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Everything posted by 83457

  1. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    (just after dlc4) Currently, most online Safeguard games on the Goldrush map glitch; at some point the round will fail to end even though all enemies appear to be dead. Maybe some load on the skybox or under the map, but none show with the recon ability. Coincidentally, and perhaps related, friendlies (including ghosts squads) tend to show the orange Recon halo. So maybe the game thinks that they are enemies and the rounds won't progress? I have not encountered this issue offline in split screen. I have not encountered this glitch in any of the other new maps. I have only made it through 20 rounds once without hitting this glitch. Just fyi.
  2. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Minigun (minor cheat) strategy. If a round ends and you have the challenge-awarded minigun, pull out a sentry/ims, or pick one up and hold it between rounds. This time will be subtracted from the mingun's total time until it times out. I play split screen often with a friend. I was checking this out yesterday, and my minigun would last 10-15 seconds after his timed out by using this method (they should have timed out at the same time). I need some more testing, but i think picking one up works best. Happy gaming (on a dead game mode)! Edit: i did this in a game, i had more time left when the new challenge was completed which took my minigun away when it gave them to everyone else. Serves me right for cheating. Ha.
  3. Suffering through randoms while playing Nemesis Safeguard, i land in Showtime on round 2. 2 randies are down, the 3rd drops as i spawn in, of I wasn't there, that was game over. we win the game, I had 21 revives. They were so bad; 1 guy started every round right in the center and went Doreen within the first couple seconds of each round. It made up for the 3 games in a row where the host dashboarded.

    1. 83457


      Doreen = down...

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Silly randoms, not going down is for pros!

    3. 83457


      I had 1 down. One randy had 3 revives, each of the other 2 had 1.

      These were not pros...

  4. How do you know it is a mistake I made? Unless you are a creator of zombies weapons you don't know what the requirements are for a wonder weapon. No one really does. I am not the only one who is assuming things here. No offense was meant and i apologize for using the word mistake. I understand your view and was opining mine (which others agree with, much like others agree with yours). Happy gaming!
  5. Excellent thread, thank you. You should change the first post, the teeth pool resets every 24 hours with 1 tooth (as of early August patch). It still glitches sometimes and shows zero when it resets, but it will award you a tooth if you beat the first barrier hive. I think it glitches when the timer resets; the pool starts at zero unless you leave/come back, but the tooth is there and will be awarded. Thoughts: The 5% damage boost made a noticeable difference in solo games. Magnum shot to armor will kill when it wouldn't before. (playing as tank; in solo, only one skill point is required to make it 1 stab kill on scouts). Sentry armor is amazing. Maybe because i play solo, but 1 scout will kill a sentry quickly. A rhino will kill it real quickly. An armored sentry will kill a rhino that is trying to kill it. That's a huge difference. It lasts 4-5 times as long while being abused for only 5 teeth. How is that not 5/5? Start with extra 1000: Compare: start with key means 40 points for a 1000 to 3000 point gun. For half the teeth (20), you get a guaranteed 1000 at start. That still isn't amazing, but if you are the scrub who isn't running sentry guns, that 4th guy not racking up the points, this would be a real boon. I'm not hyping it, just saying it isn't so bad. Edit: (i use pistols only/magnum often, so) fyi, the improved incendiary ammo will kill in about a second or two from a single shot, which is much better than it used to be. However, the upgraded Armor-piercing did not show as great an improvement. (grill had these properly rated, i was just commenting). The Magnum ACOG attachment should be rated 0/5, as it simply handicaps you if you use it. It really sucks. Edit: i hate to be that guy, but i am that guy; why have a 3 point system to 5 points? Why not 1/3, 2/3, 3/3, instead of 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 (ignoring the one 0/5 of fecetiousness)? Also, last time i played (second map) the Vulture was garbage, i have to assume that it has been buffed some (like it was in Safeguard)? Flaming stowed shield 'farming': if you want to try something silly yet boring, you can 'farm' with the shield (needs flaming stowed upgrade); go to casual, upgrade to at least a 20 point shield (25 pretty much guarantees enough points), find a corner to sit in with your back to the craptids, replace your shield when destroyed. It will earn back the 700 that you pay for it each time. A good spot is the hummer (vehicle) on it's side to the left of the first poc hive, by the guardrail. After 300 boring scout suicides, you get a tooth. Edit: a better spot was standing on the railing by the turret by the lone hive of the right side of the road in the motel area; this is so easy that i did other stuff and just had to flip up a new shield when she started taking damage when her shield ran out. Otherwise, i wad barely paying attention. So after a bit of set up, it barely needs to be interacted with. Other farm: (you'll get more for playing/winning on regular, but sometimes you just need a tooth or 2); go casual so any scout dies in 1 stab. Get sentry at least 2 points, up to maxed out, but never place 2 as they will waste points. But maxing it out stops it from overheating often. What i usually do: get 2-4 points in sg, put 2 in magnum for 9 shots/faster move. Set the sentry at poc start, on the road way back by the white barrel. Then stand on the first hive, kill most yourself, your sentry gun will do little work, last quite a while and protect you. The scouts will rarely try to get the sentry gun. Easy farming. The '2 hive' solution: this needs only 2 hives beat for a faster farm; put 4 skill points in portable turret, go up to the lone hive on the right side of the road, go up the steps to the mounted turret. Set up in the back corner, facing the entrance and bore yourself some teeth. For a slightly more fun version; put a fifth tooth (if you have 'start with a skill point') in ims (you'll survive without ims if you don't have it), set up in the farthest back corner of start (by the guardrail). Drop ims, set up portable turret and play shooting gallery. You should aquire enough points to keep buying the turret and placing occasional ims'.
  6. Goldrush: watch out for ammo crate shenanigans on the lift. I'm not sure how cheaty it can be, but i accidentally went through the floor and was standing in the air until the lift came down and killed me. Maybe with the carts/ammo crate/ballistic vest too? If you are in a cart and it hits someone, you get the kill.
  7. Hmmm. Maybe i should prestige BO2 one of these days... Probably not, I've unlocked so much.
  8. 8.9/8.10, 2014. 2xp weekend for those who still play. The new maps are pretty cool.
  9. That's what i picked up from players. I frequented the official bo forums daily and people reviled it. But that is just one microcosm, though it was the official forum. I can't say there wasn't another forum where everyone loved it. Maybe it had grown a cult following since then? I'm not all knowing...that was just what i had come across in my experience. Others may have wildly varying results from mine. If you love it, love it. Don't be swayed by some old fart who hates it. Edit: after all, I like Ghosts, so there us no accounting for tastes.
  10. Technically it is map 'excavation site 64', mode 'Origins', but since the es64 didn't have other modes besides Origins, the 2 names are fairly interchangeable. By comparison, Green Run map had several modes: TranZit, farm survival, bus depot survival, town survival, diner 'turned'. Turned was a mode where some played as zombies.
  11. I didn't see this mentioned around here, but i probably missed it. As of that last patch, the teeth bonus pool fills with 1 tooth every 24 hours. That is all. Edit: and at least in solo, you start with a flare. Not sure if that happens in mp extinction games. Edit 2: sometimes when the pool resets, it shows zero teeth, but you will still earn a tooth for beating a barrier hive. I think the glitch occurs after the 600 kill tooth is awarded.
  12. I've been extremely myopic since birth. For 3 years my right eye has been 'blinder' to the point of uselessness from cataracts. Surgery yesterday means that for the first time since 1969, i can see with an eye! (snoopy dance).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dahniska


      Really awesome to hear, man. Must feel great!

    3. GRILL


      (Woodstalk dance)

    4. 83457


      Amazing stuff!

      Also, I'm old enough that my other lens is yellow. My new crystal lens is clear. So if i look at white with my left eye, it is yellow. But everything us perfect in the right eye. Though a little exhausted from not being used for over 3 years...

  13. go to Dynasty map in the sw. stand on the greenish rock, face the dragon on the gate. you will see a ridiculously large reflection in the water behind it, of it. jump at it to see even more giant reflection. silly.

  14. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    The mine carts of Goldrush will eat support drop packages, be careful as they do tend to land on the tracks. They also land extremely spread out. Edit: where i beat the game (2p) in the sw, they were fairly easy to get to. The carts also eat loot drops.
  15. Maps: mostly great. Guns/attachments: great. Kniving: worst melee ever. Shield: worst yet. Tacticals: forgettable. Grenades: nerfed to death. Synchronization: awful. Even offline. Map selection: chooses the same few mapsconstantly, ignores most of the best. Host: totally screwed. 1-5 seconds of host lag, like bo2. Connecting to xboxl/fetching profile: retardedly done/no excuse for that. Freezing? Yes. Safeguard: was good, now meh. Extinction: fair. Improved over time. Spawns: bad, then fine, now bad in spurts. Hit detection: works in spurts. Killstreaks: assault done okay, but boring besides Loki. Support was too weak in general. Specialist works okay. Field orders were a cool addition. Cod is a low quality game. This one gets a B- from me. As annoying as it's glitches/functions are, it remains one of my favorites for actual cod mp. Reinforce was a cool addition. I'm glad bots are finally in IW cods. I guess that sums up Ghosts.
  16. ghosts, showtime map. in the outskirt hallways there is a room with 'stand clear' doors that appears blue like you can go in it. how do you open that? if it was killstreak sentry gun doors, the others don't show up on the map. i want to pretend that shooting the ? targets will open it somehow...

    1. Stop Mocking Me0
    2. 83457


      Or possibly the...

  17. Always host/host screwed? Me too. So nauseating. So this can help, but doesn't always work; first, at the lobby, you notice that you get moved to the top half of the lobby. Then the game loads and you are on top and the first person loaded into the game. Shit. That sounds like you are host and will have at least 1 full second of fake lag added, up to 5 full seconds of fake lag. Unfortunately, this is true and an issue that existed in bo2 and ghosts, identically. Since they refuse to address this glitch, here's what i must do to avoid host; At that moment, leave the Game, hit the guide button, go to friends (hit A), go right to recent players, try to join game in progress (sometimes you must hit B, then hit A again while highlighting a recent player). It won't always let you rejoin, but if it does, you aren't host screwed anymore. Not guaranteed, but most games I end up getting a lobby built around me (instantly) and i get to be host/host screwed. That little trick is the difference between a 3+kdr and a 1 kdr (if you can hold 1kdr as host). If i never got host, i swear my kdr would be at least a solid 2. I hope that this issue is addressed before the next cod...
  18. please stop putting kill confirmed and team deathmatch in the same new map playlist. kill confirmed sucks like a black hole. that is all.

    1. 83457


      Trying to play Nemesis maps. Got in 5 games out of 50 that weren't kc. 3 of those, it made me host so i had to leave. Seriously, fix this freaking host lag crap.

    2. way2g00d


      i was wondering about that too.

  19. Yeah, but it is what it is. I looked at some videos because i couldn't find the egg on Subzero. It was where i already looked several times, just hidden well. I found some little spots, but nothing too amazing yet. On Goldrush, by B flag, climb on the gears for the lift, get on the green ledge-things (looks like the ones below that the lift sets on below) for an above-B snipe spot. Also, any of the bridge supports can be got on. The beams across the b flag area can be walked on. Time to play Reinforce, hopefully they fixed the loot issues. I see that they seem to have undone the spawn killing that they added a few weeks back, i didn't spawn next to anyone yesterday for the first time in weeks. The previous patch also made ghosts freeze up if i signed in with my online profile. They just fixed that too.
  20. Added Nemesis basic info to post 3. Will update as i get better/more info.
  21. Solo, i opened the top. Claymores are your friend. Drop them facing out of the map so they don't explode, the cccp wall by phd is perfect. Come monkey rounds, drop them by phd and sort of play short stop between there and start. All along, set up Claymores by qr and the stairs to jugger. Since you wouldn't train in the start room, no zombies ever load there so your Claymores stay safe. I would train with jugger, qr, phd and that's it, at the flopper lander.
  22. My username is cardinal numbers meant to represent letters. Also, surprisingly not taken, as it usually is. Most forums i was Askansir, either 'ask-answer' or 'ass-cancer'. So make of that what you will. I simply knee that it would always be open on any forum. Gt: Unmazing Yeah.
  23. One game last night, all game, the field orders were rotated 120° so that their bottom was up, but not straight up. Weird.
  24. Ah. The confusion is that we were discussing different glitches. (Regarding 2-man games, which is how i usually play); I was referring to the fact that once a player goes down, no words appear for hacker, so to hack a door, one must carefully move just out of the range of '750 to open (whatever the words are)' and try to hack it from there, sans dialog, while being rushed by all of the zombies. Just every single game and it never got patched. I certainly didn't get bothered by the 'split hacker' glitch. So weird that it gets love on this site, when you couldn't find anyone playing this map when it was new. Wow, Moon sucks so bad. I threw it in recently just to cheek my memory; worst zombie map ever. Edit: In my opinion. Nobody is obligated to share my opinion. Being a long time forum surfer, it is clear that Moon is one of the worst maps in the communal mind, but again, you don't need to share the majority opinion either. :)
  25. Using the gold knife with the '2 kills with a picked up weapon' versus other gold knife users counts, without picking up a weapon. Just like ubsg. 9 lives: i played with 9 lives. Despite always hitting 'auto-assign', it always gives me the same team. So at the start of a game, i switched teams. When i died, it was game over. Apparently I only got 1 life instead of 9 because I switched teams (no previous deaths).
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