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Everything posted by 83457
Bo1 was very limited, having a couple of stand out guns. The other the aren't as limiting, but i forget which some of the better ones are. Mw2, everything except f2000. Bo2 is another game were several guns are usable. Again, you're not limited like in bo. Bo2 suggestions (in sure others will opine): Sniper: dsr or the last one i think? Unless you love trigger-spamming the svu. Shotguns: r870 of you can aim. The m1216 if you don't want to. 60% of the time, the first shot from a ksg is an air-puff. But you can occasionally snipe with it. Ar: type25, mtar, an-94. Smg: vector (meh), skorpion, chicom, msmc. Edit: mp7 also beats. Lmg: all usable. Probably l86/rapid fire. /suggestions. The perks should be easy enough to figure, depending on class/personal opinion, but dead silence is useless in this unless the enemy uses awareness, which is rare. Keep in mind that dexterity gives quick aim after sprint for r+g. The laser sight is for hipfire; it puts a red laser to the middle of the screen for aiming if you need it. I hope you gleen a little out of this limited information.
Name any hidden/special spots that you may know. What is obvious to me is often hidden to other players. Now bo1 and mw3 didn't really have much to offer, unlike mw2, which was full of hidden spots/paths, and bo2 doesn't have a lot, but let's see... Standoff: the house with the ladder; on the opposite side of that house from the ladder is a window that you can climb in by climbing the low roof and jumping sideways to the window. If by the ladder, stay along the outside of the map until you get to the tractor. Climb the bucket to get on the roof of the tractor, face the corner of the map and jump onto a large t-shaped object. From here you can see across the map and can even be overlooked by people passing through. Slums: by the blue building with the 2 breakable windows there is a spot where you can climb over the wall into the center area. More, but I've got to work on descriptions...
Beacon doesn't really kill after round 60. Wish it did. Ah, good to know. I've quit on 40 so far. It seems the game likes to poop on my long games until late in the evening, when it seems i can go on forever, but i go to bed instead.
Why can only one be my favorite? I voted lightning. In the long run, ice and presumably wind have the most damage, but lightning clears the way the easiest (wind stops blowing them away too early). If one shot doesn't do it, or makes a crawler, then just fire again, there's plenty of ammo. 1. Lightning 2. Ice 3. Wind 4. Fire Since i play solo most often, i get all 4!
I've gotten Max Ammos from charged Ultimate Wind Staff shots like this, and in the earlier rounds from single shots of upgraded Ice (when it's still a one hit kill). Also tested this multiple times last night, but you can kill all but one of the generator zombies with charged Ice shot and still get the Max from killing the last with something else. Side question but does it seem to anyone else that single Ice shots have been nerfed? On MatoMaster's round 100 video he was able to kill the last zombie of 99 with an Ice shot and punch. Now, I can't do that. Yes it changed. Earlier in the games life, you could fire single shots and they blew zombies away like the wind staff. Now they slowly, eventually die (after they kill you). Edit: using the beacon works and will get replenished by the max ammo.
I remember the coin-op arcade a decade or two before cell phones. I agree on the similarity. Funny.
Upgraded staves non-charged shots were giving me ammo. I double checked (not that anything is certain on a game so buggy).
Perk: BEL (behind enemy lines). Nobody from my team will load in front of me (beyond original spawn). I am a flanker. It's what i do. So i really hate running across the map to get behind that camper...and the teammates load in front of me, 'steal' my kill (i hate to use that term, but you know what i mean). I really hate putting that much effort into getting behind the enemies, just to watch teammates load in front of me. Additional: as we all are well aware, this game is extremely buggy. C4 is demented in it's functionality. One needed fix (among many): if a killcam is about to be skipped due to hit hitting X, first check to see if that player had thrown c4 and had hit x 2-30 times before dying. If yes, detonate c4 before skipping killcam. This us really, really needed in this game.
What control style do you use??
83457 replied to The Clay Bird's topic in General Zombies Discussion
While I'm not colorblind, the orange enemy names and blue friendlies don't blend in with the browns of the background colors as easily. Basically, they are simply easier to see, imo. Try it, see if you like it. -
Craziest thing I've seen - Treyarch pls fix
83457 replied to Chopper's topic in General Zombies Discussion
Almost every game a weird glitch. My old xbox fried and i have a brand new one. So it wasn't that. Constant bugs and glitches. Almost every game. Just like bo1 and waw. I see a pattern here. Ha. Seriously, i constantly watch theater mode just to laugh (and cry) at all of the bugs that constantly occur in this game. Buggy game is buggy. -
It doesn't need Electric Cherry to do that. That is what it has always done. Leave it for 3-4 seconds, it will reload. Ah, okay. I simply didn't wait long enough previously. I'm a chronic reloader.
Yes i am a good thing to have down here,im a boss so ill keep yo alive,I could kite in aa cardboard box.#Braggingsomuch jk. Ive never been in the crazy place :oops: Where is it? yeah... Imma go cry now. :cry: Okay... at the bottom of each tunnel is a portal that takes you to the crazy place. You must get the correct record (4 of these around map, as well as one for the center dig site). You must get the gramophone from the dig site. With the gramophone and the correct record, one of the portals will open.
It's mostly just the charged shot that fails on all of the staves. That being said, it wouldn't give me one with the regular shots last night. It is a quite buggy game...
To be fair, it's not the easiest map.
Is Extinction the future of codz forum?
83457 replied to Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115's topic in Extinction Mode
I'm on the fence. On one side idiocy ward obviously made better cod mp than trollarch, but iw's side games have been meh (bo2 was a decent cod game, not bashing this one). Yes, mw3 was bad, but after bo1, it was excellent by comparison. Now iw is finally adding bots to their game, and a new mode. I'm so done with cod that i may not buy it, but if this new mode is great, that will swing me. After bo1, i almost swore off buying trolarch's failed cod games. Add in the fact that this one is even named after that last horrendous fecal pile, and I'm surprised anyone bought it. But this game turned out well. I loved some of the map design of bo1 zombies, but i much prefer the game design of bo2 over it. So maybe after the flop of mw3, they are ready to make another mw2. Only time will tell. Side note: whomever designed the in-game maps for mw2 needs to get his job back, or his mojo back. After playing around in mw2 yesterday, i remembered just how bad cod maps have been on these last 3 cod games. -
Thanks. The spawns did seem a bit slow there, i assume to keep the 'brofist upgraders' from being too overwhelmed.
Having been there frequently... Petrifier is the only thing. Rg2 will headshot them, eventually needing several shots, the bodies will still take a heck of a beating, so feel free to let them bleed out. The last 2 functioning bullet guns are sldg hmmr and dead specimen reactor. By 50, they are fairly pointless as well. The lsat power drops off way before hmmr. Lsat is less jumpy, for early rounds. Rg1 makes crawlers in the 20's and is basically crap. SVU power drops off way before the dsr (both pap'd). Note that the dsr can do multiple paps, one giving you iron sights, which i find makes it easier to use over the scope. Over 50 guns with mk (since all the perks are so easy to get and keep): petrifier, rg2, whatever gun for instakill (an-94 wall buy is my uzhe). If you ditch the petrifier for guns only, i would suggest the dsr, but again, no bullet gun is really trying past 44ish.
@LJ. Unless camping mk is a low value perk often mistaken for a good one. @R1, if no staves, tcp: jump off of the center dias. Plenty of room to get away, and repeat (flopping). Other than that, i haven't seen any great strategies, but i haven't tried rigorously to find the best uses. As for weapons, both the rg and the war machine are too wimpy too early to be worth using with phd (imo).
Ever since upgrading the brofists, I've considered the staff holder area. They stream down the steps only, perhaps that would be a good spot to hold. While punching zombies there gets a bit sketchy, it was otherwise no issue for 4 people. One guy with an ice staff might do fine. It may be slow though, they seem to load and then run down... No back door though. Edit: do you get phd for the Claymores? Or do you just place them in a way that they won't kill you? In motd, Claymores would always kill me when the zombies ran into my Claymore traps.
Excellent and informative as usual. I have to stop playing so boringly. At that level, I'm usually looping around the dig site.
The Uprising Map "Studio" is Firing Range 2.0!
83457 replied to Electric Jesus's topic in Multiplayer
Agreed. I didn't want to play black ops or firing range while it was in bo. These reprints have very much hurt bo2's replayability. Plus the disaster of dig. Too many bad maps to skip. How about some of iw's superior maps from mw2? How about some of the greats from waw? Where's knee deep? Banzai? Airfield? Nightfire? Or some of the less-reviled bo1 maps? Villa? Um...well most of them were terrible... Seriously, after mw2 how did we get such a poorly made game as bo1? Still boggles the mind. -
Ugh. It was bad enough when you only had to skip a couple of bo1 maps. Bo1 was obviously trash. Putting the maps on bo2 is insulting. Courtyard from waw was decent. But the remake seems even more wide open, like they lowered the walls. Another extreme long range map...and the descriptor on it calls it a cqc map. Fail much? I hoped it would be good. It was not. Many of the bo2 maps work well. Many of the dlc are lacking and rehashing bad maps from one of the worst cods? A clear mistake. I still get angry over what a total rip off bo1 is. If it weren't for zombies, i would burn that garbage. Happy gaming!
Thankfully not too many, or they occur in solo. Some memory crap: like upgrading two staves in tcp. One is done, i trade the one in hand for it, forgetting to put it in its pedestal. And then i was wondering why the souls weren't flowing to it. Der. Who hasn't dolphin dived to their death in buried? On way down: 'wait, do i currently have flopper?'. Origins, 2 man, my buddy goes down and i can't get him. He says no problem, get those things done. As i start to head the wrong direction, i turn back just a little: the 2 zombies flank me instantly against a wall. Game over (didn't have any thing that would immediately get them gone. Otherwise the occasional: i get a bs death, someone revives me, instant double slap... Sometimes it is just jinxing yourself with thoughts: i was window man in Der Riese, 4 person camping the flytrap hallway. It was round 31 or 32, my highest at the time. I was using the infinite ammo of my flamethrower, had 5 other pap' guns on me when i made the mistake of thinking: 'wow, were doing great, were really going to get far'. That jinxing thought was immediately followed by the other three saying that they were out of ammo or on their last magazine of their last gun. E opened the door and did the tp dash for a few rounds before the eventual deaths.
I try to play various classes. Heck, i get excited to see a chance to snipe, even though it won't be an epic game. Edited in classes>>> But, admittedly, i loved shotgunning: mainly play tdm in bo2. Sensitivity 13 for those 180° 'oh, your behind me, now you're dead'moments. Any shotgun, Remington is favorite. Long barrel/stock Lightweight Scavenger Ex con/dexterity (perk 3 greed) C4 Smoke Ah smoke. The cure for the bad map design of the common cod. Throw it right in the center of small maps at the start of games. Or to cover you so you can get in close. Or to confuse the enemy. Heck, even covering teammates who call in care packages, without taking myself out of battle by sitting near them and waiting. And of course, punishing annoying teammates by throwing it down by them. Funny as it sounds, i really miss it on classes that don't have it. Edits: just like the shotgun class; but primary is (almost any) smg/stock/rapid fire. Tactical would be sensor grenade or a trophy system for proactive uses against enemy equipment. Sniper: perks don't matter too much for my sniping style. Usually fj, scavenger (always, for c4 traps), then either dexterity or, more likely, engineer (to see if someone already has my spot). Not a quick-scoper. Any sniper/b-cpu/zoom (occasionally dual-band). C4/shock charge. A.R.: mtar, type 25, an-94 (m27). Mtar only needs stock, t25 kinda needs a sight/stock, an-94 really wants a suppressor/stock. Fj/scav/engineer Tactical and lethal vary. Usually c4 or a Claymore, if the map is more campy. Emp if it's an anti-camper class, sensor or shock charge otherwise. Often have Toughness as perk 2 greed on my AR classes. LMG: Either primary gunfighter if on the move, or overkill for shield camp. If on the move, much like an AR class. Shield camp: lmg/rapid fire/grip (or db or tf sights in lieu of the grip). Shield/overkill wc. Fj/scav/engineer (tac mask would be best, don't have it). For this camp i vary a bit. I may skip perks except scav, using trophy system in lieu of fj. But shock charges/scav keep you safe. Claymore is good here, but often I'll use tactician for shocks and trophy systems. Remember to only put one of each on your class, you will scavenge for the others. If you have multiple entrances that you are watching you want a Claymore. If not, shock charges and trophies are probably better. Example: one way camp; get on hijacked, get in the control room. There is only the one entrance. S.C. between the two doors (when you have two, throw one through the left door into the back room), T.S. behind desk, shield behind desk. Aim over shield between doors. Enemies run into shock charge, you shoot them, scavenge, replace s.c./repeat. If anti-campers ruin your day go with a different build or use your shocks aggressively instead of passively. Anti-campers camping: this would have perks over tactical. Note that you can always camp shield-free, as engineer also shows your shield location. Lmg (could be A.R., shotgun, smg) grip/r.f./stock. wc= primary gunfighter. Fj/scav/engineer Shock charge C4 Now nothing is alerting the anti-camper, you can risk using s.c. passively or just use it and the c4 aggressively as needed. Happy gaming all!
Factors behind our enjoyment of zombies
83457 replied to Chopper's topic in General Zombies Discussion
It should be obvious: I'm a player/strategizer. Obsessively collecting/sharing gameplay and strategy(even cheats/glitches where allowed-never online, never to achieve a high round, just to explore and have fun). The story? How people take badly written blurbs that are inconsistent and lacking and wring an actual workable story out of it, is not my thing, but I'm glad they find their enjoyment where they do and wish them happy adventures. But that is not my thing. I think on some level we enjoy the macabre: it's not the zombies, it's the killing, it's punching a zombie with the brofists and watching him sail through the air and land in a crumpled heap. It's blowing somethings head off. Look at gta; who didn't enjoy watching innocent digital folk flying through the air as you drive through a crowd? Look how coveted the gore from waw was/is. Zombies still holds a piece of that for us. Now, couple that with my obsessive thinking, which works well for strategizing, and I'm a zombie fan. Off topic: if you love obsessive strategizing too, learn Magic: the gathering (learning the rules is like getting a degree, but omg, so worth it for obsessively straining the grey matter to new highs of thinking). Wanna stay smart? Learn/play that game.
Call of Duty Zombies (CODZ) is a fan-managed gaming community centered around the popular Call of Duty franchise with central focus on the Zombies mode. Created in 2009, CoDZ is the ultimate platform for discussing Zombies theories, strategies, and connecting players.
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