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Everything posted by 83457

  1. One more row before i go... Stealth: Takedown (1): a great 1 point perk. Almost necessary on a knife class, useful for any silenced close-range class. Basically, when you kill an enemy, it won't show the death symbol. Besides keeping enemies from seeing where their buddy died, it also works like this: you get killed, quickly respawn and look for the death symbol so you can get back where you just were (maybe for revenge, maybe you died calling in Maniac), but there is no death symbol, so no shortcut to knowing about where you died. Blind Eye (2): Protects against ai controlled rewards and Oracle. Should be only 1 point; air support is basically a joke, Oracle is a joke, sentries are not a big issue. Use for camping/sniping out in the open or objective modes like Domination, where killstreaks and being out in the open are both common. Dead Silence (2): Makes you almost completely silent, fall sounds still occur. This is useful again. Not needed in every map, but a worthy perk on some maps/some classes. Incog (3): Resists trackers, thermals, no red name or crosshairs nor call outs when targeted. One of the best perks in the game. With thermals and tracker sights everywhere, this is quite useful. It does what it says, and that's a lot. Off The Grid (3): Keeps you off of Sat Coms, radar pings. Does what it says, which is probably not always worth 3 points. 2 points would be a more fair price. Don't underestimate the number and usefulness of Sat Coms. For hiding or playing objective modes, where you might see shields with radar as well, it is quite decent. Edit: as the game progressed, sat coms became rare in tdm games as players used better rewards. I only use this perk on my nonmoving sniper now. Edit: due to the way the Reinforce plays out, this can be useful on the higher rounds in that mode. Happy gaming!
  2. Handling: Strong Arm (1): Throw Lethals and Tacticals further, reset the fuse on picked-up frags, shortens cook time (but not canister bomb arm time). Best for throwing knife use as the knife goes far with very little arc. Fun for throwing a frag grenade against the wall and picking it up over and over, even better to confuse the enemy by picking up their grenade (and bouncing it), leaving them wondering why it didn't explode. Basically not a high value perk, but useful on the right class. On The Go (1): Reload while you run. A nice 1 point replacement for Sleight Of Hand. No accidental runs canceling your reload. Not bad for 1 point, not top tier. Reflex (2): Swap weapons, use equipment faster. Not normally needed. Great for slow weapons like the grenade launchers, or for using shield/throwing knife types of combos where fast hands really help. With most players using one gun and often skipping Lethals/Tacticals, it is rarely needed. Reduces arm time for canister bomb. Steady Aim (2): A decent 2 point perk. If you can get used to playing like this, you just saved tons of point-slots versus the points needed for a good ads class. When you aren't ads, there are 4 white dashes making up your middle-of-screen aiming reticle, this is where your bullets will fall while hip-firing. When you move, it spreads even more. With Steady Aim that area between the dashes is smaller and doesn't widen as much while moving. Honestly, it doesn't do very much, easily passed over, even on a hipfire class (focus would still be a better choice). Quickdraw (3): another great perk that seems overcosted by a point to me. It does what it says, bringing the gun into ads mode faster. My opinion is that most of us can aim the gun before/during ads so this doesn't have super high value, but does have good value. You can live without it, but it will help you beast out on the fastest classes. Back eventually...
  3. Perks:You are given 12 point-slots in ghosts, primary, secondary, lethal, tactical, each take up one slot. The remaining slots are filled with perks. Each perk has a number associated with it, this is the number of remaining slots that it will take up (points in parentheses). Speed; Ready Up (1): does what it says; your gun will be ready faster after sprinting. If not generally running, or if hip-firing, pass on this. Otherwise, this is well worth the 1 point slot. Sleight of Hand (2): Reloads faster. While this is obviously good, not every gun nor class will 'need' this. Use if necessary. Agility (2): Increased movement speed. While also not for every class, this is often undervalued. Any assaulting/goal getting class should use this. It gets you to the objective, cover, or out of fire/blast range, faster. Marathon (2): Another good perk. Not necessary on most classes. Prime for going after objectives or full-on runner/gunners that never stop. Most classes just need the short burst of run and can pass on this perk. Stalker (3): This perk allows you to move at a decent movement rate while still aiming-down-sight (ads). I feel that most classes besides sniper/camper practically need this unless using Steady Aim. As such, i feel it would have been more fair at 2 points, rather than 3, but i digress... Some long range battles are fine with the low movement rate, but for ads movement in crowded maps, it is a staple. Edit: Not needed on smg classes. Other long range classes can do without it.
  4. Tacticals: these cost 6 squad points each to unlock. 9-bang. This is a flash/emp grenade that must be charged for max effect. It will have 4 yellow lights near the reticle that light up like the frag grenade, but this will not explode until thrown. It has an emp effect on electronics that temporarily disables them and a useless slight blinding effect, combined with reducing your hearing to a ringing noise for a few seconds, on players. Against humans, this is trash, even fully charged. It does work versus bots; making them cover their eyes and wander out from cover. Edit: you get 1 bang if not charged, 2 bangs per lit up yellow light (?). Edit: these have been improved somewhat. Instead of just the small explosions, they actually blind you a little now. They are kind of cool now that they actually blind a little, but given the long charge time, plus the fact that most placeable killstreaks and the grenades are nerfed to the point of being a non-issue, the 9-bangs just aren't really useful. Concussion: slows affected player movements for a few seconds. This cod staple works a well as always. Still one of the better tacticals. Smoke: makes a cloud of smoke for several seconds. This grenade works well enough. Unfortunately, given the high usage of tracker and thermal sights, this is less useful at what it does than in some other games. Unlike some cod, you may carry 2 with the extra tactical perk. Edit: Over time, the trackers and thermals appear less, so these work better now than when i first wrote this guide. These will temporarily blind Sentry Guns. Sadly, your red name can be seen easily through the smoke (glitched), requiring Incog if you want to use it as cover for flag taking. Trophy system: this device will take out two incoming projectile. Given the low value of thrown projectiles, with the detriment of no replacing them, the trophy system is usually completely pointless in this game. Motion sensor: This item is thrown on the ground, when an enemy comes near, it explodes, causing the enemy to be able to be seen through objects for a second or two (end edit). This is a worse version of the bo2 sensor grenade; it is stationary, takes several seconds to arm, so no quick use, is obvious to see, and does very little in terms of what it is supposed to do. It's best use is to set it where enemies are coming into a room (or flags) that you are holding; it goes off, temporarily blinding them, which is way more useful than it's intended purpose. Thermobaric: large blast, low damage fire grenade. This exciting addition is one of the winners of the tacticals selection, along with the Concussion grenade. It does do some damage, it will 'combo' with the Recon perk to see hit enemies through the walls. Edit: this is not affected by Danger Close. It will take two of these to kill a player, but given their large blast radius, throwing two into a crowd should get some kills.(end edit). This one, like the frag, has four red charging lights and will detonate lethally in your hand. In my opinion, it is almost worth it, but only with extra tactical perks (and maybe recon). Thoughts? Edit: I try to wisely pick a target area and immediately toss both to the same location. Edit: recently balanced to only take half of your life in HC as well. Happy gamage!
  5. Please fill in missing information or opine. Lethals: each costs 6 squad points to unlock. There is no scavenging lethals in ghosts. They are refilled when you complete field orders only, as soon as you complete them. IW hates grenades in this game, they are very weak even with Danger Close, just fyi. Edit: Throwing knives can be scavenged. Frag grenade: your basic thrown explosive. It has 4 red lights near the targeting reticle that light up one at a time. When the last lights up it explodes. Throw it before then, try to time it so it blows when it reaches its target. I feel it's a little less user friendly than the bo2 frags, and a little less fun to play ball with by throwing it against the wall and picking it up again with 'Strong-Arm' perk. Semtex grenade: this is a medium range sticky grenade. While it works much like it always has, with the larger maps, the timing on it seems more perfect than in the tiny arena-maps of bo2. By the time it reaches your target, it explodes giving them no time to run from it. Throwing knife: this is a thrown 1 hit kill knife that works like previous games. Very easy and practical. Can be retrieved for reuse. Strong-Arm perk gives this great range with low lob. Edit: these can be scavenged. I.E.D.: This is an improvised explosive device with a proximity trigger. It is like a blend of the Claymore and Bouncing Betty from bo2. You want to set this about 6 feet in from an entrance, make sure it is on an open spot where the blast won't be blocked by random debris as they are finicky. Probably the most commonly used explosive. Edit: obviously all of the explosives in this game needed a buff. Since they were so weak (and nonreplenishable), people tended to use the i.e.d. as it was okay. IW mistook this for it being too good and nerfed the i.e.d., rather than make a proper fix to all of the grenades. And then nerfed it more, stupidly. So now, they work like a warning device, not like a kill grenade. Inexplicably, Danger Close perk greatly reduces their effectiveness. No dc=50% chance of kill, with dc=20% chance of kill (seriously, try it offline). C4: Throw it where you want it, hit RB again to detonate it. The more common method is to double-tap x to detonate it. You can place it and wait for prey, or throw it at someone and blow it up. It works about as well as ever, with the added drawback of a highly visible red blinking light on it (light has been dimmed a little), making it harder to use as a trap than in previous games. Canister bomb: this needs to be primed, and has a short throw distance making it not very useful in a game where you would die quickly during the short priming step. Needs Strong-Arm perk to throw more than 5 feet, needs Reflex perk to reduce the arming time. In conclusion, the grenades are practically squeezed out of your class due to almost no replenishment, overpriced/underfunctioning Danger Close perk, low effectiveness with or without danger close. Edit: and now made even less effective by an unwarranted Nerf by IW. Edit: and nerfed again by these clueless fools. At this point, I assume that they don't actually play the game... Remember to check out anything on bots in the private match or local modes before you waste squad points on it. Happy gaming, back with tacticals soon.
  6. So, every player that I've talked to agrees with me. But there are smart folk on this forum, so maybe i can get different input. So, hosts, which is better: Scenario 1. The host has an advantage. He will have the best connection. He will stay for several games because he is happily unkillable. One team has an amazing player, the other team has a 1 in 6 chance of coming up against the host and losing that battle most likely. Scenario 2: the host has ridiculous disadvantage. He will lose every battle. This will result in multiple host migrations per game, often followed by 'lost connection to host' when the latest host dashboards or turns off their xbox. Both teams are unhappy, and especially the several that had to leave due to host screw. I'm my opinion, and everyone that I've asked, it is better to have 'God mode host' in each game, rather than 'shit mode host' and constant host migrations. Do you agree with me or is there a good reason to keep host screw and constant migrations? Note that if you are on the dedicated servers that you will not see host migrations and are not effected.
  7. 83457

    Seriously Iw?

    So way and Flammen, do you guys see constant/any host migrations? If not, i assume that you guys are getting the dedicated servers in your area. I'm in North Jersey, so I'm a bit surprised that I'm getting p2p instead of servers. I WA just blowing off steam, though my complaint is legitimate, i still play this game. 1 in 100 games have a fantastic connection, and the game is banging until the trolls vote for warhawk. Most have extreme lag, freezing, jumping, characters moving back and forth on their own, running over the same 10 feet of map a couple of times... Just bizarre. On the games worth: i wish the online mp was better, but the bots, campaign, and extinction mode are decent. I can't play extinction for hours, but a good game-a-day is fun. On xbox one: the dedicated servers are split between 360 and one, assuming less players have One, the servers on one will be free and working. Whereas on 360 they are full, resulting in p2p hosts and 'fetching online profile' issues. I'm happy for you guys, sad for my situation. And yes, cod sucks, has little to no innovation and is just an overpriced reskin every year, i do get that, but i enjoy this crap anyway. The last reskin, despite its issues, didn't give me more than 2 steps of lag (maybe 2-4 feet), where ghosts gives me 10 feet on average.
  8. 83457

    Seriously Iw?

    The first game after this post: i get Whiteout. Despite the lag, i get 5 snipes for a dog. I call in the dog 3 times. 3 times i get no dog. Finally i leave my spot to try to call in the dog again. It works, the glitch ended, as i head back to my spot, i get killed by someone who would have been my victim, had the game not glitched. At that moment, the host leaves. Suddenly i can shoot a nonmoving player 5+ times with no hitmarkers nor kills, so i leave the game...migrating host. I get host a lot and it is unplayable. Please fix this stupid game.
  9. 83457

    Seriously Iw?

    I bought this game late. Despite all the warnings, I've been playing it. 3 weeks of 10+ feet of lag, constant host migrations, host screw, lost connection to host, and Warhawk trolls. I guess dedicated servers was a joke that you played on us? Please fix this game that you make billions off of as you have ripped us off. I try to be positive. So let me say this game is positively a rip off.
  10. Hi, 83457 here to make a thread on the various things in cod ghosts. Please opine if you have some input as we all look at things differently. The maps got their own thread, but I'll try to get some info here on everything else. I post for the lesser informed, welcome input from those more knowledgeable than I. I have to start somewhere, so... --- Strike Packages (no map specific ones, those appear in the map thread): ° Specialist: The first 3 perks that you put into specialist will be earned in the order you put them in the strike package. They will each cost one more kill than their listed perk value unless you use hardline. If you use hardline, the listed kills to get that perk won't change, but they will cost one less. The lower row will all be given at once, called specialist bonus, at the cost listed above that row (less one if using hardline). Pick a class, go to strike package. Then hit A to select strike package. Choose Specialist. Decide if you want hardline on your class or want to add it in the perks in the specialist package. The first 3 perks will appear in the 3 diamond spots in the order that you choose. Each will then have a number next to it, equal to the required kills to get that perk. The lower row will all be achieved when the number in the line 'bonus at # kills' is achieved (always one less if hardline). Edit: Note that you can fill your specialist package, then remove (usually) 1 perk from the first 3, in the diamonds, to reduce the amount of kills for the bottom row. The perks in the first 3 slots will be highlighted in yellow in the right side menu, the bottom row perks are highlighted blue. You don't have to fill the strike package, if you don't have enough perks or the ones open are useless (like Extra Tactical, with no tactical). Your kill count resets at your death. ° Assault Strike Package: each of these has a number in the box, this is the number of kills needed to be awarded this item (Less one if using hardline). They will always appear from least to greatest number of kills. You may leave some open. Example: use hardline perk with sat com, dog to get a dog every 4 kills (sc at 2 kills, dog at 4, sc at 6, dog at 8). Your kill count resets at your death. Most of these items can be seen through walls with the Sit Rep perk. You can cycle to the one you want to use at the time by pushing up or down on the d-pad. If you get one while you have one, it replaces the first, it doesn't hold it in reserve. Edit: to leave user-controlled killstreaks, hold x. Additional note: Each assault killstreak, when called in, will work towards the next killstreak only. So, if sentry, hind, loki; get a sentry, place it, if it gets two kills, it will get you a hind. But if you hold the sentry until you get a hind, then you can call in both to work towards your loki. [Now, i haven't tested this, but in theory you could use Hardline, dog (no other killstreaks), to get a dog at 4, then the dogs kills should work towards the next dog. Edit: I left this in just to say that it does not work, tested]. No Care Package reward of any kind will count towards killstreak count (field order, maniac, juggernaut, jugger recon). Sat Com: 3 kills. This will award you with a small satellite dish that you must hide (destroyable) somewhere. If one is on the ground, any player that sees an enemy player will cause a small red/orange circle to appear on the mini map at the enemies location (which shows his movements in real time, unlike uav sweeps of the past). If 2 or more are on the ground, it causes a sweeping radar line that shows all enemies that don't currently have the Off The Grid perk on. More make the sweep update faster. Note that it shows their movements in the minimap in real time, not just a blip where they were at that moment. Note: if only one on ground. Your soldier will see enemies that you don't, so if only one is down, take a brief look across the map or out any windows, then look at your mini map to see if any enemies were spotted. Once multiples are on the ground, the radar sweep shows enemy movements in real time, unlike uav sweeps of the past. If an enemy is more than a few feet above or below you, their orange circle will be accompanied by a small arrow pointing up or down respectively. I.M.S (intelligent munitions system): 5 kills. This is set on the ground. It launches grenades into the air if enemies come near (4 times, you can visually see the open, used canisters). May be affected by Danger Close perk(?), but i doubt it. You are not told when it goes away or is destroyed (glitch?). Ugly: while effective, they time out quickly. In most cases the dog is a better bet for the same 5 kills. Guard Dog: 5 kills. One of the more popular rewards, this guy will guard you, growl when enemies are near, attack nearby enemies, and go for a vengeance kill should you die. Note that if you run stealth perks, the dog does not. It will give away your sniping position, but it is not seen by Sit Rep users through walls. Edit: the dog has been nerfed slightly. Note that it appears about 10-15 feet in front of you, call it in on an enemy in that location for a quick life-saver. It will appear and kill the enemy there (sometimes it really just sucks and drops dead, but is usually a good strategy). Edit: you can only have one dog at a time and one in reserve. Note that by trying to call one in when you have one will make your guy whistle, so you can keep whistling for whatever amusement you get out of it, or to make enemies nervous. Dogs have no upper kill limit. Last until they die, they don't heal. You may only have 2 squadmates in play at a time (usually), the dog counts as one. Ugly: dogs work wonky, don't be surprised to be killed by them from 10 feet away. They take a couple of stabs, 20-25 bullets to kill them (best estimate), 6 fast shield bashes to kill them (same strength in hc, atm). Stays until it dies. The damage dealt to it is cumulative until it dies, they don't heal, much like juggernaut. Sentry Gun: 7 kills. This sets down an automated gun that shoots enemies in front of it (aprox 90° angle?) that don't have Blind Eye perk. It times out before too long, but will do work if placed in a good location. Destroyable. Note that FMJ attachment to guns increases damage against killstreaks like this. Trinity Missile: 7 kills. This puts you in control of a steerable missile, on it's way, you can twice fire a smart missile at targets, then you steer the remaining missile down. It can be boosted. The necessary directions appear on the screen during use. RT to fire drones, then RT to boost the steerable missile. These are hit or miss, giving zero to 3+ kills, usually 1 or 2. These will take out enemy air support if needed. Worth holding on to for that in some games. Battle Hind: 9 kills. This calls in a semi effective assault helicopter that is ai controlled. It isn't bad or good. Easy enough to evade, even without Blind Eye perk. FMJ will damage this quicker than regular bullets. One of the better streaks, they're all just not super strong. Vulture: 9 kills. This is a flying sentry gun. Note the red laser that points where it fires as it can bring your attention to an enemy. Times out before too long. Really times out too quickly (i believe the time has been extended slightly since launch), the hind is usually the better choice. This is a 'companion' like the Night Owl, only one may be in play per player, at a time. Gryphon: 10 kills. This is a user controlled reward, so hide somewhere safe before use. You will fly around the map, using a targetting sight to cause enemies to be struck with missiles. Decent reward, not great, times out before too long, can be shot down. Edit: controls similar to the diving/space controls of campaign: grenade buttons raise and lower it. If you fly too high, you will lose the gryphon, but you will be warned by fuzzy screen and on-screen prompts. It gets hung up on everything, it can easily destroy itself with it's own missiles if too close to the enemy. I am fairly certain that destroying it by itself counts towards your Operation; destroy X(5?) Vultures. Maniac: 10 kills. You call this in like a care package. It can be stolen. This will give you armor, a knife, a throwing knife, Sit Rep perk, and high movement rate to stab enemies. You don't heal. Lasts until you die. Juggernaut: 10 kills. Like Maniac, it must be called in. This gives you armor, slow movement, minigun, cluster bomb, Scavenger perk that only counts towards pistol ammo. Lasts until you die, no healing. Helo pilot: 12 kills. This is another user controlled reward. You fly in an assault helicopter that you steer. Controls on screen during use. Times out eventually or can be shot down. Has flares for enemy MAAWS. Loki: 15 kills. This user controlled reward gives you a steerable overhead view of the map starting at your location. You will have four controls; Lb: care package Lt: small rod (missile) Rb: juggernaut bot/Move bot to new location. Rt: large rod (missile-larger blast radius, slower reset) On screen directions tell you if the button is ready or not. This can't be shot down. Loki note: call in the cp as soon as possible to give it the most recharge time. This will allow you to get 3 cps, instead of 2, before it times out. The juggernaut is a walking sentry gun, so call him in right away to guard your body or drop him where he will help guard an objective while you rain missiles. He lasts until he dies. ° Support Package: For these rewards, your kill count does not reset if you die, so you can obtain higher rewards despite dying. These generally support your team. Note that you can choose less than 3. Example; run Hardline Perk, Sat Com + Ammo Crate for an AC every 5 kills. Sat com: 4 kills. Same as assault package. Ammo crate: 6 kills. This reward gives you a placeable box that gives a magazine's worth of ammo to friendlies near it's location about every 10 seconds. Friendlies (including you) can also, once per life, take a random weapon from it by holding X when near it. If every member of your team (6?) takes a weapon from it, it will vanish. Otherwise, it times out before too long. One of the best rewards of the Support Packages. Try to use it, place it, wisely; it can be destroyed. Place near effective teammates who may be running low on ammo, but be wary as it can be seen with Sit Rep, so in the vicinity of, but not too close, to campers/snipers on your team as it could give their position away (unless they hold an obvious spot of course). Gives xp for weapons taken by teammates. You may get a minigun or some map specific weapon (weapon x, Unearthed). It is extremely common to get mods on your rifles/marksmen rifles, so check for single shot/3 burst/auto fire when you get the gun. A random gun received may have zero attachments to (i believe) 1 attachment from each category. For example: i received a 2010 with 4 attachments; single shot mod, silencer, grip, tracker sight. Ballistic vest: 8 kills. From a selfish standpoint, these are weak, giving enough protection to possibly survive a battle that you otherwise would not. But, given that you just gave that to several teammates, these may be worth it. Will not protect versus knife. Gives xp when taken by teammates. They seem to have improved these slightly, reducing a few bullets' worth of damage. MAAWS: 9 kills. This gives you a missile launcher. The projectiles go where you aim the laser. 2 shots, can be used on aircraft or as antipersonnel. Low value, swag kills, but it is a support streak that does kill. Night Owl: 10 kills. This is a flying radar package and Trophy in one. Times out fairly quickly. This is a 'companion' like the Vulture, only one companion may be in play, per player, at a time. Gives away your position. Waste of a reward. Really bad. Edit: way2g00 uses this on his domination class and likes it for captures/defends, for a different opinion. In tdm, it is a waste, imo. Support Squadmate: 11 kills. This calls in a shield/pistol bot that is fairly useless at the time of this post. Avoid this. It wanders away and dies to give enemies some xp. Maybe with a buff it could have value, as is, garbage. Edit: if i call one in, I get Down-Syndrome Bot, if an enemy calls one in, they get Chuck Norris Bot, so check them out and let me know if they work for you. They apparently hate me. I suggest the 'combo' of waiting for your next ammo crate (or saving the first) before you call in your squdmate as he will immediately take a new gun. This sometimes backfires, but often makes your squadmate much more deadly. Edit: you may call in 2 maximum. I presumed that they would help take flags, but they actually run away from them. Ground Jammer: 12 kills. This scraps Sat Coms, explosives and messes up enemy radar for a short while. It scares the crap out of people when first activated, friendlies and enemies alike. Not amazing, but effective at what it does. Air Superiority: 12 kills. Takes out enemy aircraft, keeps skies free for a few seconds. Works at what it does, is rarely useful. Helo Scout: 13 kills. User controlled helicopter that you snipe out of. Not the easiest to use, but it is a support reward that kills. Times out or you can be killed on it. 4 shots per magazine, Lynx Sniper. It's pretty bad. Oracle: 14 kills. This momentarily shows enemy locations through objects. Not very effective in general. Pretty much a waste. Needs a buff. This is really bad. Juggernaut Recon: 14 kills. This gives you armor, a shield with radar package, magnum pistol. Very effective in objective game modes as a defender or for a walking wall when attacking with a team. Must be called in like a care package. Lasts until you die, no healing. Odin: 16 kills. This is a user controlled satellite like Loki. Times out eventually, can't be shot down. Four buttons offer; cp, smoke, 1 juggernaut recon bot (and to move him to another location), mark enemies. Marked enemies appear like the Oracle; highlighted in orange through the walls. When an enemy is marked, they are momentarily blinded as well. Edit: with a good team, this is useful. Communicate to your team that the packages are for the taking. If playing solo or with a fiend or two versus bots, use this strategy with it: call it in, drop juggernaut, drop cp, mark nearby enemies, hold X to end it, grab cp and fight alongside the juggernaut. For with just one or two players, the juggernaut will get overrun, you will die while using it. Better to get the one cp and fight alongside Mr. Naut. Overall not great unless the care package drops are good and your team knows to take them. Lb: cp Lt: smoke Rb: juggernaut/move j to this location. Rt: mark enemies. I will update the unclear aspects as i get better information. Happy gaming! Special note on any squadmates: you may only have 2 on the screen at once. This includes support squadmate, the 11 kill support killstreak: the Juggernaut recon squadmate from the Odin satellite: the juggernaut from the Loki satellite, dog, probably death mariachi squad mates. If you try to call in a support squadmate with 2 out there, the screen will say you have too many squadmates and not call it in. If you have 2 already and use the satellites, the satellite squadmate simply won't load (unless you cheat).
  11. Old, blind, silly person is what i am.

  12. Infected: i don't think this is new to this game, but a real fun mode. If you are getting tired and starting to not do well, try this mode as it is fairly simple. If you suck (no offense) at regular cod modes, try this out to level quicker as you can hide in a bush for several minutes and go 0k/1d and end up with 700-1000 score. So, rather than go 2-17 in tdm... For 200+ points. The games are fast, you either have [bulldog, ied, stun] as survivor, or [knives and throwing knives and speed run] as the infected (first infected starts with a pistol).
  13. This is a more trollarch-centered forum. On the cod-hate sites, 86% hate trollarch cod, 54% hate idiocy ward. I feel that add a community, we hate them both a lot. They make shoddy games that (due to the games nature + lag) we rage at and therefor turn that anger towards them. Right now i like bo2 lots despite the constant programming errors and glitches, like G(bad)hosts despite the extreme lag, but at least it didn't glitch constantly. So i get mad at them, speak I'll of the games that i obviously love and obsess over. This is the happiest I've been with cod since waw into mw2.
  14. Infinite nube tubes were a force to be reckoned with. Really, no game designer should ever have put something as broken as oma in the game. I loved it, but it should never have made it to print like that.
  15. I loved that one. But with the mp dead, it has no replay value. I wish that one had bots to keep it going.
  16. I'm having so much fun with this game, playing laggy mp and bots, that I've still hardly been playing this mode. But i do like it, even trying to get my solo game on. To me, it is a team game. Maybe once i have sentry guns i can rock solo well, but i hate people a lot. Nothing personal.
  17. Strikezone. Troll factor 5. Last and least (in size, i think) Doctor Strikezone and Mister Groundzero, two maps in one. I assumed that this would be the ultimate troll map, and time may tell, but so far, no. Fyi: the destroyed version is way up in the air (unseen) above the regular version. I watched a video of some guy who did a knife-jump out of a private match, found a spot to fall out, then fell to the regular map below. Interactive environment/special killstreak: call in K.E.M. Strike from a care package to dead the enemies (i assume your team also in hc) and level the map, resulting in a not quite entirely different map. Spots: there's not much to say, it's a very 'black ops' style arena-map with force fields to keep you at bay. There is an obvious truck (with ladders!) That gets you to an upper level, a giant statue by the truck where you can hang out between his legs like genitalia, and you can jump between the truck and the statue (omg, fake enthusiasm!)! Edit: in the northeast, look for the signs; Greenway Park, Home Plate, Pro Shop. Under the Pro Shop sign is a ledge. climb the barrels to get on it and see through the pro shop. After the K.E.M. Strike the map changes, but is even more restrictive and one-dimensional in design. Though you now have the option to jump to your fiery doom, should you be so inclined. Edit: post-k.e.m.; if you go to the middle hallway leaving 'big hitters' you can climb the stuff on your left, get on the highest point by the door. Squat and camp there until you get revenged upon. Happy gaming all! That was a lot of typo fixing and fun. Please add anything useful or amusing or whatever. I hope this helps folk out. Peace.
  18. Flooded. Troll factor 7. Another map that looks bigger than it is at first. Actionable items: two vehicles in the central river will submerge if you get on them. On the western end the box truck will go under but has no real affect. By the walkway towards the east is a bus that one end will submerge so you can run up it onto the walkway or wait on it for a lower path. The sw corner is an easily defensible low traffic area for cp calling in or holding with your team. Start there, head out the eastern door, take the left, go down stairs, head straight to wall with flowers on top. You can climb it. Obviously it's a path between those structures. Look east, it says entrada (enter) in red letters. Note the sneaky window by the palm tree there. Climb above the window into the parking garage. Make first left into awning by river. You can climb up here and at the other end of the awning. The submergeable truck is right there. At some parts of the river, you can wade in and be fairly hidden. Across from the awning is an orangey ramp. You can get out the window on an edge for no good reason or go right (east) to the second lamp post for another useless spot to get on. Above and east of the orangey ramp is a camp spot. Go up the ramp and make rights until you get there. From this camp spot, head east out the double doors. Get on the curved railing. Note the path down below that is hidden, you can't climb up from below. From the curved railing, face the doors that you came through, jump on the right door, jump on the left door for a lesser known view across the map. Go into the next building east. Down the blue/yellow hall with art, make first left through open reddish doors. Note the giant hole in the floor. You can walk the edges of it. You can drop down partway onto some broken t-bar ceiling and camp between floors (good t-bar ceiling couldn't hold a man for long, let alone this bent, unsupported section of crumbly tiles and thin aluminum [aluminium to my metric friends], it's a miracle!). Drop into the water, turn and face the miracle tiles. Jump on the small grey shelf to your right, jump onto the miracle tiles. Note the weird water effect when you move back and forth looking down from here. Drop down, make left (south) to window by river. If you get in the window sill an drop back into the room, you often get a dramatic splash. Go to north east corner. There is a door near the end of the lower walkway that can be dropped on from above for a hidden corner camp. Jump into the hole above you so you are at the end of the upper walkway. Note the semi-submersible bus halfway down the walkway. Check it out, come back here. Walk west on white tiles into the room, go to window. Another pointless lightpost to jump on (look how cool i am, killing you from mah lightpost, pew pew pew). It gets worse: drop off of your post, go east to next lamppost. This is uncooperative; get on the slab, by the column, by the lightpost. With difficulty, get on the left (western) part of the lamppost. Jump to tiny ledge on the wall. Doubt you'll make it in a match, you'll be easy to see if anyone looks in your direction, but there it is. The north east corner is also fairly safe for cp use or lay along the low wall up top to use killstreaks. Edit: from the semi-submersible bus in the east, look north at a square drain pipe on the side of the building. You can climb up there to a sniper ledge with a bear. Happy gaming!
  19. Chasm (pronounced kaz'um, only say chazum if you want to be wrong on purpose for teh laughs). Troll factor 9. Actionable items: use explosives to drop half of the bus off of the cliff. Use guns, explosives to drop the hanging elevator. First one floor down, then out of play. Northeast corner, north of the bus and protruding tree. Just outside of the 'walkway' building (picture with 1984) looking towards the bus, run-jump onto the cement slab, aim for the left higher corner (minor challenge). From there, jump north onto the broken wall (real easy), walk north until your soldier gets jumpy by the I-beams. Jump up onto the left of the two. You could make your way slightly higher up this wall. Instead, jump to that column with the smoke riding behind it (it hangs over the edge). People from the nw will see you, otherwise your gonna see them first, like under the bus, coming out of the building, and the space between there around the walkway...i fell off of the map, now i have to run back there....okay. You can drop down and walk around on the steel beams protruding from the map here. Edit: you can jump up the side of the broken wall by running/jumping at the middle of the west side, to avoid the harder jumps. Head south to the bus. Use explosives to drop half of the bus. Just south of that, a palm tree hangs off of the map, you can go out on it. From out on the tree, look back at the map. Between the water and the sewage is a subway/train car. Next to it is a broken column. If you walk up top to the turquoise pole above it, drop carefully onto the cement column, then you can jump to the torn edge of the subway car. No value in it, just saying it's there. Fun to torture bots that only have a knife, but i digress... Head back to 1984, look out that window. Go out onto the ledge there, you can walk to the walkway and past it. On the other side, you can get on this ledge from the ground or the windows. When you get on/off the walkway, use this method: ww>ledge, squat under crossbar. Ledge>ww, jump crossbar. On the west side of the ww, go in the windows, view the elevator. (edit); you can shoot the wires or use explosives to drop it down one level. Then you must use explosives to get it to drop off of the map (lethal to anyone on it). From that area, note the windows on the nw edge of the map, both floors, as people can hang out of map in them for decent cover. Go to the windows, top floor, western end. Head directly south, past sprinkler, to open hole. On your right, by the office doors, is a ledge that is good. There is one of lesser value one floor below. From the hole that is south of the nw windows: you are overlooking the bus stop, restaurant behind it, the oft-contested donut shop (Ronnie James Dio tribute? R.i.p.). You may jump to the turquoise lightpost for a swag kill. See the bus stop right ahead (it's party hour)? Note that you can run from the north wall behind you to the bus stop, climb it, through the window into the restaurant, out the other side window to cut straight across the map. By the bus stop is a burnt truck (Huey's moving and storage). Climb it to jump onto the nearby bus or onto the awning covering the stairs for a surprise avenue of travel. Check out the chili and donuts building as it is often busy here, so note that camp spots and various views of the approaches to this area. Especially the 'order window' inside 'food processing area' (the normal word for it, is being blocked by the censor due to forum spam) and back alley, and the bus along the edge of the map behind this place. Also check out the various shadows outside the building that simply don't care where the sun actually is. I think the palm tree shadow was moved to make the area in it's shadow better for lying behind for an unexpected angle of attack. The road has a bit of a lip to lay behind/peer over. Leaving the donut shop along the south face, note the campy area by big hitters for assaulting the donut shop/sniping under the bench/through the restaurant. The southernmost tip of the map had an area that gets lonely and is defensible for cp/ killstreak use. Edit: In tdm it's dead, in Domination, it is B Flag and sees plenty of action, possibly other modes as well. Head to the east, by that protruding palm. Look for the shit river. Walk up it into the sewer. Note the campy little room. Note the campy area just outside the room by the escalator. Lastly, we are in the subway. Note the tunnel opposite the escalator as it leads out to the southern tip/cp area. The subway is not usually a big battle ground. This makes it a great travel zone or place to prey on unwary travelers. Heading west in subway, the middle escalator goes up to the bus stop (it's party hour). At the far end the subway, those steps lead to the donut shop. But down in the subway by these steps is a buried subway car that is campy. Get next to it or climb it and get on the crossbeam above it. Low traffic, but effective. Thoughts: this map isn't very large, but appears to be because of the multiple tiers and grand scale. There are plenty of angles and corners to find, have fun. Additional: east side, above the protruding tree is a dry fountain. From there head west into the building. Pass the reception desk by the red striped wall so that you are next to the subway escalator. Get on the low wall, jump on top of the 'LA Subway' sign for a campy spot.
  20. Thanks way. Tbh, it may just cause an emp effect. Or maybe kills you if you are in that 50 x 10 stretch of forest. In mp games i have not gotten a kill with it. Clarification edit: it does kill in that tiny swathe, which is highly unlikely. If you go near the crash site, your radar will be scrambled until you get far enough away. To all: These special ks rewards are easy to come by. Anyone who wants to get familiar with them (like try to get killed by satellite fall) can always go to private match (with maybe an online friend) or local (offline versus 1 recruit bot) and check them out (or use splitscreen friend or ss afk controller). Those modes give field orders (you can disable them), the field orders have a high chance of coughing up the specials, no kills/deaths count so no fear of your precious kdr getting bruised while letting your friends kill you to get this. :)
  21. Stonehaven. Troll factor 13. Gameplay note: use incog. While you are still visible out in the open, when behind stuff, the tf's and thermals can't find you easily. Without incog, your little head poking out above that rock shines like the Sun and you will die. You can even shotgun on this map, but use incog for best chance of survival. Actionable item: the castle portcullis (the big gate to the castle). Shoot it, it drops, it kills (however unlikely) this is unlike other doors in the game that stop if you get in the way. Use explosives to make a hole in it if you wish to get through. Someone said you could shoot it enough to breach it also, i haven't tried. I threw a throwing knife at it 20+ times to no effect. What to say? The entire map is a spot to hold. I'll point out some areas that aren't well known, but really, you can hide in any corner or travel any area. Usually the west/southwest is the busiest part of the map. Start in the nw corner. Walk east along the river. The second house has a ladder. Up there you can see/be seen from half the map or more. Left is a northern area that gets little attention. Continue to the well. On your left is an often overlooked sniper hole above the river. Head south past the well, stop at the low stone wall, look over it to the arch bridge slightly right, over the stream. Go there. Turn around, look at the burning house. On your left is the arch-walk bridge, on your right is a low wall. Jump onto the low wall (not the easiest, not hard). Carefully jump up the wall, jump east to the broken stone arch, climb up by trucks for a surprise shortcut. Not great, not useless. Head back to the well. Go slightly west, go North by the house with the ladder, over the stream, through the wall. Head east (towards the satellite) until near the end of the wall on your right. Note the sniper loft here, often overlooked. Drop east out of the sniper loft, land on low wall, head west to campy corner. Cross the makeshift bridge (satellite debris) over the steam, head east on the road through the debris to the stone mound with a strip of debris in front of it. Climb the debris, get on mound. This is a lie down sniper spot that is quite good. Note the rear murder holes to get this bastard. Slightly south west is ruins that are also quite good. And just south of that is a stone cabin sans roof that is good too. This building has two signs: one points to the castle (Sakisyan Castle) one points out the seaside route. Go back to the flat sniper rock by the debris (with the murder hole windows). You can climb the wall with the windows. You will have a great view, not many will be looking that way, but you will be an easy mark if someone does look that way. Get on the debris, walk the lower edge of it up to the highest point (says united states). Jump to the center ruins up top. You can get on any wall here except for the two tallest semi-t-shaped columns. There are views, hidey holes, avenues of travel. Poke around a bit here. At every stop, look at what you can see from there, where you were before, where you know people travel. Instead of feeling 'they can see me', think 'i can see them'; knowledge is power and you won't have to play on 10% of the map like a coward./tangent. Head to the far east cliffs. This is a great place to lay down and snipe or call in cp. You can even shoot the people that peer over the sniper loft above. The uneven ground shields you from people coming through the castle. Climb the ladder to the sniper loft. If you want to look over the side, hide amongst the stones to the right, even with incog, you will be quite visible otherwise. Up here, your best bet is to lie down and watch the inner courtyard instead. Head down the steps into the castle proper. On your right is the overwatch room. Note the broken ledge as you can get on it from that room. On your left (still in the inner courtyard) is a hidey hole for camping or killstreak use. Head towards the (portcullis) gate, go left before it, go up and out to the cliff. As you exit through the hole to the cliff, note the small area to your left as it is an effective corner camp spot. Head west. Look north as you get past the castle. Jump on the lone rock (with the Sakisyan Castle sign). Looking west up that road, the last part of that house has an open door and window for sniping out of. Due to its location it often gets looked past. Not a bad camp spot, so beware. Still on the rock, look slightly north of the road, there is a blind camp spot between the stone building and the ground rock formation. On the north side of the ground rock is a low ledge. Along the front of the castle are hidey corners to beware. Back to the nw corner where we started: the first building to the east has stairs to get up top. Go near it, find the red tractor. From the tractor, get on that nearest wall of the house and jump right up there got a surprise visit. Lastly, go in the spawn building in the nw corner. Get on the barrels by the blue chair. Jump east to the lowest part of the wall. This gives you a semi-hidden view south down the road. Phew. That wasn't so bad after all. Enjoy.
  22. Overlord. Troll factor 10. On gameplay: often confused for a sniper map, this often plays out as a run and gun map more than sniping. You can, of course, play whatever you want. Just don't skip it, thinking it isn't for your in-your-face style, because that does work well here. Interactives: two large doors in the center building can be closed off (by b flag, i think?). Okay. Start at south east spawn behind es-01 comando (command and control [c&c]): to your left (west) climb the army hummer, jump to the wall, climb up top. This keeps you from being shot on the side ladder. Note the views of windows and the ac unit to move around/hide around. Fall off the back where we started. See where it says area-01? Get on that box, jump to railing to your right (not real easy) to avoid the stairs. Head to the south west building (es-01 estacion de bombeo/explosives station). Go in the back door. Look inside past the two windows to the yellow garbage cans. It is a hidey hole that watches this doorway/corner traffic. Head up the westernmost path until you see the satellite dish in front if you, transformers and cactus to your right. There is a low rope to keep you from going off map. Jump over it, get behind the rock. St start, if you spawn in the nw, you can run here and watch this path, but it is low on traffic, but you can catch some extreme flankers. Or if you're hurt near here and run for cover. Head north to the small nw building (part of the inteligencia contraria/ counter intelligence). On the southern side, by the tank. You can run up the hill with difficulty. If you get stuck in place, back up a smidgen, jump forward. It can take someone by surprise, but isn't always stealthy or easy. This whole area is largely ignored anyway. Go back to the tank. Climb the tank. Jump to the roof by the ladder. Drop off of the other side. Climb back up using the green transformer/electrical box. Head east to the large truck by the large door (uav inside the building). Go in that door. This door, and the one directly ahead, are the actionable doors. Climb the center of the uav. Looking at either actionable door, the controls for it are to the left of the door and only in the inside (unlike most doors in this game). Check them out, return to uav. Climb uav, get on the rear of it, climb up top. You can't jump to the brown board (wing?) But you can fall down from it onto the uav, should you care to. Edit: where you climbed up from the uav, turn left, as you near the door, get on the rail to your right. Next to the door, you can get on a very tiny ledge in front of the window there (end edit). Above the uav, where you climbed up, head right (west). The back-right (north) window leads outside by the tank you climbed. The first two windows on the left (south) lead to a low roof. Get out there. Head directly south (straight out the window) into the sun. Turn around. See the stuff on your right? You can climb that to get back up to the windows. See the green crates to your left (while still out in the sun)? Yup, climb them as well to get back up. Head way over to the north east. By building 03 garaje (garage). Between this building and the large center building (the main inteligencia contraria building) is a hummer. Get on it, jump to stairs of middle building. On the east side of this building, this catwalk is a place to watch out for or hang out in. Everything else should be obvious camp spots, sniper windows, hidey holes. Happy gaming! Additional: go in the underground bunker. Face the ladder as if to climb it. In the corner to your left, climb up the green boxes for a hidey spot.
  23. Sovereign. Troll factor 4. Special killstreak: Sabotage. This causes explosions along the tank assembly line. Edit: along the assembly line and under it are orange packs of explosive with the ghosts mask on it, these explode (end edit). This then fills the building with fire suppressing gas which acts like smoke, so bring your thermal or tracker scopes. It dissipates after a short time. There are glass ceilings to call in cp's through. There is a moving tank assembly line that you can sort of ride. Go to the start of the tank assembly line. Head east to the first yellow barrier, drop to the right side of the line. Wait for the tank to arrive. When it stops, get on it, jump on the canon part when it comes down, stay where the turret connects to the larger part. You can ride this all the way across the map if you move slightly as it tilts back and forth during the welds. This is not worth the effort. Get on it as stated. As you get to the middle building (Soberano in big letters on the side), jump to the second floor loft. From here you can get on either blue wall too, for what that's worth. On either side of the Soberano building is stairs. On either side, you can climb stuff to get on the stairs, should be obvious enough. On either side of the Soberano building, you can climb up to the center of the walkway. West side small yellow vehicle (s-fly 900), get on, jump to room with the white windows, on the thing by the side, climb white window room. Besides the catwalk, you can walk on the obvious path on the ducts. East side of Soberano building: climb the table and crates by the yellow garbage can to get on the walkway. A few things to get on pointlessly if you poke around, a couple of climbing shortcuts. Edit: riding the tank can make you do some odd teleports; appearing through the walls or in the black/yellow striped area. So don't be surprised if something odd happens to you. Edit 3.21. From the overhang/loft of the middle Soberano building, if you look at the building, each side is red with black near the corners. You can jump to a ledge in front of the black area on either side. Not great. Also be sure to try to jump on the tank as it comes by for interesting effects sometimes. Note that this map has lots of corners to hide in, many require you to climb/jump on something, then jump to the corner. There is too much little stuff to bother posting, poke around.
  24. Warhawk. Troll factor 1 (if you vote for this map you are a troll incarnate, no nice way to put that. I owned the game for less than two hours and had to continuously skip this map already). Voting for this map is trolling. It's not a bad map, but a troll map. Actionable items: red skull breach. Stabable fence. Interactive environment: the map gets hit by mortars. Most hit specific buildings, but a few hit the roads. These alter the map slightly, only the road ones affect you by making a slight indent to lay in in a pinch. They will also kill you in the unlikely event that one hits you. Special killstreak: mortar strike. This does not alter the map. A helicopter flies over the map regularly. Start center north by Porter truck. Getting between the cab and trailer is decent spot to watch those contested steps. To the east is Steffy's diamond lounge which also can watch this area. You can climb the truck. You can then jump to the steps. No real advantage. Go through the building with the steps, up the steps. Go out the window onto a ledge. Look right (west) at theater marquee, jump to it. You can jump to the hardware store awning. You can also climb the tank to get on the awning, but this won't allow you onto the marquee. Climb into the hardware store window. Go to the back, there is a red skull breach spot here. Breach it. Go out the back way. Head slightly west, then head south to a rusty car on the right, steps on the left. You can climb the car, get on the fence. From the southern end you can see into the area up the steps that were east of the rusty car. By the steps is a barrel and some pallets. Get on the barrel to jump to the top of the steps (if there is an ied or motion sensor at the bottom of the steps, i guess). Hide under the steps. Come out of there, head south past station wagon (old car). By now a mortar should have taken out the fire hydrant. Continue south to a burning car. There is a dumpster to hide in for killstreaks. Head back north by the hydrant. Get on the tractor trailer in the road. Note the hiding spot behind the cab. At the back of the truck (on top of it), jump to the Fixit sign. Go around the corner to enter the sniper loft through the window. Look out the window, head east to the iron gate which can be stabbed open (looks like the south western one from frieght). Inside Steffy's lounge you can hide behind the bar for killstreak use. I think that's it for this map. Edit: for lulz, you can find the 10 garden gnomes hidden in the map. Most must be found in spectator mode, though a few can be seen in map. Stealth Nerf: often i would start a round facing the hardware store. I would run over there, aim through the squiggly window and get some early kills. Today i did that and the window is black. I went outside and there is a board over the window. Seriously? This is what you felt needed to be fixed in this game? I'm absolutely stunned that this was patched. Yeah, that hardware store window was really breaking games./sarcasm.
  25. Siege. Troll factor 14. Actionable item: movable train car. Activated by a switch in the mine/cave area in a small area/room in the south east end of the mine/cave, right next to the steps leading into the room. Edit: if you put explosives on it, they will detonate when it moves. You can not get on it except for the hitch. It will not kill. You can activate it, run out and lay in front of it so it slides you across the map for a swag kill. Special killstreak: Rocket Strike. This calls in several rockets that hit hard and fast. Worthwhile. Start in south west corner in the water. In front of you was a playground. You can climb the slide, hide in corners jump on walls. No point. Continue east along the southern path until you enter the mine. Look slightly left for a reddish furnace (water bottle, cooking pot, sniper scope on it). Climb it, climb the metal crossbar above it. Get on slanted wall to the left, go up to top, snipe. Walk to the other end of the crossbar, get on pipe, walk to end (not as good as the slanted spot which can see through the mine and the train control room). Continue east, climb the rail car (on its side) to get into the train car control room. Button by the steps. Head slightly west, go north to train car that moves. If you moved the train car, it will be next to a small cart that you can get in. Look west at the suspended pipe (i dubbed it 'the noob tube' because you want to get in it, but then you are a sitting duck, all your childish dreams of sniping unnoticed, get dashed). Walk to the nearest hunk of pipe. Get on the brown barrel to its left. Jump to the H shaped white pipe support (with no pipe on it). Climb the middle crossbar, climb the left support (you can jump to the right one, but you can't jump on top of the pipe and standing up there is dumb, but for a swag kill), jump into the nube tube and prepare to die. There is a bear up here. Edit: in 'Infected' and 'Safeguard' (game modes), this is blocked off, possibly other modes as well. Note that you can jump into the pipe from the middle crossbar, to save you an extra step. Head east through the waterfall, you can get on the wall, climb over the wall on the east side. Orangey building ahead, mine entrance to your right. [Edit: campy rock by edge of ring around waterfall, near mine entrance. Campy grass by mine entrance] Go to the mine entrance, look east at building. Climb the boxes by the barrels. Note the window, you can see who is in there, you can snipe the mine out of here. Climb up to your left. Obviously you can climb into the window. Less obviously, you can walk the ledge here to the next window (see/shoot through, can't climb through) or follow it out to the palm tree for a fairly decent snipe spot. Climb in the previously mentioned obvious window. Go downstairs. Get on the bar there, you have a great view into the mine through the + window. Head north to the broken stairs, turn around, jump on low hanging remains of second-floor floor. The hole to your left is not bad to sit in to watch this area. From the grassy area that you climbed: note the window that has cement bars, go there, jump to broken wall by steps (north west corner steps). Get to the highest jagged boards, jump into nw corner. You are above the steps and hidden. Edit: you can simply climb the broken wall next to the steps, jump to corner. Drop down, head south past bar, out southern door. Head east, turn north up the stone steps. You can get on the side of the steps and watch over that wall. Head to the east end of the map and we'll make our way along the north, heading west. There are two lobes sticking out of the east side of the map. Get in the larger southern one, face west. Walk west, past the first building, into the sunlight, stop, look north. The low wall can be climbed to get on the terrace on your right, avoiding traps at the ladder. The water pump pipe can be climbed on, then you jump west to the white ledge. Climb into the hole on that wall. You can also jump to this ledge out the hole in the hallway to the north. Instead of climbing in the hole, you could go to the south side (while on that small ledge) and get on a southern low roof, then climb in there. Head up the metal steps to the high point red room, drop out the side. Down here, jump on the scrap, get on the small broken cement nub. Not sure if this would serve any purpose. I can not get up top from out here. Drop down. Head west past the water tower (no fun there) to the palm tree. Climb the crates to get in the building. Edit: By the water tower; just east is a low wall to climb/camp. From the north end of that wall, jump onto the bridge. Go east, jump off other side into mud. Climb the box and jump to get back on the bridge. From right there, get on the bridge wall, climb south into the building (just north of the red room high point). Head north to the edge of the map, turn left (west) and head west until you come to the slanted white broken pipe support. Climb up it, get on sea wall (edge of map) head east to fall into a hole to the lower level. Head west back to slanted support, climb it again. Look south. There is another white pipe support that can be climbed from the orange brick wall for little advantage. Get back on the northern sea wall by the slanted cement support. Head west, you can pass the building on the wall and peer in the windows. Continue west on the sea wall until it ends. Look south. Where the railing is broken, you can climb up from below. Head west to western edge of map (you used to be able to jump out of the map here). Go into the white building to your south. There is a debris pile to stand on to see out the window there. Go out southern end, turn east, turn north. You see a crooked tree. Just past that is a hidey hole on the left for cp calling or killstreak usage. Head east through the broken wall under the broken catwalk. Climb the broken cement, onto furnace onto top area. Fall out of the south side, look west at broken steps. Jump to get up there. Fall off steps. Head east to wall, head north to doorway with spotlight over it. There is a crate to the right to climb up top. I think that's it for Siege.
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