Carefully write only what you actually hear. Good luck!
  20. The parasites do not count, unless this was just changed. Margwa hasn't counted yet. I've never tried keepers, but you do get 12, exactly enough for one statue. I'm doubtful, but supportive of you trying it. Please let us know. Heck, maybe you only need the 2 keepers from the same district as the statue. I'll keep this in mind, but i haven't tried it.
  21. Could you post this in the language thread? I was trying to find that full pap image that she made. Edit: I'll put them there.
  22. Maybe. On on my cell, no computer, and I'm old, blind, and crazy. I just googled ' bo3 soe Master pod location' or similar. Maybe you can link it/are more familiar with links?
  23. In the video, the plague pods are floating in Ruby Rabbit. They weren't floating in the other ritual locations (this is mentioned in the video). Presumably, the master pod is also floating. This could indicate that something needs to be gone from RR, and since it wasn't gone in this force-spawned game, everything is bumped up. Just a thought, but I've seen that happen in way old games. Edit: no box. The thing behind the MP also seems to be floating as well as possibly attached.
  24. I was on it as you typed. From jedixking98 video. He credits 'vandis' or similar, the guy who found the cocoons. Plague pods↑. Master pod ↓. What is on the table behind/attached to the Master Pod?
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