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Everything posted by 83457

  1. 83457

    AN Slide glitch

    2 patches later, we all thought that...
  2. I stick to the right and take my time. It is a glitch. On spawns: if I do the Buddha room, while my friend goes to the roof, I get just under 1/3 of the zombies (math after several rounds), he gets just over 2/3. Take out the elevator zombies spawn and the 'stand around windmilling' zombie glitch also, please. Also, at the end of a jumper round, both of our (dragon roof) trample steams vanished. When we went to get new ones, it said already got one. Never found where they went. Once, my friend set his down up there, it launched over behind the ramp/debris by the gun elevator.
  3. I get the 'run separate routes' thing, but has anyone used the map for camping? No need to point out the obvious truth, that running is better. I am just curious about a camp game. I know some players play the camp game still for fun. I thought of the greenish house, inside early, stairs and back door closed or same set up in the yellow house. Haven't tried it though.
  4. I'm starting to think with all these other theories that it's actually as long as you knife/claymore/flinger the last jumper you ALWAYS get it. You can have 100% accuracy and still not get it.. Hmmm. My friend fired 2 shots during a round, everything else went fine. No perk bottle. If a player goes down, no perk bottle.
  5. I am not a favorites guy...in no particular order, these do it for me: Waw: snn and dr were both outstanding. Bo: ascension and cotd. And "five", for having actual difficulty. Bo2: Die Rise and Tranzit.
  6. It would be pretty neat to bring the jet gun to die rise. And maybe fling some zombies around Green Run =P Yeah, are there spots to get to in Tranzit with the flinger? Is there a use for the otherwise pointless tranzit buildables? I mean a suicide turret seems pointless anywhere, but maybe if you are on the dragon roof, put it one level down or aim up the ramp or something more useful than any Tranzit application. They should take away the friendly fire on that thing...seriously.
  7. I currently am running with the theory that it took slot 2 because I had gun 3 in hand as I went down. I may try buying a second gun first, then trading the first slot for the sliq gun as that is the biggest concern for me. If I get different results, maybe this is a failfix to ruin the sliquifier. As treyarch does suck at programming and balance issues. I hate to believe they would hurt their players that much on purpose, but it is believable, sadly.
  8. Iron carpenter goes if you don't fix a certain amount of windows or similar (not sure), I get it and lose it multiple times in one game. Same with the multiple headshots, it comes and goes during games; too many claymore/ semtex/ gk kills and it leaves until you headshot 2 zombs at once again. Free jugger goes away at the start of round 15 (you will hear it). I believe that you still have it until game ends, but next game, it is gone. Not sure about your other options. I am sure someone here knows better than I...
  9. With no factual basis, I have always assumed that we would travel between maps (it is a navigation card). So, every map gets the bank, i just hope that buildables can be taken along...
  10. Grenades/ semtex as well. Throw semtex in front of a teammate or drop them in front of yourself and run past them. Be careful not to blow up trample steams. If you are not near a good ts spot, just put it in a safe open area and run away from it and then back, getting it between you and the jumpers/repeat. Remember to semtex your ts and get a new one every now and then.
  11. Okay, it seems to just trap the movement sound of the zombies. One rare instance that I used it on the jumpy jerks, it trapped their horse-clopping noise for the next several minutes.
  12. I just wanted to say: Stu ( Samuel J Stuhlanger) came through: I pulled a round 45 boredom suicide with him finally. Usually he won't get me past round 20.
  13. Instead of throwing random percentages, I watched carefully yesterday. Yesterday was fairly glitch-free. 2 games were sacrificed for free jugger. 2 I left due to friend hitting me up for a game and when a friend came over to play. 2 i died legit: too many players/ zombies, just got caught. 2 were game errors: 1, dead zombie fell over, touched my leg, counted as second hit, solo game. 2, stabbed zombie behind qr elevator in dr, he tagged me, i took second shot, the game locks onto the spot above the qr elevator, stabs up in the air (just like the George Romero glitch in cotd), i almost moved far enough away, but no. Killed as a direct result of a glitch. I reviewed these in theater to be sure. So, if we disregard games that I left, 50% were legit, 50% obvious game glitch. That was a good day, very low on glitches. I'll chronicle a couple and post a worse day.
  14. 83457

    AN Slide glitch

    I stuck to the left for a while, now I stay right. Happens too frequently. You seem to stop in the air, die, drop onto ramp in an unrevivable spot. My friend got stuck in the air for like 3 solid seconds before it dropped him, unscathed yesterday, but he and another friend succumbed to it eventually. It is a glitch, not user error.
  15. 61 legit, no glitches, no trample steam. No downs, jumped to my death twice (who's who) for the fun off it. 45 in buddha room, also suicided. I guess i wouldn't last in a zombie apocalypse...
  16. Xbox360 here. For me, any time. I could start a round and go down there from the ts room, otherwise, it is either running from a lone zombie or two or I have a babysitter while I go through there. To be clear, I stop and wait, then carefully drop off. i even stopped jumping as that seemed to make it worse. Staying to the right was working fairly well, only 1-2 downs per week using that method. Since patch...ugh. One game, I went down 3 times, the other two guys in my game were 1 each from the elevator slide. I have not gone down by the box slide since they fixed something there to do with theater mode. It still hurts a little, but doesn't red-ring my screen or kill me/drop me off of the map anymore. When I go down, it is almost always with 6 perks, an-94 and sliquifier. I always buy claymores and semtex, usually have third gun due to free mk.
  17. So arrogance then? Seriously bro, anyone who says they only die from glitches is a liar. Haha! No. I have no problem with legitimate deaths at all. I just won't accept blame for things that can be reviewed in theater to confirm a game error. I really was surprised it wasn't a listed reason. Obviously I don't mind a little hyperbole. Realistically though i would put game error at 50-75% of my deaths; either due to a glitch or a direct result of having to deal with it. Example: getting backed into a corner on round 2, nothing to worry about...until that closest zombie takes 5 stabs to die, so then I actually get pinned by the others. So the fail hit detection didn't kill me, yet I died as a direct result of said failprogramming. Check theater from every angle: clearly landed shots give up no blood or points, meaning the game (once again) failed to register hits (in a Treyarch game? No!/ obvious sarcasm). Remember bo? The worst cod to date? So, I don't only die from glitches, but it would be nice to keep game error deaths under 50%, which appears impossible. Just fyi, I am one of the most honest folk you will ever meet (though we haven't met). I have no issue yelling at myself if I am missing or do stupid crap and die from it, but being honest is a two-way street; I check theater after games to confirm whether it was a glitch or me...and it is usually a game error. Slide glitch has lost me more Die Rise games than any other reason. Thanks for the humorous response though. I laughed. Edit: as to whether I am good or not: i am 43, blind in one eye, myopic as heck in the other with a spine so bad that I must lie on the floor to play. This after working all day and getting a bit intoxicated. So I do okay, but should be worse: I am usually the greatest 40+ old zombie player anyone knows. Gt: Unmazing look at my theater to judge yourself. 61 killed self sliq game. 25 running dragon roof solo, no sliquifier. Often kill myself on round 30+ because I need to go to sleep. So, people here blow me away, but I beat the average zombie scrub. I play well, strategize better and am easy to get along with. Honest. :)
  18. Happening constantly since the patch. The worst bit is when you have ww and you can't revive yourself because your guy is set on the bottom of the slide just out of revive reach.
  19. I played Tranzit yesterday to about 16, saw 1-2 game errors/glitches per round before dying twice in a row for no reason. I couldn't wait to watch the theater view...oh it doesn't exist... Conspiracy! I like the 'drop claymores with foggies attacking' which tends to make you have no hands. If you run, you are holding a claymore until you stop, even though you have no more claymores.
  20. Watching the waterfall of zombies pouring off of the ledge by the ak74u just before I quit on round 61 with no downs and no rip offs. The first time i camped the dragon roof with 4 people. I had not had that feeling since waw der riese. Edit: oh yeah; 3 days after dr released, I had my first nonglitched death: a zombie came out of the qr elevator on my side and blindsided me. I cheered because it was a legitimate death finally! There is 3...
  21. I must admit my mistake. I did lose the second gun slot due to having the third in hand. I did not ever have that happen before, so I failposted. Apologies for incorrect information and crankiness on the site. Edit: here is what happened to make it happen: i had m1911 (1st), built/grabbed sliqie (2nd), replaced slot one with an-94, got mk for free, bought mtar from box (3rd). Held mtar in hand when I went down, lost slot 2 sliq. I mistakenly thought that it was in slot one but I had previously traded slot one for the an-94. So I assume that holding the mtar in hand when I was downed caused me to lose the 2nd slot in lieu of the 3rd. Or it is the 1% glitch mentioned above. Thanks for the corrections/support all!
  22. Why is there no option for 'bad programming/game errors'? I constantly rewatch games just to make sure that there wasn't a valid reason for my death. I am always happy the 15% of the time that I didn't die to a glitch in the game. Oh, that is if theater works; i find it rather suspect that games end for no reason and then my attempts to see what went awry are thwarted by the fact that that game doesn't ever appear in recent games. Why? It was online, solo, i stayed online after the game...so why does it vanish after a game of unexplained deaths? Die Rise alone, almost every game ends to the ubiquitous slide glitch eventually. I actually applauded yesterday in one game where I actually died legitimately in a zombie game. What a rarity. Well, as unreliable as theater is, it does clearly show most zombie deaths are due to errors in the programming. So I am happy with it usually.
  23. Since bo, mule kick always added a third gun slot and that has always been the gun that gets lost if you lose mule kick. Well, for the first time ever, I lost gun #1 after the patch. Seriously failarch?
  24. I would like to state that I dislike adding 'annoyance' in lieu of challenge or fun. In waw, there wasn't any programmed annoyance that I can think of. Come bleak ops, not only is the programming wonky as heck, but they began to add annoyances to zombies. Please stop. You now lose the bowie if you die, it cost the same, lasts less time, was generally harder to get. Get stabbed by teammate as you revive them and die. Kino: gas zombies. Five: zombie thief. Cotd: george. Shangri-la: drop monkeys, scream zombies, and to a lesser extent, fire zombies. Ascension: perk monkeys. Moon: moon (what wasn't annoying?) Then bo2; Tranzit: foggies, time consuming buildable in the in-itself-agitating jet gun. Long runs through fog pointlessly annoying. Random tps... Die Rise: lost zombies standing in corners or swarming an elevator. The death slides that still aren't patched after 2 patches which arguably have done more harm than good to zombie mode. The local script error stopping offline play. Waiting on elevators only to have the zombie you just walked away from appear next to you on the elevator. Can we just have zombies and fun without pointless annoyance?
  25. So is it coincidence or is there a huge increase in slide deaths since the 3.12.2013 patch? Are we the only ones getting a giant spike in pointless shaft deaths?
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