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Everything posted by 83457

  1. Yeah. I hope the real DF digs after any major update. But the fact that part of the supposed cocoon step was removed could just mean that they shortcutted to a different idea. Maybe upgrading the pap instead, and so took out the cocoon/pod/master pod idea as it was too much busywork for all players, just for one to have the upgraded gun. And of course i realize the search may be fruitless. -------- You can mount the zombie verrückt fountain in the courtyard, like it is a mounted gun, and fire it. If you can get out there. I can't believe that the capitol letters easter egg was just found in the waw bios. I noticed that immediately back in the day. Little did i know that it was still a secret to most. Ha.
  2. I keep getting several drops (power ups) at each red circle when i first use AS at them. I've gotten max ammo at all 4 by going from one to the next. I can't nail anything down as the exact trigger/timing, but keep your eyes on those circles, there is something else there. --------- Weird forum glitch: I looked at the message that said you responded, i hit it to take me here. It failed, so i backed out of the message area, and it now says that i have -1 messages. That's nonpossible!
  3. Edit: Parts in [+] brackets are not correct. Something changes the order of worm placement. Not sure what yet. >>>[Yes, if you start at "altar left" it will be the belt. Characters appear to say different stuff if you start with your character and put them in the "correct" order, starting at "altar right". ----- On picture: notice the key points to the worm that would be "altar right" or your current solo character's worm (bottom right worm).]<<< ------ Cricket sound? Maybe it's the parasite, not to be confused with the wasps. (Runs away, hides). ------ (Builds mashed potato mound, buries face in mound, extracts face) "this means something". -dated satire reference.
  4. Agreed: We (360) had the AS Arbgwaoth and it worked fine. I can't see the steps to get it overwhelming the game. Shrug. ------------------------ Next viral topic: Keepers as a resource, rehashed. This actually touches on what the Doc said, because, of all of the things to fix in this game, they fixed (on xbone only, so far) transmogrifying the keepers unless they are transmogrified by the Ritual. Why in the world would that be important? There were/are certainly more (seemingly) important issues than whether or not getting too far away would transmogrify them. That seems so trivial as to not even be worth fixing... Yet they did, so why? ---------- So, each Ritual piece generates 2 keepers. You can run them to a Ritual and transmogrify them. Then, Subway gives you 4 more Keepers. Well, maybe we need to avoid opening Subway until the PaP area can be opened, after the first 4 Rituals. Then drag the 4 Keepers in to be transmogrified, or at least so they are there during the final Ritual. After we put the worms in the right order of course. (Lays down in fevered sweat, barfs).
  5. Interesting. Both times that i saw this effect, it was real early. Usually i break open waterfront first, no matter what, and buy the BK on round 1 or 2. So this effect has usually been in the early rounds. The margwa showed up last time, so it was probably round 8 start. The first time, it was probably round 2 or 3. Round 1 and 2, i usually get BK, TM, Juggernog, in that order. I usually start the upgrades at waterfront, then Junction since that is all that is open. The first time, it was the second one that i upgraded. The second time, the waterfront upgrade failed to work, so the junction effect happened on the first triggered upgrade cart.
  6. 83457

    Update 2016

    Okay, went back for a picture and all of the words are normal again. The other day, "made with real eggs", " that's a good nog", and "drink" were just little blocks, as well as the words on the sides of the machine. Only Juggernog and (10¢) were readable. It must have been a one-off visual glitch. Sorry for any confusion. But there was an update...
  7. Worm placement theory order, tested on 360. Okay, we discussed worm placement and there was some disagreement. Well, I've been watching and i have this sussed out on 360: Whatever character i play solo, if I grab all of the worms at once and place them, my current character's worm will always be placed at the first pedestal on the right, regardless of which order that i set then down. If I'm Jackie Vincent, the worms match the order of characters in inventory like this: (skip to*). [Inventory: hit back (<) button, view inventory, Jackie's piece will be first, Floyd's will be last.] In PaP area: standing at the Trap, the first 2 pedestals will be described as 'altar left' and 'altar right'. The farther 2 will be called 'pap left' and 'pap right'. *So, playing Jackie, his worm placement, seen from Trap, in order is: altar right, pap right, pap left, altar left. So that the Badge is set first, the Belt is set last. If you have a different character, theirs will start altar right as well, but the order will be skewed. I will figure the correct order out for the others. I think that it just swaps your character's and Jackie's worm, but i want to test that more. I don't know if this matters, but there is a set order that you can put them down. Edit: if it doesn't matter, then why would 1 of the first 2 worms switch position, depending on solo character so that you could always put your character's worm down first? 4 player: If it does matter, then each character should grab their own worm and place it at the corresponding pedestal. ----------- Somebody here posted that it is always your character's worm, then the worms drop in order, based on inventory order, no matter what pedestal you go to. This is definitely not correct, at least on 360, but I'm fairly certain others here disagreed, and presumably most are on xbone. ------ So, keep this in your fevered mind. Happy hunting.
  8. Yes, always the junction, whether it was the first, or the second one that i did. Both times, i ran towards the circle, then it occurred. I'm gonna run to each red circle after each Devil-O upgrade. It's probably just coincidence, but I'll check it out. It seems that it goes sky-high, so i should see it. The devil-O carts are 1 per district... Allagua donuts? I'm fairly certain that it's a glitch, but I'll poke around.
  9. DrV, on side line stuff. I believe that there is a piano that can be made to make noise, in a window to the left of Stamin-Up. Xbone only. On 360, we don't interact with the gum through a window. Instead, outside, in front of the window, we get a small metal stamped ashtray for our gumball.
  10. Hey folk, if you follow the link up top to "Home" you'll see players looking today for players. If you scroll down from there to the forums, you'll see "looking for group" forum for this. Please search there and not in this particular forum. You will find players there much quicker. Thanks, and happy gaming!
  11. On 360, it turns b+w for a second, then everything is just greyed, like it's extra foggy. It's clearly working, because regular color returns for 2 second at the start of meatball rounds, then goes away. I think that this was active both times that i got that weird effect on the Devil-O upgrade. Perhaps therein lies a connection: either with the Devil-O, or the Trip Mine, or the box itself, since the effect is a clone or altered version of the box light.
  12. This happened again, same Devil-O cart in Junction. 2 zombies closed in on me as i stood by it with my TM on the ground, i squeezed between them as the Margwa teleported next to me. I ran almost to the red circle, turned to shoot Mr. Triplevision, as i looked back, i saw it. This time, it was the blue ?box light, with the lightning bolts and all, for a few seconds. Then, the lightning on the actual ?box was stunted. It was in waterfront, and the lightning bolts only reached up to the walkway above and were skinny. As opposed to the usual sky-high fat lightning. I tried various things, but had no more effects.
  13. This isn't 100%. If I've got it right, there is a greeting quote (which normally doesn't happen on 360), then there are 4 total upgrade quotes, which appear to be 1 per gun. The greeting quote is arbgurneth(sp?) (Current AS gun name) ZORNARKOTH. Or 'Feed (this gun) zornarkoth'. GQ lists it as zor ark oth, but there is a clear N after Zor. Looking at zornarkoth: Zorna... Appears in Altar, but the full word 'zornash' appears on the sword holder. So egg, sword, or altar + oth: is like creature/thing. 1. So feed it Altarites? Keepers? 2. Feed it egg/swords? Looking at that 'head counter' on the upgraded sword...
  14. Not 100%. Altar is 'zorna...' Cut off. The apothicon word, with the correct apothicon hieroglyphics to spell 'zornash' appears on the sword holder base, second from left, iirc. In context, GQ figured it might mean Egg. Oddly, i don't think that she realized that it was the word 'zornash', or if she did she did not mention the connection to the quote, but I've studied the images enough that i caught it.
  15. 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Ends without dashboarding? You should lose any used/taken mega GG. 3a. Connection lost or dashboard: gum should not be lost. 4. Yes, the replaced gum should be lost. You never use up "classic" GG, they are infinite. The "mega" GG have a number of uses equal to the number displayed. Also, the game is glitchy, so there may be random issues.
  16. Yes, one soul per zombie. I don't usually play with 4, so i can't answer. The sword doesn't NEED to be upgraded until nearly 30, so 11 isn't too high. :) Trip mine works well. Basically, gather a small crowd, walk them carefully to the statue, kill 12, move to next statue. With 4, the zombies should load so slowly that you could just stand by the statues.
  17. 83457

    Update 2016

    I don't, but it can't be too hard for me to take one and upload it. Maybe if i have time later, busy day. I'll have a look at some others too, including a closer look at SoE.
  18. 83457

    Update 2016

    I'm not sure when it happened, but i did notice that juggernog's "made with real eggs" was blurred out now in waw. Maybe it infringed a copywrite law? That would get crackheadvision to make changes. I'm hoping they got rid of the modders myself, but i didn't check, just played solo quite poorly.
  19. And what about using Beast to buy Juggernog on round 50? Or to get the Bowie Knife without buying the $1250 Waterfront doors? 1. Too cheaty? 2. Nobody cares about that? 3. Sh! Don't tell anyone? 4. Potato?
  20. 83457

    Update 2016

    This morning there was an update for WaW, January 8, 2016. I wonder what it was for. I could not find information on the web. That is all.
  21. Yeah, you can shuffle the train between the stations so that it faces either way. On 360, an invisible force grabs you as you ride the train from waterfront. So i ran there, then jumped, and i ended up standing behind the train as it rode around. When it reached Footlight, i dropped to the ground by the box location... Then through the ground... Then hit the death barrier 100 feet below the map. The train is not the safest mode of travel.
  22. That's rough. Quite frequently, it takes several tries to pick it up in the subway (solo), but you are getting it real extreme. Have the host try to pick it up. Most likely the connection was bad. I hope you don't get that again.
  23. Ragdo, I've fought meatballs at the cthulu statue by RR, and still had them drop the max ammo on top of the Tram. Grr. Waterfront, they drop them in walls. They generally drop 10 feet in the air. Needs some more tweeks.
  24. I'm not up on all possible glitches. But that glitch is the most easily abused one that I'm aware of. That particular glitch was just one of those 'obvious things that will happen during normal play', you know, like zapping zombies, or falling on boxes from above, or jumping on railings or couches... Just the normal behavior for the inquisitive player type.
  25. Here's a delusional thought: Tram is needed for the Easter egg, as is known. What if it must be at 3 of the Ritual locations during the ritual? Or during the ovum step, or even flag step? To unlock either the PaP upgrade, or the 4th station. Maybe the Tram must allways face the correct way (like Bootlegger side out, away from the station). I said that it was delusional... ----- But, to take the delusional thought a step further. What is the Tram for? The 4 player easter egg and...? Edit: and the Tram symbols sword step. (Sword/Tram symbols: What if the number value, as compared to Cuneiform, tells you the rounds at which you must do something in that district?). Nobody rides the Tram. The Subway Rifts make it useless. Even without subway, it is usually safer to run across districts, rather than risk going to the Tram, then running those tight reverses to stay alive at the station while you wait for it, then jump on, get to the correct end, and spend $500. If a player goes down, Subway and/or Beast to the rescue, the Tram wouldn't even be considered. So there may have been other uses for it incorporated into the game. It's fun in my survival map builds, if i force it, but how many folk play like that? (See 'Moar zombie maps inside' post on this SoE forum, if you do like to play like that. It's been updated, just not bumped).
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