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Everything posted by 83457

  1. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    I've only seen them past 20, never under, and I've played quite a lot lately. Camping outside makes dogs and Shields easier, but the gunners, especially hammers, are rough. That is why you must have some cover nearby. A few maps had decent spots out in the open, but no cover at all made them unplayable. Also, i think that they tightened up the loot drops; they don't seem to spread as far, making larger maps more playable. They seem to load near-ish to players. On ignition, they only loaded within half of the map. When we played Stonehaven in the past, they were spread all over the map, yesterday, they all loaded near the castle, where we were.
  2. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    (edits) Guns + attachments: Mp443 + xmags + ammo regen Ak12 foregrip flash suppressor Arx vmr sight flash suppressor Usr variable zoom xmags Helo scout has Lynx Chain saw flash suppressor Iar vmr flash suppressor Fp6 rds muzzle break Mts rds muzzle break Mtar holographic sight Vepr foregrip Wild widow .44 magnum armor piercing rounds + damage boost. Infected: Enemies Key: [name: appearance/weapons (abbreviation)]. Ravager: hooded/bulldog shotgun (sg). Enforcer: maniac armor/vepr (smg). Tower: dog/bite. (dogs) Striker: hooded/riot shield (rs). Destructor: jugg recon armor/mk32 (mk32). Hammer: maniac armor/chain-saw. Edit: Concerning the following information: the number of enemies per round is correct for 1 and 2 players. The information for 3 and 4 players is guestimated and may be wrong. In what enemies come each round: after extensive testing in solo and 2 player, i can say this; most rounds have a set number of certain enemies. But some rounds seen to have a group of enemies that can be random. For example; dogs have never come on round 13 with 2 players. Last night, round 13 had quite a few dogs in exactly 1 game. 4, 14 may have some dogs, may have none. So this is not 100% predictable which enemies come on which rounds. Usually 2, 3, 4 are shotgun only, but rare dogs on 4. So forgive any misinformation in this post. Rounds: 2,3,4,6,7,8,9=13 enemies each in solo, 16 with 2 players... Rounds:10,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20=16 solo, 19 with 2... 1 loot round 2 shotguns 13/16 3 sg 26/32 4 sg 39/48 5 smg sg dogs 52/64 6 lr 7 smg riot shield 65/80 8 smg sg 78/96 9 smg rs 91/112 10 smg rs dogs 107/131 11 lr 12 smg rs 123/150 13 smg mk32 139/169 14 smg mk32 155/188 15 smg dogs 171/207 16 lr 17 smg mk32 dogs 187/226 18 smg mk32 rs 203/245 19 smg mk32 rs 219/264 20 smg rs dogs 1p235/2p283 total enemies. Hammers show up on 24 for the first time i believe. Edit: as stated above, those were solo rounds. With 2 players, we got some dogs on 4, 14, most likely others not mentioned in that list. So it must vary a bit by number of players. Also note that i may have missed some: if a couple dogs spawn, then get killed by a Hind and i never see them, i would mistakenly believe that there were none that round. This may be wrong, but i know there are supposedly 20 enemies in round 1 with 4 players. I then assume that there would be 18 for 3 players. Then, assuming that these also go up by 3 enemies starting on round 10, these would be correct (i will put the correct info once verified, but for now, a guess): Round/3 player/4 player number of enemies per round; 1 LR 2/18/20 3/36/40 4/54/60 5/72/80 6 LR 7/90/100 8/108/120 9/126/140 10/147/163 11 LR 12/168/186 13/189/209 14/210/232 15/241/255 16 LR 17/262/278 18/283/301 19/304/324 20/325/347 If you are sure, please tell me what's wrong, or if you can confirm these numbers. Remember that some maps will have bot suicides, make sure that didn't happen as they won't count towards the total at the end. Thanks.
  3. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Also, you get ballistic vests for reviving players and possibly for other scenarios. Your screen turns greenish around the edges. There is an on screen prompt too, if you pay attention.
  4. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Okay, thanks. I swore i got one after 20 rounds, but i guess I'm delusional. Edit wrong? I got trigger happy last night. I fired at guys, didn't get ammo back when i hit them, but the magazine refilled when empty, so it seems to work the way i said. Edit: according to the internet, it should refill your magazine on a kill. I must be confused, i didn't have it long last night and i tried to watch as i killed people, but i must have erred. We beat Stonehaven (2 man, 20) on the highest part of the castle. This was real easy, probably an easy 40 round spot. We rebeat Stormfront by camping the end of the bridge. We tried the area behind the bridge, but they flanked us from the steps. So we moved up top, most came up the steps from the street, with a lesser flow across the bridge. None came up the back steps. We beat ignition. After failing the open corner by the crawler (too many flanked us through the crawler), we held the little dead end by the Odin command center (north) occasionally using the interior for cover during gunner rounds. Edit: on extra squad mates; i haven't seen it in a while, yet i remember fairly well getting another one after 20 rounds. So, let's explore possibilities: 1. I'm delusional, never got a replacement squadmate. Believable enough. 2. IW took out that feature because 4 man games are easy enough with one. Believable balance implementation. 3. Only under the right circumstances; when i 'remember' getting one was 4 man, accredited game (not private nor local), Safeguard infinite on Warhawk. So maybe it only works in the credited games. So i will roll with the 'I'm delusional' scenario, but i just wanted to keep this on the back burner in case we missed something. I removed it from the original post, assuming that I'm wrong.
  5. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Edit: Trigger Happy refills your magazine when you get a kill. The rest of this post is wrong. I'm fairly certain that it just moves ammo into the magazine without a reload animation, but i may be wrong. I'll try to compare our hypotheses next time that i get it, to get the correct info.
  6. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    I can't think of any other weapon specific effects. But, characters do have some modified form of Recon; when there is an explosion, or you use the stun grenades (actually fairly useful), enemies can be seen through objects like Recon or Oracle or marked by Odin. Agility is called Speed; this could be either an early name for agility that didn't get corrected in Safeguard, or it means that it has extra abilities. Maybe you pick up packages faster? Maybe it gives a higher speed boost than regular Agility? Trigger Happy is the no reload perk; (inncorrect info removed)... /more info.
  7. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Yeah, this new style stemmed from boredom of playing maps that we thought were campable (freight, warhawk, later bayview). Now we have many more to choose from. The Prison Break spot that was used was one that i considered as it was one of the best ways to go positive while playing regular bots 1-11. They must climb the front of the truck. While they could technically shoot you from the tower, i never encountered that. We were considering PB last night, but passed on it. The biggest issue now when picking a map; is the loot accessible enough? We found a ledge in Ruins that connects two lobes on the eat side of the map. If you each get on, enemies climb the wall, making them easy to shoot, and then fall to their death. But you can't see when they are coming and reloads tend to end you. But the biggest issue is getting stuff and returning to the ledge.
  8. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Where did you hold out on Prison Break? On Fog, we camped by the closed off road, behind the grainery (main house) where the well is (not the pit in the caves). It's so counterintuitive, camping in the open, but the farther away they are, the better. A big part is saving killstreaks, then using them asst the right times without hesitation. A few well-timed beast moments help too; taking out several gunners at once before they can do too much damage. But if it looks like they will get you, drop a sentry or something, even though you would prefer to hold it.
  9. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    I saw the explosive rounds in action on other guns, thanks for pointing that out. That explains the symbol a little better; it is always there by your ammo, even when the minigun is away. You did have a good point about using the explosive ammo to level your regular gun, and ammo is rarely an issue. I guess the only real reason beyond cool factor to use the minigun is the large magazine to avoid an untimely reload. We also use the different gun strategy. We beat (20) Fog, and we were missing 11 enemies, presumably they fell into the pit in the 'canyons' by the altar, just like the bots do on other bot games. We camped outside by the well, by the fence. We took (also 20) tremor; sw by the edge of the crater. Easy access via the ladder upstairs for supply drops and routes to loot drops.
  10. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    Being shot in the open is a hazard, but as long as you have just enough cover to keep from hitting the 'down' mark, you heal quick enough. Just get behind what little cover there is and concentrate on the one or two enemies that can still see you. Throwing an ied to buy yourself an extra second or two helps. Also, by being out in the open, you have a long view of the enemies, so you take them out father away and generally take less damage from them than you would while dealing with them within the confined area that you camp. Wise advice on hiding better perks behind less valuable ones. I will often grab a low value perk, just to cover a good one. The Semtex guys do hurt you, but not as bad as expected for multiple Semtex. Blast shield makes them a complete non-issue, especially armed with a Widowmaker. Focus is a must. Blast shield versus mk32 guys. Sleight of hand for obvious camp reasons. Speed (agility) + marathon for package grabbing/ faster kiting and avoision of the shield guys/dogs. ICU to recover faster when damaged. Q: you're saying that the explosive rounds affect your regular gun? (Edit :this is true). Hmmm. I still use the minigun, i rarely level it up and it destroys them easily, without wasting my other guns ammo. I simply switch weapons if there is a star to pick up.
  11. How much wood does a wood truck truck since a wood truck does truck wood?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      1 metres worth?

    3. The Clay Bird
    4. 83457


      I think our trucks held 2 cords. Whatever that translates to...

  12. I play 2 man games of Safeguard, we just beat Stormfront last night for the first time by camping the sw corner by the tractor trailer spawn. Where did you hold out that you thought made it the easiest map? I would opine Warhawk or Freight, but have been trying a more 'out in the open' approach that has been successful so far. I camped in the building near the Federation spawn, since there were only two ways for the enemies to get in (OK, probably it was easy because my other teammates distracted all of the other enemies and I basically acted like a support medic, which was reviving allies and supporting teammates a little bit before returning to my camping spot). ' alt='' class='ipsImage' > Ah. Interesting. We tried at the top of the escalators, and we did fairly well in the room in the west; from the Fed sw spawn, go north into the western building, go left up the steps. Watch the steps and back stairs. But we found it best if we watch the same way, so we held the Fed spawn. Thanks for the feedback.
  13. And why didn't it show the team scores after tdm? The game ends, if you don't know the score, it won't tell you again. The end screen should list the overall game score as well as the individual players kills/deaths. There are definitely some issues... On the killing speed: it looks good when you kill, looks bad when you're watching a killcam of your death. This is due to a programming change. In bo2 (and others), you shoot me, your xbox tells the host, which tells my xbox, they all agree, the host tells you that you killed me, then the killcam shows some weird stuff that isn't too far off from either of us. Now, in ghosts, you shoot me, your xbox tells host, host tells you and i that I'm dead without checking with me first and comparing/synchronizing results. So, it takes longer to kill in bo2, but looks similar from both ends. Ghosts, if you kill, it works fast. If you die, it seems rather far off and laggy. Once you acclimate to the perceived lag of killcams, it is actually nicer on the killing end as it goes faster, more realistic. Now, throw in a laggy day, bo2 gets a little worse, ghosts gets 'unplayable'. So when it works well, yea! When it doesn't, boo!
  14. I find the connections in all cods to vary. This one has had some terrible moments. Recently, it seems that my area was added to the dedicated servers. It was about 3 days of horrid connections before they began to address the issues. Now it's been fine again. If it sucks, i switch to bots, squads, safeguard, or even Extinction.
  15. Like many good games, it grows on you. The issues like running for loot items simply get easier with experience, no different than dealing with the 'unbeatable' trials of zombies that are now no longer an issue due to familiarity. Get a friend that you like to play with, spend an evening getting to know it and it will grow on you. That being said, we tend to play it a couple nights a week, otherwise we bore of it. But then, suddenly it comes back like an addiction: MUST PLAY SAFEGUARD. Ha. Each to their own, but i find it a worthy addition. And yes, you can play on any map. 'Credited' maps, where you get on leaderboards, are some of the original in-game maps or the dlc maps (currently devastation maps), but you can play on any map. Private match> game mode> safeguard and just pick a map. Be sure to read my thread full of info on it.
  16. 83457

    Safeguard Game Mode

    I have 2 man beaten Stormfront and Containment. To avoid getting stuck playing the same campable maps, we have been working on a new camp method (as 2 man run around is messy and hasn't been very successful, given my friends cod skill). So we have been looking for open corners, somewhere with fairly narrow angles of approach. Stormfront: camped the sw corner by the tractor trailer spawn. Back by the garbage piles. Sentry guns along the west wall, when needed, to cut across their approach to take out shield guys. We considered behind the bridge in the ne, but have not tried it yet. Containment: in the nw corner, just outside the red-stripe building. We used to try the building, buy would get overwhelmed by shield guys running up the steps. While i did beat Bayview on the lighthouse, the ne corner by the coffee shop would probably work for this method. By being in the open, one can zombie-kite a few shield guys, so your teammate can pick them off. Other methods for dealing with shield guys include: lie down, shoot their feet. And; throw an ied down and run around it with them in tow. Round 2-3 advice; with just 2 people, there are quite a few embarrassing round 2-3 downs before we get a support drop. Once you have guns, the early rounds are easy, so don't be afraid to use a loot item to stay alive through round 2, rather than call in a squad mate. This is also sound solo advice. Come loot round 11, i would suggest trying to get and hold sentry guns for rounds 17-20. But be warned, 12 had a decent amount of shield guys, so expect to need something (ims, vulture) to help with that round. Happy Safeguarding! I already enjoy this mode, but switching gears to camp outside has breathed new life into this mode for me (us). Edit: in 2 player games, there are always 283 total enemies.
  17. Nicely posted. I play 2 man games of Safeguard, we just beat Stormfront last night for the first time by camping the sw corner by the tractor trailer spawn. Where did you hold out that you thought made it the easiest map? I would opine Warhawk or Freight, but have been trying a more 'out in the open' approach that has been successful so far. On squads/bots; i do play online mp (i turn down voice volume, for the reasons that you stated), but i also love bots and the squad mode. Playing squad mode is unique in that you care about your team. Online, your team is fodder, meant to die for you or act as a decoy. In squads, it's all my soldiers, i find that i care about them and want the team to win (online, i assume that my team will lose, i play for my own fun/kdr). It's also fun trying out new group themes to see what perk/gun combos work best. Examples: smaller maps with the ripper on each soldier, large maps with assault rifles, or taking Stonehaven and giving my bots lmg's so that they camp in corners in a really annoying fashion. Anyway, nice post, just wanted to comment. I really get a lot out of my money on this game.
  18. Last i played, the elevator glitched them constantly. Including walking on air, which you can also do in glitchy fashion. A cool tip for elevators/solo/last zombie; jump in and out of the elevator next to the zombie. He won't hit you. As he goes in, jump out, and vice versa. When the elevator is about to move he usually explodes, which is your cue to jump on and ride. He respawns.
  19. 83457

    Time bomb

    While i don't play randoms, it does seem to be a widely used stragedy; throw 1 down on 1, get to 30, reset to 1 for more points and kills. In a map that is so easy, that seems so absolutely pointless, but it seems to be a thing in the communal mind to do. I accept, of course, that many are just trolls, but some actually confuse this stragedy for strategy. Stragedy= strategy + tragedy.
  20. This is quite true. I'm old and I've been around. Remember who we are as a country: after ww2, we took all of the Nazi brainwashing techniques and immediately implemented them into our advertising and political venues. Even getting idiocy ward and trollarch fanboys to fight and cement thier belief that their developer is better. A long as you vote demoncratic or retardlican, they can play both sides off of middle...same ploy, different game. It's just evil. If you hear it enough times, you will start to think that you can save 15% by switching to Gieco. I might have lost my point...oh, yeah, capitalism, like any other system fails when the rich get greedy and society becomes second place to finances. This has happened to cod. They don't care as much about our satisfaction, or what we want our guns to look like, except in how it generates revenue for them. If every camo had the artistic appeal of bo2's dragon camo, then they would be decent products to add on. But most of the bo2 camos were like a real cheesy cellphone background that was made in seconds. I'm not trying to spread negativity, just backing up HW and voicing a lifetime of frustration at watching a combination of societal degradation coupled with mass apathy. Shrug.
  21. The elevators trend to glitch them like that. I've even found them just running in corners. They sometimes run anywhere in the map before coming back for me. You could do that on purpose in several waw maps. Like if you wanted the crawlers to leave you alone so that you could hit the box. I guess that i was cheating...
  22. 3 60p, 3 level 50s, and a 7th guy unlocked. I love this crappy cod (they are all crappy in my view). Is it sad that i want the weed camo?
  23. Facepalm Headdesk Bodyfloor Why do i have to like the retarded child of cod? like most cods it's enjoyable once the nausea subsides.
  24. Oh, and the other fun new glitch that they added: Game ends. The lobby background shows the same map again during the intermission, with no map choices to vote for, then the lobby disbands at the ends of the countdown. Edit: Often it just plays the same map again, instead of disbanding the lobby, but there is never any vote. Stop glitching out your game, derps.
  25. If you get 25 kills without dying, you get a K.E.M. Strike. This kills all enemies (core). You can only earn 1 K.E.M. per life. You may earn several per game (score permitting). So, if you get 75 non killstreak kills without dying, you get 1 K.E.M. at 25, none at 50, none at 75. But you can get 25 kills, get K.E.M., die, get 25 more kills for a second K.E.M. Calling in a K.E.M. On any map will leave the map with an orangey haze that makes seeing a little more difficult. In the map Strikezone, a K.E.M. strike will cause a different 'destroyed' version of Strikezone to load. Any items (killstreaks/ammo crates, et cetera) will remain on the non-destroyed map and therefor out of play. K.E.M. May also drop on Strikezone as a Field Order Care Package reward. Any other map, your items remain where they are. In squad mode, getting the max xp will give you a care package.
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