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Everything posted by 83457

  1. I seemed to be the only one who picked up on that. I kept telling people about it and being surprised that folk didn't know. I guess I'm the only sadist out there zapping zombies randomly. It can't be a glitch. Their playertesters can't be that bad... oh wait.
  2. Thanks. It's probably just fighting with me then. The only consistency in CoD is the inconsistency. Ha. I always heard the expression, credited to Einstein: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Therefore, CoD is the definition of insanity, since you can do the same things over and over and quite often get different results.
  3. When can this be done? I've done this multiple times on the first couple of rounds, making sure to get them in the mouths, and i never get a gumball. So do you have to have pap open or something? Chang's laundry thing doesn't work either. Maybe they are xbone easter eggs?
  4. Perhaps. It was the sword the first time, and the regular knife the second, but this game is a glitchy mess, so it may confuse them with the BK. But I've never gotten the green flash with the BK itself. It also seems that BK use was or is counting towards Sword Flay challenges, without using sword flay. Just like the gun challenges randomly unlock high level attachments, while at level 3 or so, and the attachments can't be used properly. I noticed that the BK level never goes up no matter how much one uses it. But is that a clue, or is it just Treyarched? Jessica, when buying the BK says "just another piece of an unsolvable puzzle". Which i am sure is a clue.
  5. Is it columns that stay in place, or is it like when you hit a power up? Twice, not on the flag step, I've seen ones that look like power up green, but there is no power up. They looked like the hidden upgrades of bo2. Once with the bk, once with a sword. The first time, i was under duress, so i didn't pay much attention, assuming it was a power up of some kind, but didn't get one on screen and it wasn't carpenter either. The second time, i was stabbing the initial 20+ zombies of round 1 when i got a mystery flash. I had x2 and instakill already, neither of which extended, so i didn't get them. No other power up icon appeared on my screen, and it clearly wasn't carpenter. I don't know what that was, but it's a trollarch game... Could be hidden stuff, most likely a visual glitch. Edit: in both cases, there was no voice saying the power up names, which there should be.
  6. Huzzah! After a glitchy death and dodging a plethora of Nukes (f u Trollarch), i got the Sword on round 4. I think that is the earliest it can be done solo, since you need Beast. I got waterfront open (bought kuda, exposed statue), tram was there, rode to Footyville, then C-anal (exposed statue), bought doors back to start. Jumped in Subway, started cooking eggs on round 2, finished on 4. Now to do sword only... -------- Tips: These are tested on 360 No longer works---[Mawgra + sword upgrade tip (also when activating pap): if you have a mawgra already, only 1 will spawn when you should get 2 during the last 3 Ovum steps. When you open pap, if you have a Mawgra already, one won't spawn. (The 'no mawgra spawn' glitch does not occur on 360, so it must be a glitch). So, if you have a 1 headed Mawgra as you open pap, another will not spawn, just finish him off.] ----no longer works. ---- Edit: this next section no longer works: Infinite sword is now useless. The shield will now break. This will leave you with a forced-upon-you trip mine reticule and you can't pick up guns. You can grab another shield... Leave guns in pap, grab shield for infinite shield. Leave guns in pap, use infinite sword. These can be great in team games, horrible in solo. -----Patched ---- If you accidentally (or purposefully) pick up a gun from a pod while holding the sword, your points disappear, your guns disappear. I did this by accident on round 44, which ended my game. Trollarch, please fix this shit. For a millionth of a second i thought it was an anti-cheat thing, but then i realized that a competent game designer would simply make it impossible to grab a gun with the sword out, not take a players points, guns, and all just because they picked up a gun by accident with the sword out. Then i remembered that Trollarch sucks. So i said to my self 'would Trollarch punish players, rather than fix a Trollarch glitch'? And i thought, 'yes, they would'. Then i remembered reading something like this about the fridge in bo2. So i think i was punished for stupidly buying another Trollarch programming disaster. Only Trollarch would punish players for Trollarch's bad programming. How childish and unprofessional (no surprise, from the retards who made bo1). So i tested it today on purpose, and it took my points, guns, et cetera. Treyarch, the laughingstock of the cod community. However, i did the upgrade, and was able to retrieve the upgraded sword. I didn't trust Trolly to not glitch that one also, so i pap'd my guns and left them, grabbed the sword for unlimited sword. Then i quit to take an octogenarian to dialysis. ---infinite sword is patched. The derpy sword/gun issue still isn't fixed. ---- Happy gaming!
  7. Maybe i misheard, maybe she was wrong. Maybe the rituals have to be done? Anyway, thanks for the correction! Edit: you may get them on any round.
  8. Upgrade Lil Arnies (thanks to Glitching Queen). (Deleted wrong info) Spam box for LA. Get 100 LA kills, (hear ding or audio cue, audio cue is currently missing on 360). Go to ritual spots and throw LA by item in room (LA must be close to it), the item immediately disappears. Boxing gym: bow tie on shelf across from BK. Nero's Landing: by heads with top hat. Top hat disappears. Ruby Rabbit: by cane leaning against front of couch. Cane disappears. Then go to The Black Lace, throw LA at altar on stage (the other props should be there---no props appear there on 360). Done.
  9. (I'm on 360, fml). Celeste's is the room with the lion statues. It is in canal, where you drop the steps. Edit: you will see the name 'lady Celeste's' on the side of the building, if you walk from the perk machine back towards the Lion room. Sorry that the first info was off, i wasn't in a game and couldn't check/end edit. If you go up the steps, past the vmp wallbuy, the first room has 4 lion statues, a Pod, and a window (and sometimes a shield part). Above the window it says 'the lady's secret', presumably lady Celeste. This window is the one that i could not throw Bouncing Betties into, they just stuck in the air. The window has 2 lion statues on either side. Imagine if the pod is somehow involved...
  10. A clue? Lions in Celeste's? Do you need the mask while using the upgraded Shield to destroy the lion statues? How do you get the mask again? We need a 'things of SoE, and their upgrades' thread.
  11. The egg Cthulu Statues, but I'm leaning towards lion statues since they don't have a use yet that i know of, and they must do something. Also, the name; the lady's secret, and the BB window sticking thing.
  12. The lady's secret! Celeste's! 4 lion statues! Also, while playing with Trip Mines (Upgraded to Bouncing Betties), i was throwing them into windows and whatever when i noticed that (360 at least) they stick to an invisible nothing when you try to throw them in the window between the 4 lion statues. As if something is there, that isn't actually there yet, if you know what i mean. Alternate PaP or Lady of the Lake (window?) Style. Now i just need to bowl a perfect game...
  13. The question is how? The WW doesn't do it. Arnies? Trip mines? Rocket launcher upgraded? Country music? Do we have any fire? Fire usually kills things... Edit: Rocket Shield upgraded!
  14. I'll look for it. Arnies/WW/trip mines, et cetera into the window! On 360, those buildings aren't checkered, but almost look stepped, like beast to Tram to Roof? Edit: Top of Ruby Rabbit is also by the Tram, you could almost jump on it when it's parked there. Maybe when it's moving? It can't just be for the box glitch. :)
  15. I edited more into the other post. Maybe one could use the SU one to jump from Canal to SU, but i can't think of a reason. SU can easily be opened by either of the first 2 beast, or when one does the subway steps. These 3 extraneous ones are only by Footlight, the only place where the train leaves the map. Thanks for the input. Keep your eyes and ears on it.
  16. But there is one right above the perk machine for that. Why is there a second one there? Edit: if you grapple up by the machine, then grapple over 20 feet to the other, by the stairs-power, that would take longer than running from one to the other. The other two can't even be considered in that manner as they are even less believable. Edit: DrVonstool, there would not be 3 useless grapple spots in the map. They must do something.
  17. Also, there is one in Footlight, directly over the beast-opened steps. Not the one above the perk machine, it is directly over the steps. I was thinking that beast could jump on the train, but the one over the center of Footlight would be unreachable from train. By the center-of-Footlight one, there are ads for going into such and such theater (forgot name) and a poster across from the perk that says this, and the wig-box shelf extended over to it, as a separate ledge. May be nothing. My other thought was to reach up to the giant worm-mommy...
  18. Well, it is still a crap-shoot, but information is good, and best when shared, which is what he did. So this GG's stock rose, even if just a little. We all have them, we will probably all use them eventually, so it's nice to know they offer a little more than we first thought.
  19. *******Build Your Own Maps******* This post is a labor of love, it is for me, feeding my own obsessive nature, for those few who enjoy making their own maps, (whether survival or more tedious maps), for people looking to level up specific guns, and lastly for those who simply wish to understand the map layout better. Welcome to this wall of text. Enjoy. (I have no idea why this post is slowly becoming italicized). -83457 [Gobblegum machines are always active now, but at the time when i wrote this, only 2 at a time would be, so keep that in mind. The new way makes small maps more fun with more GGs]. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ There are two main sections of this post, denoted by '☆' and a third; ○■□● Random Dungeon Generator added at the end. ☆ Start your journey of personal map production with... Things to Consider Before Crafting a Map; Time: Are you looking for a short game, or are you trying to make the map tediously difficult and long? Opening 1-3 doors keeps games in the ½ hour to 3 hour range (solo), depending on your skill. But, using the train as the only way to get 2 districts open, while hiding the only open Rift in one of those back-opened districts with Shield in the other, can add serious time to your game. + Fumigator/Pods/Wonder Weapon: on small survival maps, the pods are essentially your ?Box. This is where you will probably get the strongest gun if you don't end up with a Box Location. As long as your map contains access to a Workbench, you can build the Apothicon Servant. You could ban use of pods (no fumigator allowed), or ban the AS. I won't discuss pod locations here as they should be known or easily findable. + Beast Mode: The purple/blue-fire things are obvious, i won't be pointing out their locations [1 or more at each area]. But consider how you want to use them. Do you want any rifts open? Do you want to power the district perk machines, but not their steps, making perks tedious to get from the tram area? You could take the tram to a closed district, open the fuse area stairs, Beast the perk machine, steps, rift, and then ban train use for a run through the district from the rifts (if you don't drop the stairs by the perk, the perk is at a dangerous dead end as well). Think these through, as you have options for difficult games, or easy games. you can ban Beast use altogether for faster games, or use Beast in specific ways like to open the perk area, but not the rift if you ban the Subway. Note that Beast can be used for revives, or just to escape being trapped in survival maps. + Rifts: [Portal connecting each District to Subway]. These are a big factor to your map design as they can simply add a room; (Subway, 2 perks, GGm, box location, smg), or make the map a loop; (easier to revive a player, or to run trains Shangri-la style), or a quick way around a larger map; (as is now in SoE). If enough of the map is used, these give access to Swords, as well as PaP. For short games, ban Subway, or just ban PaP/Swords (some map builds simply won't allow access to them). I won't usually discuss Apothicon Servant, Sword and/or PaP item locations here. They have their own how-to threads/videos. + PaP (upgrade): Without PaP, your survival maps have an early WaW feel, with PaP, you could avoid alternate ammo, so that you get a WaW Der Riese vibe. Otherwise, you could always allow Alternate Ammo, or restrict certain Ammo Types. + Perks: Use them all, or play with the old school 4. Remember, you don't even have to power them on if you want to avoid any temptation. + ?Box (BL=Box Location): On some small maps, you may or may not get a box location (or more). This will affect the possibility of longer games, depending on what wall weapons are accessible in your map as well as what the box offers before leaving, possibly forever. You could ban the box, and even restrict opening the area that it is in, for construction restrictions. Currently (July 2016), it starts in FL's Perk Area, or WF' or Canal's First Areas + GobbleGum (GG) and GobbleGum Machines (GGm): Consider what GG that you want. For survival maps, you may not want to waste Megas, but feel free to use them. Immolation Liquidation will increase the chances of better guns, bringing a box location 3x, when you may have otherwise had none. Ephemeral Enhancement could give that needed boost for Margwa kills (and is otherwise crap). Wall Power, Perkaholic, and other strong GG could easily change your survival maps up from one game to the next. + Train/Tram: Ban it for shorter games, force it's use for longer games. Train/Tram Options: Option 1. No Tram allowed. One can buy the Bootlegger if the Tram is in your map area. Option 2. Tram may be called. One cannot ride the Tram. The Bootlegger may be bought. Option 3. Limited Use. For building Apothicon Servant, Civil Protector, or Shield. For Bowie Knife, Trip Mines, ?Box or a specific gun. For getting certain perks. Or for a mandatory map change every so often. Option 4. Full normal use. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ☆ Phew! With all those things considered, we get to advance to the all important topic of... Areas and Items Available: >Subway: (Up to 3 Rifts to/from Districts, Beast Door to Junction). Widow's Wine (4000), Mule Kick (4000), Pod, Vesper (1250), GGm (500+), BL (950), Statue, [Trap (1000), when PaP Ritual Room is open]. [Subway is needed for Sword or PaP, but in survival maps, it can be just another area for an extra player, smg, pod, or a couple more perk options. Open as desired, but leaving it out or minimizing it's use helps distinguish your survival map from SoE]. -- >Easy Street: Always spawn here at start of game. Quick Revive (1500mp/500s), Pod, RK5 (500), Shieva (500), Beast Door and Power-Up (I-K, MA, or x2). [Not much good as it's own map as the 'Start Room Challenge' often ends with the Margwa spawn]. -- >Junction: ($500 Door from Easy Street). Stamin-Up, L-CAR-9 (750), KRM-262 (750), GGm, 3 Pods. + Nero's Landing: (With Junction open, use Beast to drop the Steps to Easy Street). KRM-262. [Playing Junction/Easy Street/Nero's Landing makes for ½ hour games, depending on skill, GG, Pod-given guns. You could ban Nero's Landing, making Easy Street dangerous to run down. Margwa often end games]. -- District General Layout: Each district has 4 basic areas, opened by doors or Beast. [The specific items of each District are listed after this general description]. First area ($1000 door from junction): SMG, Pod (except Waterfront), GGm, BL (except Footlight), Civil Protector (2000 contributable), Trap (1000), Beast Door and Rift. Tram/Ritual area ($1250 Door from First or Perk Area): Assault Rifle, Beast opened/Ritual area, Pod, Workbench (except Footlight). Perk area ($1250 Door from Tram area, or Beast-opened Stairs from First area): Perk Machine, smg (except Waterfront), Pod (except Footlight), Rocket Shield part, (BL in Footlight). Fuse area ($1250 Door from Tram or Perk area): Fuse, assault rifle wallbuy, (Waterfront Pod), (Footlight Workbench). [Note that opening from the Tram also opens the Perk area, making it 3 areas instead of 4 this way]. [How you open each district will greatly affect gameplay. Not opening the steps makes getting perks harder. Opening the drop-down spots in Canals ruins the zombie training area, while opening them in Footlight or Waterfront (2 there) can make for smoother map flow]. [Make simple 2 Door Games: open Junction, open a $1000 Door to Juggernog (open the steps) and you have a simple survival map with Juggernog. Add the Rift to Subway for a bit more, maybe loop it through the Subway/Junction Door. Plays for an hour or two. 3 Door Games: Open to Tram. This gives a perk (Juggernog, SC, or DT2). You can then take the Tram for BK or Trip Mines. You could open the door by the perk for a different map than if you opened from First area to Tram area. Suit to taste. Another 3 Door game could be Junction plus 2 ($1000) Doors, netting you another perk while keeping the map small]. + Specific Items Per District: . -- >Footlight: First area: Statue, Vesper (1250), GGm, Pod, Trap. Tram area: KN-44 (1400), GGm, Pod. Perk area: Perk, Kuda (1250), BL, Middle Shield Part. Fuse area: HVK-30 (1600), Workbench, Fuse. -- >Waterfront: First area: Kuda (1250), GGm, BL. Tram area: HVK-30 (1600), GGm, BK (3000), Trip Mines (1000), Workbench, Pod. Perk area: Perk, Pod, Statue, Left Shield Part. Fuse area: M8A7 (1500), BL, Fuse. Between the first area and Tram area $1250 doors is a little space with a lone Pod (Pod-steps doors). -- >Canal: First area: Kuda (1250), GGm, BL, Trap, Pod. Tram area: M8A7 (1500), GGm, Workbench, Pod, Statue. Perk area: Perk, VMP (1300), Pod, Right Shield Part. Fuse area: KN-44 (1400), Fuse. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ ☆ That's a lot of words! But now you're ready to generate Maps within SoE, or reference maps items at a glance. ################################ ○■□● Random Dungeon Generator: This is to generate map parameters as you play. (You could have the map parameters sussed out on paper before you play, but i don't recommend it, as it steals the wonder of the moment away). >>>Basic idea: Flip a Coin (or Roll a Die) for each $-Door, B-Door, Steps, and 1 for Tram if you get to a station (for the first time). Don't flip coins for anything else as it gets monotonous. If Coin (Die) = Heads (Odds) then: Yes, open [or drop steps]. If Coin (Die) = Tails (Evens) then: No, do not open [or do not drop steps]. - Start Here: Open Junction ($500) Door, locate the District with Juggernog, open the ($1000) Door when able (no coin flip). Then, Flip a Coin: Results = * * = Heads, drop the Perk area Steps. * = Tails, you cannot drop the steps, but you are now allowed to open both ($1250) Doors in that District (without a Coin Flip). Using this method, no matter what, you have Juggernog available. How easy it is to get is up to the Coin Flip. - Once that has been determined, each other Door, ritual area, steps, beast Door, requires a Coin Flip to determine if you open it (and the first time that you reach a Tram Station). - Thoughts on Generating: PaP: Realistically, this shouldn't be expected. You may allow all ritual sites to be open, and allow Tram use to increase your chances. Ritual items never require a Coin Flip to beast-free or pick up. Shield: May or may not be available. That's why i recommend Juggernog at start, to give the map a chance. Fisty, the Squid Gun: it may end up available, but will a Workbench be? Rift: if a Rift Beast Door comes up Yes (it's busted open), then that Rift itself gets opened to Subway as well. No second Coin Flip required. Tram: The first time that an area with a Station opens, Flip for Tram once only. You either have full use, or none (bootlegger purchase allowed). Beyond that, if it's in your random map, it's fair game. ################# Happy Gaming!
  20. Excellent input, thanks for sharing. That certainly increases the value. I'll put it in the GG Talk thread as well.
  21. Funny enough, I've done that, but not looked for a ticket. I wonder if there are others.
  22. The upgraded Trip Mines are purple as well...
  23. (360) Edit: you can also do a different upgrade at the 4 Devil-O carts instead. See later post. --- Trip Mine Upgrade = Death Donuts? I heard this blurb on the interwebs and wasn't ready to believe it, so I tried it and it works. Buy Trip Mines. Get 1 kill by each Molly's Cream Cakes (no comment) vendor cart: one in the first area of Canal, one in Junction, one by the perk machine in Footlight. You'll hear Samantha's laugh when you get a kill. Then, your Trip Mine becomes a death donut. I don't know yet if it is stronger, or just an easter egg, or if it's part of something bigger. I heard that the zombies explode or the mines explode as donuts. This does not occur on 360, but your mine on the ground if now a donut. Edit: The unupgraded mines have a better blast radius. For some reason (a clue?) the Bouncing Betties (upgraded Trip Mines) fire a column of death, instead of the 2 rings of the unupgraded version. Both seem to have the same killing potential, so what does 'upgrading' actually do? They destroy your shield, if that's a clue. --------+ Random notice: the GG poster in Junction appears only when you are near it on 360, different from other graphics distance issues. Smells like MOTD poster...hmmmmm. It's also right by the mystery grapple... Edit: it draws attention to the candy store for the free mega GG easter egg.
  24. It's Widow's Wine, you got Perkaholic in the video, which gave it to you. WW affects your grenades, yourself, and your knife, and has a certain amount of 'charges' when you're hit or use grenades. If you are definitely seeing it without WW, then it's a glitch. Not really surprising, given it's Trollarch. But it would be nice to know the glitch. Get a video with no perks, until then, we'll assume you misremembered. It happens.
  25. What's it for? Is it part of the side quest? I can't find any mention of it. Edit: also an extraneous one by the tram in Footlight. They both flank the area, outside the map, that the Tram passes through. It appears to be for getting beast on the Tram as it passes. Maybe there is an area that can only be accessed by beast up there? I'm on 360, so i don't really have a team to check this with and solo seems impossible to call the Tram and get to junction as beast in time. Can the top of the map be seen in theater? ---- Possibly related: at the game start, the loading screen starts looking at the Boxing Gym and then raises. In that area, there is a room (window) that looks like there is electricity in it, in the waterfront area (seen in the load screen). What is that room in the map? Can anybody tell? Edit: i think that i am seeing the box location, when the box starts at waterfront, as this light is not always there. Also, beast can run along the walls in easy street (loading dock side, jump off of Nero's just above steps by loading dock), are we supposed to go up somewhere? Don't ask why i haven't tried this out more, but I've always been just playing and didn't check it out further because beast ran out. Answer any that you can. Please, and thank you.
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