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Everything posted by 83457

  1. It's been known that the quotes are needed. To me, i thought all 4 would be for 1 gun. But it seems, at the moment, that each gun has one unique quote. Which i am not 100% certain on, so I'm looking for confirmation. And the T-virus is rampant in my head. You should hear the shit I'm not posting... 'What does it all mean?' -Loke Groundrunner, Thumb Wars.
  2. Max Ammo. If you didn't do the flag step, you can start it, defend one flag location until it dings, pick it up, get a Max Ammo, set it at another location then let them break the flag. Repeat once per round. --- Note that the Flag Step can also be used to guarantee a Xenomatter drop. Just fight meatballs until it drops. It must be at least round 12, if I'm not mistaken.
  3. Okay. The only thing of significance today is this: (and i need some eyes, ears, to confirm). Each different AS (by name) seems to be saying exactly 1 quote, and always the same quote per AS name (or it always says the same one first). Example: Lor-Zarozzor says zornash, na'orruja, zornash each time. Altar?, AS, altar. I'm not buying the gwanash = zornash argument. Though i can't swear altar is correct. Zarozzor is close to 'survive' but not an exact match. Zornash, arguably is based off of something similar to zarozzor. Is anyone getting a second quote from the same servant? I have never gotten more than 1. But I want confirmation. So, if true, i believe that comparing the translated gun name (when possible) with the corresponding audio cue for that weapon, would either be the steps needed, or even possibly 2 different ways of saying the same thing. Does the same character always get the same AS? I don't believe so, but want confirmation. That would pare it down more and players could concentrate on one variety at a time. --- So, each one may require only one upgrade step, but there are 4 ways, depending on weapon. Doing the correct thing with the correct weapon, after the voice cue, should get us moving forward. Instead of trying 4 steps with all four weapons. Speculation: from what I've read from code divers, i think that they originally would have 4 different versions, but it proved imperfect or they couldn't agree on/or balance the weapons. So there are 4 (same but name) AS, each with a different upgrade method, but the same end product. Sigh... Want to find...
  4. I've only tried once so far, but can not repeat this yet. If it's a glitch, it still showed something. I want to be clear; this was not 'look! a grainy blob as i shot a margwa, it must be a cocoon'. I saw this clearly. The yellow light, now that I've had time to stare at the blue box light, is the same type and sized 'column of light' as the box. Only it was centered on the Devil-O cart and had yellow effects swirling up. Shrug.
  5. Summary: This thread was about the discovery that each Molly's Cream Cakes, and each Devil-O cart lights up as you get kills for the Trip Mine upgrade. If you are close to it, you won't see the effect as you are in it. A little further back and it looks like dull whitish light. From further back, it looks like an altered version of the mystery box light column. ------------------------------------------ Original thread>>>> I got a new effect that i have not seen before and it was quite large. I searched the web and found nothing. Short version: attempting Trip Mine Devil-O upgrade at Junction created this large yellow vortex 10 feet wide and 50 or so feet high with sworls. My immediate thought was 'this is what will cause the cocoons with flyers' but i have nothing to back that with except speculation. --- Long version: the game was new, i avoided rituals and summoning key. I had only Bowie Knife, Juggernog, and Trip Mines. Opened Footlight first area, both ground-floor Waterfront doors. Did all Beast things in those two districts. Round 3, leaving the BK area, i tried to do the D-O upgrade by the cart near the waterfront rift. I also threw a TM by the weird door by the CP switch 20 feet away. I tried to stab a few excess zombies away from the pack nearing the D-O cart, and they exploded (nuke). Apparently the upgrade sound occurred, for what that's worth. Round 4, i got the TM kill at the weird door, no idea if that is relevant. No sound or visual cue. Wrapped round 4 up after using beast to finish Footlight (Jugger machine, box with wig, The Black Lace). Round 5 is fliers, this may be key. I killed most just doing stuff (getting beast stuff done, iirc). With 2 left, I threw a TM at the Junction D-O cart, i walked into Easy Street, threw down the other TM in front of the Loading Dock, went in and the TM killed one of the 2 remaining flyers, a grenade killed the last. Nothing special so far. But there is that one Trip Mine that i threw down by the Junction Devil-O cart, on the flyer round, still. So i walk over by it at the start of round 6, and a zombie gets in the blast area, the TM explodes, and there appears this whirlwind of yellow in a giant column surrounding the Devil-O cart that lasts maybe 5+ seconds. Edit: the TM exploded, killed the zombie, made the TM Upgrading sound, by then i had walked about to the red circle and had turned to face the zombies, when it appeared, after the kill and the sound effect. /end. It did not look like any familiar in-game effects, though it could be loosely compared to the lightning bolts above the mystery box, but not the same, and yellow. The whole wide column was yellow and there were a couple of thicker/darker strips that swirled from the ground up. I will, of course, attempt this on a flyer round in the future. Brand new find, i thought that i would share. I'm guessing i need to catch a flyer in that whirlwind, but that's just my hypothesis. It would definitely reach the Cocoon heights. Did the bomb going off near the DO cart matter? It might explain the 97% chance of a round 3 bomb. Did the weird door matter? I doubt it, but the one in subway is the one that the flyers get stuck in. There is one in each district and junction and the steps to subway. Best guess: attempt Devil-O upgrade on flyer round. Hopefully this gets us somewhere. Happy gaming!
  6. Uneligable? Sorry it was too hard for you. I wasn't bragging about 75%: bitching is more like it. It's not 'i cannot die unless the game glitches'. No. I'm quite capable of being dead in zombies. I'm simply stating the fact that most zombie deaths, for anyone, are when the game errs, glitches, gets buggy, call it what you want. I forget that not everyone knows the game as well as I, so I will explain the terms: GG = Gobblegum. 'J fn V' is Jackie Vincent. One of the player characters. Floyd is a different player character. I was playing as Jackie. Tin Man (and his heart) are the Civil Protector Robot (and a Wizard of Oz joke). CP switch is Civil Protector switch. ABH! Is the GobbleGum 'Anywhere But Here!', which teleports you (up to twice) to a random location that you've previously been to. QR is the quick revive perk. I forgot SNAFU, but everyone knows that one! (Situation Normal: All Fucked Up). --- Dumbed down version: Round 23, dead to a glitch. Just bitching. Then, round 31: i use the 'anywhere but here!' Gobblegum, which puts me in an unsafe location. So i use it again, it glitches and downs me. I'm not bragging, I'm complaining. Perfect health, juggernog and more, then I'm downed from a Gobblegum glitch. My Quick Revive perk begins to revive me. Then the Civil Protector takes over reviving, which lets me keep my Quick Revive (it just works that way occasionally, but not always). Then, i get downed (legitimately) on the steps by the VMP wallbuy (which is a sub machine gun in this game). Only I'm not down, but dead and spectating the empty spot where i should be being revived. When the game ends (because the robot times out), I'm up and running around for a few seconds, third person, as Floyd, despite being Jackie the entire game. Then i jumped through the wall and was outside of the building as the scene cut away. I tried to keep it amusing, but now the story is sucked dry. :) Oh well, happy gaming! No wonder i abbreviate, that's a lot of minutia to write out! :)
  7. Working with that, i got Kor=1 and a possible Mar= 3 (which is, admittedly a bigger leap of faith), but if there is truth to this then. Kor, lor, mar, nar (the 4 AS prefixes) alphabetically, looks like 1,2,3,4. (Lor and Nar could be reversed, or this whole idea could be shit). I propose that that is the number order of the steps. While some feel this is the 4 possible AS varieties.
  8. Didn't want to make a new topic, so here's my Trollarched moment: Last night, round 23, first ovum step in canal, i head by the cthulu statue and headshot some, then make my way over to the CP switch. Margwa is on the arch bridge, he stops, slams the ground over there, then i die. I had shield, jugger+3 perks, and clearly was not hit nor near the Margwa as he slammed the bridge. Okay, first death, get up, get perks. Dying to glitches is at least 75% of zombie deaths since waw. Snafu. Round 31: I'm all set, but i have this ABH! GG in my possession and i want to try for Alchemical Antithesis, as i was running 'classic' only (the term classic makes zero sense). So i use the GG, it teleports me to Lady Celeste's in canal. Me no likey, so i use it again as the zombies are pouring in. The gum gets eaten, then 3 seconds go by, then 5, then i drop dead. Perfect health, no zombies hit me at all, just dead from a GG. Oh Trollarch. Snafu. QR starts to pick me up, but the Tin Man had a heart so he revives me and saves my QR. I try to ditch down the steps during that little grace period after revive, and i get mashed, but through all of the red screen, i see that I'm still fisting the squid, so I'm alive: Tin Man shot me free. So i round the corner by VMP and get tapped on the shoulder by a zombie... and I'm now spectating. What? No QR revive, no Tin Man revive, no bleeding out. Just spectating. Okay, wait for Tin Man to flop for game over. Meanwhile, i hit Y for third person spectating which did nothing at the time since this was solo. Game ends, i get up and am watching myself in third person, only now I'm Floyd in death where i was 'J fn V' for 31 rounds. So I run up the vmp steps and jump through the side of the building so Floyd is superimposed against the outside of the building and then it switched views during the end game song. Trollarch, you freaking derplords. After 2+ years of Extinction, i had forgotten what a mess Trollarch's game's are. Snafu...
  9. That order is the order the ritual parts appear in inventory. Just to be clear, the ding that you mention isn't the one that always plays when you set down the summoning key? Like a metal on metal noise. You're saying it's an actual 'golden helmet' ding and it only occurs in that specific order? Like a counter service bell that you hit to get waited on.
  10. Maybe the Margwa on the ovum step are just distractions. The ovum step circle will fully charge your sword once, or a couple of partial charges. Maybe we need to headshot zombies and stop messing with the Margwas. Edit: if true, then i hypothesize that, if you get 10 before the sword times out, they 'count', but if you don't get 10, they don't./end. Also, I've headshot, with sword, every Margwa dead in all 4 ovum steps and it did nothing that i could see or hear. Lastly, doesn't the sword have reserve 'ammo' as well? 10 in the chamber and 20 reserve? That would match one of the '30' symbols in the red circle...(I'm not sure, will check).
  11. Excellent, thanks. --- This is a good spot for this info: From the general zombies forum; the upgraded sword has what looks like an ammo count. The 'ammo' goes down when you R3 slash a zombie in the head. RT attack doesn't work. What does it mean? Can someone get it to zero? Even so, it looks like it has reserve ammo. It doesn't seem to affect the functionality of the sword, just goes down with each headshot. There is a 'gather' and 'head' next to each other in one of the 'scripts'... I just tried it for the first time last night, but didn't get many headshots before the game weirdly ended.
  12. If that's the ding that 'e means, then I'll smack him/her. /jk. That's just the sound of the key being set down. There are actual dings, identical to the golden helmet ding. I got one once, as i killed like my 100th zombie with purple BBs (MCC TM upgrade) on round 49, after killing with them all game. Also, while it happened as i got BB kills, the traps that i used all game might have been on, and i just called in CP, so the ding could be from CP use or Trap use. Though it really seemed to be the BB kills. I died shortly thereafter, so i didn't get a chance to really see if the ding changed anything. Solo world problems.
  13. Ah, gotcha. I feel that them meaning one makes more sense, but i can't swear by what I've got either. It's just the most sense that I've made of it yet. Alternately, if i am Kor-rect, Kor-Moroth could mean 1-3(creature/thing) as first, suck up 3 different creatures at once. Which is what i did when i got the audio cue: keeper, reg z, parasite. Again, I'm not saying this is correct, just one of my best working hypotheses.
  14. Yes, mouths with bugs in them. So how do we translate GWA? Mouths? Robot is GWAnash... Kor isn't set in stone. It was just the best that i could come up with. Kor is in Ones, Only, At the Same Time (at one time?) in the time category, which i based my KOR = 1 hypothesis off of. But it is also in Elemental, and Come. I do not see it used as ON, where did you see that?
  15. Yes, but nobody is sure on the translations. Some think there are 4 AS with 4 upgrades, which each states. Some feel that there is one AS, and the 4 names are possibly the upgrade steps. In my theory, Kor means 1, because of it's use in other words. I guessed Mar might mean 3 (Mar gwa= 3 eyes?). Oth is often involved in creature names, so i got Kor-Maroth translated as (1-3 beings). Or first, combine 3 creature parts: margwa heart, pod-Margwa tentacle, flyer/meatball xenomatter. If I'm correct with this guesswork/translation, then Mar-Astagua would be step 3: 3-cursed? If Mar is 3 and... Astagua appears in the phrase 'only ? Astagua survive' (or similar, not looking at it right now), making me think 'cursed', which would be Beast, or possibly just the player characters. Lor and Nar would theoretically be 2 and 4 but in what order? So, they are vague at best. I still can't get dings on rituals, i don't know if I'm doing it wrong, or if the dings don't exist on 360. --- On worm placement: i guess it would be impossible to place the worms for the solo players that start with a character whose worm starts near pap, unless we can place worms as beast, because the run-wall wouldn't be up until you placed an altar-side worm.
  16. Thanks C7. Edit: maybe that's the order we should do rituals. --- I was just playing and got my first audio cue besides the occasional one while building it. I did not touch the summoning key nor ritual parts until the AS was built. Nar-Ullaqua built in waterfront, i was Floyd, waterfront egg statue done last, sword taken. Trip Mine upgraded first, D-O version. Shield made, in canal. Round 16-17ish. I took the key, the badge, and went to canal red circle. I fired the AS into the center of the circle, getting the badge keepers, some zombies, and some flyer(s?) In the mix. When it finished, i got the "zornash, (AS), zornash" voice. Died before trying much. Thought I'd share. Maybe you need to suck up 3 types? Edit: if zornash, (AS), zornash means altar, AS, altar, then maybe it's just repeating the first word to say keep doing it. Like i fired the AS in the circle, then it says 'ritual, fire AS, ritual'... Et cetera, until the rituals are done. --- Also, in the general forum, there is talk of the sword having a counter that goes down with headshots... What? Off to check.
  17. Once the egg is filled up, you put it in the sword chamber. Notice the sword has a gap. Once built, the gap is filled with the little guy. Once it is Reborn, it is a Keeper head in the sword (i think). So you rebirth a keeper in the sword upgrade. Hence 'Reborn'. I won't say it isn't connected to the WW, as i feel there is a sword connection, given the sword names come close to matching parts of the 4 WW names, but that whole egg-to adult thing is clearly the sword making/upgrading itself. Can't say with confidence that it carries over to the AS, which is it's own creature already. Shrug.
  18. Summoning key: has 6 symbols. One is Servant. The others are unknown. Presumably they are the 5 symbols of the 5 altars. Each altar has the 4 player symbols. Maybe these symbols are located near the player symbols so we can determine which means which. 2 have URG in them, servant and one other. So far, I'm guessing this would be the pap ritual one and servant may mean apothicon servant or else you are the servant. If it means AS, why? So far the pap hasn't really been too connected to it. So maybe, just maybe, this is telling us to get the AS built, before we even grab the summoning key. And zornash, (id gun word) zornash could quite likely be altar, AS, altar. Not sure what to say until i try it and see if anything occurs.
  19. Thanks for the debunked cocoon bit. On gateworms: at this point i can't prove shit, but I'll say this again: i play a lot, the characters almost always say the exact same 2 quotes as i place the worms. Then, once in a rare game, they say these other things. I'm not saying that you're wrong, but I'm hoping that you are. :) Ragdo, yes, the lock from the crane-dropped crate. But it's probably bunk. --- Edit: the worm/key picture may very well simply imply that they are key to opening pap. It may have zero to do with the AS. --- Order of operations thoughts: i often try to do things with the full egg back in the sword holder, but the fact that the sword smokes as soon as you put the egg in, tells me that that is the correct thing to do and that leaving the sword is not. --- Red circles: these glow once pap is open, whether or not you have done anything with the swords. If you kill on them with a nonpap weapon, they go out. If you kill on a circle that is not yours, they go out. The circle has a text box to tell you to place the arch ovum, so the varying red circles don't really mesh with the sword steps. Yes, it goes away after the ovum step, so either we have to do something before that step, or it is just a complicated visual glitch. Yes, I've posted this before, but it needs to be kept in mind. --- I killed all of the Margwa from the ovum steps with the sword only; sadly, this did not elicit any audio cues, nor did i see any changes in map. So, i still don't understand why this step charges your sword, and it may be something, but i didn't see or hear it yet, despite tryharding.
  20. Unknown. On voice cues: usually my characters say the same 2 cues only, but some times they say things that are different, so that must mean that we got them started in the right order. I would say: place then in the order that you got them, or place them in the order seen in inventory. (Back button). I believe the 'you'd tell me if i was doing this wrong' means that you just put one in the wrong spot, after getting at least one right. This is one of the best recent clues. I find Nero gives the best clues. Even many of the little things he says are true. Many reddit folk are getting a cue on building it, then getting some kills in pap, as a margwa spawns in. It sounds like (translations vary) 'transform Parasite'. Another live streamer seems to have caught a cocoon dropping from a margwa 'head'... No WW grenades involved, they didn't have pap open... Keep your eyes open for dropped cocoons.
  21. Excellent! I saw that pic yesterday. The key has in-game function, but nobody has seen this key. The lock from the junction pen box lands on Nero's red circle: i would say that this means nothing, but i never see the locks from the other boxes after they open. Lastly, I'll double check, but i am quite certain that, on 360 at least, Nero's worm is front right (if you're at pap altar, facing pap). And on swords: each is character specific, including it's holder in the egg chamber. So the writing we see there may be character specific. Now, to actually make some progress. We're tryharding, but covering very little ground.
  22. This is probably pointless, but maybe this will spark something in someone's mind... ---- Upgrade colors: * Shield: Base: red fire when used. Upgrade: purple dial, 4 uses. * Trip Mine: Base: 2 rings of fire. MCC Upgrade: Purple, same power as original. Maybe less area of effect. D-O Upgrade: Pale yellowish. Most effective version. (Color updated) I had the color wrong. I can't help but notice it is very similar to the Fliers, meatballs in the colors that they die in. * Lil Arnie: Base: Greenish. Upgrade: Purple. Kills faster, lasts longer. * Apothicon Servant: Base: Purple. Upgrade: Red. More ammo, longer lasting effect. * So TM can be colored like flier/meatball, arnie starts green like margwa, later turns purple, like margwa, and AS turns red like Keepers...
  23. 2 tidbits: 1. I did the base sword. When i was about to start the first ritual (my character's), i pulled out the sword at the altar and it said it's little thing. The important bit: i could not place the ritual items until it finished talking. Once it did, i could place the items while still holding the sword, so holding the sword wasn't an issue. So that seems like it could possibly mean something. Maybe that consecrates it to your character. I noticed that i got the Lor Zarozzor, which is closest to Floyd's base sword name. I was Floyd... Later, i built the AS, pulled out the red sword, it said it's piece and i picked up the AS... With the sword out... Which took all of my guns and points... Again. Yeah, i was tired and f'd it up, but that is really shitty on Trollarch's part. Just put dialog that says that you can't pick it up. Fricken derplords, get a clue as to how to be professional programmers, you've been faking it long enough, maybe it's time to grow up?/end mini rant. :) ----- Doing the worms at once, versus one at a time: (solo especially, but both). I have been paying attention to what goes where. Like the order of eggs to player taking them (seen in the new sword thread posted today). Order of lion's gg placement: each character's gg will be in a different statue. Order of ritual parts in inventory. And, for this point, order of worms. Each worm has a specific holder. I can't prove that this matters, but it may. If you hold all 4 in solo, they will drop into the same one, linked to each ritual part, every time. If you take one at a time, you could put them in all willy nilly, which may be the wrong order. So, get all 4 worms. Then, with inventory open, watch where each one drops to know which belongs where. I first thought of this while doing the flag step: depending on which area that you do dictates which Keeper spawns by which worm. So, by gathering all 4 in solo first, you always put them in the correct place, if this matters at all.
  24. If it's me and Ragdo11, give it to him/her. I had the pleasure of the cyan robes for almost 3 months before they switched it late January to HW, about 2 years ago. It's got my scent already, pass it along.
  25. You can build them first. I've done that plenty of times. You cannot currently upgrade the sword until the PaP ritual is done. ---- In a solo game now. Floyd Cambell. I did the first egg/statue in waterfront, then did the first ritual in waterfront. Then killed the first Margwa in waterfront. I built the AS in waterfront. Lor-Zarozzor. The upgraded sword ends in ....eel. ....ahm. Long name. I usually get Mar-Astagua regardless of where i do what in what order. ----- Ragdo11, are you completing the sword before the first ritual? Shield upgrade? (I never do). Getting, upgrading Trip Mines? Which version?
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